Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 1.028
AS - Asia 582
EU - Europa 128
SA - Sud America 2
Totale 1.740
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 1.027
SG - Singapore 530
IT - Italia 88
KR - Corea 26
FI - Finlandia 25
CN - Cina 24
DE - Germania 6
NL - Olanda 4
CL - Cile 2
IE - Irlanda 2
CA - Canada 1
IR - Iran 1
JP - Giappone 1
LV - Lettonia 1
SE - Svezia 1
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 1
Totale 1.740
Città #
Santa Clara 938
Singapore 382
Seoul 26
Helsinki 25
Guangzhou 11
Rome 11
Bitonto 7
Ashburn 5
Falkenstein 5
Meta 4
Phoenix 4
Stigliano 4
Atrani 3
Fort Worth 3
Genoa 3
Messina 3
Potenza 3
Dublin 2
Forest City 2
Monte San Savino 2
Paderno Dugnano 2
Pescara 2
Prineville 2
Santa Caterina 2
Santiago 2
Shanghai 2
Springfield 2
Taranto 2
Amsterdam 1
Arba 1
Boardman 1
Bologna 1
Bracciano 1
Casier 1
Chieti 1
Fridolfing 1
Marcianise 1
Naples 1
Newark 1
Ottawa 1
Palermo 1
Riga 1
Sala Baganza 1
Tokyo 1
Totale 1.475
Nome #
GPR and ERT Investigations in Urban Areas: the Case-Study of Matera (Southern Italy) 17
Time-Lapse Electrical Resistivity Tomography (TL-ERT) for Landslide Monitoring: Recent Advances and Future Directions 14
"Geological, seismological and geophysical investigation in the southeastern side of the High Agri Valley (Southern Apennines, Italy)" 14
Deep geophysical investigations (DERT and Seismic Reflection) to unravel the Ferrara urban area geology 14
PRE-EARTHQUAKES, an FP7 project for integrating observations and knowledges on earthquake precursors: Preliminary results and strategy 13
A multidisciplinary approach for landslide residual risk assessment: the Pomarico landslide (Basilicata Region, Southern Italy) case study 13
Transition matrix analysis of earthquake magnitude sequences 13
A project to promote the importance of the natural and cultural heritage of the underground environment in southern Italy 13
An integrated geophysical approach for water infiltration detection and characterization at Monte Cotugno rock-fill dam (southern Italy) 12
Impiego congiunto di tecniche geofisiche e geologiche finalizzato allo studio di aree geologicamente complesse: l'esempio di Montemurro 11
First geophysical results on Musmeci Bridge next to Potenza city (Basilicata Region, South of Italy) in the framework of ISTIMES project 11
Electrical Resistivity Tomography across the Paganica-San Demetrio fault system (L'Aquila 2009 earthquake) 11
Approccio multidisciplinare allo studio dell intrusione salina nella riserva forestale dell area costiera di Metaponto 11
Geoelectrical Surveys for Characterization of the Coastal Saltwater Intrusion in Metapontum Forest Reserve (Southern Italy) 11
Deep geophysical electromagnetic section across the middle Aterno Valley (central Italy): preliminary results after the April 6, 2009 L'Aquila earthquake 11
Promoting smartness among local areas in a Southern Italian region: The Smart Basilicata Project 11
Sistema interoperabile per MESIMEX 10
null 10
Tomografie di resistività elettrica eseguite per lo studio dei fenomeni di fagliazione superficiale presso l'abitato di San Gregorio (L'Aquila) 10
Geophysical prospecting in archaeology: investigations in Santa Venera, south suburb of Poseidonia-Paestum, Campania, southern Italy 10
ERT and GPR Prospecting Applied to Unsaturated and Subwater Analogue Archaeological Site in a Full Scale Laboratory 10
RI-CIRCOLA "la fabbrica verso una economia circolare: dal recupero della plastica all'end of life dei veicoli" 10
Attività di trasferimento tecnologico alle PMI nell ambito dei progetti TeRN ed ImpresAmbiente 10
Evidence of low-magnitude continued reservoir-induced seismicity associated with the pertusillo artificial lake (Southern Italy 10
Geophysical prospecting in archaeology: investigations in Santa Venera, south suburb of Poseidonia-Paestum, Campania, southern Italy 10
Latest aspects of geophysical and geochemical monitoring activities (1995-1999) in a seismic active area of southern Italy 10
A new multiscale and multisensory strategy for the characterization of groundwater discharge in coastal areas – the SUBGEO project 9
