Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 276
AS - Asia 115
EU - Europa 58
Totale 449
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 276
SG - Singapore 89
IT - Italia 46
KR - Corea 18
CN - Cina 7
IE - Irlanda 5
AT - Austria 3
FI - Finlandia 3
DE - Germania 1
IN - India 1
Totale 449
Città #
Santa Clara 259
Singapore 52
Seoul 18
Naples 11
Dublin 5
Rome 4
Bitonto 3
Guangzhou 3
Helsinki 3
Milan 3
Potenza 3
Vienna 3
Bari 2
Fisciano 2
Ashburn 1
Boardman 1
Catanzaro 1
Falkenstein 1
Lissone 1
Mumbai 1
Phoenix 1
Pontedera 1
Totale 379
Nome #
VIGOR: Sviluppo geotermico nella regione Sicilia - Studi di fattibilità a Mazara del Vallo e Termini Imerese e Valutazione geotermica con geofisica elitrasportata 43
"Geological, seismological and geophysical investigation in the southeastern side of the High Agri Valley (Southern Apennines, Italy)" 14
Integrated geophysical and geological surveys reveal new details of the large Montescaglioso (southern Italy) landslide of December 2013 13
Impiego congiunto di tecniche geofisiche e geologiche finalizzato allo studio di aree geologicamente complesse: l'esempio di Montemurro 12
Deep geophysical electromagnetic section across the middle Aterno Valley (central Italy): preliminary results after the April 6, 2009 L'Aquila earthquake 12
Geomorphological and geophysical surveys with InSAR analysis applied to the Picerno earth flow (southern Apennines, Italy) 11
The Curinga-Girifalco fault zone (Serre Massif, Calabria) and its significance within the Alpine tectonic evolution of the Western Mediterranean. 10
Morphometric analysis of karst features of the Alburni Mts, Southern Apennines, Italy 9
Groundwater Monitoring and Control by Using Electromagnetic Sensing Techniques 9
The Verdesca landslide in the Agri Valley (Basilicata, Southern Italy): a new geological and geomorphological framework. 9
Groundwater monitoring and control by using electromagnetic sensing techniques 9
Geological and geo-structural characterization of the Montemurro area (Southern Italy) inferred from audiomagnetotelluric survey 8
Deep electromagnetic investigations after April 6, 2009 earthquake to characterize the L'Aquila Basin 8
Groundwater monitoring and control by using electromagnetic sensing techniques 8
Geological and geophysical characterization of the southeastern side of the High Agri Valley (southern Apennines, Italy) 8
Geological controls in the development of palaeo-karst systems of High Murge (Apulia) 8
Brief Communication: Rapid mapping of landslide events: the 3 December 2013 Montescaglioso landslide, Italy 8
Geomorphological and geotechnical analysis of the December 3, 2013, Montescaglioso landslide (southern Italy). 8
Neotectonic geological study and classical geodesy methods applied to active fault monitoring in Ny Aalesund (Western Svalbard) 7
Deep electromagnetic investigations after April 6, 2009 earthquake to characterize the L Aquila Basin. 7
Electric and Electromagnetic Investigation in the L'Aquila Basin 7
Active deformation in southern Italy from GNSS velocities: updated results of the PTGA 7
Recent crustal movements observed with the European VLBI network: geodetic analysis and results 7
Active deformation in southern Italy from GNSS velocities: updated results of the PTGA 7
On the post-25 Ma geodynamic evolution of the western Mediterranean 7
Analisi morfologico-strutturale dei Monti Alburni (Campania) 7
Investigazioni geofisiche profonde realizzate nell'area epicentrale del terremoto aquilano del 6 aprile 2009 7
A new methodology for the analysis of morpho-structural data of karstic caves in the Alburni Mountains of southern Italy 7
The southern Tyrrhenian Sea margin: An example of lithospheric scale strike-slip duplex 7
Attività di cooperazione per il monitoraggio di siti ad elevato rischio ambientale in Bosnia e Serbia 7
Frontal collapse during thrust propagation in mountain belts: a case from the Lucanian Apennines, southern Italy 7
Deep electromagnetic investigation to study the geological and structural setting of the epicentral area of the April 6, 2009 Abruzzo earthquake. 7
Geochemistry of the apulian allochthonous karst bauxite, Southern Italy: Distribution of critical elements and constraints on Late Cretaceous Peri-Tethyan palaeogeography 7
Da cava a geoparco: Un opportunità di Sviluppo. L esempio della cava Minervino Beton a Minervino Murge. 7
Tecniche geofisiche integrate a supporto degli studi di Microzonazione Sismica dell area aquilana, colpita dall evento del 6 aprile 2009 7
The INSIEME seismic network: a research infrastructure for studying induced seismicity in the High Agri Valley (southern Italy) 7
Deformazione attiva in Appennino meridionale e insulare da velocità GNSS: nuovi dati della rete PTGA 6
Deformazione attiva in Appennino meridionale e insulare da velocità GNSS: nuovi dati della rete PTGA 6
Neotectonic geological study and classical geodesy methods applied to active fault monitoring in Ny Aalesund (Western Svalbard) 6
Tomografie per la Procura della Repubblica di Trani 6
Mapping surface features produced by an active landslide 6
Why is the central area of the Alburni Mts in southern Italy so full of caves? 6
Morphostructural analysis of the Alburni carbonate massif, southern Italy: first results and remarks about the seismo-tectonic hazard 6
Why is the central area of the Alburni Mts in southern Italy so full of caves? 6
Vallone del Tuorno: possible geosito nel territorio di Savoia di Lucania (Potenza). 6
La Basilicata: una regione piccola con un enorme patrimonio carsico 6
The Western Mediterranean extensional basins and the Alpine orogen 6
Planning of the reclamation interventions and safety rehabilitation of uncontrolled landfill in Zenica (Bosnia) in an area at risk of landslides | Pianificazione degli interventi di bonifica e messa in sicurezza della discarica incontrollata di Zenica (Bosnia) in un'area a rischio di dissesti 6
Recent crustal movements observed with the European geodetic VLBI network: 1) Geodetic analysis and results 6
Lithospheric boudinage in the western Mediterranean back-arc basin 6
Il ciclo dell acqua 6
Karst system evolution and the role of faulting: the case of the Alburni Mts. 5
Rates of geodetic deformation across active faults in southern Italy 5
The Curinga-Girifalco fault zone (northern Serre, Calabria) and its significance within the Alpine tectonic evolution of the western Mediterranean 5
Low Angle Extensional Faults in a Thrusting/Compressive Regime 5
Il carsismo dell area di Minervino Murge 5
La Grotta dell Angelo in Pertosa (Italia Meridionale) tra grotta turistica e geosito. 5
Totale 453
Categoria #
all - tutte 1.778
article - articoli 893
book - libri 69
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 126
Totale 2.866

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2023/202434 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 26 0
2024/2025419 5 2 65 33 284 18 12 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 453