Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 215
AS - Asia 202
EU - Europa 13
Totale 430
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 215
SG - Singapore 167
CN - Cina 33
FI - Finlandia 7
IT - Italia 6
KR - Corea 2
Totale 430
Città #
Santa Clara 178
Singapore 118
Guangzhou 17
Helsinki 7
Bari 3
Montalbano Jonico 2
Seoul 2
Forest City 1
Totale 328
Nome #
Molecular mechanisms of Saccharomyces cerevisiae stress adaptation and programmed cell death in response to acetic acid 8
Genotypic hetereogeneity of the molecular basis of cystic fibrosis: the paradigm of lithuanian population genetic testing 8
Mitochondrial retrograde pathway is involved in yeast acetic acid-induced programmed cell death 7
null 7
Carnation Italian Ringspot Virus p36 Expression Induces Mitochondrial Fission and Respiratory Chain Complex Impairment in Yeast. 7
Molecular mechanisms of programmed cell death induced by acetic acid in Saccharomyces cerevisiae 7
Silencing of the tumor suppressor BRCA2 decreases anoikis and its heterologous expression exacerbates acetic acid-induced programmed cell death in yeast cells 7
Molecular basis of cystic fibrosis in Lithuania. Incomplete CFTR mutation detection by PCR-based screening protocols 7
A transient proteasome activation is needed for acetic acid-induce programmed cell death to occur in Saccharomyces cerevisiae 6
Achievements and perspectives in yeast acetic acid-induced programmed cell death pathways 6
The expanding role of yeast in cancer research and diagnosis: insights into the function of the oncosuppressors p53 and BRCA1/2. 6
Silencing of BRCA2 decreases anoikis and its heterologous expression sensitizes yeast cells to acetic acid-induced programmed cell death. 6
Molecular screening of genetic defects with RNA-SSCP analysis: the PKU and cystinuria model 6
Yeast growth in raffinose results in resistance to acetic-acid induced programmed cell death mostly due to the activation of the mitochondrial retrograde pathway. 6
An increase in the ATP levels occurs in cerebellar granule cells en route to apoptosis in which ATP derives from both oxidative phosphorylation and ... 6
An efficient method for PCR analysis of mitochondrial DNA from paraffin-embedded archival heart tissue. 6
Characterization of phenylketonuria alleles in the Italian population. 6
Use of protease sensitivity to probe the conformations of newly synthesised mutant forms of mitochondrial aspartate aminotransferase. 6
Mitochondrial stress response and cell adaptation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae 6
Mitochondria-cytosol-nucleus crosstalk: learning from Saccharomyces cerevisiae 5
Genetic heterogeneity in five Italian regions: Analysis of PAH mutations and minihaplotypes 5
The in vitro-synthesized precursor and mature mitochondrial aspartate aminotransferase share the same import pathway in isolated mitochondria. 5
Yeast programmed cell death pathway: a new experimental platform for biomedical and agri-food sciences 5
Phenylketonuria mutations and linked haplotypes in the Lithuanian population: origin of the most common R408W mutation. 5
The yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae is a model to elucidate the mechanism of programmed cell death in eukaryotes. 5
Silencing of BRCA2 to identify novel BRCA2-regulated biological functions in cultured human cells 5
The molecular basis of phenylketonuria in Lithuania. 5
6-Thioguanine and Its Analogs Promote Apoptosis of Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer Cells in a BRCA2-Dependent Manner 5
Stress-related mitochondrial components and mitochondrial genome as targets of anticancer therapy 5
Characterization of mitochondrial DNA in primary cardiomyopathies. 5
Mitochondrial dysfunction in cancer chemoresistance 5
Early release and subsequent caspase-mediated degradation of cytochrome c in apoptotic cerebellar granule cells. 5
Lievito e uomo, un meccanismo tumorale comune 5
Mitochondrial retrograde signaling involvement in acetic acid-induced programmed cell death in yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae 5
Yeast between life and death: a summary of the Ninth International Meeting on Yeast Apoptosis in Rome, Italy, 17-20 September 2012. 5
Cumulative effects of mutations in newly synthesised mitochondrial aspartate aminotransferase on uptake into mitochondria. 5
Analysis of Mitochondrial Retrograde Signaling in Yeast Model Systems 5
Mitochondrial retrograde signaling contributes to acetic acid-induced programmed cell death resistance in yeast 5
YCA1 participates in the acetic acid induced yeast programmed cell death also in a manner unrelated to its caspase-like activity. 4
Yeast Stress, Aging, and Death 4
Cytochrome c is released from coupled mitochondria of yeast en route to acetic acid-induced programmed cell death and can work as an electron donor and a ROS scavenger. 4
Mitochondrial Research: Yeast and Human Cells as Models 4
Active-site Arg --> Lys substitutions alter reaction and substrate specificity of aspartate aminotransferase. 4
Pro-death and pro-life cellular strategies in yeast: the role of mitochondria 4
Editorial: Cell Stress, Metabolic Reprogramming, and Cancer 4
Certain N-terminal peptides inhibit uptake of mature aspartate aminotransferase by isolated mitochondria. 4
Yeast as a tool to study mitochondrial retrograde pathway en route to cell stress response. 4
Editorial: Yeast cell aging and death 4
The molecular basis of phenylketonuria in Latvia. 4
Differential proteome-metabolome profiling of YCA1-knock-out and wild type cells reveals novel metabolic pathways and cellular processes dependent on the yeast metacaspase. 4
Identification of mitochondrial DNA lesions in hereditary cardiomyoapthies. 4
Molecular evolution of B6 enzymes: binding of pyridoxal-5'-phosphate and Lys41Arg substitution turn ribonuclease A into a model B6 protoenzyme. 4
