Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 368
AS - Asia 109
EU - Europa 14
Totale 491
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 368
SG - Singapore 107
IT - Italia 5
FI - Finlandia 3
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 1
ES - Italia 1
IE - Irlanda 1
KH - Cambogia 1
LA - Repubblica Popolare Democratica del Laos 1
LT - Lituania 1
NL - Olanda 1
RO - Romania 1
Totale 491
Città #
Santa Clara 333
Singapore 59
Helsinki 3
Los Angeles 2
Ashburn 1
Dublin 1
Livorno 1
Madrid 1
Phnom Penh 1
Pisa 1
Prague 1
Venice 1
Vientiane 1
Totale 406
Nome #
Simulation of Vibronic Spectra of Flexible Systems: Hybrid DVR-Harmonic Approaches 14
Integrated computational approaches for spectroscopic studies of molecular systems in the gas phase and in solution: pyrimidine as a test case 13
CC/DFT Route toward Accurate Structures and Spectroscopic Features for Observed and Elusive Conformers of Flexible Molecules: Pyruvic Acid as a Case Study 13
Generalized vibrational perturbation theory for rotovibrational energies of linear, symmetric and asymmetric tops: Theory, approximations, and automated approaches to deal with medium-to-large molecular systems 12
Toward the design of alkynylimidazole fluorophores: computational and experimental characterization of spectroscopic features in solution and in poly(methyl methacrylate) 12
Vibronic coupling investigation to compute phosphorescence spectra of Pt(II) complexes 12
Temperature Dependence of Radiative and Nonradiative Rates from Time-Dependent Correlation Function Methods 11
Accurate Vibrational-Rotational Parameters and Infrared Intensities of 1-Bromo-1-fluoroethene: A Joint Experimental Analysis and Ab Initio Study. 11
A VPT2 route to near-infrared spectroscopy: The role of mechanical and electrical anharmonicity 11
On the simulation of vibrationally resolved electronic spectra of medium-size molecules: The case of styryl substituted BODIPYs 11
Accurate rest frequencies for propargylamine in the ground and low-lying vibrational states 11
General formulation of vibronic spectroscopy in internal coordinates 11
Accurate molecular structures and infrared spectra of trans-2,3-dideuterooxirane, methyloxirane, and trans-2,3-dimethyloxirane 11
Computational challenges in Astrochemistry 10
Effective Inclusion of Mechanical and Electrical Anharmonicity in Excited Electronic States: VPT2-TDDFT Route 10
Computational simulation of vibrationally resolved spectra for spin-forbidden transitions 10
Aiming at an accurate prediction of vibrational and electronic spectra for medium-to-large molecules: An overview 10
Rotational and Infrared Spectroscopy of Ethanimine: A Route toward Its Astrophysical and Planetary Detection 10
Reliable vibrational wavenumbers for CO and N-H stretchings of isolated and hydrogen-bonded nucleic acid bases 10
A Multifrequency Virtual Spectrometer for Complex Bio-Organic Systems: Vibronic and Environmental Effects on the UV/Vis Spectrum of Chlorophyll a 10
Spectroscopic Characterization of Key Aromatic and Heterocyclic Molecules: A Route toward the Origin of Life 10
Vibronic Effects on Rates of Excitation Energy Transfer and Their Temperature Dependence 10
Accurate yet feasible computations of resonance Raman spectra for metal complexes in solution: [Ru(bpy)3]2+ as a case study 9
Benchmarking TD-DFT against vibrationally resolved absorption spectra at room temperature: 7-aminocoumarins as test cases 9
Accurate structure, thermodynamic and spectroscopic parameters from CC and CC/DFT schemes: the challenge of the conformational equilibrium in glycine 9
Fully ab initio IR spectra for complex molecular systems from perturbative vibrational approaches: Glycine as a test case 9
Towards an accurate description of anharmonic infrared spectra in solution within the polarizable continuum model: Reaction field, cavity field and nonequilibrium effects 8
Environmental and complexation effects on the structures and spectroscopic signatures of organic pigments relevant to cultural heritage: the case of alizarin and alizarin-Mg(II)/Al(III) complexes 8
New Developments of a Multifrequency Virtual Spectrometer: Stereo-Electronic, Dynamical, and Environmental Effects on Chiroptical Spectra 8
A general time-dependent route to resonance-Raman spectroscopy including Franck-Condon, Herzberg-Teller, and Duschinsky effects (vol 141, 114108, 2014) 8
A second-order perturbation theory route to vibrational averages and transition properties of molecules: General formulation and application to infrared and vibrational circular dichroism spectroscopies 8
General Time Dependent Approach to Vibronic Spectroscopy Including Franck-Condon, Herzberg-Teller, and Duschinsky Effects 8
Development of a Virtual Spectrometer for Chiroptical Spectroscopies: The Case of Nicotine 8
A general time-dependent route to Resonance-Raman spectroscopy including Franck-Condon, Herzberg-Teller and Duschinsky effects 8
Glycine conformers: a never-ending story? 8
Circular Dichroism and Optical Rotation of Lactamide and 2-Aminopropanol in Aqueous Solution 8
An integrated experimental and quantum-chemical investigation on the vibrational spectra of chlorofluoromethane 8
Fully anharmonic IR and Raman spectra of medium-size molecular systems: accuracy and interpretation 8
Toward Ab Initio Anharmonic Vibrational Circular Dichroism Spectra in the Condensed Phase 8
Stereoelectronic, Vibrational, and Environmental Contributions to Polarizabilities of Large Molecular Systems: A Feasible Anharmonic Protocol 7
Environmental and dynamical effects on the optical properties of molecular systems by time-independent and time-dependent approaches: Coumarin derivatives as test cases 7
Characterization of the Elusive Conformers of Glycine from State-of-the-Art Structural, Thermodynamic, and Spectroscopic Computations: Theory Complements Experiment 7
Role of Host-Guest Interactions in Tuning the Optical Properties of Coumarin Derivatives Incorporated in MCM-41: A TD-DFT Investigation 7
Implementation and validation of a multi-purpose virtual spectrometer for large systems in complex environments 7
Robust and user-friendly models beyond the harmonic level of theory for vibrational spectroscopy 7
A robust and effective time-independent route to the calculation of resonance Raman spectra of large molecules in condensed phases with the inclusion of Duschinsky, Herzberg-Teller, anharmonic, and environmental effects 7
Toward an Accurate Modeling of Optical Rotation for Solvated Systems: Anharmonic Vibrational Contributions Coupled to the Polarizable Continuum Model 7
Synthesis and Optical Properties of Imidazole-Based Fluorophores having High Quantum Yields 7
Tuning of NMR and EPR parameters by vibrational averaging and environmental effects: an integrated computational approach 7
Toward anharmonic computations of vibrational spectra for large molecular systems 7
General Perturbative Approach for Spectroscopy, Thermodynamics, and Kinetics: Methodological Background and Benchmark Studies 7
Accurate structure, thermodynamics, and spectroscopy of medium-sized radicals by hybrid coupled cluster/density functional theory approaches: The case of phenyl radical 7
Anharmonicity effects in the vibrational CD spectra of propylene oxide 7
Totale 491
Categoria #
all - tutte 1.954
article - articoli 1.923
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 3.877

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2024/2025491 2 2 58 45 274 54 24 32 0 0 0 0
Totale 491