Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 442
AS - Asia 217
EU - Europa 205
SA - Sud America 2
OC - Oceania 1
Totale 867
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 440
SG - Singapore 199
IT - Italia 153
FI - Finlandia 24
DE - Germania 10
CN - Cina 8
NL - Olanda 6
IE - Irlanda 5
KR - Corea 4
IN - India 3
NO - Norvegia 3
CA - Canada 2
CO - Colombia 2
PK - Pakistan 2
AT - Austria 1
FR - Francia 1
GB - Regno Unito 1
HK - Hong Kong 1
LT - Lituania 1
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 1
Totale 867
Città #
Santa Clara 391
Singapore 160
Venice 42
Padova 29
Helsinki 24
Boardman 8
Falkenstein 8
Amsterdam 6
Brescia 6
Caerano di San Marco 6
Dublin 5
Albignasego 4
Des Moines 4
Martellago 4
Seoul 4
Bitonto 3
New Delhi 3
Oslo 3
Varese 3
Bogotá 2
Cavallino 2
Guangzhou 2
Naples 2
Oristano 2
Peshawar 2
Rome 2
South Pasadena 2
Toronto 2
Turin 2
Vazzola 2
Vicenza 2
Carobbio degli Angeli 1
Cascina 1
Fort Worth 1
Genoa 1
Hong Kong 1
Levate 1
Milan 1
Phoenix 1
Rosà 1
San Marcellino 1
Trento 1
Treviso 1
Vienna 1
Totale 750
Nome #
First Progress Report - Project “APPARE – Analisi e documentazione di Piene imProvvise per una Aumentata REsilienza in zone montane” (Analysis and Documentation of Flash Floods for Enhanced Resilience in Mountainous Areas) - Cascade call Topic 4: “Protocolli per i rilievi e sopralluoghi post-evento alluvionale” (Protocols for post-flood surveys and field observations). Project “Multi-Risk sciEnce for resilienT commUnities undeR a changiNg climate (RETURN)” 34
The APPARE project: aims and progress of the activities 27
null 23
Bathymetry of Lagoon of Venice, 2002 22
Data From Post-Flood Surveys And Field Observations For Recent Events In Italy (2011-2024) 20
A geoportal of data and tools for supporting Maritime Spatial Planning in the Adriatic-Ionian Region 18
The importance of post-event documentation and analysis of flash floods for increased resilience of mountain areas 17
Integrated post-event survey of the record-breaking Central Italy flash flood of September 2022: observation strategy and lessons learned 15
CNR-IRPI-Padova/SZ: SZ plugin 15
Debris - flow susceptibility assessment along the railway network: methodological framework and testing in alpine area 15
MORPHEUS - GeoMORFHomEtry throUgh Scales for a resilient landscape 15
Debris - flow susceptibility assessment along the railway network: methodological framework and testing in alpine area 14
Sviluppo ed analisi di proposte di ICZM-MSP in aree specifiche: costa emiliano-romagnola. Volume 1: Quadro conoscitivo di riferimento e sua analisi ai fini della pianificazione dello spazio marittimoICM-MSP nella Regione Adriatico Ionica 14
A contribute to Mediterranean marine environmental monitoring: the Italian Fixed-point Observatory Network (IFON) 13
Thirty-year changes (1970 to 2000) in bathymetry and sediment texture recorded in the Lagoon of Venice sub-basins, Italy 13
Multi-objective zoning for aquaculture and biodiversity 13
I-STORMS Web Integrated System (IWS) una infrastruttura dati open source per rendere accessibili e condividere dati osservazionali e previsionali nella regione Adriatico-Ionica 12
Valutazione della suscettibilità da colata detritica lungo la rete ferroviaria: sviluppo metodologico e applicazione in contesto alpino 12
Codevelop research and innovation for blue jobs and growth in the Mediterranean - The BLUEMED initiative 11
Accordo di collaborazione per lo studio di interventi per la mitigazione del rischio da colate detritiche in località Velt - Rapporto finale con integrazioni 11
Relationship of Morpho-Sedimentological Variations to the Fate of Hg- and Zn-Polluted Sediments in the Contaminated Site of Porto Marghera, Lagoon of Venice, Italy 11
La rete scientifica italiana di siti fissi per l'osservazione del mare - IFON Stato dell'arte e upgrades durante il Progetto RITMARE (2012 - 2016) 11
