Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 401
AS - Asia 70
EU - Europa 3
Totale 474
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 401
SG - Singapore 69
FI - Finlandia 3
CN - Cina 1
Totale 474
Città #
Santa Clara 382
Singapore 53
Helsinki 3
Beijing 1
Fort Worth 1
Prineville 1
Springfield 1
Totale 442
Nome #
Polymers with spatial or topological constraints: theoretical and computational results 14
Dynamics based alignment of enzymatic superfamilies 12
Knotting of random ring polymers in confined spaces (vol 124, pg 064903, 2006) 11
The Role of Non-native Interactions in the Folding of Knotted Proteins 11
McGenus: a Monte Carlo algorithm to predict RNA secondary structures with pseudoknots 11
Numerical study of linear and circular model DNA chains confined in a slit: metric and topological properties 11
Coarse-grained approach to biopolymers' conformational and dynamical properties 11
Knotting of linear DNA in nano-slits and nano-channels: a numerical study 11
Convergent dynamics in the protease enzymatic superfamily 10
Hybridization in Nanostructured DNA Monolayers Probed by AFM: Theory Versus Experiment 10
Bridging the atomic and coarse-grained descriptions of collective motions in proteins 10
Correspondences between low-energy modes in enzymes: Dynamics-based alignment of enzymatic functional families 10
Depletion effects and loop formation in self-avoiding polymers 10
Inferring the effective thickness of polyelectrolytes from stretching measurements at various ionic strengths: applications to DNA and RNA 10
Dynamics based alignment of enzymatic superfamilies 10
Knotting and metric scaling properties of DNA confined in nano-channels: a Monte Carlo study 10
Nonkinetic Modeling of the Mechanical Unfolding of Multimodular Proteins: Theory and Experiments 10
Simulations of DNA knotting in viral capsids 10
Non-kinetic modeling of the mechanical unfolding of multimodular proteins: theory and experiments 10
Simulations of knotting in confined circular DNA 10
Optimal Langevin modeling of out-of-equilibrium molecular dynamics simulations 10
Structure and dynamics of ring polymers: entanglement effects because of solution density and ring topology 10
Folding Pathways of a Knotted Protein with a Realistic Atomistic Force Field 10
Biopolymer organization upon confinement 10
Probing the entanglement and locating knots in ring polymers: a comparative study of different arc closure schemes 10
Topological jamming of spontaneously knotted polyelectrolyte chains driven through a nanopore 10
Simulations of knotting in confined circular DNA 10
Small- and Large-Scale Conformational Changes of Adenylate Kinase: A Molecular Dynamics Study of the Subdomain Motion and Mechanics 10
Spatial confinement induces hairpins in nicked circular DNA 10
Essential dynamics of helices provide a functional classification of EF-hand proteins 10
Structure and elasticity of model disordered, polydisperse, and defect-free polymer networks 10
Master equation approach to the assembly of viral capsids 10
Multiscale entanglement in ring polymers under spherical confinement 10
Are structural biases at protein termini a signature of vectorial folding? 10
Knotted vs. Unknotted Proteins: Evidence of Knot-Promoting Loops 9
Efficient reconstruction of complex free energy landscapes by multiple walkers metadynamics 9
Structural and dynamical alignment of enzymes with partial structural similarity 9
Entanglement and knotting of DNA in viral capsids: a coarse-grained approach 9
Knotting of random ring polymers in confined spaces 9
Entanglement and knotting of DNA in viral capsids: a coarse-grained approach 9
Large-scale motions and electrostatic properties of furin and HIV-1 protease 9
Comparing interfacial dynamics in protein-protein complexes: an elastic network approach 9
Evolutionarily Conserved Functional Mechanics across Pepsin-like and Retroviral Aspartic Proteases fluctuations on enzymatic activity 9
Entropy-driven genome organization 9
Study of the villin headpiece folding dynamics by combining coarse-grained Monte Carlo evolution and all-atom molecular dynamics 8
Anharmonicity and self-similarity of the free energy landscape of protein G 8
TacoxDNA: A user-friendly web server for simulations of complex DNA structures, from single strands to origami 8
Protein folding simulations: combining coarse-grained models and all-atom molecular dynamics 8
Totale 474
Categoria #
all - tutte 1.540
article - articoli 1.301
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 34
Totale 2.875

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2024/2025474 0 2 62 24 334 50 2 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 474