Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 631
AS - Asia 181
EU - Europa 61
SA - Sud America 1
Totale 874
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 631
SG - Singapore 168
IT - Italia 27
DE - Germania 9
FI - Finlandia 6
NL - Olanda 6
HK - Hong Kong 4
KR - Corea 4
AT - Austria 3
CN - Cina 2
LV - Lettonia 2
AZ - Azerbaigian 1
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 1
EE - Estonia 1
FR - Francia 1
GB - Regno Unito 1
IE - Irlanda 1
PE - Perù 1
PL - Polonia 1
PT - Portogallo 1
RU - Federazione Russa 1
TR - Turchia 1
VN - Vietnam 1
Totale 874
Città #
Santa Clara 567
Singapore 86
Rome 11
Helsinki 6
Naples 5
Genoa 4
Hong Kong 4
Seoul 4
Los Angeles 3
Nuremberg 3
Phoenix 3
Amsterdam 2
Casandrino 2
Messina 2
Newark 2
Riga 2
Baku 1
Bolton 1
Dublin 1
Falkenstein 1
Lima region 1
Lisbon 1
Prague 1
Rende 1
Reston 1
St Petersburg 1
Tallinn 1
Vienna 1
Totale 718
Nome #
An Evolution-based Machine Learning Approach for Inducing Glucose Prediction Models 26
Distributed Assessment of Virtual Insulin-Pump Settings Using SmartCGMS and DMMS.R for Diabetes Treatment 22
A Federated Learning-Inspired Evolutionary Algorithm: Application to Glucose Prediction 18
Prediction of personalized blood glucose levels in type 1 diabetic patients using a neuroevolution approach 17
Reti di Calcolatori 16
A mobile personalized tourist guide and its user evaluation 16
Model-Free-Communication Federated Learning: Framework and application to Precision Medicine 16
Impact of the topology on the performance of distributed differential evolution 15
Grammatical Evolution-based Approach for Extracting Interpretable Glucose-Dynamics Models 14
Workload managing on SP2@CPS-CNR - Installazione, configurazione e gestione del IBM LoaaLeveler sull' IBM SP2 del CPS-CNR 14
An adaptive invasion-based model for distributed Differential Evolution 13
HCRC- parallel computer Architecture: Reason for a choice 13
Dynamic Load Balancing Based on Multi-Objective Extremal optimization 13
Reducing high-risk glucose forecasting errors by evolving interpretable models for Type 1 diabetes 13
Comparing the PaGMO Framework to a De-randomized Meta-Differential Evolution on Calculation and Prediction of Glucose Levels 12
An evolutionary approach for estimating the blood glucose by exploiting interstitial glucose measurements 12
Evolution-based configuration optimization of a Deep Neural Network for the classification of Obstructive Sleep Apnea episodes 12
CODACS Project: Level-Node Communication Policies 12
An evolutionary methodology for estimating blood glucose levels from interstitial glucose measurements and their derivatives 12
De-randomized Meta-Differential Evolution for Calculating and Predicting Glucose Levels 12
Benchmarking the IBM RS 6000 SP at CPS-CNR notes and experiences 12
Yabat: An Administration and Monitoring Software for Beowulf Clusters 11
Sistemi di calcolo ad elevate prestazioni 11
Distributed Processor Load Balancing Based on Multi-objective Extremal Optimization 10
Can Different Impacts of Covid-19 on Different Countries Be Explained? a Preliminary Machine Learning Experiment 10
Exploiting multi-core and GPU hardware to speed up the registration of range images by means of Differential Evolution 10
Coronavirus Covid-19 spreading in Italy: optimizing an epidemiological model with dynamic social distancing through Differential Evolution 10
Differential evolution to estimate the parameters of a SEIAR model with dynamic social distancing: the case of COVID-19 in Italy 10
Distributed Differential Evolution for the Registration of Satellite and Multimodal Medical Imagery 9
An Innovative Perspective on Mapping in Grids 9
Beowulf Project at CPS-CNR 9
An Asynchronous Adaptive Multi-population Model for Distributed Differential Evolution 9
Tree-Based Communication Model for WK-Recursive Networks 9
Deep Neural Network Hyper-Parameter Setting for Classification of Obstructive Sleep Apnea Episodes 9
Autoassociative memory simulation on a transputer network 9
A gradient-supported analysis of Pareto front in multi-objective extremal optimization-based processor load balancing 9
A Multiobjective Evolutionary Approach for Multisite Mapping on Grids 8
HCRC-Parallel Computer: Issues on Kernel Design 8
MGF: A grid-enabled MPI library 8
A Multiobjective Extremal Optimization Algorithm for Efficient Mapping in Grids 8
A model based on biological invasions for island evolutionary algorithms 8
HCRC-Parallel Computer: Issues on Programming Methods 8
Fast Range Image Registration by an Asynchronous Adaptive Distributed Differential Evolution 8
