Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 646
AS - Asia 329
EU - Europa 85
SA - Sud America 2
Totale 1.062
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 646
SG - Singapore 319
IT - Italia 42
FI - Finlandia 25
FR - Francia 7
NL - Olanda 4
IR - Iran 3
KR - Corea 3
BR - Brasile 2
CN - Cina 2
DE - Germania 2
GB - Regno Unito 2
RO - Romania 2
ES - Italia 1
JP - Giappone 1
VN - Vietnam 1
Totale 1.062
Città #
Santa Clara 602
Singapore 207
Helsinki 25
Rome 25
Cheonan 3
Milan 3
Tehran 3
Bologna 2
Falkenstein 2
Forest City 2
Iasi 2
João Pessoa 2
Amsterdam 1
Boardman 1
Florence 1
Genoa 1
Hanoi 1
Parma 1
Phoenix 1
Tokyo 1
Washington 1
Totale 887
Nome #
Delitto e castigo nella società globale. Crimini e processi internazionali 13
A Cosmopolitan Perspective on Global Criminal Justice 13
Blade Runner economics: Will innovation lead the economic recovery? 13
Centripetal and centrifugal forces in technological activities: linking regional innovation performances to EU Science & Technology policies 10
L'attività brevettuale italiana nel contesto internazionale, in Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Relazione sulla ricerca e l'innovazione in Italia. Analisi e dati di politica della scienza e della tecnologia 10
What causes the populist infection? How can it be cured? 10
The Retreat of Public Research and its Adverse Consequences on Innovation 10
Nature and impact of innovation in manufacturing industry: some evidence from the italian innovation survey 10
La struttura demografica dei ricercatori italiani: come procede il ricambio generazionale? 10
Federico Caffè, solitario maestro 10
Concentration, firm size and innovation: evidence from innovation costs 10
Economic crisis and innovation: is destruction prevailing over accumulation? 9
The impact of the economic crisis on innovation: Evidence from Europe 9
The Airbus lesson: How new companies can be generated to aid Europe's post-Covid reconstruction 9
Sviluppo, Innovazione e Conoscenza. Strumenti per un'economia mediterranea 9
Exporting democracy: what have we learned from Iraq? 9
Innovation and economic crisis. Lessons and prospects from the economic downturn 9
Rifugiati nell'Unione Europea: mancanza di solidarietà, distruzione di speranze 9
Investment in innovation for European recovery: A public policy priority 9
Refugees in the European Union: from emergency alarmism to common management 9
A cure for the populist infection? A bigger dose of democracy! 9
International Criminal Justice: from past to future 9
A Cosmopolitan Perspective on Global Criminal Justice 9
La giustizia penale internazionale tra passato e futuro 9
Cosmopolitan democracy and its critics: a review 8
Refugees in the European Union: from emergency alarmism to common management 8
Cosmopolitan Democracy as a Method for Addressing Controversies 8
The technological capabilities of nations: the state of the art of synthetic indicators 8
Technology, globalisation and economic performance 8
Democracy and prosperity: reinventing capitalism through a turbulent century. 8
The Globalization of Technology and the Dynamic of the Innovative Performance of Countries 8
The global commonwealth of citizens. Toward cosmopolitan democracy 8
How dangerous is populism for democracy? 8
Book Review of "Political trials in theory and history" 8
Book Review of "Cittadini e no: Forme e funzioni dell'inclusione e dell'esclusione" by P. Mindus. 8
Does Discussion Lead to Opinion Change within Political Science Students? A Pedagogical Exercise of Deliberative Democracy 8
Does Discussion Lead to Opinion Change? An Experiment in Deliberative Democracy 8
Innovation and Globalization: Evidence and Implications 8
How social movements can save democracy: democratic innovations from below 8
Democracy for export: principles, practices, lessons 8
In defence of Damien Green 8
European Democracy and Cosmopolitan Democracy 7
Filosofi per la pace 7
Book Review of "Interactive Democracy: The Social Roots of Global Justice" by Carol C. Gould 7
Filosofi per la pace 7
Re-imaging political community: studies in cosmopolitan democracy 7
Blade Runner Economics. Will Innovation Lead us Out of Crisis? 7
A critical analysis of the self-determination of peoples. A cosmopolitan perspective 7
Claiming Citizenship Rights in Europe: Emerging Challenges and Political Agents 7
Measuring technological capabilities at the country level: a survey and a menu for choice 7
Las intervenciones internacionales: ¿cuándo derecho, cuándo obligación? 7
Diritti umani e democrazia cosmopolitica 7
The architecture of cosmopolitan democracy 7
Refugiados en la Unión Europea: desde el alarmismo de emergencia a la gestión común 7
The social imagination needed for an innovation-led recovery 7
Innovation policy in a global economy 7
Handbook of Global Science, Technology, and Innovation 7
Democratic Deficits: The Internal and External Levers 7
The Retreat of Public Research and its Adverse Consequences on Knowledge, Innovation and Social Welfare 7
Evaluation of the Community Innovation Survey 7
European Citizenship as Rights Claiming 7
Cosmopolitan Democracy: Paths and Way 7
What to do with the United Nations? 7
Innovazione e globalizzazione. Definizione, misurazione e implicazioni per le politiche 7
Introduzione: Dai progetti per la pace perpetua ad un modello cosmopolitico di relazioni internazionali 7
From Peace Between Democracies to Global Democracy 7
I progetti di riforma dell ONU: prospettive a confronto 7
Measuring Technological Change through Patents and Innovation Surveys 7
La democrazia cosmopolitica / Daniele Archibugi 7
Models of international organization in perpetual peace projects 7
Global Democracy: Normative and Empirical Perspectives. Introduction 7
Cambiamento tecnologico e sviluppo industriale 7
The Retreat of Public Research and its Adverse Consequences on Innovation 7
Democracy at the United Nations 7
The globalisation of technology and its implications for developing countries: windows of opportunity or further burden? 7
A league of democracies or a democratic United Nations 7
An Investment Plan for European Reconstruction 7
Can a World Parliament Save the Environment? 7
William Penn, l'inglese che inventò il Parlamento Europeo 6
Is a Global Intellectual Property Rights System Possible? 6
The hope of global democracy as a challenge for the twenty-first century 6
Global Democracy: Normative and Empirical Perspectives 6
Il suicidio di Praljak e il senso de la giustizia internazionale 6
La capacità tecnologica della nazioni: una rassegna degli indicatori sintetici 6
Diritto dei popoli e diritto cosmopolitico 6
Cosmopolitan Democracy: Paths and Agents 6
International partnerships for knowledge in business and academia - A comparison between Europe and the USA 6
Innovation in times of crisis: national system of innovation, structure and demand 6
Cosmopolitan Democracy: A Restatement 6
Innovation in times of crisis: the uneven effects of the economic downturn across europe 6
Cosmopolitan Democracy: A Restatement 6
What does the retreat of public research mean for welfare and innovation 6
Regional Technological Capabilities and the Access to H2020 Funds 6
How powerful are intellectual property rights? 6
Democracy and Global Governance: The Internal and External Levers 6
Droits des gens ou paix perpétuelle? 6
Cosmopolitan Democracy as an Endless Journey 6
Innovation Investment and Economic Recovery A Green Paper for Successful Economic Policies 6
Totale 766
Categoria #
all - tutte 5.256
article - articoli 2.681
book - libri 703
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 1.263
Totale 9.903

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2023/202433 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14 10 5 4
2024/20251.044 12 19 203 137 493 180 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 1.077