Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 693
AS - Asia 295
EU - Europa 85
SA - Sud America 1
Totale 1.074
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 692
SG - Singapore 280
IT - Italia 57
FI - Finlandia 10
CN - Cina 7
NL - Olanda 6
KR - Corea 5
DE - Germania 4
UA - Ucraina 4
IL - Israele 2
CH - Svizzera 1
CR - Costa Rica 1
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 1
JP - Giappone 1
PE - Perù 1
PT - Portogallo 1
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 1
Totale 1.074
Città #
Santa Clara 621
Singapore 172
Helsinki 10
Rome 6
Seoul 5
Genoa 4
Phoenix 4
Turin 4
Amsterdam 3
Cropalati 3
Falkenstein 3
Los Angeles 3
Milan 3
Cavallino 2
Haifa 2
Reston 2
Rho 2
Sala Baganza 2
Taranto 2
Bratislava 1
Genazzano 1
Guangzhou 1
Lima 1
Naples 1
Nuremberg 1
Palermo 1
San José 1
Tempe 1
Zurich 1
Totale 863
Nome #
Multi-sensor 3D mapping of Tethys Bay (Ross Sea – Antarctica) with PROTEUS, an innovative, highly reconfigurable and versatile unmanned marine vehicle 26
Underwater Intervention Robotics: An Outline of the Italian National Project MARIS 24
e-URoPe: a reconfigurable AUV/ROV for man-robot underwater cooperation 19
An advanced guidance and control system for an unmanned vessel with azimuthal thrusters 14
Antarctic Bioconstructional Bryozoans from Terra Nova Bay (Ross Sea): Morphology, Skeletal Structures and Biomineralization 14
Proteus - Layout connectors changes for the installation and implementation of new instruments 13
Unmanned Vehicles for Autonomous Sensing and Sensing 12
RESTORE project-"Robotic-based invESTigation and mOnitoring Ross Sea (DIT.AD019.110) - - Tilt digital camera power supply system and cpu interface design. 11
Design and construction of a quadcopter using commercial components 11
RESTORE project-"Robotic-based invESTigation and mOnitoring Ross Sea (DIT.AD019.110) - Analog camera power supply system and pinout design. 11
RESTORE project-"Robotic-based invESTigation and mOnitoring Ross Sea (DIT.AD019.110) - - Surface water sampler electronics system box connectors pinout 11
Proteus - I/O Distribution update 11
Proteus - FOG, CTD INM and IMU XSENS module connectors layout 11
An Advanced Guidance & Control System for an Unmanned Vessel with Azimuthal Thrusters 11
Cooperative Autonomous Robotic Towing System - Exploitation of Autonomous Marine Vehicles in Emergency Towing Procedures 11
Lite Arm Assembling 10
Proteus2 - Underwater connectors list 10
Charlie, a Testbed for USV Research 10
INAV 5.1 configuration for quad-copter FPV Nazgul 10
Progetto Matrac: descrizione scelta motoriduttore per automatizzare verricello per boa di superficie 10
Antarctic Benthic Shuttle 3 10
MARC: Magnetic Autonomous Robotic Crawler Development and Exploitation in the MINOAS Project 10
Proteus - Underwater external new connections layout description 10
Design and realization of a small FPV quadcopter using commercial components 10
Proteus - Main cylinder connectors distribution update 10
RESTORE project-"Robotic-based invESTigation and mOnitoring Ross Sea (DIT.AD019.110) - - Digital camera power supply system and cpu interface design. 10
Sushi Drop SUstainable fiSHeries wIth DROnes data Processing: Manuale Tecnico di Uso e Manutenzione 10
Aluminum hull USV for coastal water and seafloor monitoring 10
Design, development and testing at field of a modular Mini Automatic Water Sampler (MAWS) based on magnetic activation 9
Studio di fattibilita' di un mezzo navale multiuso senza equipaggio dedicato al monitoraggio degli specchi d'acqua e dei fondali 9
Proteus - New Maxon Escon 50/5 controller calibration 9
Sushi Drop Interreg project (SUstainable fiSHeries wIth DROnes data Processing) Multibeam module power supply system design 9
SWAMP - Winch control and positioning system control unit design. 9
SWAMP - Minion Faulhaber MCBL3002 P mother board design. 9
INAV 5.0 configuration for quad-copter with S500 frame 9
Discovery Project - Digital camera power supply system and cpu interface design. 9
Proteus - Pinout underwater connectors update 9
P2-ROV a Portable/Polar ROV 9
SWAMP - Battery module assembling 9
Sushi Drop Interreg project (SUstainable fiSHeries wIth DROnes data Processing) AHRS pressure vessel assembly 9
Dimensionamento motore utilizzato per azionare una bottiglia di campionamento di acqua 9
Europe - Water leak sensor installation 9
Design, development and testing at field of a modular Mini Automatic Water Sampler (MAWS) based on magnetic activation 8
Descrizione assemblaggio di un connettore per fibra ottica. 8
Sushi Drop Interreg project (SUstainable fiSHeries wIth DROnes data Processing) HD Camera module power supply system design 8
Marinizzazione motore lineare Faulhaber, seconda versione 8
Descrizione delle attività nell'ambito del Progetto PEA 2016/AZ1.09 durante la XXXIV Spedizione Italiana in Antartide: The IceClimaLizers - Organismi biomineralizzatori antartici quali proxies del cambiamento climatico: monitoraggio in situ ed esperimento di trapianto. 8