Extremal Optimization as a Viable Means for Mapping in Grids 8
null 8
Using an Adaptive Invasion-based Model for Fast Range Image Registration 8
Adding Chaos to Differential Evolution for Range Image Registration 8
Effective processor load balancing using multi-objective parallel extremal optimization 8
MGF: AGrid-Enabled MPI Library with a Delegation Mechanism to Improve Collective Communications 8
Satellite image registration by distributed differential evolution 8
Concurrent programming in Harg 8
Parsimony doesn't mean simplicity: genetic programming for inductive inference on noisy data 8
Biological invasion-inspired migration in distributed evolutionary algorithms 8
A Routing Strategy for WK-Networks 8
Communication and related monitoring in Harg parallel applications 8
A multiobjective extremal optimization algorithm for efficient mapping in grids 8
Yabat: An Administration and Monitoring Software for Beowulf Clusters 8
Parallel extremal optimization with guided search and crossover applied to load balancing 8
A Model based on Biological Invasions for Island Evolutionary Algorithms 7
Distributed Java Programs Initial Mapping Based on Extremal Optimization 7
Extremal Optimization Dynamics in Neutral Landscapes: The Royal Road Case 7
Deadlock-Free Wormhole Routing for WK-Networks 7
Preliminary steps towards efficient classification in large medical datasets: Structure optimization for deep learning networks through parallelized differential evolution 7
NEvoFed: A Decentralized Approach to Federated NeuroEvolution of Heterogeneous Neural Networks 7
Extremal Optimization Approach Applied to Initial Mapping of Distributed Java Programs 7
Extremal Optimization Applied to Task Scheduling of Distributed Java Programs 7
Improving extremal optimization in load balancing by local search 7
An Evolutionary Approach to Digitalized Hand Signs Recognition 7
Virtual Node Communication on WK-Recursive Networks 7
Multisite Mapping onto Grid Environments 7
Initial Deployment of Distributed Java Programs in Clusters of JVMs Through Extremal Optimization Approach 7
Special Multicast Wormhole Routing for Wk-networks 7
Mapping of time-consuming multitask applications on a cloud system by multiobjective Differential Evolution 7
Harg: a tool for concurrent programming 7
Realizzazione e sperimentazione di una architettura parallela a basso costo 7
Automatic Recognition of Hand Gestures with Differential Evolution 7
Distributed Differential Evolution for the Registration of Remotely Sensed Images 7
Realizzazione di reti neurali in ambienti paralleli 7
Optimizing Personalized Touristic Itineraries by a Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithm 7
Extremal Optimization Dynamics in Neutral Landscapes 6
The PiNa Prototype: A multi-style microcomputer array 6
A distributed evolutionary approach for multisite mapping on grids 6
Genetic Programming-based induction of a glucose-dynamics model for telemedicine 6
Multi-Objective Extremal Optimization in Processor Load Balancing for Distributed Programs 6
MGF: A Grid-Enabled MPI Library with a Delegation Mechanism to Improve Collective Operations. 6
High Performance Computers 6
A Distributed Bio-inspired Method for Multisite Grid Mapping 6
Two new fast heuristics for mapping parallel applications on cloud computing 6
Parallel extremal optimization in processor load balancing for distributed applications 6
A Differential Evolution approach for classification of Multiple Sclerosis lesions 6
Exploiting diversity in an asynchronous migration model for distributed differential evolution 6
Multi-objective parallel extremal optimization in processor load balancing for distributed programs 6
An Evolutionary Approach to Digitalized Hand Signs Recognition 6
An Adaptive Multisite Mapping for Computationally Intensive Grid Applications 6
Extremal Optimization applied to load balancing in execution of distributed programs 6
Extremal Optimization Approach Applied to Initial Mapping of Distributed Java Programs 6
Parallel extremal optimization with guided state changes applied to load balancing 5
Accurate estimate of Blood Glucose through Interstitial Glucose by Genetic Programming 5
Distributed Java Programs Initial Mapping Based on Extremal Optimization 5
An Evolutionary Approach to Digitalized Hand Signs Recognition 5
Totale 899
Categoria #
all - tutte 3.775
article - articoli 930
book - libri 28
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 369
Totale 5.102

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2023/20248 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 0
2024/2025918 3 6 120 56 499 95 30 69 40 0 0 0
Totale 926