Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 745
AS - Asia 319
EU - Europa 102
AF - Africa 1
Totale 1.167
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 741
SG - Singapore 307
IT - Italia 58
FI - Finlandia 17
DE - Germania 8
PL - Polonia 6
PT - Portogallo 5
CA - Canada 3
CN - Cina 3
GB - Regno Unito 2
NL - Olanda 2
TW - Taiwan 2
AM - Armenia 1
AT - Austria 1
AZ - Azerbaigian 1
FR - Francia 1
IN - India 1
JM - Giamaica 1
KG - Kirghizistan 1
KR - Corea 1
LV - Lettonia 1
MA - Marocco 1
MY - Malesia 1
SA - Arabia Saudita 1
SE - Svezia 1
Totale 1.167
Città #
Santa Clara 674
Singapore 176
Helsinki 17
Rome 8
Florence 6
Gdansk 5
Falkenstein 4
Porto 4
Prineville 4
Bologna 3
Casalnuovo di Napoli 2
Foggia 2
Guangzhou 2
London 2
Los Angeles 2
Montecatini Terme 2
Toronto 2
Amsterdam 1
Ashburn 1
Baku 1
Bishkek 1
Boardman 1
Delhi 1
Fort Worth 1
Frankfurt am Main 1
Kuala Lumpur 1
Malden 1
Montevarchi 1
Phoenix 1
Riga 1
Riyadh 1
Saint-Jérôme 1
Seoul 1
Stockholm 1
Taoyuan District 1
Vienna 1
Yerevan 1
Totale 935
Nome #
Identification of time-varying inaccessible thermal conductance from data at the boundary 23
Evaluation of fractures in a concrete slab by means of laser-spot thermography 21
Protezione dai campi elettromagnetici non ionizzanti 18
Characterization of a vertical crack using Laser Spot Thermography 18
Investigation on the microwave heating method for the control of biodeteriogens on cultural heritage assets 17
An innovative technique for investigating the degradation of plastic artefacts 16
Thermal imaging of time-varying longitudinal defects in the internal coating of a tube 16
null 16
Laser-Induced Thermography for Quantitative Detection of Cracks in Building Materials 16
Techniques for Evaluating the Depth of a Crack by means of Laser Spot Thermography 15
Non-destructive mapping of dampness and salts in degraded wall paintings in hypogeous buildings: the case of St.Clement at mass fresco in St.Clement Basilica, Rome 13
Detecting longitudinal damages in the internal coating of a tube 13
Experimental evidence of laser diffraction accuracy for particle size analysis 13
Applicazione di tecniche diagnostiche non-invasive e micro-invasive su dipinti murali: il caso studio della cappella di S.Antonio Abate della ex-Chiesa di S.Maria a Le Campora 13
A Procedure for Detecting Hidden Surface Defects in a Thin Plate by Means of Active Thermography 13
An Open-Resonator Sensor for Measuring the Dielectric Properties of Antarctic Ice 13
An integrated multi-medial approach to cultural heritage conservation and documentation: from remotely-sensed lidar imaging to historical archive data 12
Non-invasive Technique to Detect Moisture and Salt Content on Frescoes 12
Riflettometria a microonde per la diagnostica non distruttiva nel settore dei beni culturali 12
Safety and electromagnetic compatibility in sanitary field | Sicurezza e compatibilità elettromagnetica in ambito ospedaliero 12
Measurement of the external parameters in quantitative active thermography 12
A Microwave Scanner for Sub-surface Diagnostics of Artefacts 12
Diagnostica in situ di dipinti murali mediante spettroscopia dielettrica a microonde non invasiva 12
Diagnostics and monitoring of moisture and salt in porous materials by evanescent field dielectrometry 12
Limits and advantages of different techniques for testing moisture content in masonry 12
An integrated approach to mapping moisture and salt content in two frescoes in the Basilica of San Clemente 12
Campagna di misure di compatibilità elettromagnetica in ambito ospedaliero 12
Strumentazione per diagnostica e monitoraggio non invasivo di dipinti e strutture murarie 12
Nondestructive evaluation of spatially varying internal heat transfer coefficients in a tube 12
Innovative Techniques for sub-surface Investigations 12
MUSE - Integrazione di sistemi ICT per il Monitoraggio del contenuto di Umidità in Strutture ligneE 12
Microwave sensor for measuring the moisture of masonery surfaces comprising a microstrip resonator coupled with an open coaxial probe 11
Measurement of water content and salinity index in concrete by evanescent field dielectrometry 11
Tumor-tropic endothelial colony forming cells (ECFCs) loaded with near-infrared sensitive au nanoparticles: A "cellular stove" approach to the photoablation of melanoma 11
Diagnostics and monitoring of frescoes using evanescent-field dielectrometry 11
Nondestructive evaluation of inaccessible surface damages by means of active thermography 11
Polimeri fluorurati Solvay-Solexis, caratteristiche di copolimeri Halar a 300 MHz 11
The use of IR-based techniques in the PRIMARTE project: an integrated approach to the diagnostics of the cultural heritage 11
POPART: strategy for the preservation of plastic artefacts in museum collection. 11
MOdihMA at Sforza Castle in Milano: Innovative Techniques for MOisture Detection in Historical Masonry 11
Methods for measuring the EM field emitted by an ATCR-33S Radar 11
Valutazione, prevenzione e protezione dal rischio elettromagnetico in ambiente ospedaliero 11
Quality assurance for equipment used in electromagnetic hyperthermia 11
Influenza del terreno nel calcolo del campo elettrico e magnetico prodotto da linee elettriche 10
Un metamateriale per la realizzazione di assorbitori a RF 10
