Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
AS - Asia 747
NA - Nord America 681
EU - Europa 116
OC - Oceania 2
Totale 1.546
Nazione #
SG - Singapore 684
US - Stati Uniti d'America 667
FI - Finlandia 38
CN - Cina 37
IT - Italia 34
KR - Corea 18
CA - Canada 14
GB - Regno Unito 10
DE - Germania 8
BE - Belgio 7
NL - Olanda 6
HK - Hong Kong 4
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 3
AU - Australia 2
LT - Lituania 2
MT - Malta 2
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 1
AT - Austria 1
BG - Bulgaria 1
DK - Danimarca 1
IN - India 1
LV - Lettonia 1
MY - Malesia 1
PL - Polonia 1
SA - Arabia Saudita 1
SE - Svezia 1
Totale 1.546
Città #
Santa Clara 547
Singapore 447
Helsinki 38
Seoul 18
Guangzhou 17
Toronto 9
Phoenix 8
Brussels 7
Frankfurt am Main 7
Rome 7
Ashburn 6
Ottawa 5
Cava de' Tirreni 3
Hong Kong 3
London 3
Milan 3
Prague 3
Adelaide 2
Birkirkara 2
Florence 2
Los Angeles 2
Reston 2
Springfield 2
Amsterdam 1
Dubai 1
Forest City 1
Fort Worth 1
Genoa 1
Kuala Lumpur 1
Prineville 1
Riga 1
Riyadh 1
Sofia 1
Vienna 1
Totale 1.154
Nome #
Soil textural classification by photosedimentation method 15
Solar system for the exploitation of the whole collected energy 14
Optical control for solar mirrors 12
3F-RT22001 "Measurements of CEye according to CEI EN 62471:2010-1" 12
3F-RT20007 "Safety and uniformity measurements on handpiece with IR emitters according to IEC 60601-2-57" 12
3F-RT20006 "Measurements of apparatus "Chromo4Vis" according to EN ISO 15004-2:2007 and CEI EN 62471:2010" 12
3F-RT20004 "Misure di riflettività spettrale su campioni plastici" 12
3F-RT20003 "Measurements on an illumination device for spatial applications" 12
Field optimization for bifacial modules 12
Solar mirror control by image analysis 11
Identification of timber deformations 11
Sustainable Indoor Lighting 11
3F-RT22003 "Measurements of Instrument SL9900 5-XD (S/N 22020125) according to EN ISO 15004-2:2007" 11
Optical test procedures to analyze solar components 11
3F-RT20001 "Measurements of the ophthalmic instrument MYAH according to EN ISO 15004-2:2007:E (Ophthalmic instruments-Fundamental requirements and test methods- Part 2: Light hazard protection)" 10
3F-RT21003 "Measurements of the ophthalmic instrument MYAH according to ANSI Z80.36-2016 (Light Hazard Protection for Ophthalmic Instruments)" 10
3F-RT22004 "Evaluation of the Total Solar Reflectance (TSR) on black and white samples" 10
Progettazione, realizzazione e test su prototipo di maschera allagabile per la visione subacquea e superficiale 10
3S-RT21001 "Misure su minimoduli ENEL parte 1" 10
Weaving defect detection by Fourier imaging 10
3F-RT21002 "Measurements of Instrument Antares+ (S/N CSO 20101005) according to EN ISO 15004-2:2007 and CEI EN 62471:2010-1" 10
3F-RT20005 "Misure e valutazioni sullo sterilizzatore Harvatek SADC-AP01" 10
Defect detection in textured materials by optical filtering with structured detectors and self-adaptable masks 10
Rapporto 3S-RT09007 Mappe di irradiamento della cavità ricevente per il progetto ENEA Elioslab 10
3F-RT20002 "Misura della distanza di rischio oculare su un apparecchio IPL per uso estetico" 9
Implementation and Test of a LED-Based Lamp for a Lighthouse 9
3S-RT23001 "Misure su minimoduli ENEL parte 2" 9
Laser Profilometry on Micro-PTC 9
CPV optics: optical design and tests 9
