Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 530
AS - Asia 151
EU - Europa 30
SA - Sud America 1
Totale 712
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 530
SG - Singapore 126
CN - Cina 20
IT - Italia 18
FI - Finlandia 7
FR - Francia 3
AT - Austria 2
KR - Corea 2
NP - Nepal 2
CO - Colombia 1
JP - Giappone 1
Totale 712
Città #
Santa Clara 503
Singapore 90
Helsinki 7
Guangzhou 4
Milan 4
Padova 4
Rome 4
Boardman 3
Innsbruck 2
Pokhara 2
Seoul 2
Casalecchio di Reno 1
Medellín 1
Tokyo 1
Totale 628
Nome #
Pianificazione territoriale e gestione delle emergenze 12
Civil Protection Plan: a new GIS tool for an emergency infomation management 12
GIS techniques and Decision Support Systems to reduce landslide risk: the case study of Corvara in Badia, northern Italy 12
Tecnologia Mobile e Ambiente 11
The Rotolon Catchment Early-Warning System 11
Analysis of lateral sediment connectivity and its connection to debris flow intensity patterns at different return periods in the Fella River system in northeastern Italy 11
Risk City and WebRiskCity: Data Collection, Display, and Dissemination in a Multi-Risk Training Package 11
Review of the current risk management strategies in Europe for hydro-meteorological hazards at protection and emergency level 10
A Monitoring Network to Map and Assess Landslide Activity in a Highly Anthropized Area 10
Analysing lateral sediment connectivity and its connection to the frequency-magnitude reality in the Fiume Fella system, Northern Italy 10
Hands-On Experience of Crowdsourcing for Flood Risks. An Android Mobile Application Tested in Frederikssund, Denmark 10
A mobile application to engage citizens and volunteers. Crowdsourcing within natural hazard 10
The MultiRISK platform: The technical concept and application of a regional-scale multihazard exposure analysis tool 10
MAppERS experience: natural processes and preparedness in the societal context 10
GIS and Decision Support System techniques for the emergency management in at-risk industrial areas | Tecniche GIS e Sistemi di Supporto alle Decisioni per la gestione delle emergenze in aree a rischio industriale 9
Landslide susceptibility by spatial analysis of two drainage basins, upper Oltrepò Pavese (Italy) 9
From risk assessment to disaster preparedness and response at a regional scale 9
Usability and communication of mobile applications for risk management: the experience of MAppERS 9
Sviluppo di metodologie informatiche atte alla valutazione del rischio ed alla predisposizione di un modello di Piano di Protezione Civile 9
La gestione in tempo reale delle emergenze idrogeologiche in contesto urbano 9
ArcProfili: applicazione mobile-GIS relazionale per il rilievo geopedologico. 9
First level inspection by trained-volunteers of torrent control structures in mountainous catchments: towards a quality-evaluation of data collected 9
The role of community knowledge and participation for hydraulic-structure inspections: Combining knowledge with action through citizen-science projects 9
Decision Support Systems and Early Warning Solutions: a review in European context 9
MAppERS for crowdsourcing. Citizens and volounteers as human sensors 8
A multi-disciplinary methodological approach to assess landslide risk 8
Automatic and continuous landslide monitoring: the Rotolon Web-based platform 8
Landslide risk analysis: a multi-disciplinary methodological approach 8
Tecniche GIS e DSS per la gestione delle emergenze in aree a rischio industriale 8
Dai Piani di Governo del Territorio (PGT) all individuazione di scenari per i Piani di Protezione Civile. Il caso di studio della Comunità Montana di Tirano. 8
Il permafrost in Veneto: distribuzione, analisi e possibili effetti ambientali. Progetto PermaNET - Programma Alpine Space 8
Use of volunteers' information to support proactive inspection of hydraulic structures 8
Crowdsourcing engagement and applications for communities within crisis events 8
GIS techniques and decision support system to reduce landslide risk: The case study of Corvara in Badia, Northern Italy 8
DSS and GIS tool for Civil Protection planning in case of floofing hazard 8
Modellazione di fenomeni di inondazione nel territorio della Comunità montana Valtellina di Tirano. 8
Predisposizione del Piano di Protezione Civile a livello Mandamentale per la gestione delle emergenze idrogeologiche/incendi boschivi 8
Setting priorities for management of hydraulic structures in mountanious catchments 8
Utilizzo delle tecniche GIS e dei DSS nell'analisi dei rischi idrogeologici nella gestione delle emergenze in tempo reale 8
A methodological approach for hydrogeological emergency management in the Mountain Consortium of Communes of Valtellina di Tirano | Proposta di una metodologia per la gestione di emergenze idrogeologiche nella Comunità Montana Valtellina di Tirano 8
Utilizzo delle tecniche GIS e dei sistemi di supporto alle decisioni (DSS) nell'analisi dei rischi idrogeologici nella gestione delle emergenze in tempo reale. 8
Landslide risk analysis: A multi-disciplinary methodological approach 8
Exploiting freely available imagery to improve land cover characterization and shallow landslide detection 8
Assessing the Effect of Mitigation Measures on Landslide Hazard Using 2D Numerical Runout Modelling 8
Testing the potential of Sentinel-1 TOPS interferometry for the detection and monitoring of landslides at local scale 8
Integration of a GIS-based Decision Support System in the context of French civil defence. The La Valette case study in the South Alps 8
