Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 260
AS - Asia 146
EU - Europa 67
Totale 473
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 260
SG - Singapore 136
IT - Italia 48
FI - Finlandia 14
KR - Corea 6
CN - Cina 4
DE - Germania 3
AT - Austria 2
Totale 473
Città #
Santa Clara 236
Singapore 96
Modena 21
Helsinki 14
Bologna 8
Seoul 6
Milan 5
Falkenstein 3
Guangzhou 3
Rapid City 2
Rome 2
Verona 2
Vienna 2
Ashburn 1
Bitonto 1
Naples 1
Pisa 1
Totale 404
Nome #
Field-driven attosecond charge dynamics in germanium 21
Coherent Vibrations Promote Charge-Transfer across a Graphene-Based Interface 17
Role of crystal orientation in attosecond photoinjection dynamics of germanium 16
Photoexcitation in germanium probed by attosecond transient reflectivity spectroscopy 16
Photoexcitation of a Light-Harvesting Supramolecular Triad: A Time-Dependent DFT Study 16
Understanding real-time time-dependent density-functional theory simulations of ultrafast laser-induced dynamics in organic molecules 15
Density functional approach to the band gaps of finite and periodic two-dimensional systems 14
Unveiling Vibronic Coupling within the Q-bands of a Freebase Porphyrin 13
Nonlinear light absorption in many-electron systems excited by an instantaneous electric field: a non-perturbative approach 12
Vibronic Coupling Drives the Ultrafast Internal Conversion in a Functionalized Free-Base Porphyrin 12
Attosecond Inter- and Intra-Band Charge Carrier Dynamics in Germanium 12
Photoinduced charge carrier dynamics in germanium 12
Indoor noise level measurements and subjective comfort: Feasibility of smartphone-based participatory experiments 11
Excited-state normal-mode analysis: The case of porphyrins 11
Light-Driven Attosecond Photoinjection in Germanium 10
Quantum coherence controls the charge separation in a prototypical artificial light harvesting system 9
Spin dependent many-body effects in the photoemission of Co 7
Quantum coherence controls the charge separation in a prototypical artificial light harvesting system 7
Quantum coherence controls the charge separation in a prototypical artificial light harvesting system 7
Spin dependent many-body effects in the photoemission of Co 7
Prototyping Ultrafast Charge Separation by Means of Time-Dependent Density Functional Methods 7
ARPES band maps of ferromagnetic iron: Theoretical simulation including e-e correlation 7
#Tutti in Musica con la scomposizione 7
Fundamental gaps of quantum dots on the cheap 7
Quantum coherence controls the charge separation in a prototypical artificial light harvesting system 7
Roadmap on bio-nano-photonics 7
Correlation effects on the electronic properties of Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8 7
Same-spin dynamical correlation effects on the electron localization 7
Octopus, a computational framework for exploring light-driven phenomena and quantum dynamics in extended and finite systems 7
Nonequilibrium Solvent Polarization Effects in Real-Time Electronic Dynamics of Solute Molecules Subject to Time-Dependent Electric Fields: A New Feature of the Polarizable Continuum Model 6
Modeling solvation effects in real-space and real-time within density functional approaches 6
Bonds, lone pairs, and shells probed by means of on-top dynamical correlations 6
Quantum coherence controls the charge separation in a prototypical artificial light harvesting system 6
A listening experiment comparing the timbre of two Stradivari with other violins 6
Electron-electron interactions in artificial graphene 5
Coherent ultrafast charge transfer in an organic photovoltaic blend 5
Intermolecular conical intersections in molecular aggregates 5
From reformulations of quantum many-body problems in-and out-of-equilibrium to applications to solar energy conversion on the nanoscale 5
Ab initio theory of spin entanglement in atoms and molecules 5
Charge Separation Dynamics and Opto-Electronic Properties of a Diaminoterephthalate-C60 Dyad 5
Exact Coulomb cutoff technique for supercell calculations 5
Sito web "Fisica, onde Musica" 5
Applet Onde2D 2.1 4
Band-structure effects in the core-level photoemission spectra of NiO 4
Octopus 3.0.1 4
Light tuning of the image potential state electron-electron interactions 4
Octopus 3.1.0 4
Octopus 4.0.1 4
Quantum modeling of ultrafast photoinduced charge separation 4
D2.1.1.3: Geometry optimization and ground state electronic properties of solar harvesting complexes 4
Tracking the coherent generation of polaron pairs in conjugated polymers 4
Complementing Adiabatic and Nonadiabatic Methods To Understand Internal Conversion Dynamics in Porphyrin Derivatives 4
Educational pathways through nanoscience: Nitinol as a paradigmatic smart material 4
Octopus 2.0 4
Fisica per le mie orecchie 4
Octopus 2.0rc1 3
Il Dibattito Helmholtz-Clausius (1852-1854) 3
Ab initio simulation of optical limiting: The case of metal-free phthalocyanine 3
Octopus 4.0.0 3
A Diaminoterephthalate-C-60 Dyad: A New Material for Optoelectronic Applications 3
Applet Fourier 1.0 3
Octopus 1.4 3
FisicaOndeMusica: a web environment about wave physics and musical acoustics 3
Octopus 3.2.0 3
Einstein e i quanti: il contributo dell'annus mirabilis 3
CRONOS Deliverable D2.1.1.1 3
Octopus 3.0.0 3
Stability of the Dirac cone in artificial graphene formed in quantum wells: A computational many-electron study 3
Octopus 2.0.1 3
Octopus 2.1 3
Applet Onde2D 1.1 3
Applet Fourier 1.1 2
Octopus 1.1 2
octopus: a tool for the application of time-dependent density functional theory 2
Octopus 4.1.1 2
Exact Coulomb cutoff technique for supercell calculations in two dimensions 2
Applet Onde2D 2.0 2
Coherent ultrafast charge transfer in an organic photovoltaic blend 2
Coherent Ultrafast Charge Transfer in an Organic Photovoltaic Blend 2
Quenching of majority-channel quasiparticle excitations in cobalt 2
Octopus 4.1.2 2
D2.1.1.2: Geometry optimization and ground state electronic properties of solar harvesting complexes 2
Octopus 4.1.0 2
Cos'è il teorema di Bayes, e perché dovremmo preoccuparcene 2
Fisica Onde Musica 2
Octopus 2
Octopus 3.1.1 2
D2.4.1: Exciton formation and hole-electron splitting in TiO2 clusters 2
Theoretical simulation of core level photoemission in transition metal oxides 2
Applet Onde2D 1.0 2
D2.2.1.1: Excitons formation in solar energy harvesting complexes 2
Coherent ultrafast charge transfer in an organic photovoltaic blend 2
D2.3.1.1: Time-resolved exciton dynamics in solar energy harvesting complexes 2
Probing coherent ultrafast exciton dissociation in a polymer: Fullerene photovoltaic absorber 2
Ab initio Fermi surface and conduction-band calculations in oxygen-reduced MoO3 2
Orizzonti Sonori - La sottile linea di confine tra scienza e musica 2
Physical Insights and Tips About Drumset Tuning 2
Theoretical simulation of core-level photoemission in transition-metal oxides 2
Totale 532
Categoria #
all - tutte 2.707
article - articoli 1.325
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 86
Totale 4.118

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2023/202477 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 42 19 13
2024/2025455 18 12 99 55 225 46 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 532