Istituto dei Materiali per l'Elettronica ed il Magnetismo - IMEM - Sede Secondaria Trento
Non-invasive VOCs detection to monitor the gut microbiota metabolism in-vitro
2024 Dell'Olio, Andrea; Rubert, Josep; Capozzi, Vittorio; Tonezzer, Matteo; Betta, Emanuela; Fogliano, Vincenzo; Biasioli, Franco
Design and fabrication of effective gradient temperature sensor array based on bilayer SnO2/Pt for gas classification
2022 Nguyen Van Duy; Nguyen Xuan Thai; Trinh Minh Ngoc; Dang Thi Thanh Le; Chu Manh Hung; Hugo Nguyen; Tonezzer, Matteo; Nguyen Van Hieu; Nguyen Duc Hoa
Enhancing Electron Transfer and Stability of Screen-Printed Carbon Electrodes Modified with AgNP-Reduced Graphene Oxide Nanocomposite
2022 Quang Khue Vu; Thi Hue Nguyen; AnhTuan Le; Ngoc Phan Vu; Xuan Dinh Ngo; Tien Khi Nguyen; Thanh Thuy Nguyen; Chung Van Pham; Thi Luyen Nguyen; Thanh Le Thi Dang; Tonezzer, Matteo; Quang Huy Tran
Exploring volatile organic compound emission from thermally modified wood by PTR-ToF-MS
2022 Romano, A; Cappellin, L; Cuccui, I; Bogialli, S; Khomenko, I; Tonezzer, M; Biasioli, F; Pastore, P; Allegretti, O
Role of cobalt precursors in the synthesis of Co3O4 hierarchical nanostructures toward the development of cobalt‐based functional electrocatalysts for bifunctional water splitting in alkaline and acidic media
2022 Tahira, Aneela; Ibupoto, Zafar Hussain; Montecchi, Monica; Pasquali, Luca; Tonezzer, Matteo; Nafady, Ayman; Khalil, Huda F.; Mazzaro, Raffaello; Morandi, Vittorio; Vagin, Mikhail; Vomiero, Alberto
A label-free electrochemical biosensor based on screen-printed electrodes modified with gold nanoparticles for quick detection of bacterial pathogens
2021 Quang Khue Vu; Quang Huy Tran; Ngoc Phan Vu; TuanLe Anh; Thi Thanh Le Dang; Matteo, Tonezzer; Thi Hong Hanh Nguyen
Detection of mackerel fish spoilage with a gas sensor based on one single SnO2 nanowire
2021 Tonezzer, M
Optimization of gas sensors measurements by dynamic headspace analysis supported by simultaneous direct injection mass spectrometry
2021 Quercia, Luigi; Khomenko, Iuliia; Capuano, Rosamaria; Tonezzer, Matteo; Paolesse, Roberto; Martinelli, Eugenio; Catini, Alexandro; Biasioli, Franco; Di Natale, Corrado
Quantitative assessment of trout fish spoilage with a single nanowire gas sensor in a thermal gradient
2021 Tonezzer, M; Thai, Nx; Gasperi, F; Van Duy, N; Biasioli, F
Selective gas detection and quantification using a resistive sensor based on Pd-decorated soda-lime glass
2021 Kim J.Y.; Kim S.S.; Tonezzer M.
Sensing Performance of Thermal Electronic Noses: A Comparison between ZnO and SnO2 Nanowires
2021 Tonezzer, Matteo; Armellini, Cristina; Toniutti, Laura
Single Nanowire Gas Sensor Able to Distinguish Fish and Meat and Evaluate Their Degree of Freshness
2021 Tonezzer, Matteo; Tonezzer, Matteo
Ultrasensitive NO2 gas sensing performance of two dimensional ZnO nanomaterials: Nanosheets and nanoplates
2021 Nguyet To, Thi; Hung Chu, Manh; Le Dang Thi, Thanh; Duy Nguyen, Van; Hoa Nguyen, Duc; Biasioli, Franco; Tonezzer, Matteo; Di Natale, Corrado
Electrochemical biosensors based on nanostructured zno for pathogens detection
2020 Tonezzer, M; Le, Dtt
Electrochemical stability of screen-printed electrodes modified with Au nanoparticles for detection of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus
2020 Khue V.Q.; Huy T.Q.; Phan V.N.; TuanLe A.; Thanh Le D.T.; Tonezzer M.; Hong Hanh N.T.
Multi gas sensors using one nanomaterial, temperature gradient, and machine learning algorithms for discrimination of gases and their concentration
2020 Nguyen Xuan, Thai; Tonezzer, Matteo; Masera, Luca; Hugo, Nguyen; Nguyen Van, Duy; Nguyen Duc, Hoa
Prototype edge-grown nanowire sensor array for the real-time monitoring and classification of multiple gases
2020 Thai N.X.; Van Duy N.; Hung C.M.; Nguyen H.; Tonezzer M.; Van Hieu N.; Hoa N.D.
Recent Advances of Silver Nanoparticles in Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment
2020 Huy Tran, Q; Huyen Pham, T M; Anhtuan, Le; Tonezzer, Matteo
Improved Gas Selectivity Based on Carbon Modified SnO2 Nanowires
2019 Tonezzer, Matteo; Izidoro, Sandro C.; Moraes, Joao P. A.; Le Thi Thanh Dang
Predictive gas sensor based on thermal fingerprints from Pt-SnO2 nanowires
2019 Tonezzer M.; Kim J.H.; Lee J.H.; Iannotta S.; Kim S.S.