Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 415
AS - Asia 181
EU - Europa 42
SA - Sud America 1
Totale 639
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 415
SG - Singapore 159
FI - Finlandia 17
IT - Italia 15
KR - Corea 13
DE - Germania 6
CN - Cina 4
HK - Hong Kong 3
NL - Olanda 2
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 1
CL - Cile 1
FR - Francia 1
TR - Turchia 1
UA - Ucraina 1
Totale 639
Città #
Santa Clara 382
Singapore 117
Helsinki 17
Seoul 13
Rome 8
Falkenstein 6
Amsterdam 2
Baricella 2
Guangzhou 2
Hong Kong 2
Beijing 1
Kowloon City 1
Phoenix 1
Salihli 1
Totale 555
Nome #
Generating Discorrelated States for Quantum Information Protocols by Coherent Multimode Photon Addition 13
Coherent superpositions of photon creation operations and their application to multimode states of light 12
Experimental Certification of Nonclassicality via Phase-Space Inequalities 12
Identifying nonclassicality from experimental data using artificial neural networks 12
Quantum Light State Engineering and Entanglement Generation by Multimode Photon Addition 11
Stable Transmission of High-Dimensional Quantum States Over a 2-km Multicore Fiber 11
Enhancing security through smart photonics & quantum innovation 11
BB84 decoy-state QKD protocol over long-distance optical fiber 10
Mid-infrared homodyne balanced detector for quantum light characterization 10
Zero-Area Single-Photon Pulses 10
Measurement-Induced Strong Kerr Nonlinearity for Weak Quantum States of Light 9
From Quantum to Classical: Watching a Single Photon Become a Wave 9
Universal Continuous-Variable State Orthogonalizer and Qubit Generator 9
Conditional Hybrid Nonclassicality 9
Characterization and stability measurement of deployed multicore fibers for quantum applications 9
Decoy-state quantum key distribution over long-distance optical fiber 9
Experimental hybrid entanglement between quantum and classical states of light 9
Arbitrary superpositions of quantum operators by single-photon interference 8
Roadmap on quantum light spectroscopy 8
Toward Fully-Fledged Quantum and Classical Communication Over Deployed Fiber with Up-Conversion Module 8
Efficient Time-Bin Encoding for Practical High-Dimensional Quantum Key Distribution 8
From quantum to classical: watching a single photon become a wave 8
Nonclassicality Phase-Space Inequalities: Theory and Experiment 8
Path-encoded high-dimensional quantum communication over a 2-km multicore fiber 8
Manipulating Frequency-Bin Entangled States in Cold Atoms 8
Engineering of heralded narrowband color-entangled states 8
Round-Robin Differential Phase-Time-Shifting Protocol for Quantum Key Distribution: Theory and Experiment 8
Quantum Light State Engineering and Entanglement Generation by Multimode Photon Addition 8
Large Phase-by-Phase Modulations in Atomic Interfaces 8
Field trial of a three-state quantum key distribution scheme in the Florence metropolitan area 8
Guided-wave solutions for non-classical state production 7
Entangling Macroscopic Light States by Delocalized Photon Addition 7
Manipulating light states by single-photon addition and subtraction 7
Catching the elementary step of excitation of a coherent light state by a single photon 7
Properties of hybrid entanglement between discrete- and continuous-variable states of light 7
Experimental realization of creation and annihilation perators and direct proof of the bosonic commutation relation 6
From quantum to classical: watching a single photon become a wave 6
Probing Quantum Commutation Rules by Addition and Subtraction of Single Photons to/from a Light Field 6
Nonlocal pulse shaping with entangled photon pairs 6
Remotely-prepared single-photon time-encoded ebits: tomographic characterization and Bell s inequality test 6
Implementation of single-photon creation and annihilation operators: experimental issues in their application to thermal states of light 6
Efficient noiseless linear amplification for light fields with larger amplitudes 6
Chip-based squeezing at a telecom wavelength 6
Quantum communications with space encoding technique 6
Manipulating Light States by Single-Photon Addition and Subtraction 6
Photorefractive effect in LiNbO3-based integrated-optical circuits for continuous variable experiments 6
Arbitrary superpositions of quantum operators and direct experimental proof of commutation relations 6
Generation and tomographic analysis of novel quantum light states 5
Subtracting photons from arbitrary light fields: experimental test of coherent state invariance by single-photon annihilation 5
Experimental determination of a nonclassical Glauber-Sudarshan P function 5
