Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 833
AS - Asia 249
EU - Europa 85
AF - Africa 2
SA - Sud America 2
Totale 1.171
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 833
SG - Singapore 206
IT - Italia 39
CN - Cina 36
FI - Finlandia 19
DE - Germania 6
HR - Croazia 6
KR - Corea 6
NL - Olanda 4
AT - Austria 3
IE - Irlanda 2
NG - Nigeria 2
PL - Polonia 2
SI - Slovenia 2
BR - Brasile 1
CL - Cile 1
GB - Regno Unito 1
GR - Grecia 1
PH - Filippine 1
Totale 1.171
Città #
Santa Clara 788
Singapore 147
Guangzhou 33
Helsinki 19
Falkenstein 6
Rijeka 6
Seoul 6
Messina 5
Milan 4
Naples 4
Amsterdam 3
Vienna 3
Abakaliki 2
Boardman 2
Dublin 2
Rome 2
Treviso 2
Warsaw 2
Arezzo 1
Ashburn 1
Campinas 1
Cebu City 1
Collegno 1
Florence 1
Forest City 1
Ljubljana 1
Londonderry 1
Monteforte d'Alpone 1
Phoenix 1
Prineville 1
Ptuj 1
Washington 1
Totale 1.050
Nome #
European patterns of local adaptation planning—a regional analysis 25
Are we going towards an effective integration of air quality and climate planning? A comparative analysis for Italian regions 18
Guest post: How climate adaptation plans for European cities are gradually getting better 15
Plan quality characteristics of Local Climate Adaptation Plans in Europe 14
Implementation of Positive Energy Districts in European Cities: A Systematic Literature Review to Identify the Effective Integration of the Concept into the Existing Energy Systems 14
D.4.2: Step-by step methodology with initial criteria for assessment (WP4) 14
Contribution of the Basilicata region to decarbonisation of the energy system: results of a scenario analysis 13
A multi-region representation of an automotive manufacturing plant with the TIMES energy model 13
An educational awareness program to reduce energy consumption in schools. 13
European Local Climate Plans - EURO-LCPs Local Climate Mitigation and Local Climate Adaptation Plans of European Urban Audit Cities 13
Adaptation to climate change in cities of Mediterranean Europe 12
Implications of governance structures on urban climate action: evidence from Italy and Spain 12
A toolbox to support local action plans to improve energy efficiency and renewable energy use in municipal public buildings. 12
A representation of the Slovenian energy system using the needs times model 12
A comparative analysis of local sustainable energy strategies among European communities 11
Improving policy making and strategic planning competencies of public authorities in the energy management of municipal public buildings: The PrioritEE toolbox and its application in five mediterranean areas. 11
Strumenti di supporto decisionale per la pianificazione energetico-ambientale. 11
I modelli comprehensive per la valutazione degli impatti delle attività antropiche e la definizione di strategie sostenibili d uso delle risorse 11
Data for: Understanding the motivations and implications of Climate Emergency Declarations in cities: The case of Italy 11
Promoting smartness among local areas in a Southern Italian region: The Smart Basilicata Project 11
Understanding the motivations and implications of climate emergency declarations in cities: The case of Italy 11
Interregional Cooperation as a Key Tool for the Achievement of Strategic-Energy and Climate Targets: the Experience of the INTERREG IVC RENERGY and SEE RE-SEEties Projects 11
Microgrids and local power generation: a feasibility study for local authorities in Southern Italy 11
Climate change adaptation policies and plans: A survey in 11 South East European countries 11
Interregional Cooperation as a Key Tool for the Achievement of Strategic-Energy and Climate Targets: The Experience of the INTERREG IVC RENERGY and SEE RE-SEEties Projects 10
How are Italian and Spanish cities tackling climate change? A local comparative study 10
Schools4energy: a living laboratory for energy awareness in schools 10
Key dimensions of cities' engagement in the transition to climate neutrality 10
Internalising externalities of energy systems in a comprehensive modelling approach: a way to re-orientate the choices of energy-economics markets 10
How to prioritize energy efficiency intervention in municipal public buildings to decrease co2 emissions? A case study from Italy 10
The environmental balance: An application to an industrial district of southern Italy for supporting strategic sustainable planning 10
Urban responses to climate change in Italy 10
Identifying Good Practices in National Adaptation Plans: A Global Review. 10
Utilizzo di modelli comprehensive per l'individuazione di strategie di mitigazione dei cambiamenti climatici 10
A partial equilibrium model to support energy management of automotive manufacturing plants 10
INTERREG IVC "Regional Strategies for Energy Conscious Communities" RENERGY. Role: Leader of Component 3 "Exchange of experience dedicated to the identification and analysis of good practices" and coordination of the Thematic Group activities in the policy-making pillar. (2012-2014) 9
Green energy solutions and citizens' participation in energy planning and management: a case study for Basilicata region 9
Supporting Local Authorities in the Building Stock Management: Main Results of the Application of an Integrated Approach in five Mediterranean Pilots. 9
A G.I.S. application for regional planning 9
Local strategies and action plans towards resource efficiency in South East Europe 9
Assessment of externalities related to global and local air pollutants with the NEEDS-TIMES Italy model 9
Energy systems modelling to support key strategic decisions in energy and climate change at regional scale 9
Creating a sustainable and resource efficient future: A methodological toolkit for municipalities 9
Education as a key to sustainable development: a competition among schools for promoting energy efficiency 9
NEEDS (U.E.) 9
Interregional Cooperation as a key tool for the achievement of strategic energy and climate targets: the experience of the INTERREG IVC RENERGY and SEE RE-SEEties projects 9