Sediment budget in the Lagoon of Venice, Italy 10
RITMARE: Semantics- Aware harmonisation of data in Italian marine research 10
A Practical Workflow for an Open Scientific Lifecycle Project: EcoNAOS 10
Competence Centre ICDI per Open Science, FAIR, ed EOSC - Mission, strategia e piano d'azione 10
Nodo locale infrastruttura dati marini del progetto RITMARE per IREA CNR Milano 10
Relationships between hydrodynamic parameters and grain size in two contrasting transitional environments: the Lagoons of Venice and Cabras, Italy. 10
Modeling the inter-annual variability of salinity in the lagoon of Venice in relation to the water framework directive typologies 10
Field observations after the flash flood of 15-16 September 2022 in the Umbria and Marche regions (Central Italy) 10
Links between hydrology and sedimentology in the Lagoon of Venice, Italy 10
Addressing uncertainty in modelling cumulative impacts within maritime spatial planning in the Adriatic and Ionian region 10
Addressing cumulative effects, maritime conflicts and ecosystem services threats through MSP-oriented geospatial webtools 10
Sediment grain size and hydrodynamics in Mediterranean coastal lagoons: Integrated classification of abiotic parameters 10
Mapping Susceptibility With Open-Source Tools: A New Plugin for QGIS 10
Physiographic and mesological zonation of the Lagoon of Venice 10
Documento per la definizione di una politica nella gestione e utilizzo dei dati e dei prodotti resi disponibili nell'ambito del progetto RITMARE 9
Analisi e documentazione di piene improvvise per una aumentata resilienza in aree montane e collinari: l’esperienza del progetto APPARE 9
Bottom-up capacity building for data providers in RITMARE 9
Catalogo visuale servizi web del progetto RITMARE 9
Suite Software abilitante per l'infrastruttura interoperabile del Progetto bandiera RITMARE 9
POPs in the Lagoon of Venice: budgets and pathways 9
D5.2.1 ECOSS Web Data Portal 9
Thunderslide - from rainfall to preliminary landslide mapping: an open data-oriented tool for local management authorities 9
Fostering bottom-up capacity in managing and sharing marine observations: the RITMARE StarterKit 9
Fostering bottom-up capacity in managing and sharing marine observations: the RITMARE StarterKit 9
Thunderslide - from rainfall to preliminary landslide mapping: an automated open-data workflow for regional authorities 9
Toxicity assessment of atmospheric fall-out at Venice 9
A modelling framework for MSP-oriented cumulative effects assessment 8
EDI: Software per la metadatazione di risorse geografiche, dati osservativi e documenti, conformi RNDT e INSPIRE 8
Fra la terra e il mare: analisi e proposte per la Pianificazione dello Spazio Marittimo in Emilia-Romagna 8
Sviluppo ed analisi di proposte di ICZM-MSP in aree specifiche: costa emiliano-romagnola. Volume 2: Individuazione ed analisi dei possibili obiettivi gestionali e delle misure per attuarli 8
A long-term (1965--2015) ecological marine database from the LTER-Italy Northern Adriatic Sea site: plankton and oceanographic observations 8
Accordo di collaborazione per lo studio di interventi per la mitigazione del rischio da colate detritiche in località Velt - Primo stato di avanzamento 8
Geomorphology of Scour Holes at Tidal Channel Confluences 8
The Ecological Observing System of the Adriatic Sea (ECOAdS): structure and perspectives within the main European biodiversity and environmental strategies 7
Multi-objective spatial tools to inform maritime spatial planning in the Adriatic Sea 7
SP7-Ritmare/starterkit: v1.3.18 7
ICDI Competence Centre for Open Science, FAIR and EOSC - Mission, strategy and action plan 7
SP7-WP4-AZ1 Analisi di confronto tra requisiti e soluzioni per linfrastruttura interoperabile di RITMARE 7
Sailing Towards Open Marine Data: the RITMARE Data Policy 6
A Practical Workflow for an Open Scientific Lifecycle Project: EcoNAOS 6
