Dairy products appear to be good vehicles for the delivery of probiotics to humans. Commercial probiotic strains Lactobacillus casei, Lb. rhamnosus, Lb. plantarum, Lb. paracasei subsp. paracasei, Lb. acidophilus, Bifidobacterium lactis, B. animalis subsp. lactis were investigated for the production of a probiotic light Stracchino cheese. Strains were incorporated into Stracchino cheese as free cells as multispecies mixtures with different ratios. The viability of the probiotics was evaluated during manufacture, ripening (1 and 6 d) and storage (26 d at 4°C). Furthermore the survival of incorporated bacteria was tested simulating in vitro gastrointestinal conditions. With an additional level of 10 6 cfu/mL of milk at the end of the shelf-life the mean value of the cell count of probiotic strains was 7.4 log 10 CFU/g (ranging from 7.0 to 9.1 log 10 CFU/g). The presence of probiotic strains didn't influence the growth of Streptococcus thermophilus used as starter. Sensory and structural properties, body and texture of the Stracchino cheese with incorporated Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobaterium animalis subsp. lactis were the most similar to the characteristics of Stracchino cheese produced by the conventional method. Probiotics maintained levels greater than 10 7 CFU/g which is the requirement to provide therapeutic benefits. Differently from the other tested mixtures, the employment of Bifidobacterium only and Lb. acidophilus didn't show a higher lactic acid content than the control cheese. The probiotic strains survival wasn't significantly influenced by the passage of the cheese through lysozyme, pepsine, pancreatin and bile salts: at least 7.29 log 10 CFU/g were detectable at the end of the simulation of gastrointestinal trait.
Per la produzione di Stracchino Magro-Probiotico sono state valutate levoluzione e la sopravvivenza di miscele di ceppi probiotici reperibili in commercio di 3 produttori diversi ed appartenenti alle specie Lactobacillus casei, Lb. rhamnosus, Lb. plantarum, Lb. paracasei subsp. paracasei, Lb. acidophilus, Bifidobacterium lactis e B. animalis subsp. lactis. I batteri probiotici sono stati addizionati in combinazioni diverse per specie e rapporto. Per ciascuna prova è stata valutata la consistenza della microflora lattica nel latte innestato, nella cagliata e nel prodotto a 6 giorni di maturazione ed a fine shelf-life (26 giorni). Globalmente il valore medio dei probiotici a fine shelf-life è risultato pari a 7,4 log10 UFC/g con valori compresi tra 7,0 e 9,1 log10 UFC/g. Il prodotto con le caratteristiche strutturali ed organolettiche più idonee alla commercializzazione è stato ottenuto da lavorazioni con Lb. acidophilus e B. animalis subsp. lactis che, aggiunti in concentrazione pari a 106 UFC/mL nel latte, garantiscono alla fine della shelf-life valori sempre superiori a 7,0 log10 UFC/g, in accordo con quanto indicato nelle linee guida del Ministero della Salute, dove, per una temporanea colonizzazione in una persona adulta, è considerata idonea lingestione di almeno 109 cellule vive per giorno. Il dosaggio individuato si è dimostrato, inoltre, in grado di evitare problemi di eccessiva acidificazione del prodotto riscontrati con altre miscele. Si è verificato inoltre che a fine shelf-life i batteri probiotici addizionati avessero mantenuto le caratteristiche specifiche di resistenza al transito nel tratto gastro-intestinale; a tale scopo, è stata riprodotta in vitro la digestione di campioni di formaggio di due diverse lavorazioni, simulando, in tappe successive, il transito orale mediante aggiunta di lisozima, la digestione nello stomaco in presenza di pepsina ed il passaggio nellintestino in presenza di pancreatina e sali di bile. A fine percorso la consistenza della microflora probiotica, con valori mai inferiori a 7,29 log10UFC/g, è risulta paragonabile a quella del campione non trattato.
Stracchino light quale vettore di colture probiotiche
Todesco R;Brasca M;Lodi R
Dairy products appear to be good vehicles for the delivery of probiotics to humans. Commercial probiotic strains Lactobacillus casei, Lb. rhamnosus, Lb. plantarum, Lb. paracasei subsp. paracasei, Lb. acidophilus, Bifidobacterium lactis, B. animalis subsp. lactis were investigated for the production of a probiotic light Stracchino cheese. Strains were incorporated into Stracchino cheese as free cells as multispecies mixtures with different ratios. The viability of the probiotics was evaluated during manufacture, ripening (1 and 6 d) and storage (26 d at 4°C). Furthermore the survival of incorporated bacteria was tested simulating in vitro gastrointestinal conditions. With an additional level of 10 6 cfu/mL of milk at the end of the shelf-life the mean value of the cell count of probiotic strains was 7.4 log 10 CFU/g (ranging from 7.0 to 9.1 log 10 CFU/g). The presence of probiotic strains didn't influence the growth of Streptococcus thermophilus used as starter. Sensory and structural properties, body and texture of the Stracchino cheese with incorporated Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobaterium animalis subsp. lactis were the most similar to the characteristics of Stracchino cheese produced by the conventional method. Probiotics maintained levels greater than 10 7 CFU/g which is the requirement to provide therapeutic benefits. Differently from the other tested mixtures, the employment of Bifidobacterium only and Lb. acidophilus didn't show a higher lactic acid content than the control cheese. The probiotic strains survival wasn't significantly influenced by the passage of the cheese through lysozyme, pepsine, pancreatin and bile salts: at least 7.29 log 10 CFU/g were detectable at the end of the simulation of gastrointestinal trait.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.