Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 574
AS - Asia 246
EU - Europa 75
Totale 895
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 567
SG - Singapore 200
IT - Italia 48
CN - Cina 27
KR - Corea 19
FI - Finlandia 11
CA - Canada 7
DE - Germania 5
GB - Regno Unito 4
BE - Belgio 3
LT - Lituania 2
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 2
Totale 895
Città #
Santa Clara 526
Singapore 149
Rome 17
Seoul 17
Guangzhou 13
Helsinki 11
Toronto 6
Falkenstein 4
Frignano 4
Brussels 3
Mapo-gu 2
Melegnano 2
Phoenix 2
Rende 2
Salerno 2
Belfast 1
Fort Worth 1
Frankfurt am Main 1
London 1
Ottawa 1
Palo del Colle 1
Senigallia 1
Vibo Valentia 1
Totale 768
Nome #
A 13-year long strokes statistical analysis over the Central Mediterranean area 21
Multi-instrumental Analysis of the Extreme Meteorological Event Occurred in Matera (Italy) on November 2019 16
Flooding assessment of coastal archaeological sites: Pyrgi as case study 15
Impact of radar reflectivity and lightning data assimilation on the rainfall forecast and predictability of a summer convective thunderstorm in southern italy 14
Climate change impacts on cultural heritage: the case study of the Trabocchi Coast (Italy) 13
Pyrgi: analysis of possible climatic effects on a coastal archaeological site 13
Improving the lightning forecast with the WRF model and lightning data assimilation: Results of a two-seasons numerical experiment over Italy 13
Data Assimilation of Satellite-Derived Rain Rates Estimated by Neural Network in Convective Environments: A Study over Italy 13
Evaluation of the Sensitivity of Medicane Ianos to Model Microphysics and Initial Conditions Using Satellite Measurements 13
A Year-Long Total Lightning Forecast over Italy with a Dynamic Lightning Scheme and WRF 13
Impact of Climate Change on the "Trabocchi Coast" (Italy): The Trabocco Turchino Case Study 12
Multi-Sensor Data Analysis of an Intense Weather Event: The July 2021 Lake Como Case Study 12
Time Evolution of Storms Producing Terrestrial Gamma-Ray Flashes Using ERA5 Reanalysis Data, GPS, Lightning and Geostationary Satellite Observations 12
The Precipitation Structure of the Mediterranean Tropical-Like Cyclone Numa: Analysis of GPM Observations and NumericalWeather Prediction Model Simulations 11
Verifica delle prestazioni del modello a mesoscala RAMS in Calabria 11
Relazione scientifica di fine primo anno accordo 2022 2024 DPC ISAC 11
Numerical analysis of an intense rainstorm occurred in southern Italy 11
Comparison of Cloud Structures of Storms Producing Lightning at Different Distance Based on Five Years Measurements of a Doppler Polarimetric Vertical Cloud Profiler 11
Application of Lightning Data Assimilation for the 10 October 2018 Case Study over Sardinia 11
The application of LEPS technique for Quantitative Precipitation Forecast (QPF) in Southern Italy 11
Lightning data assimilation in the WRF-ARW model for short-term rainfall forecasts of three severe storm cases in Italy 11
Is an NWP-Based Nowcasting System Suitable for Aviation Operations? 11
Verification of a Real Time Weather Forecasting System in Southern Italy 11
Impact of Lightning Data Assimilation on the Short-Term Precipitation Forecast over the Central Mediterranean Sea 10
Real time weather forecasting in southern Italy: a detailed verification 10
Sensitivity analysis of WRF model PBL schemes in simulating boundary-layer variables in southern Italy: An experimental campaign 10
Three models intercomparison for Quantitative Precipitation Forecast over Calabria 10
Predictability of intense rain storms in the Central Mediterranean basin: sensitivity to upper-level forcing 10
Cultural Heritage Resilience in the Face of Extreme Weather: Lessons from the UNESCO Site of Alberobello 10
Monitoring of mechanical stability of arboreal individuals by GNSS low-cost sensors 10
Forecasting wind power production from a wind farm using the RAMS Model 10
Forecasting wind power production from a wind farm using the RAMS model 10
The application of LEPS technique for Quantitative Precipitation Forecast (QPF) in Southern Italy 10
RAMSES: A nowcasting system for mitigating geo-hydrological risk along the railway 10
Predictability of intense rain storms in the Central Mediterraneanbasin: sensitivity to upper-level forcing 10
The upper tropospheric forcing during the 10th-12th December 2003 storm over Calabria 9
Predizione eolica a lungo termine tramite un algoritmo statistico e tramite un modello per l'atlante del vento 9
Application of the LEPS technique for Quantitative Precipitation Forecasting (QPF) in Southern Italy: a preliminary study 9
Rapporto Stato di Avanzamento del Progetto Sistema di Controllo e Misura del Wind Shear per l'Aeroporto Falcone Borsellino di Palermo Punta Raisi 9
Concordia Multi-Process Atmospheric Studies (CoMPASs): Study of the vertical structure of the Antarctic Atmosphere with a synergy of different remote sensing studies 9
Study of the Intense Meteorological Event Occurred in September 2022 over the Marche Region with WRF Model: Impact of Lightning Data Assimilation on Rainfall and Lightning Prediction 9
Quantitative precipitation of the Soverato flood: the role of orography and surface fluxes 9
Impact of the assimilation of lightning data on the precipitation forecast at different forecast ranges 9
Meteorological tools in support to the railway security system on the Calabria region 9
LACOST, an atmospheric laboratory on the Tyrrhenian coastline 9
Application of LEPS technique for Quantitative Precipitation Forecasting (QPF) in Southern Italy: a preliminary study 9
