Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 659
AS - Asia 242
EU - Europa 62
Totale 963
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 655
SG - Singapore 234
IT - Italia 25
FI - Finlandia 13
DE - Germania 6
NL - Olanda 6
CN - Cina 5
BE - Belgio 4
CA - Canada 3
GB - Regno Unito 2
LT - Lituania 2
LV - Lettonia 2
DO - Repubblica Dominicana 1
JO - Giordania 1
KG - Kirghizistan 1
MD - Moldavia 1
PK - Pakistan 1
UA - Ucraina 1
Totale 963
Città #
Santa Clara 577
Singapore 135
Helsinki 12
Rome 8
Milan 7
Los Angeles 5
Brussels 4
West Jordan 4
Frankfurt am Main 3
Boardman 2
Catania 2
Florence 2
Guangzhou 2
Riga 2
Toronto 2
Amman 1
Bishkek 1
Cagliari 1
Chisinau 1
Islamabad 1
Kyiv 1
London 1
Ottawa 1
Pasadena 1
Reston 1
Totale 777
Nome #
Relationships between geogenic radon potential and gamma ray maps with indoor radon levels at Caprarola municipality (central Italy). 16
Assessment of groundwater pollution from ash ponds using stable and unstable isotopes around the Koradi and Khaperkheda thermal power plants (Maharashtra, India) 16
Grotta Romanelli (Southern Italy, Apulia): legacies and issues in excavating a key site for the Pleistocene of the Mediterranean 16
Revised Chronology of the Sulmona Lacustrine Succession, Central Italy 15
Geochemical mapping of the Mignone River Basin (Latium, Italy): a pilot project for testing data processing and mapping techniques 14
GIS-based interpolation methods for spatial assessment of Geogenic Radon Potential 13
Mapping the geogenic radon potential and radon risk by using Empirical Bayesian Kriging regression: A case study from a volcanic area of central Italy 13
Indagine sui flussi di Radon dal suolo in un?area selezionata della Provincia di Rieti: uno strumento per la individuazione delle aree a potenziale rischio da Radon (Radon Prone Areas) 13
Radon Hazard in Central Italy: Comparison among Areas with Different Geogenic Radon Potential 13
Using a scale model room to assess the contribution of building material of volcanic origin to indoor radon 13
Recognition of areas of anomalous concentration of potentially hazardous elements by means of a subcatchment-based discriminant analysis of stream sediments 13
Use of stable and unstable isotopes to study the effect of the disposal of fly ash on the pollution of shallow groundwaters: the example of the Koradi and Khaperkheda thermal power plants (Maharashtra, India) 12
U-enriched clay level in a natural analogue for radionuclides behavior inside a gas-generating spent nuclear fuel repository 12
Caratterizzazione idrogeochimica e ambientale delle acque di scorrimento superficiale della provincia di Rieti 12
Multidisciplinary characterization of the buried travertine body of Prima Porta (Central Italy) 12
Determination of 222Rn in water by absorption in polydimethylsiloxane mixed with activated carbon and gamma-ray spectrometry: an example application in the radon budget of Paterno submerged sinkhole (Central Italy). 12
Le acque di scorrimento superficiale della provincia di Rieti: caratterizzazione idrogeochimica e ambientale nell?ambito di un progetto di Agenda 21 locale 12
GIS-based interpolation methods for spatial assessment of Geogenic Radon Potential 12
Indagine sui flussi di radon dal suolo in un?area selezionata della provincia di Rieti : uno strumento per la individuazione delle aree a potenziale rischio da radon (radon prone areas). 12
Paleoenvironmental context of the early Neanderthals of Poggetti Vecchi for the late middle Pleistocene of Central Italy 12
Tufa deposits of the Aniene valley between Vallepietra and Mandela-Vicovaro (Latium, central Italy) 12
Risultati preliminari dell'attività di cartografia geochimica del bacino del fiume Mignone (Lazio). 11
Is Cyprideis agrigentina Decima a good paleosalinometer for the Messinian Salinity Crisis? Morphometrical and geochemical analyses from the Eraclea Minoa section (Sicily) 11
Studying travertines for neotectonics investigations: Middle Late Pleistocene syn-tectonic travertine deposition at Serre di Rapolano (Northern Apennines, Italy) 11
Intermittent flow regime of water/gas emissions as sinkhole trigger in alluvial plains: a study case at S. Vittorino plain (Rieti, Italy) 11