Esecuzione di tomografie di resistività elettrica finalizzate alla caratterizzazione geoelettrica della frana di Monteaguto (AV) 9
Relationship between seismicity and water level of the Pertusillo reservoir (southern Italy) 9
IS-Bios Innovative Sensors and Biosensors for environmental monitoring 9
1D model validation for the variations in earth's apparent resistivity of barricelle site (Southern Italy) 9
An integrated approach for structural behavior characterization of the Gravina Bridge (Matera, Southern Italy) 9
Centro per La microzonazione sismica e le sue applicazioni (CentroMS) 9
Building vulnerability evaluation 9
Georadar investigations to detect cavities in a historical town damaged by an earthquake of the past 9
Geophysical characterisation of Carlo's V Castle (Crotone, Italy) 9
3D geoelectrical model of the Picerno landslide (Basilicata region, Italy): results in the frame of MORFEO project 9
Groundwater Monitoring and Control by Using Electromagnetic Sensing Techniques 9
Groundwater monitoring and control by using electromagnetic sensing techniques 9
The ERT method to investigate tectonically active areas: examples from Agri and Ufita Basin (Southern Italy) and Kastelli Region (Crete island, Greece) 8
A new magnetotelluric monitoring network operating in Agri Valley (Southern Italy): study of stability of apparent resistivity estimates 8
Dynamics of internal and external origin revealed by a single-site magnetotelluric monitoring. 8
Magnetic and ground probing radar measurements for soil pollution mapping in the industrial area of Val Basento (Basilicata Region, Southern Italy): a case study 8
Sismicità naturale ed indotta. Primi risultati e prospettive per il caso studio dell'Alta Val d'Agri, Basilicata. 8
Electromagnetic methods for investigating tectonically active areas in Southern Apennines chain (Italy) 8
Geophysical Techniques for Plant, Soil, and Root Research Related to Sustainability 8
Tomografie geoelettriche per il monitoraggio di discariche RSU 8
4D Geoelectrical tomography as a tool for real-time landslide monitoring: a test-bed in southern Italy 8
Ground penetrating radar and microwave tomography 3D applications for the deck evaluation of the Musmeci bridge in Potenza, Italy 8
Deep electromagnetic investigations after April 6, 2009 earthquake to characterize the L'Aquila Basin 8
Fluid injection induced seismicity reveals a NE dipping fault in the southeastern sector of the High Agri Valley (southern Italy) 8
Analysis of dynamics in Cd, Fe and Pb particulate matter by using the Fisher-Shannon method 8
Groundwater monitoring and control by using electromagnetic sensing techniques 8
Monte Cotugno Dam Monitoring by the Electrical Resistivity Tomography 8
Ground Penetrating Radar in dam monitoring: the test case of Acerenza (Southern Italy) 8
Indagini geofisiche integrate ad alta risoluzione presso il castello di Carlo V (Crotone) 8
Geoelectrical and seismoacoustic anomalous signals jointly recorded close to an active fault system in Southern Apennines (Italy) 8
An integrated geophysical approach for water infiltration detection and characterization at Monte Cotugno rock-fill dam (southern Italy) 8
New insights into the High Agri Valley deep structure revealed by magnetotelluric imaging and seismic tomography (Southern Apennine, Italy) 8
Natural hazards vs human impact: an integrated methodological approach in geomorphological risk assessing on Tursi historical site, southern Italy 8
2D electrical resistivity tomographies for investigating recent activation landslides in Basilicata Region (Southern Italy) 8
Tecniche geofisiche per lo studio di strutture sismogenetiche 8
Integrated geophysical techniques and geomorphological approach to investigate the snowmelt-triggered landslide of Bosco Piccolo village (Basilicata, southern Italy) 8
Evidences of possible reservoir-induced seismicity by the Pertusillo artificial lake (Southern Italy): preliminary results and ongoing activities 8
Geophysical Techniques for Investigating Shallow and Deep Landslides Results in the Framework of Preview Project (FP6 UE) 7