SWING, The Score-Weighted Improved NowcastinG Algorithm: Description and Application 9
Atmospheric convergence generated in the CBL over a mountainous peninsula 8
Assimilation of GPS Zenith Total Delay estimates in RAMS NWP model: Impact studies over central Italy 8
Preliminary Results of the AEROMET Project on the Assimilation of the Rain-Rate from Satellite Observations 8
Topographical effects on the diurnal evolution of water vapour profile over complex terrain in Southern Italy 8
A prototype system for the analysis and investigation of extreme rainfall events 8
Intesa Operativa 2014 tra DPC e CNR-ISAC: Relazione Semestrale 8
Intesa Operativa 2014 tra DPC e CNR-ISAC: Relazione Finale 8
Innovative Integration of Severe Weather Forecasts into an Extended Arrival Manager 8
Sistema di Controllo e Misura del Wind Shear per l Aeroporto Falcone Borsellino di Palermo Punta Raisi 8
Multiwavelength Lidar Observation of the Atmospheric Response to the 20th March 2015 Partial Solar Eclipse in Rome Tor Vergata: Preliminary Results. 8
Numerical simulation of Crotone Flood:storm evolution 8
Data assimilation of GPS-ZTD into the RAMS model through 3D-Var: preliminary results at the regional scale 8
Very Short-Range Forecasting: l'assimilazione di fulmini e riflettività radar nel modello RAMS@ISAC discussa per un recente caso studio in Sardegna 8
Role of the GPM in the characterization of Mediterranean tropical-like cyclones: the case of Medicane Numa 8
Tree Motion: following the wind-induced swaying of arboreous individual using a GNSS receiver 8
Comparison of hourly surface downwelling solar radiation estimated from MSG/SEVIRI and forecast by RAMS model with pyranometers over Italy 8
The impact of lightning and radar reflectivity factor data assimilation on the very short-term rainfall forecasts of RAMS@ISAC: application to two case studies in Italy 7
Application of Severe Weather Nowcasting to Case Studies in Air Traffic Management 7
3D-Var Assimilation of GPS data in RAMS NWP model: Impact Studies over Italy 7
Mesoscale energetics and flows induced by the sea-land and mountain-valley contrast 7
Three-model ensemble wind prediction in southern Italy 7
The influence of orography on water vapour profiles over complex terrain in southern Italy 7
Modellistica atmosferica a Cosenza 7
Analysis and investigation of extreme rainfall events combining different data sources 7
The precipitation field over Calabria: large scale correlations 7
Verifica di una catena operativa di un Modello ad Area Limitata per la salvaguardia dei beni culturali 7
Hindcasting sea storms around Calabria coasts 7
Precipitable water vapour content from ESR/SKYNET sun-sky radiometers: validation against GNSS/GPS and AERONET over three different sites in Europe 7
Use of GNSS/GPS for calibrating ESR/SKYNET and AERONET Sun-sky radiometers: a multi-instruments approach to retrieve the precipitable water vapor content performing measurements comparability 7
Vertical wind profiles at a coastal site in the central Mediterranean 6
Exposure of UNESCO sites to extreme meteorological events: case study of Alberobello (Southern Italy) 6
3D-Var Assimilation of GNSS Single Frequency Receiver data in RAMS NWP model: Impact Studies over Italy 6
Assimilation of GPS-ZTD in meteorological models by 3D-Var 6
One Year of Vertical Wind Profiles Measurements at a Mediterranean Coastal Site of South Italy 6
Comparison of hourly surface downwelling solar radiation estimated from MSG-SEVIRI and forecast by the RAMS model with pyranometers over Italy 6
Offshore wind resource assessment in the Central Mediterranean area. Comparison of wind climatology from dynamical downscaling with other methodologies 6
Simulating lightning into the RAMS model: two case studies 6
Experimental study of the evolution of the inland vertical structure of a coastal Atmospheric Boundary Layer in the Central Mediterranean using surface and ground-based remote sensing 5
The Precipitation Field in Southern Italy: Climatology, Physical Factors and Forecasting Techniques 5
WRF simulations for a heavy rainfall event in southern Italy: Verification and sensitivity tests 5
The seasonal characteristics of the breeze circulation at a coastal Mediterranean site in South Italy 5
Numerical assimilation of the national radar mosaic reflectivity for a moderate-heavy precipitation event in Central Italy 5
Preliminary results of an analysis-forecasting system for the short-term prediction of energy relevant atmospheric parameters 5
On the assimilation of water vapour measurements: a case study. 5
Evolution study of a water vapour plume using a mobile CO2 DIAL system 5
Atmospheric patterns for heavy rain events in Calabria 5
Modeling the flash rate in thunderstorms: an implementation into the CRAMS model 5
Flow evolution at a coastal site in the Central Mediterranean 5
Improvement of Solar and Wind forecasting in southern Italy through a multi-model approach: preliminary results 5
Impact of wind field horizontal resolution on sea waves hindcast around Calabrian coasts. 5
Il rilascio del polline come indicatore dei cambiamenti climatici: la fioritura dell olivo nel centro Italia 5
Totale 871
Categoria #
all - tutte 3.880
article - articoli 2.484
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 63
Totale 6.427

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2023/2024114 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 13 67 29
2024/2025824 20 8 157 86 432 121 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 938