Istituto per lo Studio dei Materiali Nanostrutturati - ISMN
Carbon Dots in Enantioselective Sensing
2024 Bortolami, M.; Curulli, A.; Di Matteo, P.; Petrucci, R.; Feroci, M.
Not Only Graphene Two-Dimensional Nanomaterials: Recent Trends in Electrochemical (Bio)sensing Area for Biomedical and Healthcare Applications
2024 Di Matteo, Paola; Petrucci, Rita; Curulli, Antonella
Electrochemical Sensing Platform Based on Carbon Dots for the Simultaneous Determination of Theophylline and Caffeine in Tea
2023 Di Matteo, Paola; Trani, Alessandro; Bortolami, Martina; Feroci, Marta; Petrucci, Rita; Curulli, Antonella
Functional Nanomaterials Enhancing Electrochemical Biosensors as Smart Tools for Detecting Infectious Viral Diseases
2023 Curulli, A
Phytochemical Characterization of Malt Spent Grain by Tandem Mass Spectrometry also Coupled with Liquid Chromatography: Bioactive Compounds from Brewery By-Products
2023 Di Matteo, P; Bortolami, M; Curulli, A; Feroci, M; Gullifa, G; Materazzi, S; Risoluti, R; Petrucci, R
A Multi- and Interdisciplinary Methodological Approach for Monitoring Cultural Heritage Built Assets: The HERACLES Experience
2022 Siatou, A; Alexandrakis, G; Pouli, P; Curulli, A; Kavoulaki, E; Knezic, S; Padeletti, G
Gold Nanomaterials-Based Electrochemical Sensors and Biosensors for Phenolic Antioxidants Detection: Recent Advances
2022 Petrucci, Rita; Bortolami, Martina; Di Matteo, Paola; Curulli, Antonella
Recent Advances in Electrochemical Sensing Strategies for Food Allergen Detection
2022 Curulli, Antonella
Electrochemical Biosensors in Food Safety: Challenges and Perspectives
2021 Curulli, Antonella
Recent advances in electrochemical chitosan-based chemosensors and biosensors: applications in food safety
2021 Petrucci, Rita; Pasquali, Mauro; Anna Scaramuzzo, Francesca; Curulli, Antonella
A multidisciplinary approach to the mortars characterization from the Town Walls of Gubbio (Perugia, Italy)
2020 Curulli, A; Montesperelli, G; Ronca, S; Cavalagli, N; Ubertini, F; Padeletti, G; Vecchio Ciprioti, S
Applications of nanomaterials and nanocomposites in the electrochemical sensing area for detection of phenolic antioxidants and serotonin
2020 Antonella Curulli
Nanomaterials in Electrochemical Sensing Area: Applications and Challenges in Food Analysis
2020 Curulli, Antonella
D10: Report on HERACLES impacts at test sites
2019 Grifoni, P; Ferri, F; D'Andrea, A; Guzzo, T; Soldovieri, F; Padeletti, G; Curulli, A; Diogo, Mp; Urze, P; Borges, B
Multianalytical approach for the characterization of stone crusts. The case study of the Consoli Palace in Gubbio, Italy.
2019 Fernanda Carvalho ; João Pedro Veiga ; Antonella Curulli ; Francesco Soldovieri ; Maria Margarida Lima; Andreia Lopes; Giampiero Montesperelli ; Sara Ronca ; Giuseppina Padeletti
The HERACLES approach for setting the guidelines for predictive and cost-effective monitoring of Cultural Heritage built monuments
2019 Siatou, A; Alexandrakis, G; Pouli, P; Curulli, A; Kavoulaki, E; Knezic, S
A new insight into the oxidative mechanism of caffeine and related methylxanthines in aprotic medium: May caffeine be really considered as an antioxidant?
2018 Petrucci, R; Zollo, G; Curulli, A; Marrosu, G
Methodology for the characterization of Cultural Heritage materials and their degradation state, using ex-situ laboratory analysis and microscopies: the HERACLES project approach
2018 Antonella Curulli; Joao Pedro Veiga; Kostas Demadis; Joannis Grammatikakis; Giampiero Montesperelli; Michele Menichetti;Giuseppina Padeletti
The Case Study of the Medieval Town Wall of Gubbio in Italy: First Results on the Characterization of Mortars and Binders
2018 F. Carvalho; A. Lopes; A. Curulli; T. Pereira da Silva; M. Margarida; R. A. Lima; G. Montesperelli; S. Ronca; G. Padeletti; J. P. Veiga
Selective electrochemical determination of caffeine at a gold-chitosan nanocomposite sensor: May little change on nanocomposites synthesis affect selectivity?
2017 Trani A.; Petrucci R.; Marrosu G.; Zane D.; Curulli A.