A Methodological Integrated Approach to Analyse Climate Change Eects in Agri-Food Sector: The TIMES Water-Energy-Food Module 9
Quality of urban climate adaptation plans over time 9
Editorial: Toward Carbon Neutrality: Spatial Planning and Sustainable Utilization of Natural Resource. Frontiers in Environmental Science 9
D.4.1: Deliverable Report on EU state-of-art on resource efficiency (WP4) 9
Integrated modelling for waste management planning 9
Ranking technical options as a means to foster more sustainable energy use in public buildings. 9
Energy and climate planning: the role of analytical tools and soft measures 9
Environmental impact assessment of mining activities in the productive system of Basilicata region 9
Will climate mitigation ambitions lead to carbon neutrality? An analysis of the local-level plans of 327 cities in the EU 9
Data input del modello TIMES Basilicata secondo la struttura per template messa a punto da ENEA Ricerca sul Sistema Elettrico (Riferimento Convenzione Prot. N. 000574 del 4/3/2010) 9
Energy Efficient Communities & Advanced Local Energy Planning (ALEP) 9
COST Action TU1104 "Smart Energy Regions" (Action Chair: Prof. Philip John Jones) (2012-2016) 9
Life Cycle Assessment, ExternE and Comprehensive Analysis for an integrated evaluation of the environmental impact of anthropogenic activities 9
Editorial: Toward carbon neutrality: Spatial planning and sustainable utilization of natural resource 9
A comprehensive evaluation of electric power generation technologies for the achievement of strategic energy and environmental targets 9
Comprehensive modelling for approaching the Kyoto targets on local scale. 9
Scenario analysis of the future energy system of Basilicata region based on the TIMES model 9
Report on the state of the art in terms of policies and plans 9
Integrated strategic assessment of local energy systems for reducing environmental burdens. 9
Piani di mitigazione e adattamento: un nuovo sistema di valutazione. 9
Understanding How and Why Cities Engage with Climate Policy: an Analysis of Local Climate Action in Spain and Italy 9
The PrioritEE approach to reinforce the capacities of local administrations in the energy management of public buildings 9
Attività di docenza in un percorso di alta formazione 8
Modelling national energy systems: a comprehensive assessment using the NEEDS-TIMES model 8
Understanding Cities:The imperative for integration 8
How are cities planning to respond to climate change? Assessment of local climate plans from 885 cities in the EU-28 8
A Decision Support Tool to rank energy efficiency options in services buildings. 8
Multi-level climate change planning: An analysis of the Italian case 8
South East Europe Programme - Project: ORIENTGATE "A structured network for integration of climate knowledge into policy and territorial planning" (Sub-contract of the Basilicata Region) (2012-2014) 8
Urban climate change mitigation and adaptation planning: Are Italian cities ready? 8
Green energy solutions and citizens' participation in energy planning and management: a case study for Basilicata region. 8
Implementazione del modello NEEDS-TIMES Italia 8
A model for representing the Italian energy system: The NEEDS-TIMES experience 8
Climate change mitigation and adaptation: policies, plans and actions in South East Europe countries 8
Life Cycle Assessment and Multivariate Data Analysis for an integrated characterisation of the technologies for electric energy production 8
COST Action TU0902 "Integrated assessment technologies to support the sustainable development of urban area" (Action Chair: Dr. Richard DAWSON) - WG2 "Adaptation, mitigation and climate change feedbacks in cities" (2009-2013) 8
Caratterizzazione energetico-tecnologica-ambientale dei macrosettori di consumo in base al bilancio energetico regionale delineato nel PIEAR: modello TIMES Basilicata 8
Environmental and economic effects of renewable energy sources use on a local case study 8
Cost analysis in the definition of environmental recovery strategies- case study Basilicata Region (Southern Italy) 8
Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR) - National Operational Plan (PON). Project "SMART Basilicata" approved under the national announcement "Smart Cities and Communities and Social Innovation" (Announcement MIUR n.84/Ric 2012, PON 2007 - 2013 of 2 March 2012). (2012-2015) 8
The role of analytical tools in supporting sustainable local and regional energy and climate policies 8
Smart Energy Regions: Italy 8
Integration of country energy system models in a Pan European framework for supporting EU policies 8
The Advanced Local Energy Planning methodology (ALEP) for the development of air quality protection and recovery plans - Case study Basilicata Region (Southern Italy) 8
TIMES-EU: A Pan European model integrating LCA and external costs 8
Supporting cities' efforts towards a highly efficient and sustainable resource efficient future: the RE-SEEties integrated toolkit 8
Mitigating climate change in Italy: a cluster analysis of urban responses 8
Designing a Social Urban Networks to Promote Smart Participation in Matera (Italy). 8
Approaching the Kyoto targets: a case study for Basilicata region (Italy) 8
Reply to "Prioritization of energy efficiency proposals in public buildings based on individual approach. Comment on: Ijerph-805767 'how to prioritize energy efficiency intervention in municipal public buildings to decrease co2 emissions? A case study from Italy'" 8
Multi-level climate governance and urban climate action 8
Climate mitigation in the Mediterranean Europe: An assessment of regional and city-level plans 8
Totale 974
Categoria #
all - tutte 4.176
article - articoli 1.365
book - libri 95
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 744
Totale 6.380

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2023/202453 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 44 5
2024/20251.138 5 31 192 83 658 169 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 1.191