Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 193
AS - Asia 96
EU - Europa 43
Totale 332
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 193
SG - Singapore 91
FI - Finlandia 19
IT - Italia 13
DE - Germania 6
CN - Cina 4
FR - Francia 2
GB - Regno Unito 2
KR - Corea 1
NL - Olanda 1
Totale 332
Città #
Santa Clara 171
Singapore 68
Helsinki 19
Falkenstein 6
Milan 3
Rome 2
Sala Baganza 2
Amsterdam 1
Ashburn 1
Lecce 1
London 1
Nantes 1
Seoul 1
Settimo Milanese 1
Totale 278
Nome #
Analisi dei ricoveri "droga-correlati" in base alle informazioni riportate sulle schede di dimissione ospedaliera 11
Bio-PlasticsEurope and Enhancement of Cnr Research - Third Mission in 3D Activities - Technology Transfer 10
Influence of processing on PVDF polymorphism in PVDF/BaTiO3 composite dielectrics for energy storage 10
Mostra d'Arte Diffusa M@D: un'esperienza di comunicazione scientifica tra ricerca, impresa, arte e cultura 10
Stime di incidenza relative all'uso di oppiacei: la situazione in Liguria 10
Polycom - Compositi polimerici ingegnerizzati ad alta densità di energia - Rapporto sull'attività svolta nel periodo 01/10/2016 - 31/03/2017 9
Research Activities on Macromolecules and Polymeric Materials 9
null 9
Biobased Cryogels from Enzymatically Oxidized Starch: Functionalized Materials as Carriers of Active Molecules 8
Utilizzo di fibre di canapa per la produzione di compositi di nuova formulazione 8
Il Fenomeno delle Dipendenze nella Regione Liguria. Anno 2009 8
Engineered Ferroelectric PVDF Composites Containing BaTiO3-based Core-shell Inclusions: Dielectric Properties and 3D FEM Modelling of Field Distribution 8
Trasformazione del contesto sociale e metamorfosi del consumo di sostanze in Liguria: Problematiche connesse con la popolazione non autoctona e con la criminalità droga correlata 8
Influence of BaTiO3@TiO2 core-shell inclusions on dielectric properties of PVDF-based composites 8
A double-step compression molding to improve the dielectric properties of PVDF and PVDF-based composites 8
Polycom - Compositi polimerici ingegnerizzati ad alta densità di energia - Rapporto sull'attività svolta nel periodo 01/04/2017 - 30/09/2017 8
Non-isothermal crystallization behavior, rheological properties and morphology of poly(?-caprolactone)/graphene oxide nanosheets composite films 8
V European Conference RM@Schools 7
Analysis of the latency period between the first cocaine use and the first request for treatment: a pilot study in Liguria region 7
Technology transfer and third mission activities 7
Polycom Compositi polimerici ingegnerizzati ad alta densità di energia - Rapporto sull'attività svolta nel periodo 18/03/2016 - 30/11/2018 7
Dielectric PVDF-ceramics nanocomposites: how the coating of the filler affects the final properties 7
Plastica, no plastica 7
Alginate-Polymethacrylate Hybrid Hydrogels with Double Ionic and Covalent Network for Tissue Engineering 6
Electrospinning of keratin/hydroxyapatite nanofibre scaffolds for bone tissue engineering 6
Effective dielectric properties and 3D FEM modelling of field distribution in ferroelectric PVDF composites containing BaTiO3@AO2 (A = Ti, Si) inclusions 6
Engineered ferroelectric PVDF composites containing BaTiO3-based core-shell inclusions: dielectric properties and 3D FEM modelling of field distribution 6
Modifica di fibre di canapa per la preparazione di eco-compositi a base poliestere 6
Scaffolds based on alginate/polymethacrylate hybrid hydrogels for tissue repair and regeneration 6
High-k engineered PVDF-BaTiO3 composites for energy storage 6
Engineered ferroelectric PVDF composites containing BaTiO3@AO2 (A = Ti, Si) inclusions: effective dielectric properties and 3D FEM modelling of field distribution 6
Alginate-polymethacrylate hybrid hydrogels for potential osteochondral tissue regeneration 6
PVDF-based composites with engineered BaTiO3 nanoparticles for energy storage 5
PVDF-BaTiO3 composite dielectrics: influence of processing and particles modification on properties 5
Keratin/hydroxyapatite nanofibre scaffolds for bone reconstruction 5
Compositi elastomerici per applicazioni di tenuta: ottimizzazione delle proprietà attraverso i nanotubi di carbonio 5
Biodegradable polyester-based eco-composites containing hemp fibers 5
Analisi dei tempi di latenza in Regione Liguria 5
Bioactive TGFbeta - CaP- alginate based scaffolds for osteochondral tissue repair: design, realization and multi-level characterization 5
Optimization of the sealing performance in transient conditions of rubber based hybrid nanocomposites by carbon nanotubes, as assessed by a tailored recovery test 5
Hybrid SiO2@POSS nanofiller: a promising reinforcing system for rubber nanocomposites 5
Bioactive alginate based scaffolds for osteochondral tissue repair 4
Design, realization and multi-level characterization of alginate-based scaffolds for osteochondral tissue repair 4
Materiali innovativi per la riduzione della resistenza (superidrofobici), del rumore autoindotto e antifouling 4
Keratin electrospun nanofibers for application in bone reconstruction and dental implants 4
Osservatorio Epidemiologico Regionale Tossicodipendenze. Rapporto 2005 Andamento del fenomeno Tossicodipendenze 4
PVDF - BaTiO3 composites as dielectric materials for efficient energy storage 3
Functionalization of inorganic particles with silane coupling agents 3
Synthesis and modification of silver and BaTiO3 particles as fillers for polymeric composites with high dielectric constant 3
Bio-polyester based composites containing natural fibers 3
Organo-montmorillonite per il controllo del filler networking in nanocompositi elastomerici a base di silice 3
PVDF/BaTiO3 composites as dielectric materials: Influence of processing on properties 3
Preparation, characterisation and dielectric properties of PVDF - BaTiO3 composites 3
Engineered PVDF-BaTiO3 composites as efficient dielectric materials for energy storage 3
Improved dielectric properties of poly(vinylidene fluoride)-BaTiO3 composites by solvent-free processing 1
Totale 336
Categoria #
all - tutte 1.455
article - articoli 252
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 124
Totale 1.831

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2023/202414 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 11 0
2024/2025322 7 5 71 33 168 38 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 336