Investigating clustering structures in time-occurrence sequences of seismic events observed in the Irpinia-Basilicata Region (Southern Italy) 7
Campo Sperimentale Hydrogeosite 7
Deep electromagnetic investigations after April 6, 2009 earthquake to characterize the L Aquila Basin. 7
Electric and Electromagnetic Investigation in the L'Aquila Basin 7
Electric and Magnetic Field Changes Observed during a Seismic Swarm in Pollino Area (Southern Italy) 7
Deep Resistivity Image of the Agri Valley, Southern Italy 7
The lost church of Montemurro (Basilicata, Italy): Ground Penetrating Radar and Electrical Resistivity Tomography for detecting its buried remains in S. Maria Square 7
1/f(beta) fluctuations and self-similarity in earthquake dynamics: observational evidences in southern Italy 7
Rapporto Tecnico: Indagini Geoelettriche ad alta risoluzione lungo tutto il coronamento della Diga di Monte Cotugno - Senise (PZ).Risultato della Convenzione Operativa n.0000037 del 10/01/2012 tra l'Ente per lo Sviluppo dell'Irrigazione e la Trasformazione Fondiaria in Puglia, Lucania ed Irpinia e l'Istituto di Metodologie per l'Analisi Ambientale / CNR (IMAA) di Tito scalo (Pz) 7
On the sensitivity of long-term magnetotelluric monitoring in Southern Italy and source-dependent robust single station transfer function variability 7
The participation of the Basilicata region in the Seventh Framework Programme of the European Union: a contribution for the smart specialisation strategy 7
Risultato della consulenza scientifica commissionata dalla Procura della Repubblica di Montepulciano (SIena) all'IMAA (Potenza) 7
Application of electrical resistivity tomographies for the geoelectric characterization of Montaguto landslide (Southern Italy). 7
Geophysical investigation in urban areas 7
Instabilità dei versanti in aree archeologiche della Basilicata: il caso del Santuario di Mephitis - Rossano di Vaglio (Basilicata) 7
Investigazioni geofisiche profonde realizzate nell'area epicentrale del terremoto aquilano del 6 aprile 2009 7
Tomografie di resistività elettrica 2D in continuo in un'area della Basilicata interessata da fenomeni di dissesto idrogeologico 7
Natural vs built environment: integrated methodological approach for reconstruction of connections between urban transformations and natural environment of the ancient Tursi Rabatana citadel, S. Italy 7
The role played by grottoes in increasing the seismic damage: the case of Rionero in Vulture (southern Italy) 7
Robust statistical methods to discriminate extreme events in geoelectrical precursory signals: Implications with earthquake prediction 7
Quantifying persistent behavior in earth's apparent resistivity time series 7
Attività di cooperazione per il monitoraggio di siti ad elevato rischio ambientale in Bosnia e Serbia 7
Deep electromagnetic investigation to study the geological and structural setting of the epicentral area of the April 6, 2009 Abruzzo earthquake. 7
Electrical resistivity tomography for studying liquefaction induced by the May 2012 Emilia-Romagna earthquake (Mw=6.1, northern Italy) 7
Tecniche geofisiche integrate a supporto degli studi di Microzonazione Sismica dell area aquilana, colpita dall evento del 6 aprile 2009 7
Indagini geofisiche nel sito archelogico di Jure Vetere. 7
Seismicity induced by energy technologies in high Agri Valley (southern Italy) 7
Statistical analysis of fractal properties of point processes modeling seismic sequences 7
Earth s apparent resistivity analysis in a seismic area of southern Italy. 6
Fisher Information Measure of geoelectrical signals recorded in seismic areas 6
Linear and nonlinear dynamics in electrical precursory time series: implications for earthquake prediction 6
Geoelectrical and seismoacoustic anomalous signals jointly recorded close to an active fault system in Southern Apennines (Italy). 6
Totale 866
Categoria #
all - tutte 9.542
article - articoli 4.219
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 467
Totale 14.228

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2023/202480 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 18 4 49 9
2024/20251.674 17 25 355 254 838 171 14 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 1.754