Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 484
AS - Asia 185
EU - Europa 59
AF - Africa 1
Totale 729
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 482
SG - Singapore 179
IT - Italia 32
DE - Germania 6
NL - Olanda 6
FI - Finlandia 5
FR - Francia 2
IE - Irlanda 2
KG - Kirghizistan 2
AT - Austria 1
BE - Belgio 1
CA - Canada 1
CN - Cina 1
DO - Repubblica Dominicana 1
GB - Regno Unito 1
GR - Grecia 1
JO - Giordania 1
JP - Giappone 1
LK - Sri Lanka 1
MA - Marocco 1
PL - Polonia 1
RO - Romania 1
Totale 729
Città #
Santa Clara 435
Singapore 106
Milan 10
Helsinki 5
Cavallino 4
Ashburn 3
Falkenstein 3
Bishkek 2
Bologna 2
Dublin 2
Genoa 2
Los Angeles 2
Phoenix 2
Amman 1
Athens 1
Brussels 1
Colombo 1
Forest City 1
La Maddalena 1
London 1
Ottawa 1
Totale 586
Nome #
Efficient use of Nadaraya-Watson models and low-discrepancy sequences for approximate dynamic programming 16
null 15
null 14
Deep Reinforcement Learning for Multi-Objective Placement of Virtual Machines in Cloud Datacenters 13
Efficient kernel models for learning and approximate minimization problems 13
Nonlinear Model Predictive Control for Resource Allocation in the Management of Intermodal Container Terminals 12
null 12
Multiobjective Placement for Secure and Dependable Smart Industrial Environments 11
Metodologie di controllo model predictive per l ottimizzazione della movimentazione dei containers nei terminal portuali 11
Nonlinear model predictive control for resource allocation in the management of intermodal container terminals 11
Management of logistics operations in intermodal terminals by using dynamic modelling and nonlinear programming 11
Sistema di supporto alle decisioni per l ottimizzazione della movimentazione dei containers, nei terminal portuali, integrato con la rete Tetra (ISSIA - CNR). 11
Modellazione di servizi informatici di elaborazione in Piattaforme Informatiche di elaborazione virtualizzate e delocalizzate - Metodi e strategie per il deployment e l'integrazione efficiente e sicura di servizi in ambito Cloud 11
null 11
A decision support tool based on a queueing model for performance analysis and optimization of container terminals 11
Modeling and feedback control for resource allocation and performance analysis in container terminals 11
Predictive control of container flows in intermodal terminals 11
Data-driven forecasting of ship motions in waves using machine learning and dynamic mode decomposition 11
Model-based control of container handling in intermodal terminals for performance optimization 11
Evolution of Autonomous Surface Vehicles 10
null 10
A MILP formulation and a metaheuristic approach for the scheduling of drone landings and payload changes on an automatic platform 10
Lattice point sets for state sampling in approximate dynamic programming 10
null 10
Seeing the unseen: revealing mobile malware hidden communications via energy consumption and artificial intelligence 9
When time matters: predictive mission planning in cyber-physical scenarios 9
Policy optimization for berth allocation problems 9
Optimal control of time instants for task replanning in robotic networks 9
Scheduling on identical parallel machines with time-of-use costs 9
A preliminary experiment combining marine robotics and citizenship engagement using imitation learning 9
Improving knowledge and forecasting of ship performance in waves via hybrid machine learning methods 9
Suboptimal solutions to team optimization problems with statistical information structure 9
An approach to exploit non-optimized data for efficient control of unknown systems through neural and kernel models 8
Adaptive vertical farm for fresh food production in orbital stations and future lunar settlements 8
Impatto degli aspetti di sicurezza sul consumo energetico di apparati TLC 8
Suboptimal solutions to team optimization problems with stochastic information structure 8
An improved load flow method for MV networks based on LV load measurements and estimations 8
Moving-horizon estimation for discrete-time linear and nonlinear systems using the gradient and Newton methods 8
null 8
Detection of flow regime transitions using dynamic mode decomposition and moving horizon estimation 8
Group Model Building and Computational Intelligence Tools for Stakeholder Engagement and Deliberative Processes 8
A receding horizon approach for berth allocation based on random search optimization 8
Lattice sampling for efficient learning with Nadaraya-Watson local models 7
Nonlinear predictive control for the management of container flows in maritime intermodal terminals 7
Approximate dynamic programming by variable-basis schemes: Error analysis and numerical results 7
Optimal and predictive control of distribution chains by using integer tree-based search and mixed-integer programming 7
Lattice point sets for efficient kernel smoothing models 7
A two-step optimization model for the distribution of perishable products 7
