Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 366
AS - Asia 267
EU - Europa 83
AF - Africa 7
SA - Sud America 5
Totale 728
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 366
SG - Singapore 226
IT - Italia 50
CN - Cina 32
FI - Finlandia 12
KR - Corea 9
MA - Marocco 7
CO - Colombia 5
DE - Germania 5
NL - Olanda 5
UA - Ucraina 5
SE - Svezia 3
BG - Bulgaria 1
HR - Croazia 1
IE - Irlanda 1
Totale 728
Città #
Santa Clara 323
Singapore 161
Guangzhou 15
Helsinki 12
Palermo 9
Seoul 9
Naples 8
Tangier 7
Barrancabermeja 5
Amsterdam 4
Rome 4
Bari 3
Camaiore 3
Falkenstein 3
Phoenix 3
Berlin 2
Cagliari 2
Houston 2
Modena 2
San Giorgio della Richinvelda 2
Stockholm 2
Verona 2
Ashburn 1
Bologna 1
Burgas 1
Cosenza 1
Dublin 1
Santo Stefano di Camastra 1
Trieste 1
Totale 590
Nome #
PONa3_00363 I-AMICA (Infrastruttura di Alta tecnologia per il Monitoraggio Integrato Climatico-Ambientale) 22
A 4,500-year record of palaeomagnetic secular variation and relative palaeointensity from the Tyrrhenian Sea 18
High-resolution climate variability across the Piacenzian/Gelasian boundary in the Monte San Nicola section (Sicily, Italy) 17
Living and dead benthic foraminiferal distribution in two areas of the Ross Sea (Antarctica) 17
Planktonic foraminifera response to the azores high and industrial-era global warming in the central-western Mediterranean Sea 16
Calcareous Nannofossil variability controlled by Milankovitch and sub-Milankovitch periodicity in the Monte San Nicola section (Gelasian GSSP / MIS 100–104) 16
Climatic variability over the last two millennia in the mediterranean area: A review from marine paleoarchives 12
The effect of heavy metals presence on benthic foraminifera communities in the Gulf of Gela (Sicilian Channel) 12
null 12
Living coccolithophore communities in the central Mediterranean Sea (Summer 2016): Relations between ecology and oceanography 12
The Monte San Nicola section (Sicily) revisited: A potential unit-stratotype of the Gelasian Stage 12
Vegetation history of SE Sicily from feudal land management to post-war agricultural industrialization 12
Impact of the freshwater inflow from the Volturno river on the coastal circulation 11
Relationship between coccolithophores and the physical and chemical oceanography of eastern Libyan coastal waters 11
Nuove Ricette dal Mare 11
Monitoraggio integrato di un'area marino-costiera: la foce del Fiume Volturno (Mar Tirreno centrale) 11
Late Holocene forest dynamics in the Gulf of Gaeta (central Mediterranean) in relation to NAO variability and human impact 11
A microscale hybrid modelling system to assess the air quality over a large portion of a large European city 10
null 10
Neogene-Quaternary Mediterranean calcareous nannofossil biozonation and biochronology: A review 10
null 9
Marine sediment cores database for the Mediterranean Basin: a tool for past climatic and environmental studies 9
Risultati preliminari delle campagne oceanografiche I-AMICA_2012_01 e IAMICA_2012_02 Foce del Fiume Volturno, Golfo di Gaeta Mar Tirreno centrale. 9
Futuroremoto. Il Mare, scoperte e catastrofi naturali. 9
null 9
Spatial Distribution of Benthic Foraminifera in the Neretva Channel (Croatia Coast): Faunal Response to Environmental Parameters 9
Mangiamo a RITmo di MARE 8
Study of the Biomass and Spatial Distribution of Deep Pelagic Fish Larvæ of Sicilian Channel in Relationships to the Physical and Chemical Parameters of the Water Column 8
Core description collected during Oceanographic Survey NextData2013 (12 - 19 September 2013) Project NEXTDATA WP-1.5 8
Yttrium and REE signature recognized in Central Mediterranean Sea (ODP site 963) during the MIS 6 - MIS 5 transition 8
"Oceanographic Surveys" video-documentary 8
Paleoclimatic reconstruction from marine records of central and western Mediterranean area over last five millennia using planktonic foraminifera 8
Divulgazione scientifica in ambiente marino: il caso dell'IAMC-CNR di Mazara del Vallo e Capo Granitola 8
Studio integrato di un'area marino-costiera: la foce del fiume Volturno. 8
