Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 337
AS - Asia 65
EU - Europa 42
Totale 444
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 332
SG - Singapore 53
IT - Italia 15
CN - Cina 9
BE - Belgio 7
GB - Regno Unito 6
CA - Canada 5
FI - Finlandia 5
DE - Germania 4
IR - Iran 3
LT - Lituania 3
NL - Olanda 2
Totale 444
Città #
Santa Clara 319
Singapore 40
Brussels 7
Helsinki 5
Frankfurt am Main 4
Toronto 4
Guangzhou 3
London 3
Cologno Monzese 2
Amsterdam 1
Ashburn 1
Forest City 1
Milan 1
Ottawa 1
Rome 1
Totale 393
Nome #
Ricostruzione 3D del sistema di sovrascorrimenti del settore orobico centrale da dati CARG e sue applicazioni idrogeologiche 17
Ricostruzione geologica 3D dell assetto strutturale e stratigrafico del settore orobico centrale : congruenza tra modello e osservazioni di terreno. 15
GIS and 3D geological reconstruction in the Southern Alps: the Zuccone gravitational deformation, Val Taleggio (BG), Italy 14
3D geological reconstructions: methodologies and case studies. 13
The deformational mega-structures of the Pianico-Sellere basin: wich evidence for their Origin? 13
Tecnologia Mobile e Ambiente 12
3D reconstruction of complex geological bodies: examples from the Alps 12
3D reconstruction of a polyphase thrust stack in the sedimentary cover of the Southern Alps (Italy) 12
Ricostruzione 3D dai dati di terreno: struttura del M. Misma, Sudalpino Centrale. 12
Tectonic vs. gravitational morphostructures in the central Eastern Alps (Italy): Constraints on the recent evolution of the mountain range 12
A multi-scale approach to assess the impact of roads on biodiversity and geomorphology 12
Ricostruzioni geologiche e geomorfologiche tridimensionali: metodologie ed esempi di applicazioni. 12
Modeling and Balanced Cross-sections to reconstruct the structural Evolution of the Albenza Anticline (Southern Alps, Italy). 11
GIS and 3D geological reconstruction of the Zuccone gravitational deformation: Val Taleggio (Southern Alps) 11
From digital geological maps to 3-D reconstructions through the use of GOCAD: new tools for the improvement of hazard assessment 11
Activation of deep seated slope gravitational deformations in complex tectonic settings: the Corno Zuccone sackung, Val Taleggio 11
Permo-Triassic paleomagnetism and paleogeography from Iran: new data from the Alborz mountains and the Nakhlak area. 11
Geological reconstruction from field data of the Misma Anticline, Southern Alps (Italy). 11
Tethyan oceanic currents and climate gradients 300 m.y. ago. 11
Late Cretaceous transgression on a Cimmerian high (Neka Valley, Eastern Alborz, Iran): A geodynamic event recorded by glauconitic sands 11
Tectonic inversion in the central Alborz, Iran. 11
A methodological approach for 3D reconstructions of subsurface geological units: from Italian CARG database to 3D modeling 11
3D visualization of complex structures in the SW Schneeberg complex (Merano, Italy). 11
Onset and timing of deep-seated gravitational slope deformations in the eastern Alps, Italy. 11
From CARG Database to 3D modeling: a methodological approach for 3D reconstruction of subsurface geological units 11
3D models: new tools for geoenviromental applications. 11
Integrate Use of G.I.S. and ANNS To Assess Landslide Hazard. 10
Modellazione 3D: esempi dal Sudalpino Orobico. 10
Dalla banca dati CARG alla modellazione 3D. Applicazioni al Foglio 506-Sant'Arcangelo 10
3D Modelling with Gocad of Complex Geological Structures in the Frontal Part of the Southern Alps 10
High angle Faults in the coal-bearing deposits of the Leffe Basin along the creek Re section. 10
Artificial neural networks and cluster analysis in landslide susceptibility zonation 10
Reinterpretazione dati di sismica a riflessione e rifrazione acquisiti nell'area del versante in sinistra orografica della diga di Pian Palù nel comune di Peio (TN) 10
Late Cretaceous transgression on a Cimmerian high (Neka Valley, Eastern Alborz, Iran): A geodynamic event recorded by glauconitic sands 10
3D geological modeling for slope stability problems; the case study of the Corno Zuccone sackung, Val Taleggio (Italy) 9
From GIS to the 3D reconstruction of complex geological bodies with GOCAD. Applications to deep seated gravitational deformations 9
A multi-scale approach to assess the impact the road-impacts geomorphologic features 9
The Variscan Orogeny in Chios (Greece): Carboniferous accretion along a Paleotethyan active margin. 9
3D reconstruction of shallow subsurface geological bodies: methods and applications 9
Using 2D GIS for the 3D reconstruction of the Corno Zuccone sackung, Val Taleggio, Italy 9
Totale 444
Categoria #
all - tutte 1.417
article - articoli 413
book - libri 72
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 108
Totale 2.010

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2023/202411 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 9 1
2024/2025433 0 5 38 28 287 71 4 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 444