Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 488
AS - Asia 243
EU - Europa 155
SA - Sud America 6
AF - Africa 4
OC - Oceania 1
Totale 897
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 485
SG - Singapore 217
IT - Italia 106
FI - Finlandia 22
CN - Cina 14
NL - Olanda 7
DE - Germania 4
HK - Hong Kong 4
EC - Ecuador 3
IE - Irlanda 3
KR - Corea 3
MA - Marocco 3
MX - Messico 2
PE - Perù 2
PT - Portogallo 2
SE - Svezia 2
BE - Belgio 1
BR - Brasile 1
CH - Svizzera 1
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 1
DK - Danimarca 1
GB - Regno Unito 1
GR - Grecia 1
HR - Croazia 1
IL - Israele 1
KG - Kirghizistan 1
LK - Sri Lanka 1
MD - Moldavia 1
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 1
PA - Panama 1
PH - Filippine 1
PL - Polonia 1
UZ - Uzbekistan 1
ZA - Sudafrica 1
Totale 897
Città #
Santa Clara 400
Singapore 112
Naples 40
Helsinki 22
Casandrino 20
Brescia 8
Guangzhou 7
Amsterdam 5
Phoenix 5
Cavallino 4
Marigliano 4
Milan 4
San Giovanni Teatino 4
Dublin 3
Forest City 3
Hong Kong 3
Los Angeles 3
Rome 3
Seoul 3
Ambato 2
Bolzano 2
Falkenstein 2
Fort Worth 2
Lima 2
Lisbon 2
Mexico City 2
Newark 2
Stockholm 2
Athens 1
Atlanta 1
Auckland 1
Aversa 1
Bishkek 1
Brussels 1
Caserta 1
Centurion 1
Chisinau 1
Colombo 1
Crispano 1
Florence 1
Haifa 1
Manila 1
Melito di Napoli 1
New York 1
Panama City 1
Prague 1
Quito 1
Rabat 1
Seattle 1
Tashkent 1
Torre Boldone 1
Torun 1
Zagreb 1
Zurich 1
Totale 697
Nome #
Methacrylated chitosan/jellyfish collagen membranes as cell instructive platforms for liver tissue engineering 29
Mathematical Tools for Simulation of 3D Bioprinting Processes on High-Performance Computing Resources: The State of the Art 28
The role of ion channels in the relationship between the immune system and cancer. 24
Advanced application of collagen-based biomaterials in tissue repair and restoration 20
3D printed dental implants with a porous structure: the in vitro response of osteoblasts, fibroblasts, mesenchymal stem cells, and monocytes 19
Eumelanin from the Black Soldier Fly as Sustainable Biomaterial: Characterisation and Functional Benefits in Tissue-Engineered Composite Scaffolds 18
Bioactive Composite Methacrylated Gellan Gum for 3D-Printed Bone Tissue-Engineered Scaffolds 18
Polysaccharide-Based Composite Hydrogel with Hierarchical Microstructure for Enhanced Vascularization and Skull Regeneration 18
Advances in the Physico-Chemical, Antimicrobial and Angiogenic Properties of Graphene-Oxide/Cellulose Nanocomposites for Wound Healing 18
Apple vescicles: Revolutionary gut microbiota treatment for Inflammatory Bowel Disease 18
Nanofibrous polypeptide hydrogels with collagen-like structure as biomimetic extracellular matrix 18
Stem cell-derived small extracellular vesicles embedded into methacrylated hyaluronic acid wound dressings accelerate wound repair in a pressure model of diabetic ulcer 17
Development of a highly concentrated collagen ink for the creation of a 3D printed meniscus 16
Customised multiphasic nucleus/annulus scaffold for intervertebral disc repair/regeneration 16
Injectable Functional Biomaterials for Minimally Invasive Surgery 15
Design of silver containing mesoporous bioactive glass-embedded polycaprolactone substrates with antimicrobial and bone regenerative properties 15
Bioactivation of Konjac Glucomannan Films by Tannic Acid and Gluconolactone Addition 15
Chemical modification of PLA for the realization of 3D printed nanocomposite scaffolds with enhanced degradation rate for bone regeneration 14
RELAZIONE TECNICA PROGETTO ARS01_00906 TITAN DAL 01.01.2021 al 31.12.2021 13
PEEK and Hyaluronan-Based 3D Printed Structures: Promising Combination to Improve Bone Regeneration 13
Bioactive chitosan-based scaffolds with improved properties induced by dextran-grafted nano-maghemite and l-arginine amino acid 13
Chitosan/cellulose nanocrystals/graphene oxide scaffolds as a potential pH-responsive wound dressing: Tuning physico-chemical, pro-regenerative and antimicrobial properties 13
18th- 24th Month Report - "MAGISTER - Magnetic Scaffolds for in Vivo Tissue engineering" 12
Marine and Agro-Industrial By-Products Valorization Intended for Topical Formulations in Wound Healing Applications 12
Bone Regeneration Revolution: Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Modulates Macrophage-Derived Exosomes to Attenuate Osteoclastogenesis 12
