Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 1.029
AS - Asia 393
EU - Europa 117
Totale 1.539
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 1.026
SG - Singapore 351
IT - Italia 74
KR - Corea 21
FI - Finlandia 20
CN - Cina 17
DE - Germania 10
GB - Regno Unito 5
FR - Francia 3
NL - Olanda 3
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 2
CA - Canada 2
HK - Hong Kong 1
ID - Indonesia 1
IE - Irlanda 1
LT - Lituania 1
MX - Messico 1
Totale 1.539
Città #
Santa Clara 933
Singapore 255
Seoul 21
Helsinki 20
Milan 19
Boardman 13
Naples 9
Falkenstein 8
Guangzhou 8
Phoenix 4
Novara 3
Paris 3
Rome 3
Valenza 3
Bologna 2
Florence 2
Reggio Calabria 2
Rende 2
Toronto 2
Ashburn 1
Barrow in Furness 1
Birr 1
Dundee 1
Forest City 1
Fort Worth 1
Hong Kong 1
Las Vegas 1
Marano di Napoli 1
Novate Milanese 1
Prineville 1
Vicenza 1
Totale 1.324
Nome #
Arcobaleno e Oltre: la terra vista dallo Spazio 24
MED&BS RDBFIS Use Cases 24
A CNN-Based Interferogram Filtering Approach to Enhance the Co-Seismic Surface Displacements Identification by Exploiting the EPOSAR DInSAR Maps Global Archive 21
Making data management practices compliant with Essential Variables frameworks: A practical approach in the marine biological domain 17
Can VGI and Mobile Apps Support Long-Term Ecological Research? A Test in Remote Areas of the Alps 13
DORIS_NET project: enhancing the regional impact of COPERNICUS program by setting up the European Network of Regional Contact Offices (RCO) 12
Aggiornamento FishDataNet 11
A methodological approach to the development of applications in a SDI environment 11
Progetto DCF Network, ACCORDO DSSTTA-IREA - Report software implementato Dicembre 2019 11
A content-based approach to the indexing and retrieval of remote sensing images 11
AWARE project the geo-service for snowmelt runoff modelling in Alpine environment 11
A linguistic decision making approach to assess the quality of volunteer geographic information for citizen science 11
Exploiting Observations & Measurement data standard for distributed LTER-Italy freshwater sites. Water quality issues 11
A Possibility-Based Model to Index Remote Sensing Images 11
Web-Scale Normalization of Geospatial Metadata Based on Semantics-Aware Data Sources 11
Cooperating networks: Essential Biodiversity Variables (EBVs) contributions from LTER-Italy 10
RITMARE: Semantics- Aware harmonisation of data in Italian marine research 10
Can VGI and Mobile Apps Support Long-Term Ecological Research? A Test in Remote Areas of the Alps 10
Describing Geospatial Assets in the Web of Data: A Metadata Management Scenario 10
Sintesi e Condivisione Interoperabile di serie temporali di deformazione del terreno ottenute tramite tecniche DInSAR 10
Nodo locale infrastruttura dati marini del progetto RITMARE per IREA CNR Milano 10
Progetto DCF Network, ACCORDO DSSTTA-IREA - Rendiconto I° SAL 1 gennaio 2018 - 31 Dicembre 2018 Report tecnico-scientifico di IREA CNR 10
Monitoring of environmental status through long term series: Data management system in the enveurope project 10
IT08-A Laghi Sudalpini 10
Wiki SP7 10
EDI - A Template-Driven Metadata Editor for Research Data 10
Flexible Trip-Planning Queries 10
E-Infrastructures empowered by Interoperable Volunteered Geographic Information 10
2nd Periodic Project Report, DORIS_Net (Downstream Observatory organised by Regions active In Space - Network), Project No: 262789 10
Preserving and sharing geospatial data to enhance the sustainable management of biological resources in the Sinis MPA 10
Beyond the dissemination of projects' results: stakeholders and users involvement and project co-design 10
DORIS_Net Downstream Service Catalogue, D3.4 10
EnvEurope Drupal Ecological Information System - making long-term ecological data available through the Internet 10
La presentazione animata su web di dati ambientali e la loro annotazione 10
Beyond the dissemination of Earth Observation research: stakeholders' and users' involvement in project co-design 10
Managing imperfect temporal metadata in the Catalog services of Spatial Data Infrastructures compliant with INSPIRE 10
Ottimizzare i Metadati Geospaziali per il Web Semantico 10
Flexible Querying of Imperfect Temporal Metadata in Spatial Data Infrastructures 10
Il sito Web per il monitoraggio dei ghiacciai italiani 9
Geoportale dimostrativo dei prodotti dell'attivita' di ricerca dell'IREA UOS Milano 9
Information system development for fishery data management 9
A possibility-based model to index remote sensing images 9
DORIS_Net Report on segmentation of user needs, D3.5 9
An indexing model of remotely sensed images 9
Banca Dati dei ghiacciai Lombardi 9
null 9
Volunteered Geographic Information and Spatial Data Infrastructures to promote s-Low resources: the case study of the "Orti di Bergamo" Smart application, 9
