Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 443
AS - Asia 183
EU - Europa 76
Totale 702
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 442
SG - Singapore 178
IT - Italia 49
FI - Finlandia 11
DE - Germania 7
KR - Corea 3
BE - Belgio 2
NL - Olanda 2
BG - Bulgaria 1
CA - Canada 1
CH - Svizzera 1
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 1
ES - Italia 1
LK - Sri Lanka 1
PL - Polonia 1
SA - Arabia Saudita 1
Totale 702
Città #
Santa Clara 403
Singapore 95
Cavallino 15
Helsinki 11
Rome 7
Falkenstein 5
Turin 5
Boardman 3
Milan 3
Phoenix 3
Seoul 3
Brussels 2
Nardò 2
Rocca San Giovanni 2
Colombo 1
Council Bluffs 1
Częstochowa 1
Des Moines 1
Magdeburg 1
Montreal 1
Newark 1
Pontirolo Nuovo 1
Prague 1
Riyadh 1
Sofia 1
Zurich 1
Totale 571
Nome #
National frameworks for universities’ community engagement: perspectives from Italy, France and the UK 25
È possibile incentivare la sicurezza sui luoghi di lavoro? Concezione, contesto e implementazione dei Bandi ISI Inail 16
Cybersicurezza, energia, sostenibilità: un approccio socioeconomico 15
Occupational Safety and Health, Society and Research: A Bibliometric Exploration of National Cases 15
An Approach to the regulation of Cybersecurity Investments in Electricity Systems 15
Determinants of International Research Collaborations in Academic Health Centres: evidence from Italian IRCCS 14
Flussi di traffico attraverso il tunnel automobilistico del Frejus: un semplice esercizio di forecasting e alcune considerazioni a margine 13
È possibile incentivare la sicurezza sui luoghi di lavoro? Concezione, contesto e implementazione dei Bandi ISI Inail 11
Links established between public labs and industrial system: an Italian case Study 11
Public Research Organizations and Technology Transfer: Flexibility, Spatial Organization and Specialization of Research Units 11
Lo scenario di contesto per la misura IR2 della Regione Piemonte 11
An impact assessment of measures for gender rebalancing in local elective assemblies 11
An approach to cost definition for the implementation of cybersecurity in electricity critical infrastructures 11
Benefit analysis. Assessing the cost of blackouts in case of attack. Evaluation based on Italian and Polish case studies. 10
Le caratteristiche socio-economiche dei cluster di imprese in Piemonte 10
Policies for women participation in politics: how to assess gender equilibrium? 10
Measures for gender rebalancing in local elective assemblies. An impact assessment on Italian reforms 10
Evolutionary trends in nanotechnology studies across worldwide economic players 10
Costs and Benefits of cybersecurity regulation for the power system - The terms of a complex assessment 10
Technology Transfer Activities in Universities and Public Research Organizations: A Literature Overview 10
Approaches to International Collaborations in Translational Research: a Study on Italian Research Hospitals 10
Evolutionary Growth of knowledge and new technological directions of non-thermal plasma technology in medicine 9
Il riequilibrio di genere nelle assemblee regionali 9
Current trends in nanotechnology research across worldwide geo-economic players 9
The innovation guide 9
Nanotechnologies and nanosciences in a regional context: The case of Italian Region Piedmont 9
Spin-off creation in a national research institution: Technological and industrial implications 9
Development of a new open source research infrastructure network for agricultural data sharing 9
Links established between public labs and industrial system: an Italian case Study 9
Research trends in nanotechnology studies across geo-economic areas 9
Persone Denaro e Regole, uno sguardo socioeconomico sulla cybersicurezza 9
Dove si concentra l'attenzione della scienza? Un'analisi bibliometrica della ricerca sulla Salute e Sicurezza sui Luoghi di Lavoro 9
Evolutionary growth of knowledge and new technological directions of non-thermal plasma technology in medicine 8
Approaches to International Collaborations in Translational Research: a Study on Italian Research Hospitals 8
Nanotechnologies in a regional context: The case of Piemonte, Italy 8
Diversity and interdisciplinarity in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology: a time-related analysis of the subject category 8
University Third mission in Italy: organization, faculty attitude and academic specialization 8
Current scientific trajectories and interactions between main world geo-economic players in nanotechnology research 8
Gender rebalancing in municipal assemblies: an impact assessment 7
The use of Cited Half Life to assess obsolescence evolution in different research domains: an empirical test 7
Internationalization in Italian Research Hospitals: Governance Effects on Collaboration with Developing Countries 7
Occupational Safety and Health: is the Evolution of Policies Reflected by International Scientific Literature? 7
Occupational Safety and Health: a Bibliometric Exploration of the Policy Effects on Scientific Production 7
