Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 782
AS - Asia 526
EU - Europa 332
OC - Oceania 1
Totale 1.641
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 781
SG - Singapore 476
IT - Italia 239
FI - Finlandia 42
CN - Cina 36
NL - Olanda 13
IN - India 9
DE - Germania 8
GB - Regno Unito 8
FR - Francia 6
IE - Irlanda 5
NO - Norvegia 3
AT - Austria 2
KR - Corea 2
LT - Lituania 2
PL - Polonia 2
TW - Taiwan 2
AU - Australia 1
BE - Belgio 1
CA - Canada 1
CH - Svizzera 1
JP - Giappone 1
Totale 1.641
Città #
Santa Clara 661
Singapore 342
Venice 68
Helsinki 42
Padova 42
Guangzhou 26
Cavalese 14
Florence 12
Milan 12
Boardman 11
Delhi 9
Bondeno 8
Amsterdam 7
Bologna 7
Falkenstein 6
Dublin 5
Phoenix 5
Rome 5
Albignasego 4
Cavallino 4
London 4
Martellago 4
Conway 3
Oslo 3
Vicenza 3
Washington 3
Anguillara 2
Cascina 2
Fort Worth 2
Ingolstadt 2
San Giorgio delle Pertiche 2
Seoul 2
Turin 2
Vienna 2
West Jordan 2
Bolzano 1
Brisbane 1
Brussels 1
Carobbio degli Angeli 1
Council Bluffs 1
Forest City 1
Genoa 1
Levate 1
Limena 1
Modena 1
Newcastle upon Tyne 1
Ottawa 1
Paris 1
Pisa 1
Prineville 1
Rosà 1
San Marcellino 1
Seattle 1
Tokyo 1
Verdellino 1
Verona 1
Totale 1.349
Nome #
First Progress Report - Project “APPARE – Analisi e documentazione di Piene imProvvise per una Aumentata REsilienza in zone montane” (Analysis and Documentation of Flash Floods for Enhanced Resilience in Mountainous Areas) - Cascade call Topic 4: “Protocolli per i rilievi e sopralluoghi post-evento alluvionale” (Protocols for post-flood surveys and field observations). Project “Multi-Risk sciEnce for resilienT commUnities undeR a changiNg climate (RETURN)” 40
The APPARE project: aims and progress of the activities 29
Data From Post-Flood Surveys And Field Observations For Recent Events In Italy (2011-2024) 27
null 23
Editorial topic collection: "Geosphere-anthroposphere interlinked dynamics: geocomputing and new technologies" 21
MORPHEUS - GeoMORFHomEtry throUgh Scales for a resilient landscape 20
Debris - flow susceptibility assessment along the railway network: methodological framework and testing in alpine area 19
Report P01 – Colate detritiche – Applicazione della metodologia per i fenomeni di colata detritica 19
The importance of post-event documentation and analysis of flash floods for increased resilience of mountain areas 19
Integrated post-event survey of the record-breaking Central Italy flash flood of September 2022: observation strategy and lessons learned 18
Sediment connectivity as a key to understand geomorphic effects of the Storm Alex in two mountain catchments of the Mediterranean Alps (Italy) 16
Debris - flow susceptibility assessment along the railway network: methodological framework and testing in alpine area 16
Analisi e documentazione di piene improvvise per una aumentata resilienza in aree montane e collinari: l’esperienza del progetto APPARE 15
A framework for assessing sediment volumes mobilized by debris flows: test in the Liera catchment (Dolomites) 15
Valutazione della suscettibilità da colata detritica lungo la rete ferroviaria: sviluppo metodologico e applicazione in contesto alpino 14
Areas simultaneously susceptible and (dis-)connected to debris flows in the Dolomites (Italy): regional-scale application of a novel data-driven approach 14
A framework for assessing sediment volumes mobilized by debris flows: the case of study of Liera catchments (Dolomites) 13
Dinamica del sedimento a scala regionale - Metodi geomorfometrici in ambiente naturale e antropico (risultati preliminari) 13
Relazione secondo anno - Accordo di collaborazione tecnico-scientifica - MONISED - per monitoraggio operazionale dei sedimenti trasportati in sospensione e al fondo in corrispondenza delle stazioni idrometriche di Ponte Stelvio sul Rio Solda e Mantana sul torrente Gadera. 13
Guidelines for assessing sediment dynamics in Alpine basins and channel reaches 13
Extreme Rainfall and Flooding from the Vaia Storm of October 27-30, 2018 in North-Eastern Italy 12
The Rotolon Catchment Early-Warning System 12
Analysis of lateral sediment connectivity and its connection to debris flow intensity patterns at different return periods in the Fella River system in northeastern Italy 12