3F-RT14004 Taratura Luminanzometro Minolta LS-110 e Chroma meter Minolta CL-200 9
Rapporto 3F-RT12006 Misure fotometriche su fari marittimi di emergenza 8
Rapporto 3F-RT13023 Safety and uniformity measurements on "E226C1 handpiece 48x17, UTS6 connector" according to IEC 60601-2-57 8
3F-RT20008 "Measurements of slit lamp SL 9800 (S/N CSO 18090080) according to EN ISO 15004-2:2007 and CEI EN 62471:2010-1" 8
Rapporto 3S-RT13001 Rapporto tecnico relativo al 4° Semestre del Task 3.3 progetto SOLTESS 8
Solar simulator modified to test PV cells 8
Optical damage tests on reflecting materials for solar applications using concentrated sunlight 8
Rapporto 3F-RT12008-BIS Taratura di un sensore UV 8
Rapporto 3F-RT12011 Misura riflettanza deposizioni di silicio 8
Design of a Scheffler Mosaic Mirror by Optical Raytracing and CAD Software 8
3S-RT19004 "Simulazioni ottiche e risultati sperimentali di un sistema di raccolta della luce solare, trasporto in fibra e distribuzione" 8
Ultra-refractory diboride ceramics for solar plant receivers 8
3F-RT17005 "Misure su pannelli avionici" 8
Rapporto 3F-RT13001 Misura di luminanza su un illuminatore a LED 8
3S-RT14001 Rapporto Tecnico relativo al 5° Semestre del Task 3.2 progetto SOLTESS 8
Mirrors array for a solar furnace: Optical analysis and simulation results 8
Optical design of a light-emitting diode lamp for a maritime lighthouse 8
3F-RT15004 "Misura della potenza e del diametro del fascio di un laser utilizzato a scopi estetici" 8
Carbon nanohorns-based nanofluids as direct sunlight absorbers 8
3F-RT15002 "Taratura Luxmetro VE 107 LX (Vemer)" 8
3S-RT14003 Rapporto Tecnico relativo al 6° Semestre del Task 3.2 progetto SOLTESS 8
3F-RT22002 "Measurements of the ophthalmic instrument MS39 according to ANSI Z80.36-2016" 8
3F-RT19006 "Valutazione della metodologia RCR per la misura e l'analisi dati di campioni di vetro" 8
Internal lighting by solar collectors and optical fibres 8
3F-RT18002 "Misure di Illuminamento presso Archivio di Stato di Milano" 8
3F-RT16007 "Flickering measurement on a radar display Hatteland 19'' following IEC 62288 Ed. 2.0 2014-07" 7
Rapporto 3F-RT13021 Safety and uniformity measurements on "E159P3 handpiece 48x13, UTS6 connector" according to IEC 60601-2-57 and measurements of spectral trasmittance on "N634K1 filter" 7
Auxiliary optics for a solar simulator to test CPV cells 7
Structured Light Profilometry on m-PTC 7
Optical profile control on solar parabolic troughs 7
Rapporto 3F-RT06010 - Taratura luxmetro VE 107 LX (Vemer) 7
3F-RT21001 "Measurements of Instrument Sirius+ (S/N CSO 20101005) according to EN ISO 15004-2:2007 and CEI EN 62471:2010-1" 7
Rapporto 3F-RT08032 Taratura Luxmetro Delta Ohm mod.HD9021 s/n 290796A407 7
Rapporto 3S-RT12004 Rapporto Tecnico relativo al Secondo Semestre del Task 3.4 progetto SOLTESS 7
3F-RT16005 "Misure su pannelli avionici" 7
Museum illumination by sunlight: a case study using PV cells and optical fibers 7
3S-RT19001 "Pre-feasibility study on a light irradiation system of a micro-algae suspension for biofuel production: second Technical Report" 7
Building glasses and skylights: optical characterization 7
3S-RT19005 "Misura del rendimento di un sistema di collezione della luce solare in fibra" 7
3F-RT14002 Telepresenza Olografica: Attività 3.1, 3.2 e 3.3 - Misure strumentali e visuali su dimostratore e commenti 7