Tomographic characterization and Bell s inequality test for remotely prepared, single photon, time-encoded, ebits 5
Experimental nonclassicality of single-photon added thermal light states 5
Single-photon time-encoded ebits: remote preparation and homodyne tomography characterization 5
Implementing single-photon creation and annihilation operators for fundamental tests of physics 5
Remotely-prepared, time-encoded, single-photon entangled states: tomographic characterization and Bell s inequality test 5
A fully guided-wave squeezing experiment for fiber quantum networks 5
Implementation of single-photon creation and annihilation operators: experimental issues in their application to thermal states of light 5
Shedding Light on a Quantum Black Box 5
Generation and tomographic analysis of novel quantum light states 5
Selective control of fourth-order interferences by means of comb-like two-photon entangled states 5
Catching the elementary step of excitation of a coherent light state by a single photon 5
Experimental nonclassicality of single-photon-added thermal light states 5
Plug-and-Play squeezing experiment on chip at telecom wavelength 5
Tomographic reconstruction of the single-photon Fock state by high frequency homodyne detection 5
Single-photon-added coherent states: estimation of parameters and fidelity of the optical homodyne detection 5
Quantum description of timing jitter for single-photon ON-OFF detectors 5
Nonclassicality quasiprobability of single-photon-added thermal states 5
Single-photon-added coherent states: generation and characterization by quantum homodyne tomography 5
A fully guided-wave approach to the generation and detection of squeezing at a telecom wavelength 5
Experimental quantum tomography of a homodyne detector 5
Thermal light manipulation by addition or subtraction of single photons 5
A high-fidelity noiseless amplifier for quantum light states 5
Tomographic reconstruction of a squeezed laser field: Experiment and reconstruction algorithm 5
Two-color quantum memory in double-Lambda media 5
Subtracting photons from arbitrary light fields: experimental test of coherent state invariance by single-photon annihilation 5
Manipulating thermal light states by the controlled addition and subtraction of single photons 5
Probing Quantum Rules with Single-Photon Creation and Annihilation Operators 5
Two-mode homodyne tomography of time-encoded single-photon ebits 5
Quantum-to-Classical Transition with Single-Photon-Added Coherent States of Light 5
Nonlocal modulations on the temporal and spectral profiles of an entangled photon pair 4
Quantum tomography of time-delocalized single photons 4
Thermal light manipulation by addition or subtraction of single photons 4
Toward quantum frequency combs: Boosting the generation of highly nonclassical light states by cavity-enhanced parametric down-conversion at high repetition rates 4
Manipulating thermal light states by the controlled addition and subtraction of single photons 4
Experimental demonstration of the bosonic commutation relation via superpositions of quantum operations on thermal light fields 4
Probing quantum commutation rules by adding and subtracting single photons to/from a light field 4
Scheme for proving the bosonic commutation relation using single-photon interference 4
Tomographic test of Bell s inequality for a time-delocalized single photon 4
Remote preparation of arbitrary time-encoded single-photon ebits 4
Heralded noiseless amplification and attenuation of non-Gaussian states of light 4
Single Photon Detectors's Timing-Jitter Quantum Description 4
Superpositions of bosonic operator sequences by single-photon interference 4
Experimental nonclassicality of single-photon-added thermal light states 4
Single-photon excitation of a coherent state: catching the elementary step of stimulated light emission 4
Quantum Commutation Rules with Single-Photon Creation and Annihilation Operators 4
Remotely-prepared, time-encoded, single-photon entangled states: tomographic characterization and Bell's inequality test 4
Producing and manipulating quantum light states by single-photon addition and subtraction 4
High-fidelity noiseless amplification by photon addition and subtraction 4
QUANTUM OPTICS The quantum picture of a detector 4
Generation and characterization of quantum states of light 4
Totale 630
Categoria #
all - tutte 3.262
article - articoli 1.945
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 93
Totale 5.300

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2023/202417 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 16 0
2024/2025644 6 6 130 72 292 133 5 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 661