Field observations after the flash flood of 15-16 September 2022 in the Umbria and Marche regions (Central Italy) 12
Rilievo delle aree sorgenti di sedimento nel bacino del torrente Liera (Canale d'Agordo - BL) 12
A framework for assessing sediment volumes mobilized by debris flows: the case study of the Liera catchment (Dolomites) 12
units of measurements of {IC} 11
Report rilevamento in Val d'Ansiei, Auronzo di Cadore 11
Semi-automatic derivation of channel network from a high-resolution DTM: the example of an Italian alpine region 11
Accordo di collaborazione per lo studio di interventi per la mitigazione del rischio da colate detritiche in località Velt - Rapporto finale con integrazioni 11
A free tool integrating GIS features and workflows to evaluate sediment connectivity in alpine catchments 11
Analisi geomorfologica per il riconoscimento e la determinazione dei volumi mobilizzabili delle colate detritiche - WP 4 report Progetto SedinOut 11
Analysing lateral sediment connectivity and its connection to the frequency-magnitude reality in the Fiume Fella system, Northern Italy 11
Agglomerative hierarchical cluster method to analyze landslide displacements and assess risk scenarios 11
When instrument location makes the difference on rainfall thresholds definition: Lessons learned at Cancia, Dolomites 11
Geomorphology of the Liera catchment (Dolomites, NE Italy): understanding landscape response to an extreme event 10
Debris flows recorded in the Moscardo catchment (Italian Alps) between 1990 and 2019 10
Overview on Index of Connectivity applications: towards a quantitative approach 10
Assessing debris-flow activity and geomorphic changes caused by an extreme rainstorm: the case study of the Liera catchment (Dolomites, northeastern Italy) 10
Deciphering sediment dynamics in a debris-flow catchment: insights from instrumental monitoring and high-resolution topography 10
Crowdsourcing engagement and applications for communities within crisis events 10
Modelling the dynamics of a large rock landslide in the Dolomites (eastern Italian Alps) using multi-temporal DEMs 10
Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Natural Hazards 10
Linking permafrost distribution, glacial retreat and colluvial sediment dynamics in the Saldur River basin, Eastern Italian Alps 10
Landslide and debris-flow activity in periglacial mountain settings, Eastern Italian Alps 10
Debris flow monitoring and warning systems: a new study site in the alps 9
Assessing debris-flow activity and geomorphic changes caused by an extreme rainstorm: the case study of the Liera catchment (Dolomites, northeastern Italy) 9
Preliminary study of Fella and But watersheds: how to exploit databases of channel control structures and High-Resolution Topography (HRT) 9
Geomorphic change detection in Gadria-Strimm and Moscardo catchments, Italy 9
Contrasting mass-wasting activity in two debris flow-dominated catchments of the Venosta Valley/Vinschgau (Italy): 1945-2014 9
Landslide and debris-flow sediment flux in glacial and periglacial mountain drainage basins of the Eastern Italian Alps 9
Landslide monitoring with an integrated platform: Methodology, design and case study 9
Combining Instrumental Monitoring and High-Resolution Topography for Estimating Sediment Yield in a Debris-Flow Catchment 9
Sediment management 9
Toward the development of a stand-alone application for the assessment of sediment connectivity 9
Semi-automatic derivation of hydrographic network - Impacts of human activities on hydrographic network 9
Sediment connectivity assessment through a geomorphometric approach: review of recent applications 9
Debris-Flow Monitoring and Geomorphic Change Detection Combining Laser Scanning and Fast Photogrammetric Surveys in the Moscardo Catchment (Eastern Italian Alps) 9
Geomorphological map of the Liera stream catchment (Dolomites, Italy) 9
Relazione Finale Progetto ANICE 9
Exploiting freely available imagery to improve land cover characterization and shallow landslide detection 9
From the Rio Rotiano to the regional scale: Identifying and managing protection structures at risk 9
