Istituto per le Tecnologie della Costruzione - ITC
2022 Salamone, Francesco; Belussi, Lorenzo; Danza, Ludovico; Dobjani, Etleva; Ghellere, Matteo; Meroni, Italo; Shtylla, Arben; Shtylla, Saimir
A survey-based approach used to analyse the indoor satisfaction and productivity level of user in smart working during lock-down due to the COVID-19 pandemic
2021 Salamone, Francesco; Belussi, Lorenzo; Danza, Ludovico; Meroni, Italo
Achieving near Zero Energy Building in Albania: An Approach for the Retrofit of a Public-School Building
2021 Belussi, Lorenzo; Danza, Ludovico; Ghellere, Matteo; Meroni, Italo; Salamone, Francesco; Shtylla, Arben; Dobjani, Etleva; Shtylla, Saimir
Working from Home in Italy during COVID-19 Lockdown: A Survey to Assess the Indoor Environmental Quality and Productivity
2021 Salamone, Francesco; Barozzi, Benedetta; Bellazzi, Alice; Belussi, Lorenzo; Danza, Ludovico; Devitofrancesco, Anna; Ghellere, Matteo; Meroni, Italo; Scamoni, Fabio; Scrosati, Chiara
A Machine Learning approach for personal thermal comfort perception evaluation: experimental campaign under real and virtual scenarios
2020 Salamone, Francesco; Bellazzi, Alice; Belussi, Lorenzo; Damato, Gianfranco; Danza, Ludovico; Dell'Aquila, Federico; Ghellere, Matteo; Megale, Valentino; Meroni, Italo; Vitaletti, Walter
Correlation between Indoor Environmental Data and Biometric Parameters for the Impact Assessment of a Living Wall in a ZEB Lab
2020 Salamone, F; Barozzi, B; Danza, L; Ghellere, M; Meroni, I
Evaluation of the Visual Stimuli on Personal Thermal Comfort Perception in Real and Virtual Environments Using Machine Learning Approaches
2020 Salamone, F; Bellazzi, A; Belussi, L; Damato, G; Danza, L; Dell'Aquila, F; Ghellere, M; Megale, V; Meroni, I; Vitaletti, W
Relazione di Ricerca 2020.07.10.530 prot. ITC 3356 - Riqualificazione edificio sperimentale ZEB - Interventi sull'involucro opaco - Rockwool
2020 Danza, Ludovico; Bellazzi, Alice; Ghellere, Matteo; Salamone, Francesco; Scamoni, Fabio; Scrosati, Chiara; Meroni, Italo
Thermal resistance of growing media for green roofs: To what extent does the absence of specific reference values potentially affect the global thermal resistance of the green roof? An experimental example
2020 Bellazzi, A; Barozzi, B; Pollastro, Mc; Meroni, I
Towards Zero Energy Buildings in Albania: a Pilot Case Study
2020 Shtylla, Saimir; Shtylla, Arben; Dobjani, Etleva; Meroni, Italo; Belussi, Lorenzo; Danza, Ludovico; Salamone, Francesco; Ghellere, Matteo
A review of performance of zero energy buildings and energy efficiency solutions
2019 Belussi, L; Barozzi, B; Bellazzi, A; Danza, L; Devitofrancesco, A; Fanciulli, C; Ghellere, M; Guazzi, G; Meroni, I; Salamone, F; Scamoni, F; Scrosati, C
An integrated tool for the energy and seismic diagnosis and refurbishment of buildings at urban scale
2019 Belussi, Lorenzo; Danza, Ludovico; Ghellere, Matteo; Guazzi, Giulia; Meroni, Italo; Salamone, Francesco; Palermo, Michele; Trombetti, Tomaso; Deisvaldi, Sandra; Piazza, Paolo
Design and testing of I-ZEB, a zero energy laboratory for the integrated evaluation of the performance of building components and HVAC systems
2019 Danza, L; Barozzi, B; Bellazzi, A; Belussi, L; Depalma, M; Devitofrancesco, A; Ghellere, M; Maffè, C; Meroni, I; Salamone, F; Scamoni, F; Scrosati, C