Evidence for a link between the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation and annual asthma mortality rates in the US 8
Study of the Biomass and Spatial Distribution of Deep Pelagic Fish Larvæof Sicilian Channel in Relationships to the Physical and Chemical Parameters of the Water Column 7
Marine response to climate changes during the last five millennia in the central Mediterranean Sea 7
Paleoclimatic changes occurred during the last two millennia in the central and south Tyrrhenian Sea: a contribution of NEXTDATA project 7
Asthma incidence can be influenced by climate change in Italy: findings from the GEIRD study -- a climatological and epidemiological assessment 7
Study of the Biomass and Spatial Distribution of Deep Pelagic Fish Larvæ of Sicilian Channel in Relationships to the Physical and Chemical Parameters of the Water Column. 7
null 7
null 7
Living coccolithophores community from Southern Tyrrhenian Sea (Central Mediterranean - Summer 2009) 7
Lo stato dell'ambiente marino nell'area del Canale di Sicilia in prossimità del SIN di Gela. 7
Vegetation history of SE Sicily from feudal land management to post-war agricultural industrialization 7
RAPPORTO DI FINE CAMPAGNA Campagna Oceanografica I-AMICA_2013_01 Progetto PON I-AMICA OR.4.4 Foce del Fiume Volturno Golfo di Gaeta, Mar Tirreno 7
Calcareous nannofossil assemblages from the Central Mediterranean Sea over the last four centuries: the impact of the little ice age 7
Marine sediment cores: archive of the Mediterranean Basin. A tool for Holocene climatic and environmental studies 7
Reworked coccoliths: proxy to reconstruct Volturno hydrographic basin runoff variation ( central Tyrrhenian Sea ) for the last 350 years 7
Divulgazione scientifica e attività di pesca nel comune di Palermo: risultati di un progetto per la promozione delle risorse del pescato. VII Forum Italiano di Scienze della Terra 7
Paleoclimatic changes occurred during the last two millennia in the central and south Tyrrhenian Sea: a contribution of NEXTDATA project 7
Past climate variability over the last millennia in the Mediterranean area: a contribution of NextData project 7
Calcareous Nannofossil Assemblages from the Central Mediterranean Sea over the Last Four Centuries: The Impact of the Little Ice Age 6
Living Coccolithophores from the Gulf of Sirte (Southern Mediterranean Sea) during the summer of 2008 6
Calcareous nannofossil surface sediment assemblages from the Sicily Channel (central Mediterranean Sea): Palaeoceanographic implications 6
Live benthic foraminifera from the Volturno River mouth (central Tyrrhenian Sea, Italy) 6
Multi-proxy signatures in deep-water fine-grained sediments: Inherited versus syn-sedimentary factors controlling sediment compositions within a foredeep basin (Paleogene Adriatic foredeep - Northern Italy) 6
Core description collected during Oceanographic Survey NextData2013 6
Final Report of the Oceanographic Survey NextData201. Project NEXTDATA WP-1.5 6
Different key roles of mesoscale oceanographic structures and ocean bathymetry in shaping larval fish distribution pattern: A case study in Sicilian waters in summer 2009 6
Coccolithophores in Water Samples and Fossil Assemblages in Sedimentary Archives of the Mediterranean Sea: A Review. In: Martorino, L., Puopolo, K.,. New Oceanography Research Developments: Marine Chemistry, Ocean Floor Analyses and Marine Phytoplankton. 6
Risultati preliminari delle campagne oceanografiche I-AMICA_2012_01 e I-AMICA_2012_02 Foce del Fiume Volturno, Golfo di Gaeta Mar Tirreno centrale 6
Final Report of the Oceanographic Survey NextData2014 Project NEXTDATA WP-1.5 Paleoclimatic Data from Marine Sediments (CNR-DTA, URT EvK2-CNR, INGV) Strait of Sicily - Adriatic Sea 6
Paleoclimatic changes occurred during the last two centuries in the Gulf of Gaeta (central-eastern Tyrrhenian Sea): a contribution of NEXTDATA project 6
Discriminazione di stock e struttura della popolazione di acciughe nel Mediterraneo centrale mediante tecniche di morfometria tradizionale e geometrica 6
