Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 601
AS - Asia 221
EU - Europa 81
Totale 903
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 587
SG - Singapore 204
FI - Finlandia 27
CA - Canada 14
DE - Germania 14
KR - Corea 14
IT - Italia 13
GB - Regno Unito 8
BE - Belgio 7
RU - Federazione Russa 4
FR - Francia 3
PT - Portogallo 3
JP - Giappone 2
LT - Lituania 2
CN - Cina 1
Totale 903
Città #
Santa Clara 530
Singapore 154
Helsinki 27
Seoul 11
Falkenstein 8
Brussels 7
Ottawa 7
Toronto 7
Frankfurt am Main 6
Ashburn 4
Phoenix 4
Lisbon 3
Milan 3
Molfetta 3
Oxford 3
Springfield 3
London 2
Nankodaiminami 2
Valenton 2
Bitonto 1
Boardman 1
Forest City 1
Fort Worth 1
Modugno 1
Shanghai 1
Stanford 1
Tucson 1
Versailles 1
Totale 795
Nome #
Modeling Thermal Ionization in Hypersonic Shock Tubes 24
Thermodynamic and transport properties of plasmas including silicon-based compounds 16
Electron-impact state-to-state cross sections and rate coefficients for X(v)->A(v') excitation of LiH molecule 12
Vibrational kinetics of electronically excited states in H2 discharges 11
Chapter 1: Thermodynamic Properties of Gases behind Shock Waves 11
Calculation of Equilibrium Plasma Thermodynamics 11
Influence of Electron Molecule Resonant Vibrational Collisions over the Symmetric Mode and Direct Excitation-Dissociation Cross Sections of CO2 on the Electron Energy Distribution Function and Dissociation Mechanisms in Cold Pure CO2 Plasmas 11
State-to-state self-consistent kinetic modelling of hydrogen plasmas 11
The Role of Electronically Excited States on Transport Properties of Air Plasmas 11
Phys4Entry Database & EquilTheta tools at ISTP CNR Bari 11
Atomic and molecular data for spacecraft re-entry plasmas 11
Methods for electron-molecule scattering 11
Transport properties of high-temperature Jupiter atmosphere components 10
State-to-state self-consistent kinetics of H2 plasmas 10
Molecular Physics of Elementary Processes Relevant to Hypersonics: Electron-Molecule Collisions 10
A comparison of experimental and theoretical electron energy distribution functions in an argon GyM plasma 10
Thermodynamics, transport and kinetics of equilibrium and non-equilibrium plasmas: a state-to-state approach 10
Electron-molecule processes 10
Collision Integrals for Interactions Involving Atoms in Electronically Excited States 10
Collision integrals of oxygen atoms and ions in electronically excited states 10
Electron Impact Ionization of Metastable States of Diatomic Molecules 10
Ionization kinetic model for Hydrogen-Helium atmospheres in hypersonic shock tubes 10
Cross sections for the two-step radiative decay process X(v) -> A(v") -> X(v') in e-LiH collisions 10
Electronically excited states and their role in affecting thermodynamic and transport properties of thermal plasmas 9
Progress in elementary processes for negative ion source modeling 9
Fundamental Aspects of Plasma Chemical Physics Kinetics 9
Molecular physics and kinetics of high-temperature planetary atmospheres 9
Chemical physics of low temperature plasmas (in honour of Mario Capitelli) 9
The role of electronically excited states on transport properties of air plasmas 9
Time dependent selfconsistent electron energy distribution functions during nanosecond repetitive discharges in reacting N-2/H-2 mixtures 9
Thermodynamic and transport properties of reacting air including ablated species 9
Advanced Models for Negative Ion Production in Hydrogen Ion Sources 9
Collision Integrals for Interactions involving Electronically Excited Nitrogen Atoms and Ions 9
Transport properties of local thermodynamic equilibrium hydrogen plasmas including electronically excited states 9
On the possibility of using model potentials for collision integral calculations of interest for planetary atmospheres 9
Cutoff criteria of electronic partition functions and transport properties of atomic hydrogen thermal plasmas 9
Elementary Processes and Kinetic Modeling for Hydrogen and Helium Plasmas 9
The role of radiative reabsorption on the electron energy distribution functions in H2/He plasma expansion through a tapered nozzle 9
High Temperature Mars Atmosphere. Part I: Transport Cross Sections 9
Modeling plasma heating by ns laser pulse 9
From Cold to Fusion Plasmas: Spectroscopy, Molecular Dynamics and Kinetic Considerations 9
Calculation of Electron-Scattering Cross Sections Relevant for Hypersonic Plasma Modeling 9
Intermolecular interactions and the weakly bound precursor states of elementary physicochemical processes 9
Electron energy distribution functions and fractional power transfer in "cold" and excited CO2 discharge and post discharge conditions 9
Collision Integrals for Excited Species 9
Transport cross sections from accurate intermolecular forces 9
Electronically excited states and transport properties of thermal plasmas: the reactive thermal conductivity 9