Optimization of gas metering maintenance services: A multiobjective vehicle routing problem with a set of predefined overlapping time windows 7
Black-box modeling and optimal control of a two-phase flow using level set methods 7
Strategic and tactical optimization of distribution networks for perishable products 7
Scheduling landing and payload switch of unmanned aerial vehicles on a single automatic platform 7
Quasi-random sampling for approximate dynamic programming 7
Parameter identification of the normal flow equation by using adaptive estimation 7
Optimal control of level sets dynamics 6
Model predictive control for energy-efficient, quality-aware, and secure virtual machine placement 6
Model predictive control for the scheduling of seedings in an adaptive vertical farm 6
Moving horizon state estimation for constrained discrete-time systems by using fast descent methods 6
Optimal control of level sets generated by the normal flow equation 6
Identification of freeway traffic dynamics using fluid and black-box nonlinear models 6
Predictive control of container flows in maritime intermodal terminals 6
Approximation Structures with Moderate Complexity in Functional Optimization and Dynamic Programming 6
Integer tree-based search and mixed-integer optimal control of distribution chains 6
An analysis based on F-discrepancy for sampling in regression tree learning 6
Moving horizon trend identification based on switching models for data driven decomposition of fluid flows 6
Measuring the energy consumption of cyber security 6
Fast moving horizon state estimation for discrete-time systems using single and multi iteration descent methods 6
Moving-horizon state estimation for nonlinear systems using neural networks 6
Dynamic programming and value-function approximation with application to optimal consumption 6
Moving-horizon state estimation for nonlinear systems using neural networks 5
Approximate solution of feedback optimal control problems for distributed parameter systems 5
Optimal control of level set dynamics via a finite-dimensional approximation scheme 5
Feedback control on the velocity field and source term of a normal flow equation 5
Optimal control for level set methods involved in PDE systems 5
Optimal propagating fronts using Hamilton-Jacobi equations 5
A predictive control approach for energy-aware consolidation of virtual machines in cloud computing 5
Dynamic mode decomposition for the inspection of three-regime separated transitional boundary layers using a least squares method 5
Multiresolution PWL approximations 5
Model predictive control for the placement of virtual machines in cloud computing applications 5
Robust predictive control for the management of multi-echelon distribution chains 5
Black-box modeling and optimal control of a two-phase flow by using navier-stokes equations and level set methods 5
Decentralized optimization problems with cooperating decision makers 5
Piecewise linear approximations of multivariate functions: A multiresolution-based compression algorithm suitable for circuit implementation 5
Predictive control for energy-aware consolidation in cloud datacenters 5
Min-max and predictive control for the management of distribution in supply chains 5
Design specifications of an UAV for environmental monitoring, safety, video surveillance, and urban security 5
Dynamic programming and value-function approximation in sequential decision problems: error analysis and numerical results 5
Modeling and identification of nonlinear dynamics for freeway traffic by using information from a mobile cellular network 5
Optimal control of propagating fronts by using level set methods and neural approximations 5
Feedback optimal control of distributed parameter systems by using finite-dimensional approximation schemes 5
State and observer-based feedback control of normal flow equations 5
UAVs for urban security: a successful testbed for emergency support 5
Optimal Control of PDE-based Systems by Using a Finite-Dimensional Approximation Scheme 5
Further results on the optimal control of fronts generated by level set methods 5
Optimal control of distribution chains for perishable goods 5
Identification of nonlinear dynamics for freeway traffic by using information from a mobile cellular network 5
On-line mode decomposition of fluid flows using moving horizon estimation 5
Understanding information hiding to secure communications and to prevent exfiltration of mobile data 4
Extended Kalman filtering to design optimal controllers of fronts generated by level set methods 4
Sowing Scheduling of Two Crop Types via Predictive Control in Adaptive Vertical Farms for Space 2
Totale 753
Categoria #
all - tutte 3.459
article - articoli 1.237
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 236
Totale 4.932

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2023/202419 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 4 12
2024/2025737 5 5 120 63 401 38 17 88 0 0 0 0
Totale 756