Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 660
AS - Asia 226
EU - Europa 109
AF - Africa 3
SA - Sud America 3
Totale 1.001
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 642
SG - Singapore 213
IT - Italia 49
CA - Canada 17
DE - Germania 13
GB - Regno Unito 10
FI - Finlandia 7
LT - Lituania 7
BE - Belgio 6
NL - Olanda 4
CN - Cina 3
ZA - Sudafrica 3
AL - Albania 2
GR - Grecia 2
HK - Hong Kong 2
ID - Indonesia 2
KH - Cambogia 2
PE - Perù 2
PT - Portogallo 2
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 1
AZ - Azerbaigian 1
CO - Colombia 1
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 1
DK - Danimarca 1
FR - Francia 1
IE - Irlanda 1
IS - Islanda 1
JP - Giappone 1
LV - Lettonia 1
PA - Panama 1
PH - Filippine 1
SE - Svezia 1
Totale 1.001
Città #
Santa Clara 565
Singapore 124
Frankfurt am Main 11
Milan 11
Toronto 11
Helsinki 7
Parma 7
Brussels 6
Ottawa 6
London 4
Los Angeles 4
Monza 4
Rome 4
Phoenix 3
Fontanellato 2
Forest City 2
Hong Kong 2
Lima 2
Padova 2
Phnom Penh 2
Potchefstroom 2
Tirana 2
Turin 2
Ashburn 1
Baku 1
Bodio Lomnago 1
Bogotá 1
Bolano 1
Council Bluffs 1
Dublin 1
Falkenstein 1
Florence 1
Fort Worth 1
Genoa 1
Kaunas 1
Manila 1
Montopoli in Val d'Arno 1
Newark 1
Pasadena 1
Pavia 1
Prague 1
Reykjavik 1
Riga 1
San Francisco 1
Stockholm 1
Trofa 1
Totale 808
Nome #
Assessing disaster risk by integrating natural and socio-economic dimensions: A decision-support tool 29
FONDAZIONE GENERALI - La valutazione economica dei disastri naturali in Italia - Rapporto sui principali risultati 27
Investment needs and gaps for the sustainability transition in Europe: Rethinking the European Green Deal as an EU industrial strategy 22
Disaster Risk Management: Building the 'Disaster Risk Assessment Tool' for Italy 21
Economic landslide susceptibility under a socio-economic perspective: an application to Umbria Region (Central Italy) 18
Regional Municipal Solid Waste Management in Lombardy, Italy 17
Investigating Europe′s secondary raw material markets 17
Flood damage in Italy: towards an assessment model of reconstruction costs 17
Sustainability transition and the European Green Deal: A macro-dynamic perspective 16
Housing Market Response to 2012 Northern Italy Earthquake: The role of house quality and changing risk perception 15
Towards an Innovation-Intensive Circular Economy. Integrating Research, Industry and Policies 15
Sustainability assessment of urban areas through a multicriteria support system 14
Mapping the environmental pressure due to economic factors. The case of Italian coastal municipalities 14
Il CNR e i risultati della ricerca scientifica. Accordo quadro Regione Lombardia/CNR 2013-2015 14
Sustainability assessment of urban areas through a multicriteria decision support system 13
Catching-up in waste management. Evidence from the EU 12
Environmental Kuznets Curves for Air Pollutant Emissions in Italy: Evidence from Environmental Accounts (NAMEA) Panel Data 12
Struttura produttiva territoriale ed indicatori di efficienza ambientale attraverso la NAMEA regionale 12
Transboundary shipments of waste in the European Union. Reflections on data, environmental impacts and drivers 12
Complementarities, Firm strategy and Environmental Innovations: Empirical evidence for a local manufacturing system 12
Municipal waste generation, economic drivers, and 12
Municipal waste production, economic drivers, and new waste policies: EKC evidence from Italian regional and provincial panel data 12
Environmentally-Oriented Strategies and Firm Performance in Services 12
Municipal waste production, economic drivers and new waste policies 12
Regional Municipal Solid Waste Management in Campania 11
Decoupling, emission trends and the EKC hypothesis 11
Environmentally-oriented innovative strategies and firm performances in services. Micro-evidence from Italy 11
The importance of regional and local policies on municipal solid waste management in Europe - exemplified by six regions in Italy, Poland and Spain 11
INTEGRATE: INnovazioni TEcnologiche per una Gestione RAzionale del Tessuto Edilizio 11
SMEs and Barriers to Eco-Innovation in EU: A Diverse Palette of Greens 11
Environmental innovations, SMEs strategies and policy induced effects: Evidence from a district-based local system in Northern Italy 11
Environmental Kuznets Curves for GHGs and air pollutants in Italy: Evidence from sector environmental accounts and provincial data 11
SMEs and barriers to Eco-innovation in the EU: exploring different firm profiles 11
Environmental innovation drivers and economic performance in industrial systems 11
Considerazioni inerenti le ipotesi di ampliamento dell'aeroporto "A. Vespucci" di Firenze 11
The economic assessment of seismic damage: and example for the 2012 event in Northen Italy 11
Waste generation, waste disposal and policy effectiveness. Evidence on decoupling from the European Union 10
Municipal waste generation and the EKC hypothesis new evidence exploiting province-based panel data 10
Municipal waste generation, socio-economic drivers and waste management instruments. Evidence from Italy using provincial panel data 10
Economic Dynamics, Emission Trends and the EKC Hypothesis New Evidence Using NAMEA and Provincial Panel Data for Italy 10
The dynamic relationship between emissions and manufacturing firm's growth 10
A panel data heterogeneous Bayesian estimation of environmental Kuznets curves for CO2 emissions 10
Embedding environmental innovation in local production systems: SME strategies, networking and industrial relations: evidence on innovation drivers in industrial districts 10
