Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 242
AS - Asia 144
EU - Europa 12
Totale 398
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 242
SG - Singapore 141
IT - Italia 9
CN - Cina 3
DE - Germania 2
GB - Regno Unito 1
Totale 398
Città #
Santa Clara 228
Singapore 89
Rome 4
Florence 1
Frankfurt am Main 1
London 1
Nuremberg 1
Turin 1
Totale 326
Nome #
About the Concept of Molecular Structure 8
A Time-Dependent Quantum Approach to Allostery and a Comparison With Light-Harvesting in Photosynthetic Phenomenon 6
A model study of the effects of the coupling between a hole pair (peroxide bond) and phonons in a periodic chain of oxide ions 6
Filosofia chimica 6
Chemical perspective in the study of living beings: a systemic complexity approach 5
Effect of Methylation on the Properties of the H-Bridges in DNA. A Systematic Theoretical Study on the Couples of Base Pairs 5
Unraveling the interplay of different contributions to the stability of the quinhydrone dimer 5
Non-stationary states in chemistry 5
L'ottica della complessità sistemica e il mondo molecolare 5
Materiale e immateriale in interazione 5
Proton and electron transfer mechanisms in the formation of neutral and charged quinhydrone-like complexes: A multilayered computational study 5
A numerical investigation on the role of hole-phonon coupling and its relation to the midgap band in Cu-O high Tc superconductors 5
Sistema strutturato in chimica. Confronto con la fisica e la biologia 5
Comment on the calculation of absorption lineshapes for mixed-valence dimers 4
Il concetto di sistema strutturato/organizzato in chimica e confronto con le altre discipline scientifiche 4
A time-dependent quantum dynamics investigation of the guanine-cytosine system: a six dimensional model 4
Interference effects in molecular system with curve crossing 4
Teoria quantistica della misura in una visione non oggettivistica della realtà 4
Book Reviews of "Luigi Cerruti, Bella e potente: La chimica del novecento fra scienza e società, Editori Riuniti, 2003 4
Theoretical investigation of the coupling between hydrogen-atom transfer and stacking interaction in adenine-thymine dimers 4
The influence of hole-phonon coupling on the flux quantization in rings 4
Theoretical investigation of the coupling between hydrogen atoms transfer and stacking interaction in guanine-cytosine dimers 4
Le discipline scientifiche e il problema dell'unitarietà della scienza 4
Quantum mechanical investigation of G-quartet systems of DNA 4
La spiegazione chimica del vivente. Neo riduzionismo o suo superamento? 4
La chiave del mondo. Dalla filosofia alla scienza: l?onnipotenza delle molecole 4
Decay of local stretching overtones for terminal groups attached to a hydrocarbon chain: A theoretical investigastion based on a Morse-harmonic model 4
An open field: Quantum dynamics in base pair DNA systems 4
Time-dependent observables and diabatic curve crossing: a model study 4
La chimica classica alla Mendeleev e il suo rapporto con la termodinamica di Sadi Carnot 4
Structured system in chemistry: Comparison with mechanics and biology 4
Coupling between hydrogen atoms transfer and stacking interaction in adenine-thymine/guanine-cytosine complexes: A theoretical study 4
Vibrational energy migration along hydrocarbon chains: A model study 4
I mondi della chimica 4
Quantum Mechanical Investigation of the G-Quadruplex Systems of Human Telomere 4
La legge della 'conservazione delle masse' di Lavoisier 4
Vivente e non-vivente nell'ottica chimica della "complessità sistemica" 4
Tra Ottocento e Novecento. La morte dei concetti classici di atomo e di elemento 4
Hydrogen tunneling from a high-energy C-H overtone: A study of the dependence of the yield on the excitation frequency 4
Theoretical investigation of the hydrogen atom transfer in the hydrated A-T base pair 4
L'approccio sistemico della chimica al concetto di vita 4
A numerical investigation on the effects of bond hole pairs-phonon coupling in Copper-Oxygen high Tc superconductors 4
Trattazione quantisita elementere del chemisorbimento visto come fenomeno locale 4
Molecole e reti di molecole 4
Properties of the thiobase pairs hydrogen bridges: a theoretical study 4
Theoretical investigation of hydrogen transfer mechanism in adenine-thymine base pair 4
Il ruolo del tempo nei sistemi chimici 4
On the specificity of chemical explanation 4
L'atomo dal Rinascimento alla meccanica quantistica. Un'analisi storico-epistemologica di fondamentale valenza didattica 4
Fisica e Chimica: Prospettive diverse di analisi del mondo materiale. Cenni alla Biologia 4
Model studies of the dynamics at conical intersections 4
Discipline scientifiche: retaggio del passato o utile "strumento"? 4
Theory of electroabsorption spectoscopy in Pyrazine-bridged Ru dimers 3