ICDI Competence Centre for Open Science, FAIR and EOSC - Mission, Strategy and Action Plan 6
Practicing Open Science in Earth and Environmental Sciences 6
Thunderslide - from rainfall to preliminary landslide mapping: implementing an open data-oriented framework for landscape management authorities 6
Tools4MSP: an open source software package to support Maritime Spatial Planning 6
Lo StarterKit RITMARE: uno strumento abilitante per la costruzione bottom-up di un'infrastruttura di dati marini 6
La nuova Rete Meteo Marina CNR-ISMAR. Esperienze di integrazione dei dati da siti osservativi fissi 6
The RITMARE Italian Fixed-Point Observatory Network (IFON) 6
ADRIPLAN Conclusions and Recommendations: A short manual for MSP implementation in the Adriatic-Ionian Region (English edition) 6
Valutazione della suscettibilità da colata detritica lungo la rete ferroviaria: sviluppo metodologico e applicazione in contesto alpino 6
Towards marine spatial planning implementation in the Adriatic and Ionian region 6
The new CNR-ISMAR Adriatic in-situ Meteo Marine NETWORK 6
An approach to organize loss data related to geo-hydrological hazards 5
Gestione e policy dei dati in RITMARE IV anno: supporto e iniziative 5
Codevelop research and innovation for blue jobs and growth in the mediterranean - The bluemed initiative 5
The Italian Fixed-point Observatory Network for marine environmental monitoring - IFON State of the art and upgrades during the Italian flagship project RITMARE (2012 - 2016) 5
The project EcoNAOS: vision and practice towards an open approach in the Northern Adriatic Sea ecological observatory 5
THE ITALIAN FIXED-POINT OBSERVATORY NETWORK FOR MARINE ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING - IFON. State of the art and upgrades during the Italian flagship project RITMARE (2012 - 2016) 5
Data Descriptor: High resolution multibeam and hydrodynamic datasets of tidal channels and inlets of the Venice Lagoon 5
Opening Marine Long-Term Ecological Science: Lesson Learned From the LTER-Italy Site Northern Adriatic Sea 5
EcoNAOS: Open Science for marine long term data. 4
Conclusioni e raccomandazioni del Progetto ADRIPLAN: Un manuale breve per la Pianificazione dello Spazio Marittimo nella Regione Adriatico-Ionica 4
Assessing hydrological effects of human interventions on coastal systems: numerical applications to the Venice Lagoon 4
Promoting your research through Open Science: opportunities and challenges 4
Data for the paper "Addressing Uncertainties in Modelling Cumulative Impacts within Maritime Spatial Planning in the Adriatic and Ionian Region" 4
BlueMed Data policies and accessibility assessment 4
LTER Northern Adriatic Sea (Italy) marine data from 1965 to 2015 4
Pubblicare: la parola ai ricercatori (Publishing Open) 3
An interoperable infrastructure for the Italian Marine Research 3
Sviluppo di algoritmi algebrici per la classificazione automatica della granulometria di sedimenti in ambiente GIS 3
RRI e scienza aperta 3
INSPIRE Data Specification on Atmospheric Conditions and Meteorological Geographical Features - Technical Guidelines 3
ADRIPLAN Data Policy 3
Dinamica del sedimento a scala regionale - Metodi geomorfometrici in ambiente naturale e antropico (risultati preliminari) 3
VGI and emergencies 3
Development of algebra algorithms for automated generation of grain-size distribution maps 3
Collaborative mapping response to disasters through OpenStreetMap: the case of the 2016 Italian earthquake 3
Batimetrie dei fondali: confronti (1970, 1990, 2000). 2
Totale 884
Categoria #
all - tutte 3.529
article - articoli 1.099
book - libri 42
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 143
Totale 4.813

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2023/202471 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14 2 12 43
2024/2025827 8 18 153 86 387 175 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 898