Istituto di Scienze delle Produzioni Alimentari - ISPA - Sede Secondaria di Sassari
Assessing the impact of despination and wax application on long-term cold stored cactus pears
2024 D'Aquino, Salvatore; Continella, Alberto; Gentile, Alessandra; La Malfa, Stefano; Palma, Amedeo
2023 SPEZZIGA D'AQUINO, Salvatore; Palma, Amedeo
Influence of modified atmosphere packaging on post-harvest physiology, overall quality, and bioactive compounds during cold storage and shelf-life of 'Tondo Nero' figs (Ficus carica L.)
2023 Palma, A; Muntoni, M; D'Aquino, S
Organic versus conventional globe artichoke: Influence of cropping system and harvest date on physiological activity, physicochemical parameters, and bioactive compounds
2023 Palma, A.; Cossu, M.; Deligios, P. A.; Ledda, L.; Tiloca, M. T.; Sassu, M. M.; SPEZZIGA D'AQUINO, Salvatore
Decay Incidence and Quality Changes of Film Packaged 'Simeto' Mandarins Treated with Sodium Bicarbonate
2022 D'Aquino Maria Concetta Strano Alessandra Gentile, Salvatore; Palma, Amedeo
Effect of surround WP (a Kaolin-based particle film) on Ceratitis capitata infestation, quality and postharvest behavior of cactus pear fruit cv Gialla
2021 D'Aquino, S; Palma, A; Chessa, I; Satta, D; De Pau, L; Inglese, P; Ochoa, Jm; Glenn, Dm
Decay control and quality of individually film-wrapped lemons treated with sodium carbonate
2020 SPEZZIGA D'AQUINO, Salvatore; Continella, Alberto; Gentile, Alessandra; Dai, Suming; Deng, Ziniu; Palma, Amedeo
Effect of modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) and gaseous ozone pre-packaging treatment on the physico-chemical, microbiological and sensory quality of small berry fruit
2020 Pinto, Loris; Palma, Amedeo; Cefola, Maria; Pace, Bernardo; D'Aquino, Salvatore; Carboni, Cristian; Baruzzi, Federico
Effect of modified atmosphere packaging on overall appearance and nutraceutical quality of pot marigold held at 5 °C
2020 Fadda, Angela; Palma, Amedeo; Azara, EMANUELA GIGLIOLA; SPEZZIGA D'AQUINO, Salvatore
Effects of kaolinbased particle film on physiological, nutritional, nutraceuticals parameters and Ceratitis capitata infestations in peach fruit at harvest and after storage
2020 Palma, A; Cicilloni, Am; Satta, D; De Pau, L; D'Aquino, S
Gli Agrumi
2020 D'Aquino, S; Palma, A
I disordini fisiologici
2020 D'Aquino, S; Palma, A
Reducing or Replacing Conventional Postharvest Fungicides with Low Toxicity Acids and Salts
2020 Salvatore D'Aquino;Amedeo Palma
Effect of a cold quarantine treatment on physiological disorders and quality of cactus pear fruit
2019 SPEZZIGA D'AQUINO, Salvatore; Satta, Daniela; De Pau, Luciano; Palma, Amedeo
2019 SPEZZIGA D'AQUINO, Salvatore; Palma, Amedeo
Reducing postharvest decay in cactus pears by dip treatment with imazalil or azoxystrobin
2019 D'Aquino, S; Inglese, P; Liguori, G; Ochoa, M J; Palma, A
Changes in physical-chemical parameters in minimally processed faba bean (Vicia faba L.)
2018 Palma, A; D'Aquino, S
Effect of edible coating in physical-chemical parameters in minimally processed cactus pear (Opuntia ficus-indica)
2018 Palma, A; Mangia, Np; Mura, D; D'Aquino, S
Effects of postharvest storage conditions on 'Tarocco' orange fruit quality
2018 Pannitteri, C; Continella, A; Lo Cicero, L; Legua, P; D'Aquino, S; Palma, A; La Malfa, S
Kumquat -- Fortunella japonica
2018 Palma, Amedeo; D'Aquino, Salvatore