Thunderslide - from rainfall to preliminary landslide mapping: an open data-oriented tool for local management authorities 9
Thunderslide - from rainfall to preliminary landslide mapping: an automated open-data workflow for regional authorities 9
Valutazione della suscettibilità da colata detritica lungo la rete ferroviaria: sviluppo metodologico e applicazione in contesto alpino 9
Debris-flow data collected in the Moscardo Torrent (eastern Italian Alps) between 1990 and 2019 9
A new monitoring station for debris flows in the European Alps: first observations in the Gadria basin 9
A web-based platform for automatic and continuous landslide monitoring: The Rotolon (Eastern Italian Alps) case study 9
Determinazione dei volumi mobilizzabili nell'area di studio di Perarolo 9
Evaluation of anthropogenic effects on the sediment delivery dynamics in response to slope instability 8
Improving the Channel Network Management After a Large Infrequent Disturbance, Taking Advantage of Sediment Connectivity Analysis 8
Geomorphic change detection in small Alpine basins using LiDAR DTMs 8
Seconda relazione Tecnica (revisione 01) - Accordo di collaborazione tecnico-scientifica ex art. 15 della l.241/90 e s.m.i. per la definizione delle soglie di allarme e le conseguenti logiche di funzionamento del sistema di monitoraggio e allarme della colata detritica di Cancia in Borca di Cadore. 8
Automatic and continuous landslide monitoring: the Rotolon Web-based platform 8
Monitoring debris flows in the Gadria catchment (eastern Italian Alps): data and insights acquired from 2018 to 2020 8
Debris-flow data recorded in the Moscardo catchment (Italy) 8
Indagini geologiche nel bacino idrografico del Rio Kortol e dei suoi affluenti - Relazione finale 8
Flash floods in Europe: flow response and geomorphic impact 8
Application and testing of a GIS-based sediment connectivity model in the Venosta valley (Eastern Italian Alps) 8
Assessment of erosion and deposition in steep mountain basins by differencing sequential digital terrain models 8
Exposure to landslides in rural areas in Central Italy 8
Geomorphic change detection using LiDAR DTMs in two small basins of the Italian Alps. 8
Storm characteristics dictate sediment dynamics and geomorphic changes in mountain channels: A case study in the Italian Alps 8
Multi-temporal LiDAR-DTMs as a tool for modelling a complex landslide: A case study in the Rotolon catchment (eastern Italian Alps) 8
Sediment connectivity assessment through a geomorphometric approach: a review of recent applications 8
Final report - contribution of CNR IRPI 8
Sediment transport monitoring 8
Attività di studio sulle conoidi con sviluppo di una metodologia di raccolta dati e loro applicazione su aree test - Relazione finale 8
Accordo di collaborazione per lo studio di interventi per la mitigazione del rischio da colate detritiche in località Velt - Primo stato di avanzamento 8
Investigations on alluvial deposits through borehole stratigraphy, radiocarbon dating and passive seismic technique (Carnic Alps, NE Italy) 8
Connectivity and colluvial sediment dynamics in the Saldur River basin, Eastern Italian Alps 8
Relazione intermedia Progetto ANICE 8
Brief Communication: A new testing field for debris flow warning systems 8
Comparison of methods and procedures for debris-flow volume estimation 8
MAppERS: mobile networks for prevention and awareness. Communication scheme and architecture 8
Debris-flow volumes in northeastern Italy: Relationship with drainage area and size probability 8
Change in sediment dynamics after a Large Infrequent Disturbance: characterizing geomorphic and connectivity variation in a Dolomitic catchment 8
Sediment connectivity assessment through geomorphometry: review of recent applications. 8
Monitoraggio della frana del Rotolon, Recoaro Terme (VI): relazione finale 8
Totale 1.113
Categoria #
all - tutte 8.712
article - articoli 2.648
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 391
Totale 11.751

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2023/2024137 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 26 14 43 54
2024/20251.565 27 45 366 192 654 191 90 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 1.702