Il controllo della qualità nell’informazione geografica volontaria: analisi, rappresentazione e proposte per la valutazione 9
A hybrid system to support glacier monitoring activities on Italian Alps 9
Documento per la definizione di una politica nella gestione e utilizzo dei dati e dei prodotti resi disponibili nell'ambito del progetto RITMARE 9
Semantic Profiles for Easing SensorML Description: Review and Proposal 9
Spatial Data Infrastructures empowered by Interoperable Volunteered Geographic Information 9
Modelling Landslides Susceptibility by Fuzzy Emerging Patterns 9
Content-based indexing and retrieval of remote sensing images by spectral properties 9
Bottom-up capacity building for data providers in RITMARE 9
Catalogo visuale servizi web del progetto RITMARE 9
DORIS_Net: Downstream Observatory organized by Regions active In Space - Network 9
Suite Software abilitante per l'infrastruttura interoperabile del Progetto bandiera RITMARE 9
Extending INSPIRE Metadata to imperfect temporal descriptions 9
Data set of submerged sand deposits organised in an interoperable spatial data infrastructure (Western Sardinia, Mediterranean Sea) 9
A reversible Web architecture for the management of geographic information 9
An event-based archive of soft maps for the analysis of glacier changes 9
Analisi economica di un servizio da dati telerilevati a scala regionale: il caso del monitoraggio agricolo nel Progetto Space4Agri 9
Monitoraggio dei ghiacciai italiani da satellite: risultati del Progetto IGMS 9
Metodologie aerospaziali di Osservazione della Terra a supporto del settore agricolo in Lombardia. 9
Un ambiente Web adattivo per il content-based retrieval di immagini telerilevate 9
BANCO: an SVG-based approach to create Web sites for the management of remote sensing, spatial and non-spatial data 9
Materiale di supporto ad attività di data management 9
Raising semantics-awareness in geospatial metadata management 9
AWARE: Final publishable summary 9
Fostering bottom-up capacity in managing and sharing marine observations: the RITMARE StarterKit 9
Fostering bottom-up capacity in managing and sharing marine observations: the RITMARE StarterKit 9
Indicizzazione e ricerca per contenuto di immagini telerilevate 9
Dissemination and exploitation plans, architecture AWARE deliverable Second year Plan for using and disseminating the knowledge 9
AWARE: Final plan for disseminating knowledge 9
Informazione Geografica Volontaria interoperabile: esempio di applicazione per la valorizzazione dell'informazione agricola, 9
On predicting and improving the quality of Volunteer Geographic Information projects 9
Handling quality in crowdsourced geographic information 9
Fostering Data Sharing in Multidisciplinary Research Communities: A Case Study in the Geospatial Domain 9
Tecnologie e Agricoltura: l'esperienza nel progetto Space4Agri applicata al caso di Bergamo 8
Flexible querying and reasoning in spatio-temporal databases: theory and applications 8
AWARE Final management report, deliverable D.100.2.7 8
Data base per la gestione di un nuovo catasto dei ghiacciai Lombardi 8
null 8
Interoperable sharing and visualization of geological data and instruments: A proof of concept 8
A holistic, semantics-aware approach to Spatial Data Infrastructures 8
EDI: Software per la metadatazione di risorse geografiche, dati osservativi e documenti, conformi RNDT e INSPIRE 8
Test sperimentale di strumenti Volunteer Geographic Information per l aggiornamento di informazioni territoriali 8
Volunteer Information Contribution to Glacier Mapping 8
Personalizzazione di webGIS: il caso delle annotazioni 8
An inventory of Alpine glaciers: an open software approach 8
Final Report, DORIS_Net (Downstream Observatory organised by Regions active In Space - Network), Project No: 262789, 01/02/2011 - 31/01/2013 8
Servizi da telerilevamento nelle regioni europee: il catalogo della domanda e offerta del progetto DORIS_Net 8
AWARE Geo-service architecture 8
Time-based retrieval of soft maps for environmental change detection 8
Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) secondo INSPIRE di IREA 8
AWARE Dissemination and exploitation plans, architecture 8
Sustainable water management: An operative test for monitoring lakes through integrated Earth sensing 8
Totale 982
Categoria #
all - tutte 6.989
article - articoli 1.363
book - libri 27
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 586
Totale 8.965

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2023/202469 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 3 40 15
2024/20251.493 23 16 278 150 832 182 12 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 1.562