Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 676
AS - Asia 231
EU - Europa 84
OC - Oceania 1
SA - Sud America 1
Totale 993
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 669
SG - Singapore 225
IT - Italia 47
FI - Finlandia 8
CA - Canada 7
LT - Lituania 7
BE - Belgio 6
DE - Germania 6
GB - Regno Unito 5
NL - Olanda 4
CN - Cina 3
BR - Brasile 1
HK - Hong Kong 1
JP - Giappone 1
KR - Corea 1
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 1
PL - Polonia 1
Totale 993
Città #
Santa Clara 632
Singapore 170
Naples 25
Helsinki 8
Brussels 6
Imperia 5
Toronto 5
Frankfurt am Main 4
Turin 4
London 3
Phoenix 3
Falkenstein 2
Milan 2
Ottawa 2
Rome 2
Ashburn 1
Florence 1
Forest City 1
Hong Kong 1
Seoul 1
Springfield 1
São Paulo 1
Tokyo 1
Vicenza 1
Wellington 1
Totale 883
Nome #
Natural Gas/Hydrogen blends for heavy-duty spark ignition engines: Performance and emissions analysis 18
Experimental Optimization of Natural Gas Injection Timing in a Dual-Fuel Marine Engine to Minimize GHG Emissions 16
Retrofit of a Marine Engine to Dual-Fuel Methane–Diesel: Experimental Analysis of Performance and Exhaust Emission with Continuous and Phased Methane Injection Systems 15
Influenza dello Swirl su Prestazioni ed Emissioni di Motori Heavy Duty a Gas Naturale 15
Motori alimentati a GNL per veicoli da trasporto 14
Two stroke direct injection spark ignition engine for two wheelers 13
Progetto TRIM, Tecnologia e Ricerca Industriale per la Mobilità Marina - Relazione circa il rapporto di prestazioni ed emissioni di motori con EGR e la realizzazione di un prototipo di impianto sperimentale dual fuel 13
Artificial neural networks for speeding-up the experimental calibration of propulsion systems 12
A Power Split Hybrid Propulsion System for Vehicles with Gearbox 12
A method for determining hydrogen-methane-nitrogen mixtures for laboratory tests of syngas-fuelled internal combustion engines 12
Effects of Low Temperature Combustion on Particle and Gaseous Emission of a Dual Fuel Light Duty Engine 12
Feasibility of a Dual-Fuel Engine Fuelled with Waste Vegetable Oil and Municipal Organic Fraction for Power Generation in Urban Areas 11
Vehicle Propulsion System 11
Progetto PON03PE 00157 Smart Generation - Relazione sull'utilizzo del boil-off gas da un serbatoio GNL tramite la realizzazione di un motore prototipo 2T 11
Low-Polluting, High-Efficiency, Mixed Fuel/ Natural Gas Engine for Transport Application 11
Gaseous biofuels from waste: low environmental and toxicological impact with maximum benefit on the greenhouse effect 11
Environmental advantages from biofuels employment 11
Combined numerical-experimental study of dual fuel diesel engine 11
Relationship between natural gas characteristics and performance of heavy duty engines 10
Caratterizzazione chimica e tossicologica delle emissioni da carburanti alternativi per il trasporto pubblico nelle aree urbane 10
Carburanti alternativi per il trasporto pubblico urbano 10
Effects of oxygenated additives on emissions of a spark ignition engine with three-way catalyst 10
Numerical and experimental analysis of combustion and exhaust emissions in a dual-fuel Diesel/natural gas engine 10
Libro Bianco sull autotrazione: Il gas naturale carburante ecologico per motorizzazioni di veicoli leggeri e pesanti 10
Progetto PON03PE 00159 GREEN POWERTRAIN - Relazione circa i motori ad accensione comandata nell'ambito delle metodologie per l'impiego del metano nei mezzi di trasporto 10
Lean burn natural gas engines as a possible power unit in urban fleets of heavy duty vehicles with low environmental impact 10
Carbonyl compounds and PAH emissions from CNG heavy-duty engine 10
Poligenerazione alimentata con biomasse da rifiuti negli impianti di depurazione delle acque reflue urbane 10
Low emission stoichiometric CNG engine with EGR 10
CFD study of a CI engine powered in the dual-fuel mode with syngas and waste vegetable oil 10
High turbulence combustion chamber for lean-burn heavy-duty CNG engines 10
The Istituto Motori research activities concerning natural gas heavy duty engines 10
Dataset for comparison between single and double pilot injection in diesel-natural gas dual fuel engine 10
Modeling of a Spark Ignition Engine with Turbo-Generator for Energy Recovery 10
Effect of natural gas/hydrogen blends on spark ignition stoichiometric engine efficiency 10
The natural gas ecological fuel for transportation 9
Stato di avanzamento della ricerca nel campo del trasporto collettivo con motore a gas naturale 9
MEMS Application to Monitor the In-Cylinder Pressure of a Marine Engine 9
Effetto della composizione del combustibile su prestazioni ed emissioni di motori alimentati a gas naturale 9
Use of hydrogen-methane mixtures for heavy duty engines 9
Numerical and experimental analysis of the behaviour of a heavy-duty Diesel engine converted to dual-fuel operations 9
Comparison between lean-burn and stoichiometric technologies for CNG heavy-duty engines 9
De NOx catalysts at the exhaust of a spark ignition natural gas engine operating in lean conditions 9
Technologies for natural gas heavy-duty engine emission control 9
Experimental Analysis of a Single-Cylinder Large Bore Engine with External Supercharging in Diesel/ CNG Dual-Fuel Mode 9