Absorption and electroabsorption spectra of [(NH3)5Ru-pyrazine]+2 and [(NH3)5Ru-pyrazine-H]+3 by vibronic model Hamiltonian 3
Two electron transfer through a linear chain 3
Sostanze e reazioni chimiche: concetti di chimica teorica di interesse generale 3
Chemisorption of Ag on Si[111] surface: a theoretical study 3
"Introduzione", La Chimica nella Scuola, Numero Speciale: La chimica e le altre Discipline 3
Transition probability due to a conical intersection: On the role of the initial conditions and of the geometric setup of the crossing surfaces 3
La chimica: una scienza sperimentale con una fitta rete di concetti 3
Una weltanschauung scientifica: la Chimica 3
Theoretical investigation of DNA oligomer systems. Modification of the hydrogen atoms transfer in a base pair due to time-dependent interaction with stacked base pairs 3
Dall'atomo alla struttura molecolare della materia 3
The role of entities and processes in chemistry and physics | Ruolo degli enti e dei processi in chimica e in fisica 3
Electron transfer in D-B-A model system: A vibronic analysis 3
Theory of the Stark Effect spectral lineshape for a delocalized mixed-valence complex 3
La chimica: una scienza della complessità sistemica ante litteram 3
Breve nota sul concetto d'orbitale 3
Chimica e fisica a confronto in un'ottica non riduzionista 3
L'importanza culturale della chimica 3
A lezione dalle molecole 3
A priori hybridisation with the maximum localisation criterion. General aspects and new developments 3
Erratum: Role of vibronic coupling and correlation effects on the optical properties of mixed-valent and monovalent dimer compounds: The Creitz-Taube ion and its monovalent analogs (Journal of Physical Chemistry (1995) 99, (10484)) 3
Discipline e unitarietà della Scienza 3
Approccio chimico e approccio fisico al mondo materiale. Un confronto in un'ottica non riduzionista 3
Quantum dynamics of proton-coupled electron transfer in model systems 3
Dal concetto di atomo alla struttura molecolare della materia 3
A numerical investigation on the migration of excitons coupled to phonons: on the role of the frequency shift coupling term 3
Specificità della Chimica 3
Due concetti paralleli: molecola e sostanza chimica 3
Toward a description of reactions of CO and H2 on Fe surface based on SCF hydrid AOs and electronegativity equalization 3
Proton tunnelling in a strong electromagnetic field at low frequency: a simple model for the weak-temperature limit 3
É la molecola un sistema meccanico? 3
A model study of the wavepacket dynamics around a Jahn-Teller conical intersection in a symmetric charge-transfer system 3
Theoretical investigation of the hydrogen atom transfer in the hydrated C-G base pair 3
Electron transfer between quinones in photosynthetic reaction centers 3
Complessità sistemica. Un concetto generale di notevole importanza chimica 3
Theoretical investigation of the coupling between the hydrogen transfer and the base pair opening in the adenine-thymine system 3
Absorption and electroabsorption spectra of [(NH3)5Ru-pyrazine]2+ and [(NH3)5Ru-pyrazine-H]3+ by a vibronic model Hamiltonian 3
Analisi dei Concetti Fondamentali della Struttura Atomico/Molecolare 3
Approccio chimico e approccio fisico al mondo materiale: un confronto in un'ottica non riduzionista 3
Theoretical investigastion of DNA oligomer systems. Modification of the hydrogen atoms transfer in a base pair due to time-dependent interaction with stacked base pairs 3
On the possibility of prolonging the lifetime of C-H overtones through double-resonance excitation 3
La Trasformazione della materia secondo la chimica: la reattività 3
Theoretical investigation of hydrogen transfer mechanism in guanine-cytosine base pair 3
Optical dynamics in monodimensional aggregates with exciton-phonon coupling: a numerical investigation on the time-evolution of the optical doorway state 3
Excitation and decay of a C-H overtone attached to a linear hydrocarbon chain: A simple quantum-mechanical model 3
A model study of proton transfer in H5O2+ complex on a bidimensional potential energy surface 3
Control of the yield of competing unimolecular reactions through double-resonance coherent trapping 3
Role of vibronic coupling and correlation effects on the optical properties of mixed-valent and monovalent dimer compounds: the Creuz-Taube ion and its monovalent analogos 3
Totale 371
Categoria #
all - tutte 1.912
article - articoli 1.470
book - libri 49
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 258
Totale 3.689

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2023/20243 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 2
2024/2025398 3 4 107 65 219 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 401