Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 321
AS - Asia 126
EU - Europa 25
Totale 472
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 321
SG - Singapore 115
IT - Italia 16
CN - Cina 7
FI - Finlandia 7
KR - Corea 4
NL - Olanda 2
Totale 472
Città #
Santa Clara 302
Singapore 84
Helsinki 7
Seoul 4
Bitonto 3
Amsterdam 2
Guangzhou 2
Parma 2
Phoenix 2
Zola Predosa 2
Cascina 1
Forest City 1
Messina 1
Pachino 1
Pisa 1
Totale 415
Nome #
X-Band Radar System to Detect Bathymetric Changes at River Mouths during Storm Surges: A Case Study of the Arno River 11
A comparison between drifter and X-band wave radar for sea surface current estimation 10
Microbial indicators of environmental changes in a coastal lagoon. 9
Detection of wind-induced coastal upwelling of deeper Marine waters from A X-band wave radar 9
Zonation of wave-induced erosion threat of a sandy shoreline in central Tuscany (Italy) 9
Relazione Scientifica finale progetto ANT-Biofilm (PNRA16_00105) 9
Caratteristiche idrobiologiche del Golfo di S. Eufemia (Tirreno sud occidentale): estate 2006. 8
Relationship between microbial parameters and environmental changes in coastal aquatic ecosystems. 8
X-band wave radar for coastal upwelling detection off the southern coast of Sicily 8
Indagine esplorativa dei fondali della costa Tirrenica Calabrese per l'identificazione di areali di pesca batiali per un possibile sfruttamento sostenibile di specie ittiche commerciali. 8
Modello per un piano di gestione integrata delle zone costiere finalizzato all uso sostenibile delle risorse da pesca-MARE 8
A multidisciplinary study of the Cape Peloro brackish area (Messina, Italy): Characterisation of trophic conditions, microbial abundances and activities 8
The RITMARE coastal radar network and applications to monitor marine transport infrastructures 8
Attuali conoscenze sulla componente microbica di aree costiere e pelagiche del Mar Ionio 7
Environmental issues and integrated monitoring systems in coastal areas at risk (Gulf of Milazzo, Sicily): perspectives of management. 7
Spring evolution of water column features and planktonic communities in the Gulf of Milazzo (Sicily) 7
Proof of Feasibility of the Sea State Monitoring from Data Collected in Medium Pulse Mode by a X-Band Wave Radar System 7
Progetto POR Calabria - Distribuzione di larve e forme giovanili e caratterizzazione del ciclo riproduttivo e trofico delle principali specie demersali nella fascia costiera compresa fra C.po Suvero e P.ta Pezzo 7
Caratteristiche idrobiologiche del Golfo di S. Eufemia (Tirreno Sud Orientale): estate 2005 7
Real-time tracking and monitoring of sea-surface water quality: an experimental approach in a gulf of Tyrrhenian Sicily. 7
Caratteristiche idrobiologiche del Golfo di Gioia (Tirreno Sud Orientale): estate 2005 7
Microbial biofilms colonizing plastic substrates in the Ross Sea (Antarctica) 7
The RITMARE coastal radar network and applications to monitor marine transport infrastructures 7
Coupling of wave data and underwater acoustic measurements in a maritime high traffic coastal area: a case study in the Strait of Sicily. 7
Understanding expression and regulation of microbial enzymes involved in organic matter decomposition (Carbon and Phosphorus cycles) and the interrelationship between alkaline phosphatase and eutrophication in Italian and Chinese water bodies -July 2009 6
Le aree di transizione, sensori di criticità, trends e cambiamenti globali 6
Microbial contribution to biogeochemical Carbon processes 6
Inversion of X-band nautical radar data for sea-state monitoring: a new technique to estimate the surface currents 6
Hydrobiologic observations in syzygy in a latitudinal section in the Messina Straits 6
A multidisciplinary study of the Cape Peloro brackish area (Messina, Italy): characterisation of trophic conditions, microbial abundances and activities 6
Integration between X-Band Radar and Buoy Sea State Monitoring 6
Microbial enzymatic activities and prokaryotic abundance in the upwelling system of the Straits of Messina (Sicily): distribution, dynamics and biogeochemical considerations 6
Comparison of measured surface currents from high frequency (HF) and X-band radar in a marine protected coastal area of the Ligurian sea: Toward an integrated monitoring system. Letter 6
Bacterial extracellular enzymatic activities in a Tyrrhenian ecosystem (Gulf of Milazzo). 6
Microbial processes contribution to carbon biogeochemistry in the Mediterranean Sea: spatial and temporal scale variability of activities and biomass. 6
Patterns of Prokaryotic Activities and Abundance among the Epi-Meso and Bathypelagic Zones of the Southern-Central Tyrrhenian Sea 6
Understanding expression and regulation of microbial enzymes involved in organic matter decomposition (Carbon and Phosphorus cycles) and the interrelationship between alkaline phosphatase and eutrophication in Italian and Chinese water bodies 6
Microbial contribution to biogeochemistry variabilità in the Mediterranean Sea. 6
Microbial contribution to carbon biogeochemistry in the Mediterranean Sea: variability of activities and biomass 6
Caratteristiche idrobiologiche dello strato eufotico nel Tirreno Sud Orientale: primavera 2001 6
