Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 604
AS - Asia 292
EU - Europa 57
Totale 953
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 604
SG - Singapore 259
IT - Italia 35
CN - Cina 25
FI - Finlandia 19
JP - Giappone 8
SE - Svezia 2
NL - Olanda 1
Totale 953
Città #
Santa Clara 555
Singapore 193
Helsinki 19
Guangzhou 15
Pisa 7
Sannomaru 6
Cascina 5
Genoa 5
Florence 4
Turin 4
Gifu 2
Malmo 2
Amsterdam 1
Ashburn 1
Boca Raton 1
Catanzaro 1
Forest City 1
Los Angeles 1
Rome 1
Totale 824
Nome #
Mobile phone data analytics against the COVID-19 epidemics in Italy: flow diversity and local job markets during the national lockdown 17
Use of mobile phone data to estimate mobility flows. Measuring urban population and inter-city mobility using big data in an integrated approach 15
The effects of route randomization on urban emissions 13
How data mining and machine learning evolved from relational data base to data science 12
Human mobility, AI assistants, and urban emissions: an insidious triangle 12
Give more data, awareness and control to individual citizens, and they will help COVID-19 containment 11
DataSift: Uno strumento per l'analisi intelligente dei dati di vendita della grande distribuzione 10
Understanding any time series classifier with a subsequence-based explainer 10
Use of mobile phone data to estimate visitors mobility flows 10
Gross polluters and vehicle emissions reduction 10
Spatio-temporal clustering 10
Deductive and inductive reasoning on spatio-temporal data 10
Interpretable data partitioning through tree-based clustering methods 10
PETRA - An individual mobility pattern and diary model for smart cities 9
Fast, interpretable, and deterministic time series classification with a bag-of-receptive-fields 9
PETRA - The simulation framework for crowd mobility behaviour 9
Navigation services and urban sustainability 9
City indicators for geographical transfer learning: an application to crash prediction 9
Clustering individual transactional data for masses of users 9
Give more data, awareness and control to individual citizens, and they will help COVID-19 containment 9
Modeling Events and Interactions through Temporal Processes - A Survey 9
One-shot traffic assignment with forward-looking penalization 9
PETRA - Transit monitor for detecting changes in predictions 9
Connected vehicle simulation framework for parking occupancy prediction (demo paper) 9
Mining literary texts using domain ontologies 8
Query Answering in Nondeterministic, Nonmonotonic Logic Databases 8
Valutazione del rischio di privacy nel processo di costruzione dei modelli di call habit che sottostanno al sociometro = Assessing the Privacy Risk in the Process of Building Call Habit Models that Underlie the Sociometer 8
Unveiling the complexity of human mobility by querying and mining massive trajectory data 8
Exploring real mobility data with M-Atlas 8
Movement behaviour recognition for water activities 8
Data mining for intelligent web caching 8
TrajParquet: a trajectory-oriented column file format for mobility data lakes 8
Tecniche di data mining per la lotta all'evasione:un case-study basato su classificazione e regole d'associazione 8
Temporal analysis of process logs: a case study 8
Geolet: an interpretable model for trajectory classification 8
ICON loop carpooling show case 8
PETRA - Methods for computing collective mobility indicator from individual patterns 8
Temporal mining for interactive workflow data analysis 8
PETRA - The framework for individual mobility pattern discovery and mobility diaries/activity model 8
An effective time-aware map matching process for low sampling GPS data 8
Discovering Mobility Functional Areas: A Mobility Data Analysis Approach 8
Never Walk Alone: Trajectory Anonymity via Clustering 8
Individual and collective stop-based adaptive trajectory segmentation 8
Never walk alone: Uncertainty for anonymity in moving objects databases 8
The purpose of motion: learning activities from individual mobility networks 8
Big data and public administration: a case study for Tuscany airports 8
How routing strategies impact urban emissions 8
Space and time-dependant bus accessibility: a case study in Rome 7
MineFAST: intelligent web caching based on data mining 7
MiSTA: Mining Sequences with Temporal Annotations. Versions 1.0 7
DATA SIM - Semantic-enriched data-driven theory of mobility demand and final framework for integration (D2.2) 7
Discovering urban and country dynamics from mobile phone data with spatial correlation patterns 7
Trajectory pattern analysis for urban traffic 7
Mobility profiling 7
Mobility data mining: discovering movement patterns from trajectory data 7
Deductive and inductive reasoning on spatio temporal data 7
MP4A project: mobility planning for Africa 7
Towards in-memory sub-trajectory similarity search 7
Driving profiles computation and monitoring for car insurance CRM 7
Uno strumento per l'analisi intelligente dei dati di vendita della grande distribuzione 7
Integration of deduction and induction for mining supermarket sale data 7
T-Pattern Miner 7
Transportation planning based on GSM traces: a case study on Ivory Coast 7
Measuring immigrants adoption of natives shopping consumption with machine learning 7
Data science for simulating the era of electric vehicles 6
Trajectory pattern mining 6
Car traffic monitoring 6
Using deduction for intelligent data analysis 6
An agent-based model to evaluate carpooling at large manufacturing plants 6
WebCat: Automatic Categorization of Web Search Results 6
Deliverable - Specifiche Funzionali OO4 6
A study on parameter estimation for a mining flock algorithm 6
Towards user-centric data management: individual mobility analytics for collective services 6
Efficient distributed computation of human mobility aggregates through user mobility profiles 6
Individual Mobility Profiles: Methods and Application on Vehicle Sharing 6
Spatio-temporal clustering: a survey 6
Big data analytics for smart mobility: a case study 6
Detection of traffic jams using T-flock patterns 6
Adaptive web caching using decision trees 6
Improving population estimation from mobile calls: A clustering approach 6
Discovering urban and country dynamics from mobile phone data with spatial correlation patterns 6
Improving vehicles' emissions reduction policies by targeting gross polluters 6
Mining mobility user profiles for car pooling 6
There's a Path for Everyone: A Data-Driven Personal Model Reproducing Mobility Agendas 6
Data-Driven Location Annotation for Fleet Mobility Modeling 6
Find your way back: Mobility profile mining with constraints 6
IPERMOB - Specifiche Funzionali OO4 6
On the effective semantics of temporal, non-monotic, non-deterministic logic languages 6
Types and operators in M-Atlas system 6
Clustering formulation using constraint optimization 6
Web log data warehousing and mining for intelligent web caching 6
Self-Adapting Trajectory Segmentation 6
Advanced knowledge discovery on movement data with the GeoPKDD system 5
Mining social mobility behaviors from GPS data 5
Never drive alone: boosting carpooling with network analysis 5
Interactive visual clustering of large collections of trajectories 5
Visually-driven analysis of movement data by progressive clustering 5
DataMod2020: 9th International Symposium "from Data to Models and Back" 5
Totale 766
Categoria #
all - tutte 4.466
article - articoli 849
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 492
Totale 5.807

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2023/202448 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 1 25 11
2024/2025911 10 8 193 99 497 104 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 959