Development of an Indoor Environmental Quality Assessment Tool for the Rating of Offices in Real Working Conditions
2019 Devitofrancesco, A; Belussi, L; Meroni, I; Scamoni, F
Energy and environmental analysis of urban environment: methodology and application of an integrated approach
2019 Salamone, F; Belussi, L; Danza, L; Di Nunzio, Antonello; Ghellere, M; Meroni, I
I-ZEB: Design and Development of a ZEB Test-Laboratory for an Integrated Evaluation of Building Technologies
2019 Danza, L; Belussi, L; Barozzi, B; Bellazzi, A; Devitofrancesco, A; Depalma, M; Guazzi, G; Meroni, I; Maffe, C; Ghellere, M; Salamone, F; Scamoni, F; Scrosati, C
RP N° 2019.09.11.526 Monitoraggio e confronto delle prestazioni illuminotecniche del sistema "Coelux" rispetto a sistemi di illuminazione naturale ed artificiale
2019 Bellazzi, Alice; Ghellere, Matteo; Danza, Ludovico; Devitofranscesco, Anna; Salamone, Francesco; Meroni, Italo
Application of model predictive control for the optimization of thermo-hygrometric Comfort and energy consumption of Buildings
2018 Danza, L; Belussi, L; Floreani, F; Meroni, I; Piccinini, A; Salamone, F
Durability of technologies in the keeping of ZEB's performances
2018 Danza, L; Belussi, L; Guazzi, G; Meroni, I; Salamone, F
Estimation of the performance of a BIPV facade in working conditions through real monitoring and simulation
2018 Bellazzi, A; Belussi, L; Meroni, I
Titolo | Data di pubblicazione | Autore(i) | File |
BRINGING STUDENTS CLOSER TO THE ISSUES OF INDOOR ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY AND TECHNOLOGY USING NEMOS DEVICE: AN EXPERIENCE IN ALBANIA | 1-gen-2022 | Salamone, Francesco; Belussi, Lorenzo; Danza, Ludovico; Dobjani, Etleva; Ghellere, Matteo; Meroni, Italo; Shtylla, Arben; Shtylla, Saimir | |
A survey-based approach used to analyse the indoor satisfaction and productivity level of user in smart working during lock-down due to the COVID-19 pandemic | 1-gen-2021 | Salamone, Francesco; Belussi, Lorenzo; Danza, Ludovico; Meroni, Italo | |
Achieving near Zero Energy Building in Albania: An Approach for the Retrofit of a Public-School Building | 1-gen-2021 | Belussi, Lorenzo; Danza, Ludovico; Ghellere, Matteo; Meroni, Italo; Salamone, Francesco; Shtylla, Arben; Dobjani, Etleva; Shtylla, Saimir | |
Working from Home in Italy during COVID-19 Lockdown: A Survey to Assess the Indoor Environmental Quality and Productivity | 1-gen-2021 | Salamone, Francesco; Barozzi, Benedetta; Bellazzi, Alice; Belussi, Lorenzo; Danza, Ludovico; Devitofrancesco, Anna; Ghellere, Matteo; Meroni, Italo; Scamoni, Fabio; Scrosati, Chiara | |
A Machine Learning approach for personal thermal comfort perception evaluation: experimental campaign under real and virtual scenarios | 1-gen-2020 | Salamone, Francesco; Bellazzi, Alice; Belussi, Lorenzo; Damato, Gianfranco; Danza, Ludovico; Dell'Aquila, Federico; Ghellere, Matteo; Megale, Valentino; Meroni, Italo; Vitaletti, Walter | |
Correlation between Indoor Environmental Data and Biometric Parameters for the Impact Assessment of a Living Wall in a ZEB Lab | 1-gen-2020 | Salamone, F; Barozzi, B; Danza, L; Ghellere, M; Meroni, I | |