4rd Year Report - "MAGISTER - Magnetic Scaffolds for in Vivo Tissue engineering" 12
Deliverable 2.2. - Fabrication and characterisation of 3D second generation scaffold. 11
Deliverable 2.1 - Synthesis and Characterization of hydrogel based bi-ink - Mefisto Project 11
Musculoskeletal tissues-on-a-chip: role of natural polymers in reproducing tissue-specific microenvironments 10
Multipotential Role of Growth Factor Mimetic Peptides for Osteochondral Tissue Engineering 10
3D morphologically controlled magnetic scaffolds for advanced bone tissue engineering 10
Micro- and Nanostructured Fibrous Composites via Electro-Fluid Dynamics: Design and Applications for Brain 10
Hyaluronic Acid in Biomedical Fields: New Trends from Chemistry to Biomaterial Applications 10
Overview of scaffolds processing technologies 10
null 10
report tecnico scientifico professionale valorizzazione della ricerca "L'IPCB si presenta a Procida 2022 10
A basic approach toward the development of nanocomposite magnetic scaffolds for advanced bone tissue engineering 10
Three-Dimensional Bioprinting for Cartilage Tissue Engineering: Insights into Naturally-Derived Bioinks from Land and Marine Sources 10
Hybrid nanocomposites with magnetic activation for advanced bone tissue engineering 9
An approach towards the design of nucleus/annulus tissue-engineered scaffolds for intervertebral disc regeneration 9
"FIRB - Materiali Innovativi per lo sviluppo di Bioprotesi Articolari" - Relazione Scientifica Finale Progetto. 9
Magnetic poly(?-caprolactone)/iron-doped hydroxyapatite nanocomposite substrates for advanced bone tissue engineering 9
Report tecnico professionale valorizzazione della ricerca "Festa della Scienza di Genova 2021" 9
Exosomes of mesenchymal stem cells delivered from methacrylated hyaluronic acid patch improve the regenerative properties of endothelial and dermal cells 9
Nanocomposite magnetic scaffolds for bone tissue engineering 9
Towards the Design of 3D Fiber-Deposited Poly(epsilon-caprolactone)/Iron-Doped Hydroxyapatite Nanocomposite Magnetic Scaffolds for Bone Regeneration 9
3rd Year Report - "MAGISTER - Magnetic Scaffolds for in Vivo Tissue engineering" 9
An approach in developing 3D fiber-deposited magnetic scaffolds for tissue engineering . 9
Biofunctionalization of 3D printed collagen with bevacizumab-loaded microparticles targeting pathological angiogenesis 9
Injectable therapeutic biomaterials for bone repair and regeneration 8
Towards the Design of 3D Fiber-Deposited Poly (?-caprolactone)/Iron-Doped Hydroxyapatite Nanocomposite Magnetic Scaffolds for Bone Regeneration 8
null 8
Towards the Design of 3D Fiber-Deposited Poly (?-caprolactone)/Iron-Doped Hydroxyapatite Nanocomposite Magnetic Scaffolds for Bone Regeneration 8
A Combined Approach of Double Network Hydrogel and Nanocomposites Based on Hyaluronic Acid and Poly (ethylene glycol) Diacrylate Blend 8
3D Advanced Rapid-Prototyped PCL Scaffolds: effect of surface modification and peptide conjugation on mechanical and biological performances 8
Critical analysis on dynamic-mechanical performance of spongy bone: the effect of an acrylic cement 8
An approach in developing 3D fiber-deposited magnetic scaffolds for tissue engineering 7
Advanced composite PCL/organic-inorganic hybrid fillers: from 2D innovative substrates to 3D rapid-prototyped scaffolds for tissue engineering 7
An approach to design 3D rapid prototyped poly(µ-caprolactone)/iron oxide nanocomposite scaffolds for tissue engineering 7
Effect of iron oxide nanoparticles on the performances of 3D fiber-deposited poly(µ-caprolactone)-based scaffolds 7
Magnetic poly(e-caprolactone)-based composites: an approach to the design of innovative 2D and 3D substrates for bone tissue engineering 7
Mesenchymal stem cell-based cartilage regeneration approach and cell senescence: can we manipulate cell aging and function? 7
null 7
Reverse engineering of mandible and prosthetic framework: Effect of titanium implants in conjunction with titanium milled full arch bridge prostheses on the biomechanics of the mandible 6
Natural, synthetic and semi-synthetic gels as innovative strategies for central nervous system application: flow behaviour and viscoelastic properties 6
Natural, synthetic, semi-synthetic gels and semi-IPNs for central nervous system applications: functional injectability and rheological behaviour 6