Seasonal variability of phytoplankton fluorescence in relation to the Straits of Messina (Sicily) tidal upwelling 6
Recenti indagini sulla biomassa e l attività microbica in aree costiere e pelagiche del Mar Tirreno centro-meridionale: rilevanza ecologica e implicazioni biogeochimiche. 5
Caratteristiche fisico-chimiche, chimiche e biologiche delle acque nel golfo di Manfredonia (Adriatico Meridionale 5
Indagine idrobilogica costiera lungo la Penisola della Maddalena (Sr) 5
Comunità microbica nello Stretto di Messina: distribuzione e diversità funzionale. 5
Seawater dynamics and environmental settings after November 2002 gas eruption off Bottaro (Panarea, Aeolian Islands, Mediterranean Sea) 5
Seasonal variability of phytoplankton fluorescence in relation to the Straits of Messina (Sicily) tidal upwelling 5
Effetto della temperatura sulle popolazioni microbiche dell area lagunare di Capo Peloro (Messina-Italy) 5
Findings of phototrophic picoplankton in the aphotic zone of the Ionian Sea 5
Towards a better understanding of microbial processes within Carbon and Phosphorus cycles: a comparison between Italian and Chinese lakes under different trophic state (Autumn 2008). 5
Prokaryotic activities and abundance in pelagic areas of the Ionian Sea 5
Circulation and water mass structure over a narrow shelf, Augusta Gulf (Sicily) 5
Exploring interactions between biochemical parameters and mete oceanographic variability in a Mediterranean coastal area (Gulf of Milazzo, Sicily) 5
Seasonal variability of phytoplankton fluorescence in relation to the Straits of Messina (Sicily) tidal upwelling 5
Osservazioni idrobiologiche nella colonna d'acqua dalla quadratura alla sizigia nello Stretto di Messina 5
Assessment of the abundance of actively respiring cells and dead cells within the total bacterioplankton of the Strait of Messina waters 5
Fioritura di una specie fitoplanctonica HAB e caratteristiche ambientali in un'area della Sicilia ionica 5
Findings of phototrophic picoplankton in the aphotic zone of the Ionian Sea (Mediterranean). 4
Prokaryote Diversity and Virus Abundance in Shallow Hydrothermal Vents of the Mediterranean Sea (Panarea Island) and the Pacific Ocean (North Sulawesi-Indonesia) 4
Microbial contribution to biogeochemical Carbon processes. 4
Osservazioni idrobiologiche nella colonna d?acqua dalla quadratura alla sizigia nello stretto di Messina 4
Hydrophysical mesoscale factors affecting phytoplankton distribution in a southern Adriatic Sea coastal area (Gulf of Manfredonia) 4
Findings of phototrophic picoplankton in the meso- and bathy-pelagic zone of the Ionian sea (Mediterranean). 4
Microbial enzyme activities in the upwelling system of Messina Straits: dynamics and biogeochemical considerations. 4
Caratteristiche idrobiologiche del Golfo di Gioia (Tirreno Sud Orientale): estate 2005 4
Swordfish (Xiphias gladius Linnaeus 1758) harpoon fishery: A method of evaluation of swordfish presence in the Strait of Messina (Central Mediterranean Sea) 4
Short-term changes of hydrobiological features in the Gulf of Milazzo (Tyrrhenian Sicily) 4
Caratteristiche idrobiologiche del Golfo di S. Eufemia (Tirreno sud-occidentale): estate 2006 4
Shapes and colours in the Tindari coastal ecosystem: New prospects for preservation and management 4
Prokaryote diversity and virus abundance in shallow hydrothermal vents of the Mediterranean Sea (Panarea Island) and the Pacific Ocean (North Sulawesi-Indonesia). 4
Automatic monitoring of coastal surface waters quality in the southern Tyrrhenian Sea: Gulf of Milazzo (Sicily) 4
Monitoraggio idrobiologico in un'area marina protetta: "Isole Ciclopi" (Sicilia orientale). 4
Marinello ecosystem: Climatic changes and geo-morphological, sedimentological and bionomic evolution in the last decades 4
Physico-chemical characteristics of the waters in the Gulf of Manfredonia (Southern Adriatic Sea) 4
Bloom tossico del dinoflagellato Alexandrium minutum in un?area costiera del Mar Ionio 3
Osservazioni idrobiologiche del Canale di Sicilia 2
Prokaryote diversità and virus abundance in Shallow Hydrotermal Vents of the Mediterranean Sea (Panarea Island) and the Pacific Ocean (North Sulawesi-Indonesia). 2
Rapporto conclusivo Progetto TALASTRO 1999-2002. Studio idrobiologico dell'area marina profonda prospiciente Capo Passero (Sicilia sud-orientale) nell'ambito del Progetto NEMO 1
Bloom tossico del dinoflagellato Alexandrium minutum in un'area costiera del Mar Ionio 1
Variazione temporale delle comunità microbiche in un sito pelagico al largo di Capo Passero (Mare Ionio meridionale) 1
Studio idrobiologico dell'area marina profonda prospiciente Capo Passero (Sicilia sud-orientale) nell'ambito del Progetto NEMO: Rapporto conclusivo del 1° anno di indagine (1999) 1
Multidisciplinary study of Cape Peloro brackish area (Messina, Italy) 1
Fioritura di una specie fitoplanctonica HAB e caratteristiche ambientali in un?area della Sicilia ionica 1
Totale 475
Categoria #
all - tutte 2.357
article - articoli 1.114
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 3.471

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2023/202419 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 2 11 1
2024/2025456 7 5 83 49 291 21 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 475