Evaluation of the Visual Stimuli on Personal Thermal Comfort Perception in Real and Virtual Environments Using Machine Learning Approaches | 1-gen-2020 | Salamone, F; Bellazzi, A; Belussi, L; Damato, G; Danza, L; Dell'Aquila, F; Ghellere, M; Megale, V; Meroni, I; Vitaletti, W | |
Relazione di Ricerca 2020.07.10.530 prot. ITC 3356 - Riqualificazione edificio sperimentale ZEB - Interventi sull'involucro opaco - Rockwool | 1-gen-2020 | Danza, Ludovico; Bellazzi, Alice; Ghellere, Matteo; Salamone, Francesco; Scamoni, Fabio; Scrosati, Chiara; Meroni, Italo | |
Thermal resistance of growing media for green roofs: To what extent does the absence of specific reference values potentially affect the global thermal resistance of the green roof? An experimental example | 1-gen-2020 | Bellazzi, A; Barozzi, B; Pollastro, Mc; Meroni, I | |
Towards Zero Energy Buildings in Albania: a Pilot Case Study | 1-gen-2020 | Shtylla, Saimir; Shtylla, Arben; Dobjani, Etleva; Meroni, Italo; Belussi, Lorenzo; Danza, Ludovico; Salamone, Francesco; Ghellere, Matteo | |
A review of performance of zero energy buildings and energy efficiency solutions | 1-gen-2019 | Belussi, L; Barozzi, B; Bellazzi, A; Danza, L; Devitofrancesco, A; Fanciulli, C; Ghellere, M; Guazzi, G; Meroni, I; Salamone, F; Scamoni, F; Scrosati, C | |
An integrated tool for the energy and seismic diagnosis and refurbishment of buildings at urban scale | 1-gen-2019 | Belussi, Lorenzo; Danza, Ludovico; Ghellere, Matteo; Guazzi, Giulia; Meroni, Italo; Salamone, Francesco; Palermo, Michele; Trombetti, Tomaso; Deisvaldi, Sandra; Piazza, Paolo | |
Design and testing of I-ZEB, a zero energy laboratory for the integrated evaluation of the performance of building components and HVAC systems | 1-gen-2019 | Danza, L; Barozzi, B; Bellazzi, A; Belussi, L; Depalma, M; Devitofrancesco, A; Ghellere, M; Maffè, C; Meroni, I; Salamone, F; Scamoni, F; Scrosati, C | |
Development of an Indoor Environmental Quality Assessment Tool for the Rating of Offices in Real Working Conditions | 1-gen-2019 | Devitofrancesco, A; Belussi, L; Meroni, I; Scamoni, F | |
Energy and environmental analysis of urban environment: methodology and application of an integrated approach | 1-gen-2019 | Salamone, F; Belussi, L; Danza, L; Di Nunzio, Antonello; Ghellere, M; Meroni, I | |
I-ZEB: Design and Development of a ZEB Test-Laboratory for an Integrated Evaluation of Building Technologies | 1-gen-2019 | Danza, L; Belussi, L; Barozzi, B; Bellazzi, A; Devitofrancesco, A; Depalma, M; Guazzi, G; Meroni, I; Maffe, C; Ghellere, M; Salamone, F; Scamoni, F; Scrosati, C | |
RP N° 2019.09.11.526 Monitoraggio e confronto delle prestazioni illuminotecniche del sistema "Coelux" rispetto a sistemi di illuminazione naturale ed artificiale | 1-gen-2019 | Bellazzi, Alice; Ghellere, Matteo; Danza, Ludovico; Devitofranscesco, Anna; Salamone, Francesco; Meroni, Italo | |
Application of model predictive control for the optimization of thermo-hygrometric Comfort and energy consumption of Buildings | 1-gen-2018 | Danza, L; Belussi, L; Floreani, F; Meroni, I; Piccinini, A; Salamone, F | |
Durability of technologies in the keeping of ZEB's performances | 1-gen-2018 | Danza, L; Belussi, L; Guazzi, G; Meroni, I; Salamone, F | |
Estimation of the performance of a BIPV facade in working conditions through real monitoring and simulation | 1-gen-2018 | Bellazzi, A; Belussi, L; Meroni, I |