Staphylococcus aureus è uno dei più frequenti agenti eziologici d´intossicazioni alimentari legate al consumo di prodotti lattiero-caseari, in particolare di quelli a latte crudo. Nel corso delle lavorazioni la carica di questo microrganismo può aumentare e costituire un potenziale rischio per la salute dei consumatori a causa della proprietà di alcuni stipiti di produrre enterotossine termoresistenti. La ricerca di ceppi enterotossinogeni e delle tossine stafilococciche è prevista per legge nel caso di superamento dei limiti numerici di S. aureus imposti dalla norma vigente. Il presente lavoro aveva l´obiettivo di valutare l´influenza delle condizioni colturali sullo sviluppo e la tossinogenesi di S. aureus. In particolare, su ceppi isolati da matrici casearie, si è studiata la crescita a 10, 25 e 37 gradi C in latte a diversi valori di pH (4,5; 5,0; 5,5; 6,7). Si è osservato che, allontanandosi dalle condizioni ottimali (37 gradi C; pH 6,7), si ha un rallentamento della crescita e la tossina è rilevabile a elevati livelli di contaminazione stafilococcica. Si sono inoltre realizzate caseificazioni sperimentali contaminando artificialmente latte vaccino e caprino, eseguendo due tipologie di lavorazione: lattica e presamica. Nelle caseificazioni di tipo lattico a valori di pH inferiori a 5,0 le tossine sono state rilevate in un minor numero di campioni rispetto alle caseificazioni presamiche. Si può concludere che i formaggi in cui si è avviato un buon processo fermentativo da parte dei batteri lattici possono essere considerati sufficientemente protetti dal rischio di un accumulo di tossina, anche quando occasionalmente contaminati da ceppi di stafilococchi tossinogeni
Staphylococcus aureus is a major cause of foodborne diseases in many Countries. S. aureus can multiply readily in many foods and dairy products are probably the most frequently involved. Staphylococcal food poisoning is caused by the ingestion of enterotoxins produced in foods by some strains of S. aureus. Enterotoxins are generally produced in the late exponential or stationary phase of growth. This investigation was undertaken to determine how the production of enterotoxin of S. aureus is affected when staphylococci are grown in milk and in different pH and temperature conditions and in fresh cheeses. Growth and enterotoxin production were studied in milk at different pH (4.5, 5.0, 6.0 and 6.7) and different temperature conditions (10, 25 and 37 deg C). In unfavourable conditions the enterotoxin is detectable only with very high levels of staphylococcal contamination. Fresh cheese was artificially contaminated with S. aureus and it was demonstrated that the acid pH of this matrix acts positively both on bacterial growth and on enterotoxin production also when time-temperature conditions are favourable for a massive development. Our data confirm that the presence of a rich lactic microflora combined to a low level of pH and temperature can effectively limit the growth and above all the enterotoxin production of S. aureus
Influenza delle diverse condizioni colturali sullo sviluppo e tossinogenesi di Staphylococcus aureus.
Milena Brasca;Stefano Morandi;Roberta Lodi
Staphylococcus aureus is a major cause of foodborne diseases in many Countries. S. aureus can multiply readily in many foods and dairy products are probably the most frequently involved. Staphylococcal food poisoning is caused by the ingestion of enterotoxins produced in foods by some strains of S. aureus. Enterotoxins are generally produced in the late exponential or stationary phase of growth. This investigation was undertaken to determine how the production of enterotoxin of S. aureus is affected when staphylococci are grown in milk and in different pH and temperature conditions and in fresh cheeses. Growth and enterotoxin production were studied in milk at different pH (4.5, 5.0, 6.0 and 6.7) and different temperature conditions (10, 25 and 37 deg C). In unfavourable conditions the enterotoxin is detectable only with very high levels of staphylococcal contamination. Fresh cheese was artificially contaminated with S. aureus and it was demonstrated that the acid pH of this matrix acts positively both on bacterial growth and on enterotoxin production also when time-temperature conditions are favourable for a massive development. Our data confirm that the presence of a rich lactic microflora combined to a low level of pH and temperature can effectively limit the growth and above all the enterotoxin production of S. aureusFile | Dimensione | Formato | |
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Descrizione: The influence of different cultural conditions on the development and toxinogenesis of Staphylococcus aureus
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