Scattering and absorption properties of carbon nanohorns-based nanofluids 7
Potential of carbon nanohorn-based suspensions for solar thermal collectors 7
Optical Raytracing Analysis of a Scheffler Type Concentrator 7
Rapporto 3F-RT08012 Prot. INOA 1948 del 12/06/2008 Valutazione di sensibilità alla luce esterna 7
3F-RT14001 Taratura Luxmetro Konica-Minolta T-10 fino a 200 lux 7
Rapporto 3F-RT13015 Emissione spettrale di lampade fluorescenti 7
3F-RT15003 "Prototipo di sistema di misura della trasparenza della cupola di protezione di luci avioniche esterne: progetto e test" 7
Rapporto 3F-RT13024 Safety and uniformity measurements on "E159I2 handpiece 48x13, UTS6 connector" according to IEC 60601-2-57 and measurements of spectral trasmittance on N634I1, N634J1, N634K1, N634L1, N634M1, filters 7
Mirror surface check on solar troughs by optical profilometry 7
Rapporto 3F-RT13004 Telepresenza Olografica: Attività 1.3 - Simulazioni d'interni 7
Rapporto 3F-RT13005 Telepresenza Olografica: Attività 1.4 - Valutazione componenti ottici 7
Rapporto 3F-RT13022 Safety and uniformity measurements on "E159N3 handpiece 15x13, UTS6 connector" according to IEC 60601-2-57 7
3F-RT18006 "Evaluation of the ophthalmic instrument OCT according to CEI EN 60825-1:2014 (Safety of laser products)" 7
3F-RT17003 "Safety tests according to the standard IEC 60825-1 Ed. 3.0, 2014-05, on an IR laser system for measuring the vehicles speed" 7
Optical collection efficiency and orientation of a solar trough medium-power plant installed in Italy 7
Innovative flooded mask for a well-corrected vision both underwater and above-water 7
Rapporto 3S-RT10005 Possibili configurazioni del campo specchi di una centrale solare termodinamica da sviluppare in collaborazione con ESolar 6
Elliptical reflective cavity to couple a burner with a receiver 6
Color-coded methodology for deformable mirrors 6
Secondary optics design for mitigating tracking errors in a linear CPV system 6
3F-RT16010 "Measurements of the ophthalmic instrument SL990 according to EN ISO 15004-2:2007" 6
3F-RT16008 "Optical measurements on a radar display Simrad 27" following IEC 62288 Ed. 2.0 2014-07" 6
3F-RT18003 "Measurements of the ophthalmic instrument SL950 according to EN ISO 15004-2:2007" 6
Rapporto 3F-RT12012 Misure trasmittanza su filtri 6
Rapporto 3S-RT12003 Rapporto Tecnico relativo al 2° Semestre del Task 3.3 progetto SOLTESS 6
Set of protocols for overall testing for CPV 6
Rapporto 3F-RT12005 Irradiance measurements on Vega apparatus 6
3F-RT16006 "Flickering measurement on a radar display Hatteland 23.1'' following IEC 62288 Ed. 2.0 2014-07" 6
3F-RT16001 "Lighting design of a LED plate for a biomedical device" 6
3S-RT18001 "Pre-feasibility study on a light irradiation system of a micro-algae suspension for biofuel production: first Technical Report" 6
3F-RT19003 "Calibration procedure proposal of a camera + LEDs assembly for lunar mission Luna-27" 6
Totale 821
Categoria #
all - tutte 12.000
article - articoli 1.498
book - libri 77
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 308
Totale 13.883

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2023/202466 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 5 1 53 5
2024/20251.668 15 34 580 324 550 99 34 32 0 0 0 0
Totale 1.734