Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 781
AS - Asia 238
EU - Europa 61
SA - Sud America 3
Totale 1.083
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 779
SG - Singapore 233
IT - Italia 26
FI - Finlandia 23
DE - Germania 3
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 2
GB - Regno Unito 2
HU - Ungheria 2
KR - Corea 2
MX - Messico 2
NL - Olanda 2
SE - Svezia 2
BO - Bolivia 1
BR - Brasile 1
CH - Svizzera 1
CL - Cile 1
CN - Cina 1
Totale 1.083
Città #
Santa Clara 735
Singapore 159
Helsinki 23
Rome 10
Turin 4
Zero Branco 3
Gödöllő 2
Molfetta 2
Suncheon 2
Amsterdam 1
Bra 1
Bury St Edmunds 1
Cervere 1
Forest City 1
Livorno 1
Mexico City 1
Milan 1
Naples 1
Phoenix 1
Prineville 1
Santiago 1
Springfield 1
Wohlen 1
Totale 954
Nome #
Metodi di diserbo chimico, meccanico e fisico 15
Il controllo della vegetazione infestante lungo le linee ferroviarie e nelle aree urbane in assenza del glifosate 15
Thirty-year monitoring of s-triazine herbicide contamination in the aquifer north of Vicenza (north-east Italy) 15
A high-resolution physical modelling approach to assess runoff and soil erosion in vineyards under different soil managements 15
Misure di mitigazione del rischio per la riduzione della contaminazione dei corpi idrici superficiali da deriva e ruscellamento 15
Pests, pesticide use and alternative options in European maize production: current status and future prospects. 13
Assessing Herbicide Efficacy of Pelargonic Acid on Several Weed Species 13
Cenni di malerbologia 12
Malerbe, il futuro del controllo passa dall'innovazione 12
Evaluation of Weed Emergence Model AlertInf for Maize in Soybean 12
Droplets deposition pattern from a prototype of a fixed spraying system in a sloping vineyard 12
Effect of vegetative filter strips on herbicide runoff under various types of rainfall 12
Principali caratteristiche chimico-fisiche, partitive, tossicologiche ed ecotossicologiche degli erbicidi 12
Effectiveness of grassed buffer in reducing spinosad runoff: real data and FOCUS output 12
Droplets deposition pattern from a prototype of a fixed spraying system in a sloping vineyard 12
Validation of a model relating yield loss to weed time of emergence and removal in traditional and early-sown maize 11
Vegetated ditches for the mitigation of pesticides runoff in Po Valley 11
Mitigation of herbicide runoff as an ecosystem service from a constructed surface flow wetland 11
Terbuthylazine contamination of the aquifer north of Vicenza (North-East Italy) 11
Strumenti innovativi di IPM raccomandati per sistemi colturali basati sul mais in Pianura Padana, Italia 11
Effect of spray drift reduction techniques on pests and predatory mites in orchards and vineyards 11
Evaluation of a fixed spraying system for phytosanitary treatments in heroic viticulture in north-eastern italy 11
Diserbo di precisione, il punto di vista malerbologico 11
Vegetated ditches for the mitigation of pesticides runoff in Po Valley 11
Effect of 20-years crop rotation and different strategies of fertilization on weed seedbank 11
Possibilità di gestione delle infestanti nelle sedi ferroviarie 11
La gestione delle malerbe in agricoltura conservativa 11
Efficacia delle fasce tampone per ridurre la contaminazione da runoff in Italia, con particolare riferimento agli erbicidi 10
Soil-grape traceability using a regression model based on trace elements 10
Riconoscimento delle malerbe: presentazione e utilizzo del sistema esperto HYPP 10
A single-time survey method to predict the daily weed density for weed control decision-making 10
Effect of a full-grown vegetative filter strip on herbicide runoff. Maintaining of filter capacity over time 10
Strumenti di supporto alle decisioni nell'IWM e loro valutazione 10
L'agrometeorologia come strumento per razionalizzare la tecnologia diserbo 10
General Recommendations for IPM Development in European Maize Based Cropping Systems: Innovative Methods and Tools 10
Crop protection in European maize-based cropping systems: current practices and recommendations for innovative Integrated Pest Management 10
On-farm evaluation of integrated weed management vs. conventional strategies in European maize production: agronomic, environmental and economic 10
Design and first testing of a prototype of a fixed spraying system for sloping vineyards. 10
Confronto tra l'uso del tempo termico e idrotermico nei modelli di previsione delle emergenze delle infestanti 10
Il ruolo della gestione agronomica nella lotta alle malerbe 10
Segnalazione di una nuova potenziale pianta infestante: Pueraria montana 10
Water purification from nitrogen as an ecosystem service from a constructed surface flow wetland treating agricultural drainage water 10
Confronto tra l'uso del tempo termico e idrotermico nei modelli di previsione delle emergenze delle infestanti 10
A modelling approach using seedbank and soil properties to predict the relative weed density in organic fields of an Italian pre-alpine valley. 10
Evaluating weed diversity with indices of various complexities in north-eastern Italy 10
Seed longevity and dormancy of four summer annual grass weeds in turf 10
Sintesi dei lavori sperimentali-Sezione Malerbe 9