U-Th-Ra isotope disequilibria in the Pliocene clay from Pasquasia (Enna, Sicily) 11
An unsuccesfull attempt at U/Th dating of soils calcretes from Doukkali area (western Morocco) and environmental implications 11
Environmental Geochemistry and Geochemical mapping as support to land planning and public health protection : case histories in Italy 11
Evidenze di tettonica sin-deposizionale nei travertini pleistocenici della Cava Oliviera, Serre di Rapolano (Siena, Toscana Meridionale) 11
Fattibilità delle sistematiche isotopi del Fe e del Cu e preliminari applicazioni allo studio dei suoli 11
Caratterizzazione idrogeochimica e ambientale delle acque di scorrimento superficiale della provincia di Rieti. Stato dell?Ambiente 11
226 Ra-excess during the 1631-1944 activity period of Mt. Vesuvius (Italy): a model of alpha recoil enrichment in a metasomatized mantle and implications on the current state of the magmatic system 10
Direct determination of half-life of (214)Pb by gamma spectrometry and comparison with previous indirect measurements. 10
Determinazione analitica della velocità di sedimentazione di sedimenti marini provenienti dal porto di Priolo(Sicilia) mediante i metodi radiometrici dei radionuclidi da fallout 137Cs e 210Pb). 10
Bioaccessible selenium in Italian agricultural soils : comparison of the biogeochemical approach with a regression model based on geochemical and pedoclimatic variables 10
Water resources: a geochemical approach to their characterization and sustainable use 10
Contribution of gamma ground spectrometry to the textural charachterization and mapping of floodplain sediments 10
Impact of the disposal and re-use of fly ash on water quality: The case of the Koradi and Khaperkheda thermal power plants (Maharashtra, India) 10
Spatial-temporal evolution of extensional faulting and fluid circulation in the Amatrice Basin (central Apennines, Italy) during the Pleistocene 10
Leaching procedure used in dating young potassic volcanic rocks by the Ra-226/Th-230 method 10
The raised coral reef complex of the Kenyan coast: Tridacna gigas U-series dates and geological implications 10
The tectonic control on the deposition of the Pleistocene continental carbonates in the Sarteano area (southern Tuscany) 10
Geogenic Radon Potential map of the Celleno municipality (Lazio, central Italy) 10
Application of 40Ar/39Ar and 230Th dating methods to the chronostratigraphy of Quaternary basaltic volcanic areas: The Ustica Island case history 10
Radium isotopes for groundwater age and sustainability in the highland of Antananarivo, Madagascar 10
Studi cronologici eseguiti sulle concrezioni carbonatiche della Grotta di Lamalunga 10
The Amatrice Fault System (central Apennines, Italy): calcite-rich fluid-flow in intrabasinal extensional faulting 10
Early-Middle Pleistocene extensional faulting in the Amatrice Basin (central Apennines, Italy) at the hanging wall of the seismogenic structures 9
Limits and applications of the radon deficit technique for the study of two sites contaminated by NAPL (Non-Aqueous Phase Liquids) 9
Implantation of recoiling radionuclides of U and Th radioactive series applied to estimation of surficial erosion of CaCO3 materials. 9
Residence time of groundwater in porous aquifers by estimating Ra retardation factor 9
Contribution of gamma ground spectrometry to the textural characterization and mapping of floodplain sediments. 9
La Solforata di Pomezia tra storia e leggenda 9
Using 222-Radon as tracer for areal and vertical distribution of hydrocarbon contaminations 8
Assessing methyl tertiary butyl ether residual contamination in groundwater using radon 8
Progetto GEO3D: studio dei parametri geo-morfologici e delle tecniche di gestione dei dati per l'individuazione delle formazioni argillose idonee alla localizzazione di un deposito sub-superficiale di rifiuti radioattivi a bassa attività 8
Applying Radon Deficit Technique to study a recent gasoline spill in Rome 8
Radon diffusion in Non-Aqueous Phase Liquids (NAPLs): experimental data and their impact on the modelization of Rn deficit technique 8
Mapping of H2S fluxes from the ground using copper passive samples : an application study at the Zolforata di Pomezia degassing areas (Alban Hills, Central Italy)., 8