Final Results and Exploitation of the Cooperative Autonomous Robotic Towing System for Emergency Ship Towing Operations Support 8
RESTORE project-"Robotic-based invESTigation and mOnitoring Ross Sea (DIT.AD019.110) - - Check list funzionamento Proteus Antartide 8
Prototipo di unmanned surface vehicle (battello senza equipaggio) ALANIS 8
Polar applications of Romeo ROV 8
MATRAC - ACP project (Monitoraggio Adattivo in Tempo Reale con Automatizzazione del Campionamento) - Aree Costiere Portuali - M.D.A.C.S. (Matrac Data Acquisition Control System) power supply system design. 8
TR CNR ISSIA SP3-03-06/11: Progetto telaio per pannelli fotovoltaici del catamarano Charlie 8
Sea trials of SESAMO: an autonomous surface vessel for the study of the air-sea interface 8
SESAMO: an autonomous surface vessel for the study and characterization of the air-sea interface 8
Lite Arm wrist motor Rs232 communication protocol 8
SEa Surface Autonomous MOdular unit (SESAMO): Autonomous modular vessel for the study and the characterization of the air-sea interface. 8
Progetto Shine - Nuovo motore controllato in posizione da dedicare al propulsore azimutale di U-Swath. 8
Proteus - Hardware changes for the control of winches for the release of MPDACS acquisition systems 8
Sushi Drop project - Thrusters brushless motor and drive electronics selection 8
MATRAC - ACP project (Monitoraggio Adattivo in Tempo Reale con Automatizzazione del Campionamento) - Aree Costiere Portuali - - M.D.A.C.S. (Matrac Data Acquisition Control System) final assembly. 8
MATRAC - ACP project (Monitoraggio Adattivo in Tempo Reale con Automatizzazione del Campionamento) - Aree Costiere Portuali - - Communications and position buoy power supply system design. 8
Sushi Drop Interreg project (SUstainable fiSHeries wIth DROnes data Processing) Water leak sensor realization and installation 8
Antarctic Benthic Shuttle 8
Hardware changes performed on the Splash Drone quad-copter. 8
Brushless motor selection for Mini-shark and Mini_Europe vehicles. 8
The ALANIS USV: ALuminum Autonomous Navigator for Intelligent Sampling 8
Marine robotics for sampling air-sea-ice interface in the Arctic region 8
Proteus2 - Main pressure vessel connectors distribution. 8
SWAMP - Minion new thruster motor controller calibration 8
Sushi Drop Interreg project (SUstainable fiSHeries wIth DROnes data Processing): I/O distribution. 8
MATRAC - ACP project (Monitoraggio Adattivo in Tempo Reale con Automatizzazione del Campionamento) - Aree Costiere Portuali - Proteus MDACS electrical link description. 8
Internet-based tele-operation of underwater vehicles 7
SWAMP - Design and implementation of azimuth thruster hardware. 7
U-swath - Azipod Thruster Servo Drive calibration 7
Sushi Drop Interreg project (SUstainable fiSHeries wIth DROnes data Processing): Pull-up Faulhaber controller faults board design 7
TR CNR ISSIA SP3-03-06/09: Calcolo massimo trasferimento di potenza sul ROV Romeo attraverso il cavo ombelicale 7
MATRAC - ACP project (Monitoraggio Adattivo in Tempo Reale con Automatizzazione del Campionamento) - Aree Costiere Portuali - - M.D.A.C.S. (Matrac Data Acquisition Control System) switch on/off circuit. 7
Sushi Drop project - Power supply system design 7
Impianto elettrico ed elettronico del veicolo autonomo di superficie Charlie connesso alla Piattaforma Robotica Sesamo 7
Charlie Unmanned Surface Vehicle 7
SWAMP - CPU interface board design 7
TR CNR ISSIA SP3-03-06/06: Charlie power consumption measured using Hall Effect Sensors 7
RESTORE project-"Robotic-based invESTigation and mOnitoring Ross Sea (DIT.AD019.110) - Surface water sampler electronics interface system design 7
Lite Arm - Rotational wrist brushless motor selection 7
TR CNR ISSIA SP3-03-06/12: Progetto e realizzazione del nuovo hardware del catamarano Charlie 7
Lite Arm - Gripper description 7
Sushi Drop Interreg project (SUstainable fiSHeries wIth DROnes data Processing): Main cylinder underwater connectors layout distribution. 7
Sushi Drop Interreg project (SUstainable fiSHeries wIth DROnes data Processing): Remote Station design 7
Unmanned Marine Vehicles at CNR-ISSIA 7
Polar applications of ROVs 7
E-Robot 7
Romeo ROV Antarctic exploitation for benthic research 7
Design and Exploitation of an Autonomous Surface 7
Romeo-ARAMIS integration and sea trials 7
Marinizzazione motore lineare Faulhaber. 7
TR CNR ISSIA SP3-03-06/14: Rapporto di manutenzione dei propulsori del ROV Romeo 6
Sampling sea surfaces with SESAMO: An autonomous craft for the study of sea-air interactions 6
TR CNR ISSIA SP3-03-06/01: Fotocamera digitale subacquea per il ROV Romeo 6
Descrizione condizionamento segnale syncro-flash della macchina fotografica digitale di Romeo 6
Totale 898
Categoria #
all - tutte 5.127
article - articoli 217
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 5.344

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2023/202442 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 10 24
2024/20251.042 14 10 189 115 520 130 34 30 0 0 0 0
Totale 1.084