Occupational Safety and Health: Policy Evolution through Bibliometric Analysis 7
Research activities in Nanotechnologies and Nanosciences: an analysis of Piedmont's nanotech research system 7
Valutare la performance delle norme regionali per il riequilibrio di genere nella rappresentanza politica. Problemi metodologici e proposte analitiche 7
Considerations on the implementation of SCADA standards on critical infrastructures of power grids 7
Nanotecnologie: cosa sono e come ce le immaginiamo. 6
Asian tigers in nanotechnologies: evolutionary path of scientific production of People s Republic of China, Japan and South Korea 6
Le nanotecnologie e le nanoscience in Piemonte: introduzione teorica e dati 6
Evaluating the prudency of cybersecurity investments: Guidelines for Energy Regulators 6
La ricerca in Nanotecnologie e Nanoscienze in Italia: spesa del settore pubblico e aree tematiche prevalenti 6
Policies for women participation in politics: assessing different territorial impacts 6
Dinamica inter-temporale e confronti inter-istituzionali 6
Il cluster delle nanotecnologie in Piemonte [Nanotech cluster in Piedmont]. 6
Summary of the main results of the ESSENCE project 6
Insights on the efficiency of Embodied Knowledge Transfer: results from a localized initiative 6
Organizational and behavioural differences in Technology Transfer between generalist and specialized universities 5
La ricerca nelle nanotecnologie in Piemonte: casi di enti pubblici e privati 5
Correlation between Journal Impact Factor and Citation Performance: An experimental study 5
The funding-productivity nexus in science: Family and other sources of endogeneity 5
Nurturing knowledge? The impact of funding and family on scientific performance 5
Nanotechnologies in a local context: an Italian Nanotech Regional System of Innovation 5
Human bone regeneration from wood: a novel hierarchically organised nanomaterial 5
New technological trajectories of non-thermal plasma technology in medicine 5
Nanotechnologies and Nanosciences in Pacific Asia: A Comparative Study of China, Japan and South Korea Scientific Production 5
Innovation and Entrepreneurship 5
Nanosciences and nanotechnologies: Evolution trajectories and disruptive features 5
Cosa è il Trasferimento Tecnologico?. 5
Groundbreaking technological applications of nanotechnology in biomedicine: detecting emerging pathways from scientific and technological outputs 5
¿Qué son las nanotecnologias? 5
Citation trends and scientific fields: an empirical analysis 4
Scientific collaboration framework of BRICS countries: an analysis of international coauthorship 4
Cosa sono le nanotecnologie? 4
Temporal and spatial relations between patents and scientific journal articles: the case of nanotechnologies 4
Public research in Nanotechnology in Piedmont (Italy) 4
Linee guida per la realizzazione di un Osservatorio Regionale sulle Nanotecnologie e le Nanoscienze 4
Nanotechnologies in Pacific Asia: scientific production of People's Republic of China, Japan and South Korea. 4
Factors Affecting University Commercialization: Evidence from Italy 4
Competitive funding, gender and teaching: scientists' productivity at a top italian university 4
The strength of international scientific ties: a novel analysis of inter-Country coautorship 4
Clustering Research, Education, and Entrepreneurship: Nanotech Innovation at MINATEC in Grenoble 4
Emerging costs deriving from blackouts for individual firms: evidence from an Italian case study 4
Long time series of highly cited articles: an empirical study 4
Scientific collaboration between BRICS countries 4
¿Que es la transferencia tecnologica? 4
Time-space analysis of scientific citations in patents: science-innovation links in the nano-technological paradigm 4
Nanotechnologies for textiles, fabrics and clothing: an overview of the scientific literature on the topic 4
The Funding-Productivity Nexus in Science: Family and Other Sources of Endogeneity 4
Emerging scientific directions in plasma technology for food decontamination 4
Nanosciences and nanotechnologies: evolution trajectories and disruptive features. 4
Il cluster delle nanotecnologie in Piemonte 4
Il sistema piemontese delle nanotecnologie 4
Emerging nanotechnological research for future pathways of biomedicine 4
Il riequilibrio di genere nel Parlamento Europeo 4
The funding-productivity-gender nexus in science, a multistage analysis 4
Una nota sulla produzione scientifica del CNR 4
On the time evolution of received citations, in different scientific fields: An empirical study 4
Nanotechnology patenting in Piedmont: analysis and links with research and industrial environment in the Region 4
Totale 719
Categoria #
all - tutte 3.323
article - articoli 974
book - libri 422
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 434
Totale 5.153

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2023/202417 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 6 9
2024/2025708 5 5 109 76 384 49 25 55 0 0 0 0
Totale 725