Municipal waste generation and socio economic drivers. Evidence from comparing Northern and Southern Italy 10
Struttura produttiva territoriale ed indicatori di efficienza ambientale attraverso la NAMEA regionale 10
Infrastrutture e sviluppo economico in Italia: un analisi 10
Decoupling, emission trends and the EKC hypothesis 10
Vulnerability, resilience, hazard, risk, damage, and loss: a socio-ecological framework for natural disaster analysis 10
Environmental efficiency and labour productivity: Trade-off or joint dynamics? A theoretical investigation and empirical evidence from Italy using NAMEA 10
The integrated economic and environmental footprint of the EU: domestic and global effects of a transition to services 10
Scenari e strategie di sviluppo per le aree socio-economiche di riferimento del Parco Nazionale dello Stelvio (parte lombarda) 9
Environmental impact and innovation in industrial districts 9
Mapping the environmental pressure due to economic factors. The case of Italian coastal municipalities. 9
Municipal waste production, economic drivers and new waste policies 9
Catching-up in waste management. Evidence from the EU 8
What drives environmental innovation? Empirical evidence form a district-based manufacturing system 8
A Bayesian Approach to the Estimation of Environmental Kuznets Curves for CO2 Emissions 8
Economic instruments and induced innovation: The European policies on end-of-life vehicles 8
The Evolution of Industrial Districts 8
Effectiveness of environmental taxes and charges for managing sand, gravel and rock extraction in selected EU countries - Italy 8
The structural evolution of industrial districts and adptive competitive advantages 8
Municipal Waste Production, Economic Drivers, and 'New' Waste Policies: EKC Evidence from Italian Regional and Provincial Panel Data 8
A Damage Scenario for the 2012 Northern Italy Earthquakes and Estimation of the Economic Losses to Residential Buildings 8
La riforma del sistema idrico integrato e le tariffe in otto grandi città italiane 7
Evaluation of environmental policy effectiveness: Methodological issues and suggestions 7
Una metodologia di AIRA per i costi di impresa 7
Firm strategy, complementarities and environmental innovation 7
Environmental Efficiency, Emission Trends and Labour Productivity: Trade-Off or Joint Dynamics? Empirical Evidence Using NAMEA Panel Data 7
Emission trends, Environmental efficiency and labour productivity: Trade-off and joint dynamics. Empirical evidence using NAMEA panel data 7
Examining the factors infuencing environmental innovation 7
Economic Landslide Susceptibility under a socio-economic perspective: an application to Umbria Region (Central Italy) 7
Examining the forces influencing environmental innovation. Empirical evidence for a manufacturing system 7
Aspetti normativi per la protezione delle acque in Italia 7
Waste indicators, economic drivers and environmental efficiency: perspectives on delinking and empirical evidence for Europe 7
Complementarities, Firm strategy and Environmental Innovations. Empirical evidence for the manufacturing sector 7
The Publications of Italian Economists in ECONLIT. Quantitative Assessment and Implications for Research Evaluation 7
Quanto sono costate e quanto costano le calamità idrogeologiche in Italia? 7
Progetti innovativi per lo sviluppo della montagna: casi di studio 6
Using ECONLIT database in bibliometric analysis of Italian economic research institutions 6
Global Governance in a Plural World 6
Il Mediterraneo e la prospettiva europea 6
The structural evolution of industrial districts and adaptive competitive advantages 6
Relazione consuntiva del Progetto ?Gestione integrata e sostenibile delle risorse idriche in differenti contesti territoriali?. Attività A1, A2, C2. Unità CERIS-DSE 6
Environmental policy instruments, cost-minimising strategies, and induced innovation: the case of end-of-life vehicles 6
Environmental performance, manufacturing sectors and firm growth: Structural factors and dynamic relationships 5
Environmental impact and innovation in industrial districts 5
International comparison of innovation systems in the part development and parts reuse in the automotive industry: The case of Sweden 5
I mercati delle biomassa e le industrie italiane del legno-arredo 5
Eco-innovazione nelle imprese industriali in sistemi distrettuali 5
Progetti innovativi per lo sviluppo della montagna: casi di studio 5
Manufacturing waste in Europe 5
Le pubblicazioni degli economisti operanti negli enti pubblici di ricerca: prime analisi dei dati 5
I costi per le imprese delle diverse definizioni legali di rifiuto 5
The Evolution of Industrial Districts 5
Economic instruments and induced innovation: The case of end-of-life vehicles European policies 5
Economic instruments to promote material resource efficiency 5
Nota sulla valutazione degli Istituti del Dipartimento Identità Culturale 5
Le politiche per il clima e l industria del lagno-arredo 5
Il Mediterraneo e la prospettiva europea: impostazione della ricerca, principali risultati e conclusioni 4
Verso una 'nuova economia' del legno tra industria, energia e cambiamento climatico 4
Totale 975
Categoria #
all - tutte 3.947
article - articoli 1.067
book - libri 137
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 620
Totale 5.771

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2023/20249 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 3 5
2024/20251.020 17 9 138 68 574 81 12 45 76 0 0 0
Totale 1.029