From 2D advanced substrates to 3D rapid prototyped multifunctional scaffolds for tissue engineering: Effect of organic-inorganic hybrid fillers on the mechanical and biological performances 6
An approach in developing 3D fiber-deposited magnetic scaffolds for tissue engineering 6
Hyaluronic acid as a (bio)ink for extrusion-based 3D printing 6
The effect of iron-doped hydroxyaptite nanoparticle inclusion on mechanical, magnetic andbiological performances of innovative PCL-based substrates for hard tissue engineering 6
Mesenchymal stem cell-based cartilage regeneration approach and chondrosenescence: can we manipulate cell aging and function? 6
In vitro and in vivo biocompatibility and inflammation response of methacrylated and maleated hyaluronic acid for wound healing 6
Effect of biomimetic micro/nano-particles on the mechanical and biological performances of 3D rapid prototyped PCL-based scaffolds 6
A route toward the development of 3D magnetic scaffolds with tailored mechanical and morphological properties for hard tissue regeneration: Preliminary study: A basic approach toward the design of 3D rapid prototyped magnetic scaffolds for hard-tissue regeneration is presented and validated in this paper 6
Multifunctional PCL/biomimetic hydroxyapatite nanocomposite scaffolds to guide hard tissue engineering 6
A Basic Approach Toward the Development of Nanocomposite Magnetic Scaffolds for Advanced Bone Tissue Engineering 6
3D fiber deposited nanocomposite magnetic scaffolds: effect of a time-dependent magnetic field on cell proliferation 6
Collagen Density Gradient on 3D Printed Poly(?-Caprolactone) Scaffolds for Interface Tissue Engineering 6
Prototipazione rapida per la realizzazione di scaffold 3D nanocompositi multifunzionali a base di policaprolattone e idrossiapatite biomimetica per l'ingegneria dei tessuti 6
Tissue engineering approach to the design of a complex gel-based nucleus/annulus scaffold for IVD regeneration 6
null 6
A route toward the development of 3D magnetic scaffolds with tailored mechanical and morphological properties for hard tissue regeneration: preliminary study 6
PCL/iron-doped hydroxyapatite nanocomposite substrates to guide hard tissue regeneration 6
From 3D Hierarchical Scaffolds for Tissue Engineering to Advanced Hydrogel-Based and Complex Devices for in situ Cell or Drug Release 6
Functional injectability and rheological behaviour of natural, synthetic and semi-synthetic gels and semi-IPNs for central nervous system applications 6
Systematic analysis of injectable materials and 3D rapid prototypedmagnetic scaffolds: from CNS applications to soft and hard tissue repair/regeneration 6
Advanced composites for hard-tissue engineering based on PCL/organic-inorganic hybrid fillers: From the design of 2D substrates to 3D rapid prototyped scaffolds 6
Deliverable 1.2. "Cytotoxicity and anti-inflammatory investigations performed on composite biomaterials" 5
A Multi-Physic Approach to the Design of 3D Rapid Prototyped Scaffolds for Tissue Repair and Regeneration in Orthopaedic Trauma 5
Critical analysis on dynamic-mechanical performance of spongy bone: the effect of acrylic cement 5
null 5
Magnetic PCL - based nanocomposites for soft/hard tissue regeneration 5
Electrospun scaffolds for osteoblast cells: Peptide-induced concentration-dependent improvements of polycaprolactone 5
3D PCL/biomimetic hydroxyapatite nanocomposite scaffolds with improved biological and mechanical performances 5
Galactose grafting on poly(?-caprolactone) substrate for tissue engineering: a preliminary study 5
Magnetic poly(?-caprolactone)-based nanocomposites: a multi-physic strategy for the repair/regeneration in orthopaedic trauma 5
A route toward the development of 3D magnetic scaffolds with tailored mechanical and morphological properties for hard tissue regeneration: preliminary study 5
PLDLA/PCL-T Scaffold for Meniscus Tissue Engineering. 5
Advanced substrates based on glucosamine-bound poly(?-caprolactone) for tissue engineering applications. 5
Totale 979
Categoria #
all - tutte 4.451
article - articoli 2.539
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 160
Totale 7.150

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2023/202428 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 18 8
2024/20251.073 8 11 128 68 433 121 120 116 68 0 0 0
Totale 1.101