Tracing vertical distribution of NAPL contaminations: two case studies 8
212Pb as tracer for PM deposition on urban vegetation 8
A high resolution oxygen isotope record from the Holocene (ca. 8-3 ka) lake sediments of the Sulmona basin, Central Italy 7
Men and elephants at Poggetti Vecchi 7
Mapping of H2S fluxes from the ground using copper passive samplers: an application study at the Zolforata di Pomezia degassing area (Alban Hills, Central Italy) 7
Ricerca archeologica. I metodi di datazione 7
La cronologia recente del vulcanismo dei Colli Albani 7
Metodo per la determinazione di solfati insolubili VoP Test 7
Use of gamma ray ground spectrometry for soil mapping in central Italy 7
Geographically weighted regression and geostatistical techniques to construct the geogenic radon potential map of the Lazio region: A methodological proposal for the European Atlas of Natural Radiation 7
Isotopi stabili (O, C) e tefrostratigrafia dei depositi lacustri olocenici del bacino di Sulmona (Italia centrale) 7
Calcites at Vulcano island (Italy): Isotopic and geochronological data bearing on the timing of the La Fossa Caldera collapse 7
Meteogene and thermogene travertines in the Tiber Valley between Orte and Prima Porta (Rome) 7
The tectonic control on the deposition of Pleistocene continental carbonates in the Sarteano area (southern Tuscany) 7
Procedure for separating Fe from geological matrices to carry out isotopic analyses by TIMS 7
New age measurements by the 226Ra/230Th method from Insula VII,9 7
Methods for correcting the isotopic fractionation of Fe determined by TIMS 7
Yttrium, lanthanum and manganese geochemistry in fluorite deposits from Sardinia (Italy) 6
Definition of constraints in aquifer modelling by using heavy isotopes geochemistry 6
Radium isotopes and their decay products to assess the age of a NAPL-spill 6
Studio geocronologico del complesso carsico ''Grotta del Fiume-Grotta Grande del Vento''(Gola di Frasassi, AN) e implicazioni paleoambientali 6
Procedure for separating Fe from geological matrices to carry out isotopic analyses 6
Studi cronologici eseguiti sulle concrezioni carbonatiche della Grotta di Lamalunga. 6
Th-230 dating of the speleothemes from the " Grotta del Fiume-Grotta Grande del Vento". 6
Variation of geochemical risk associated with the use of ophiolitic washing muds as refilling material in a basalt quarry of the Northern Appennine (Italy). 6
Applications of Sr isotopes and U-series radionuclides to the hydrogeology of Sangemini area (Terni - Central Italy) 6
Estimation of diffusion constants by observations of isokinetic effects: a test for radiogenic argon and strontium 6
230Th/238U dating of corals from Tyrrhenian marine deposits of Varda area (north-western Peloponnesus), Greece 6
230Th/238U dating of corals from Tyrrhenian marine deposits and the palaeogeographic evolution of the western Peloponnesus (Greece). 6
Determinazione in situ del grado di solfatazione dei materiali lapidei, "VoP Test". 6
Il sistema deltizio del Fiume Ombrone: determinazione delle velocità di sedimentazione mediante metodi radiometrici 6
A methodology for assessing the maximum expected radon flux from soils in Northern Latium (Central Italy) 6
Late Pleistocene strike-slip tectonics in the Acque Albule basin (Tivoli, Latium) 6
Late Pleistocene sea-level changes and vertical movements between Formia and Minturno, central Italy 6
I travertini di Rocchetta a Volturno (Molise): datazioni con 230Th e modello deposizionale 6
Calcite in fractures in a volcanic environment (Vulcano Island, Italy): Contribution of geochronological and isotopic studies to volcanotectonics 5
Dating of newly formed minerals in geothermal fields through 232 Th series short lived isotopes: Check on mineral of known age and implications to fluid-rock interactions 5
The January 2002 Volcano-tectonic Eruption of Nyiragongo Volcano,( Democratic Republic of Congo) 5
Totale 917
Categoria #
all - tutte 4.209
article - articoli 2.693
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 62
Totale 6.964

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2023/202419 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 4 9 3
2024/2025953 2 7 163 75 477 122 35 72 0 0 0 0
Totale 972