Investigation on water content in fresco mock-ups in the microwave and near-IR spectral regions 10
Improvement of the permittivity measurement by a 3D Full-Wave analysis of a Finite Flange Coaxial Probe 10
The TDT-BioART project: innovative techniques for the diagnostics and treatment of biodeteriogens in artistic and archaeological assets 10
A Measurement System For Investigating The Dielectric Properties Of Low-Loss Polymers 10
Un sensore dielettrico per misure non distruttive su materiali solidi 10
Circular microstrip radiator for localized electromagnetic hyperthermia 10
Fluorescence LIDAR experiments and their integration in a user-friendly platform to support inspection of railway bridges 10
Tecniche di indagine non invasive puntuali 10
Tecnica e degrado della Crocifissione dell'Angelico attraverso il programma di indagini: analisi, confronto e discussione dei risultati 10
Development of innovative microwave applicators for the treatment of biodeteriogens and biotic agents in artistic/archaeological contexts 10
Rilevamenti termoigrometrici in situ mediante spettroscopia dielettrica a microonde sui dipinti murali di due chiostri fiorentini 9
Misura del campo EM di stazioni per telefonia cellulare in presenza di segnali da trasmettitori radio OM 9
Infrared mapping of power absorption in wooden boards exposed to microwave radiation 9
Non-invasive monitoring sensors of weathering damage on artefacts based on optical and microwave techniques 9
Editorial for special section on electromagnetic aquametry 9
Can molecular dynamics help in understanding dielectric phenomena? 9
Osservazioni sulla relazione preliminare (prima fase) del Consorzio Quater inerente la Simulazione del campo elettromagnetico generato dalla linea di alimentazione A.V. finalizzata alla valutazione dei livelli di campo elettrico e di induzione magnetica all'interno del materiale rotabile 9
Multidisciplinary Approaches for the Conservation of an Etruscan Hypogean Monument 9
Dispositivi a microonde per trattamenti biocidi 9
Polimeri fluorurati Solvay-Solexis, caratteristiche dielettriche a 300 MHz 9
Transient and steady-state temperature distribution in homogeneously perfused tissue exposed to EM fields 9
Studio dielettrico di materiali fluorurati polimerici 9
Integrating Thermographic Images in A User-Friendly Platform to Support Inspection of Railway Bridges 9
Caratterizzazione dell'esposizione al campo magnetico a 50 Hz negli ambienti confinati 9
Four electrode impedance measurement for hyperemia evaluation in clinical diathermy 9
Stand-alone moisture measurement system for fresco diagnostics 9
An electrical model of biological tissues in hyperaemic conditions 9
Osservazioni preliminari sulla relazione finale del Consorzio Quater inerente la Simulazione del campo elettromagnetico generato dalla linea di alimentazione A.V. finalizzata alla valutazione dei livelli di campo elettrico e di induzione magnetica all'interno del materiale rotabile 9
Multidisciplinary approach for the conservation of an etruscan hypogean monument 8
Multidisciplinary Approaches for the Conservation of an Etruscan Hypogean Monument - Tomba Della Scimmia, Chiusi, Italy 8
Integrated non-invasive techniques for the diagnosis and conservation of mural paintings and other pictorial works 8
TEMART al Salone dell'Arte e del Restauro di Firenze 8
"Le indagini Scientifiche. Tecniche e risultati. Tecniche di indagine non invasive per immagini e loro risultati 8
Super-resolution SFCW radar for sub-superficial wall introspection 8
Microwave reflectometric tool for non-destructive assessment of decay on timber structures 8
Monitoraggio di affreschi mediante dielettrometria a microonde in due chiostri fiorentini 8
Wood biomass recovery from chestnut orchards: results from a case study 8
Simulation of low-water content tissues for deep-body electromagnetic hyperthermia 7
Identification of Hidden Relaxations by Even-Order Derivative Spectroscopy 7
Dielettrometria in campo evanescente, applicazioni ai Beni Culturali - Evanescent-Field Dielectrometry (EFD), application in the Cultural Heritage 7
Can Molecular Dynamics Help in Understanding Dielectric Phenomena? 7
Integration of EFD, MRM and IRT for moisture mapping on historic masonry: Study cases in northern Italy 7
Thickness-independent measurement of the permittivity of thin samples in the X band 7
Dielectric data analysis: recovering hidden relaxations by fourth-order derivative spectroscopy 7
Setup of a microwave reflectometer for the subsurface survey of masonry structures 6
Termalizzazione dell'energia elettromagnetica assorbita da un organismo vivente 6
Progetto chiostro verde 6
Dosimetria dei campi elettromagnetici 6
An Open Transmission Line Method for the Dielectric Investigation of Bound Soil Water 6
Moisture and salt monitoring in concrete by evanescent field dielectrometry 6
Thermal imaging of inaccessible interfaces 6
Microwave Dielectric Analysis 6
Totale 1.047
Categoria #
all - tutte 4.941
article - articoli 1.740
book - libri 90
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 286
Totale 7.057

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2023/20247 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 3 1
2024/20251.164 28 15 176 100 639 66 19 121 0 0 0 0
Totale 1.171