Miglioramento delle tecniche di controllo delle malerbe in un sistema di economia corta: il caso della Val di Gresta in Trentino 9
Life Cycle Assessment of Integrated and Organic Apple Production Systems in Europe 9
Validation of a model relating yield loss to weed time of emergence and removal in late winter sown maize 9
Sustainability of maize-based cropping systems with different weed management in Italy as evaluated with DEXiPM model 9
Evaluating the effect of landscape elements on weed flora composition using classical and innovative indices 9
Investigating the need of complex vs. simple scenarios to improve predictions of aquatic ecosystem exposure with the SoilPlus model 9
Prodotti fitosanitari di possibile rilevanza per le acque: gli effetti del diserbo chimico 9
Estimating ecotoxicological effects of pesticide drift on nontarget arthropods in field hedgerows 9
Implicazioni ambientali ed agronomiche della deriva di erbicidi 9
Insecticide drift and its effect on Kampimodromus aberrans (Oudemans) in an Italian vineyard-hedgerow system 9
Modelling the correlation between plant phenology and weed emergence for improving weed control. 9
Confronto tra soluzioni di pre e post-emergenza con o senza terbutilazina nel diserbo del mais nella Pianura Padana 9
Life cycle assessment of wheat and apple production systems within the ENDURE project 9
Estimation of base temperature for Sorghum halepense rhizome sprouting 9
Modeling weed emergence in Italian maize fields 9
Spatio-temporal dynamics of Orius spp. (Heteroptera: Anthocoridae) abundance in the agricultural landscape 9
Prospettiva della lotta alle malerbe tra PAC e problematiche ambientali. Possibilità di ridurre l'impatto ambientale 9
Protezione delle acque superficiali da ruscellamento e deriva: efficacia delle fasce tampone e di altre misure di mitigazione 9
Volatilization of terbuthylazine and alachlor from agricultural fields 9
Confronto fra equazioni per la modellizzazione della fioritura 9
Accumulation and distribution pattern of macro- and microelements and trace elements in Vitis vinifera L. cv. Chardonnay berries. 9
Modelling approaches to study the efficacy of buffer strips in reducing surface water contamination of pesticides 9
Grape downy mildew spread and mite seasonal abundance in vineyards: evidence for the predatory mites Amblyseius andersoni and Typhlodromus pyri 9
Losses of terbuthylazine and alachlor from agricultural fields. Part II: Mass balance and modeling 9
Il diserbo dei tappeti erbosi 9
Maize Based Cropping Systems in Four European Regions: SWOT Analysis and IPM Considerations 9
Estimation of base temperature for Sorghum halepense rhizome sprouting. 9
Herbicides runoff in vegetated filter strips: evaluation and validation of a recent rainfall model 9
Valutazione ecotossicologica degli erbicidi 9
Comparison of two environmental risk assessment models I-PHY and SYNOPS using a harmonised database of input parameters for two German ... 9
Predicting pesticide environmental risk in intensive agricultural areas. II: screening level risk assessment of complex mixtures in surface waters 9
Mitigation effectiveness of different buffer strips: evaluation of concentrations of three maize herbicides in water runoff ... 9
Sustainability of European maize-based cropping systems: economic, environmental and social assessment of current and proposed innovative IPM-based systems 9
Il controllo della vegetazione spontanea nelle aree urbane: aspetti agronomici ed ecotossicologici 9
Destino ambientale degli erbicidi in ambiente urbano 9
Le conoscenze biologiche, strumento essenziale per la gestione delle comunità di malerbe 9
Herbicides runoff in vegetative filter strips: evaluation and validation of a recent rainfall return period model 9
Grape downy mildew spread and mite seasonal abundance in vineyards: effects on Tydeus caudatus and its predators 9
Valutazione tecnica ed economica delle strategie di diserbo del mais. 9
Il diserbo delle aree non agricole 9
Dinamica ambientale degli erbicidi 8
Confronto fra equazioni per la modellizzazione della fioritura 8
Spray drift reduction techniques for vineyards in fragmented landscapes 8
Weed-Corn Competition Parameters in Late-Winter Sowing in Northern Italy 8
Monitoring of three maize herbicides in water runoff using liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry. 8
Herbicide dissipation in soil and water 8
Effect of Late-Winter Sowing on Weed-Corn Field Competition in Northern Italy. 8
Efficacia delle fasce tampone per ridurre la contaminazione da runoff in Italia, con particolare riferimento agli erbicidi 8
Herbicide dissipation and dynamics modelling in three different tillage systems 8
Shrub flowering to aid weed control 8
Weed-poplar competition dynamics and yield loss in Italian short-rotation forestry 8
Efficacia dell'impianto fisso nella difesa della vite in collina 8
Role of hedgerows in intercepting spray drift: Evaluation and modelling of the effects 8
Totale 992
Categoria #
all - tutte 4.292
article - articoli 2.128
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 252
Totale 6.672

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2023/202414 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 3 6 1
2024/20251.075 4 13 146 109 637 121 36 9 0 0 0 0
Totale 1.089