Saccharomyces cerevisiae: a model system for the study of virus replication 4
Cytochrome c Trp65Ser substitution results in inhibition of acetic acid-induced programmed cell death in Saccharomyces cerevisiae 4
Yeast as a tool to study signalling pathways in mitochondrial stress response and cytoprotection 4
The expression of a plant virus replicase protein affects the nature of acetic acid-induced programmed cell death in Saccharomyces cerevisiae 4
Hydrogen peroxide and superoxide anion production during acetic acid-induced yeast programmed cell death. 4
The transcription factors ADR1 or CAT8 are required for RTG pathway activation and evasion from yeast acetic acid-induced programmed cell death in raffinose 4
Acid Stress Triggers Resistance to Acetic Acid-Induced Regulated Cell Death through Hog1 Activation Which Requires RTG2 in Yeast 4
Detection of microsatellites by ethidium bromide staining. The analysis of the STR system in the human phenylalanine hydroxylase gene. 4
SLC25A10 biallelic mutations in intractable epileptic encephalopathy with complex I deficiency. 4
Heterologous expression of carnation Italian ringspot virus p36 protein enhances necrotic cell death in response to acetic acid in Saccharomyces cerevisiae 4
Yeast as a Model to Unravel New BRCA2 Functions in Cell Metabolism 4
The STR252-IVS10nt546-VNTR7 phenylalanine hydroxylase minihaplotype in five Mediterranean samples. 3
Epigenetic silencing of the ubiquitin ligase subunit FBXL7 impairs c-SRC degradation and promotes epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition and metastasis 3
Yeast programmed cell death: integration of cell adaptation and death pathways through mitochondrial stress response pathways 3
Programmed cell death in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. 3
Knock-out of metacaspase and/or cytochrome c results in the activation of a ROS-independent acetic acid-induced programmed cell death pathway in yeast 3
How Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells die as a function of time in response to acetic acid: the role of superoxide dismutase, catalane, released cytochrome c, proteasome and metacaspase. 3
Guidelines and recommendations on yeast cell death nomenclature 3
A transient proteasome activation is needed for acetic acid-induced programmed cell death to occur in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. 3
Indagine conoscitiva sulla diffusione delle analisi di biologia molecolare nei laboratori clinici della regione Puglia. 3
21-hydroxylase deficiency in Italy: a distinct pattern of CYP21 mutations in a sample from southern Italy 3
Lack of cytochrome c release en route to acetic acid-induced programmed cell death in caspase-like gene knockout yeast cells. 3
The role of mitochondria in yeast programmed cell death 3
Characterization of the CYP21 gene 5' flanking region in patients affected by 21-OH deficiency. 3
Mechanisms of peroxidic oxygen transfer to organic substrates : Oxidation of organic sulphides by chromium(vi)oxide diperoxide 3
Import of mutant forms of mitochondrial aspartate aminotransferase into isolated mitochondria 3
On the role of mitochondria in cell life and death decisions in a yeast model 3
New perspectives from South-Y-East, not all about death A report of the 12th lnternational Meeting on Yeast Apoptosis in Bari, Italy, May 14th-18th, 2017 3
Molecular mechanisms of Saccharomyces cerevisiae stress adaptation and programmed cell death in response to acetic acid. 3
Mitochondrial Dysfunction: A novel Potential Driver of epithelial-to-Mesenchymal Transition in Cancer 3
Proteome and metabolome profiling of wild-type and YCA1-knock-out yeast cells during acetic acid-induced programmed cell death 3
The molecular evolution of B6 enzymes: ribonuclease A as a model pyridoxal-5 -phosphate-dependent protoenzyme. 3
Rtg signaling sustains mitochondrial respiratory capacity in hog1-dependent osmoadaptation 3
The N-acetylcysteine-insensitive acetic acid-induced yeast programmed cell death occurs without macroautophagy 3
Phenylketonuria in Italy: distinct distribution pattern of three mutations of the phenylalanine hydroxylase gene. 3
Pleiotropic effects of the yeast Sal1 and Aac2 carriers on mitochondrial function via an activity distinct from adenine nucleotide transport 2
Simultaneous determination of purine nucleotides, their metabolites and b-nicotinamide adenine inucleotide in cerebellar granule cells by ion-pair high performance liquid chromatography. 2
Yeast programmed cell death triggered by aceti acid: ROS involvement and cytochrome c release. 2
Catalase T and Cu,Zn-superoxide dismutase in the acetic acid-induced programmed cell death in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. 2
Quality assurance in molecular genetic testing in a monogenic disease: lessons from testing in phenylketonuria. 2
The N-terminal region of mature mitochondrial aspartate aminotransferase can direct cytosolic dihydrofolate reductase into mitochondria in vitro. 2
Heterologous expression of p36 replicase of Carnation Italian ringspot virus in Saccharomyces cerevisiae 2
Novel missense mutation in the phenylalanine hydroxylase gene leading to complete loss of enzymatic activity. 2
Acid stress adaptation protects Saccharomyces cerevisiae from acetic acid-induced programmed cell death. 2
Non-radioactive detection of five common microsatellite markers for ATP7B gene in Wilson Disease patients. 2
Totale 420
Categoria #
all - tutte 2.520
article - articoli 1.870
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 105
Totale 4.495

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2023/202437 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 35 1
2024/2025393 11 3 144 63 172 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 430