L uso dei carburanti alternativi per la riduzione delle emissioni inquinanti dai motori a c.i. 9
Lean-burn technology for CNG heavy duty engines 9
Motori a metano a basse emissioni per autobus urbani 9
Prestazioni di motori ad accensione comandata alimentati a metano per autobus urbani 9
NOx catalytic removal at the exhaust of lean-burn natural gas heavy-duty engines 9
A study of different EGR routes on a heavy duty stoichiometric naturlal gas engine 9
An experimental-numerical approach to reduce emissions of a dual fuel Diesel-natural gas engine 9
Numerical simulation and experimental test of dual fuel operated diesel engines 9
Influenza del combustibile sull usura di motori ad accensione comandata 9
Gaseous and particle emissions in low-temperature combustion diesel-HCNG dual-fuel operation with double pilot injection 9
Effect of Ethanol Content on Thermal Efficiency of a Spark-Ignition Light-Duty Engine 9
Dual fuel engines for utilization of waste vegetable oil and mu-nicipal organic fraction as energy source in urban areas 9
Individuazione di una configurazione ottimale per la trasformazione di un motore da alimentazione a gasolio ad alimentazione Duel-Fuel (DF), gasolio + gas naturale, per cercare di contenere le immissioni nei limiti delle prescrizioni EURO 2 9
Emission comparison of urban bus engine fueled with Diesel oil and 'biodiesel' blend 9
Caratterizzazione chimica e tossicologica delle emissioni da carburanti alternativi per il trasporto pubblico nelle aree urbane 9
Approach for Smart Use of Wastes and Biofuels 9
Numerical and experimental analysis of combustion and exhaust emissions in a dual-fuel Diesel/NG engine 8
Heavy-duty spark ignition engines fueled with methane 8
Utilizzazione del gas naturale per la trazione ferroviaria 8
Frontiers of technologies: the dedicated engines 8
L impiego della marmitta catalitica su vetture alimentate a metano 8
Research into the use of a lean burn and a stoichiometric heavy duty engine fuelled with a blend of hydrogen and natural gas 8
Motori mixed fuel a gas naturale di nuova generazione per veicoli Diesel 8
Experimental Study and Optimisation of a Non-Conventional Ignition System for Reciprocating Engines Operation with Hydrogen-Methane Blends, Syngas, and Biogas 8
Experimental and numerical study of hydrogen addition in a natural gas heavy duty engine for a bus vehicle 8
Evaluation of emission toxicity of urban bus engines: compressed natural gas and comparison with liquid fuels 8
Prestazioni ed emissioni di un motore sovralimentato per au-tobus urbano trasformato a metano senza marmitta catalitica 8
Experiments and multi-dimensional simulation of dual-fuel Diesel/natural gas engines 8
Exhaust emission toxicity evaluation for heavy-duty diesel and natural gas engines. Part 1: Regulated and unregulated emissions with diesel fuel and a blend of diesel fuel and biodiesel 8
L impatto dell uso del metano sulla lubrificazione e sull usura di un motore per autotrazione alimentato a metano a confronto con il normale uso di benzina 8
Use of Small Internal Combustion Engines for LNG Boil-Off Gas Conversion: An Experimental and Numerical Analysis 8
Heavy-duty CNG fueled engines, their possibility to meet pre-sent european legislation limits 8
La direttiva comunitaria 98/70/CE ed il suo impatto sul parco circolante. Le possibili conseguenze ambientali 8
Cycle by cycle variation in HD natural gas fuelled engine 8
Light duty and heavy duty spark ignition engines fueled with methane 7
Analysis of combustion instability phenomena in a CNG fueled heavy-duty turbocharged engine 7
Regulated and unregulated exhaust emissions and toxicity evaluation of heavy duty engines fuelled with Diesel fuel and natural gas 7
Motori a gas naturale 7
Gas naturale e GPL carburanti ecologici per l autotrazione 7
I concetti della geometria frattale applicati alla modellistica di combustione: fondamenti teorici e sperimentazione numerica 7
Sulla possibilità di ulteriori sviluppi di motori heavy duty lean burn alimentati a gas naturale 7
Retrofit catalytic after-treatment on small two-stroke S.I. en-gines 7
Impiego del metano nel trasporto pubblico e privato: situa-zione attuale e prospettive di sviluppo 7
Influence of swirl on performance and emissions of natural gas heavy duty engines 7
Prestazioni ed emissioni di un motore per automezzi da trasporto alimentato con metano e gasolio 7
Natural gas engine and catalyst deactivation: accelerated ageing tests 7
Nuove tecniche e combustibili per il miglioramento delle prestazioni di un motore ad accensione comandata 7
Combustibili alternativi per il controllo delle emissioni 7
Ottimizzazione delle leggi di controllo di un motore heavy-duty alimentato a gas naturale 7
High efficiency natural gas engines 6
Methane fuelled urban bus italian experiences overview 6
Validation of a combustion model for spark ignition engines with oxygenated fuels 6
Totale 928
Categoria #
all - tutte 4.302
article - articoli 1.788
book - libri 51
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 196
Totale 6.337

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2023/202416 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 2 9
2024/2025986 8 8 153 88 560 154 15 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 1.002