I-AMICA coastal hydrological surveys in the eastern Tyrrhenian Sea 6
Calcareous Nannofossil and Planktonic Foraminifera Biostratigraphy of selected Piacenzian-Gelasian Laminites from Southern Italy 5
High resolution calcareous plankton biostratigraphy of the Serravallian succession of the Tremiti Islands (Italy). 5
An integrated calcareous plankton biostratigraphic scheme and biochronology for the Mediterranean Middle Miocene 5
Late-Holocene palaeoenvironmental changes from the Gulf of Gaeta 5
Paleoclimatic changes occurred during the last two centuries in the Gulf of Gaeta (central-eastern Tyrrhenian Sea): a contribution of NEXTDATA project 5
Monitoraggio ambientale integrato alla foce del Fiume Volturno (Golfo di Gaeta, Mar Tirreno centro-orientale). 5
Climatic variability during the last two millennia in the Tyrrhenian Sea: evidences from planktonic foraminifera and geochemical data. 5
A high-resolution marine record of vegetation and climate changes from Central Italy during the last five millennia 5
Paleoclimatic reconstruction from marine records of central and western Mediterranean area over last five millennia using planktonic foraminifera 5
Climate fluctuations and human impact during the late Holocene in a multi-proxy marine record from the Gulf of Gaeta (Tyrrhenian Sea, central Italy) 5
Geoeventi in Sicilia 5
WDB-Paleo: apaleo-climatic proxies database of marine sediment cores from the Mediterranean Sea 5
null 5
Dati preliminari sui coccolitoforidi viventi e fossili alla foce del fiume volturno (Golfo di Gaeta - Mar Tirreno centro-orientale). 5
Attività di ricerca e risultati preliminari del Progetto NEXTDATA 5
Local hydrodynamic in coastal system affects the coccolithophore community at a short spatial scale 5
Sea surface temperature reconstruction over the last five millennia in the Sicily Channel (central Mediterranean): Mg/Ca ratio from planktonic foraminifer Globigerinoides ruber 5
Calcareous nannofossil surface sediment assemblages from the SicilyChannel (central Mediterranean Sea): palaeoceanographic implications. 4
High resolution calcareous plankton biostratigraphy of the Serravallian succession of the Tremiti Islands (Adriatic Sea, Italy) 4
Chemical-physical dynamics in the Sicily Channel (central Mediterranean Sea). 4
Variabilità climatica durante l'ultima deglaciazione e l'Olocene: la risposta delle associazioni a coccolitoforidi e dei biomarker dalla carota ND14Q (Mar Adriatico Meridionale) 4
Carta Geologica d'Italia alla scala 1:50.000. 608, Caccamo 4
The influence of physical and biological processes on the ichthyoplankton communities in the Gulf of Sirte (Southern Mediterranean Sea) 4
The Impact of the Little Ice Age on Coccolithophores in the Central Mediterranea Sea. 4
Paleoclimatic reconstruction from marine records of central and western Mediterranean area over last five millennia using planktonic foraminifera 4
Late Holocene vegetation and climate changes recorded by a high resolution marine record from the Gulf of Gaeta (central Italy) 4
The impact of the little ice age on coccolithophores in the central mediterranea sea 4
Dati preliminari sui Coccolitoforidi viventi e fossili alla foce del Fiume Volturno (Golfo di Gaeta - Mar Tirreno centro-orientale) 4
Marine response to climate changes during the last five millennia in the central Mediterranean Sea 4
Final Report of the Oceanographic Survey NextData2014- Project NEXTDATA WP-1.5. 4
Coccolithophores in Water Samples and Fossil Assemblages in Sedimentary Archives of the Mediterranean Sea: A Review. 4
Study of Benthic Foraminifera Tanatocenoses of Gela Gulf 4
Totale 753
Categoria #
all - tutte 4.065
article - articoli 2.538
book - libri 91
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 118
Totale 6.812

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2023/202460 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 5 39 0
2024/2025781 18 25 181 112 292 153 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 841