Progetto MAppERS: Smartphone e Web 2.0 per il crowdsourcing nei rischi naturali 8
Geomorphological evolution of slopes and climate changes in Northern Italy during the late quaternary: Spatial and temporal distribution of landslides and landscape sensitivity implications 8
A web-based platform for automatic and continuous landslide monitoring: The Rotolon (Eastern Italian Alps) case study 8
La Cartografia Geoambientale: rielaborazione del dato e sviluppo di una metodologia per la valutazione del rischio. 7
RiskCity and WebRiskCity: Data collection, display, and dissemination in a multi-risk training package 7
Multi temporal LiDAR-DTMs as a tool for modeling a complex landslide: a case study in the Small Dolomites (Rotolon catchment - Italy) 7
Testing the potential of Sentinel-1A TOPS interferometry for the detection and monitoring of landslides at local scale (Veneto Region, Italy) 7
Multi-scale debris flow vulnerability assessment and direct loss estimation of buildings in the Eastern Italian Alps 7
Definizione e sperimentazione di un sistema di monitoraggio sul sito Hahnebaum (provincia autonoma di Bolzano - Alto Adige) inquadrato nell'ambito del progetto INTERREG IV B "MONITOR II 7
An interactive web-GIS based risk analysis tool: a case study in the Fella River Basin, Italy 7
Emergency management support by geo-information technology. A common methodology in different European contexts 7
Convenzione tra il comune di Cortina d'Ampezzo ed il Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche - Istituto Di Ricerca per la Protezione Idrogeologica Unita' di Padova per lo studio dei movimenti franosi in prossimità degli abitati di Lacedel, Val e Mortisa in Cortina d'Ampezzo 7
Evaluating data quality collected by volunteers for first-level inspection of hydraulic structures in mountain catchments 7
MAppERS: mobile networks for prevention and awareness. Communication scheme and architecture 7
Crowdsourcing as citizen-empowered tool for natural hazards. The MAppERS project 7
Monitoraggio della frana del Rotolon, Recoaro Terme (VI): relazione finale 7
MultiRISK: a platform for Multi-Hazard Risk Modelling and Visualisation 6
Hazard and potential damage evaluation in a web-gis as support for risk management 6
The PermaNET project: a multi-disciplinary approach to map permafrost and assess related mass-movements. 6
Use of GIS technique and the Decisions Support Systems (DSS) in the analysis of hydrogeological risks for the emergency management in real-time | Utilizzo delle tecniche GIS e di Sistemi di Supporto alle Decisioni (DSS) nell'analisi dei rischi idrogeologici nella gestione delle emergenze in tempo reale 6
Il coinvolgimento dei cittadini nella gestione del territorio. Il laboratorio del progetto MAppERS 6
Landslide monitoring with an integrated platform: Methodology, design and case study 6
Sviluppo di metodologie informatiche atte alla valutazione del rischio ed alla predisposizione di un modello di Piano di Protezione Civile 6
Decision support methodology to establish priorities on the inspection of structures 6
Landslide risk analysis: a multi-disciplinary methodological approach 6
Hydrogeological risks: hazard and vulnerability assessment for economic evaluation of consequences and real-time management of emergency situations 6
Multi-temporal LiDAR-DTMs as a tool for modelling a complex landslide: A case study in the Rotolon catchment (eastern Italian Alps) 6
La rappresentazione dello spazio 6
Relazione Finale: Convenzione protocollo n. PC/2805/CD2. Studio e monitoraggio della situazione di dissesto che interessa il versante sinistro del Tagliamento in corrispondenza del "Passo della Morte". 6
Rischio idrogeologico: valutazione della pericolosità e della vulnerabilità per la stima economica dei danni e per la gestione in tempo reale delle emergenze. 6
MappERS-C and MappERS-V. The crowd source for prevention and crisis support 6
From Civil Protection Plan to Disaster Management. PETer evolution from GIS tool to multi-area Emergency Management System 6
Hazard assessment of a potential rock avalanche in South Tyrol, Italy: 3D modeling and risk scenarios 6
Quantitative vulnerability assessment of buildings to debris-flows in Fella River Basin using run-out modeling and damage data from the 29th of August 2003 event. 6
Ganderberg Landslide Characterization Through Monitoring 6
Domination of or adaptation to nature? A lesson we can still learn from the vajont 6
Proposta di una metodologia per la gestione di emergenze idrogeologiche nella Comunità Montana Valtellina di Tirano 6
Landslides historical dataset and population distribution: Hystoric@, the experience of the Consortium of Mountain Municipalities of Valtellina di Tirano, Italy 6
RiskCity and WebRiskCity. Educating responders and the public about risk management 6
PETer: linee guida per la pianificazione territoriale e la gestione di emergenze 6
Validation of data collected by volunteers exploiting an inspection form in a mobile application 6
Integration between hazard scenario and local civil protection workflow with GIS techniques 5
Totale 712
Categoria #
all - tutte 2.470
article - articoli 927
book - libri 33
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 212
Totale 3.642

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2023/202431 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 22 7
2024/2025681 10 8 97 45 504 17 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 712