The 2022 Plasma Roadmap: low temperature plasma science and technology 8
Latest experimental and theoretical advances in the production of negative ions in caesium-free plasmas 8
Plasma kinetics in molecular plasmas and modeling of reentry plasmas 8
Cold plasmas: fundamentals and applications 8
Transport properties of high-temperature Mars-atmosphere components 8
Transport properties for planetary atmospheres: the hybrid approach 8
Thermodynamic properties of gases behind shock waves 8
Non equilibrium vibrational assisted dissociation and ionization mechanisms in cold CO 2 plasmas 8
Modeling of molecular kinetics in plasmas 8
Nonequilibrium dissociation mechanisms in low temperature nitrogen and carbon monoxide plasmas 8
Thermodynamic and transport properties of complex plasmas 8
Electron-CO excitation and ionization cross sections for plasma modeling 8
A Database of Transport Cross Sections for Planetary Atmospheres 8
Electrical conductivity of a methane-air burning plasma under the action of weak electric fields 8
Fundamental aspects of Plasma Chemical Physics: Transport 8
Classical transport collision integrals for a Lennard-Jones like phenomenological model potential 8
Non-equilibrium vibrational and electron energy distribution functions in mtorr, high-electron-density nitrogen discharges and afterglows 8
From molecular physics to negative ion sources 8
Cross sections for 14-eV e-H2 resonant collisions: Isotope effect in dissociative electron attachment 7
Atomic and Molecular Data and Their Applications: ICAMDATA 2022 7
Molecular Dynamics for State-to-State Kinetics of Non-Equilibrium Molecular Plasmas: State of Art and Perspectives 7
Non-equilibrium plasma kinetics: a state-to-state approach 7
The Role of Electronically Excited States on Transport Properties of Air Plasmas 7
Superelastic collisions under low temperature plasma and afterglow conditions: A golden rule to estimate their quantitative effects 7
The role of electron scattering with vibrationally excited nitrogen molecules on non-equilibrium plasma kinetics 7
Cross sections for 11-14 eV e-H2 resonant collisions: vibrational excitation 7
Transport Properties of High-Temperature Mars-Atmosphere components 7
Considerations on meteoroid entry physics 7
Vibrational excitation and dissociation mechanisms of CO2 under non-equilibrium discharge and post-discharge conditions 7
Modelling of high temperature reacting gas flows: from molecular physics to aerospace applications 7
Elementary processes in non-equilibrium plasmas 7
Electron-impact state-to-state cross sections and rate coefficients X(v) -> B(v') for excitation of LiH molecule 7
Coupling of Plasma Chemistry, Vibrational Kinetics, Collisional-Radiative Models and Electron Energy Distribution Function Under Non-Equilibrium Conditions 7
Effect of electronic excited states on transport in magnetized hydrogen plasma 6
Electronic excited states and transport properties of magnetized hydrogen plasma 6
Transport properties of high-temperature air species in the presence of a magnetic field 6
Multi-potential interactions in plasma adopting a GPU version of the reaction ensemble Monte Carlo method 6
Resonant charge exchange for H-H+ in Debye plasmas 6
Non-equilibrium dissociation of nitrogen under low-temperature plasmas: a still open problem 6
Transport Properties of Air Plasmas in the Presence of Magnetic Field 6
State-to-State Cross Sections for H2 and its Isotopic Variants 6
Analytical Expressions of Thermodynamic and Transport Properties of the Martian Atmosphere in a Wide Temperature and Pressure Range 6
Ionization of excited nitrogen molecules by electron impact 6
Electron-impact-induced allowed transitions in Cs2 6
Phys4EntryDatabase 6
Electron Impact Ionization Cross Sections of Vibrationnally and Electronically Oxygen Molecules 6
Self-consistent electron energy distribution functions in reacting CO2 discharge and post-discharges conditions 6
Electron-impact-induced allowed transitions between triplet states of H2 6
Cross sections for 14 eV e-H2 resonant collisions: Dissociative electron attachment 6
A phenomenological approach for the transport properties of air plasmas 6
State-to-state cross sections for H2 and its isotopic variants 6
Cross sections for electron-impact induced dissociation of vibrationally excited nitrogen molecules 5
Thermodynamic and Transport Properties of Equilibrium Debye Plasmas 5
Totale 844
Categoria #
all - tutte 3.963
article - articoli 2.296
book - libri 128
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 419
Totale 6.806

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2023/202432 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 18 1 12 1
2024/2025874 6 8 163 86 425 185 1 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 906