Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 517
AS - Asia 177
EU - Europa 53
AF - Africa 1
OC - Oceania 1
Totale 749
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 508
SG - Singapore 172
IT - Italia 19
FI - Finlandia 13
CA - Canada 9
GB - Regno Unito 7
DE - Germania 5
LT - Lituania 4
CN - Cina 2
KR - Corea 2
NL - Olanda 2
AU - Australia 1
BD - Bangladesh 1
BE - Belgio 1
HR - Croazia 1
PL - Polonia 1
TZ - Tanzania 1
Totale 749
Città #
Santa Clara 471
Singapore 90
Helsinki 13
Florence 6
Toronto 6
Frankfurt am Main 5
Turin 4
Ottawa 3
London 2
Phoenix 2
Pisa 2
Seoul 2
Amsterdam 1
Boardman 1
Brusciano 1
Brussels 1
Dar es Salaam 1
Dhaka 1
Guangzhou 1
Perth 1
San Giovanni Teatino 1
Varaždin 1
Totale 616
Nome #
Robinia e salice, valide alternative ma il pioppo è vincente nella SRF 14
Evaluation of the Effect of a Spray Coating Applied on Open-Air-Stored Woodchips 14
Physical and chemical characteristics of renewable fuel obtained from pruning residues 14
Industrial stress-test of a magnetic resonance moisture meter for woody biomass in southern European conditions 13
LogForCat. Desenvolupament d'un sistema innovador de desembosc en castenyedes 12
Industrial stress-test of a magnetic resonance moisture meter for woody biomass in mediterranean conditions 12
Preliminary Tests of a Hybrid Cable Splice (Synthetic–Metal) to Innovate Timber Harvesting in the Mediterranean Forestry Sector 12
Mechanized thinning of walnut plantations established on ex-arable land 11
Esposizione ai gas di scarico nella fase di cippatura 11
Valutazione della precisione di misurazione e ripetibilità delle analisi condotte tramite l'umidimetro VALMET MS 11
Introducción del cable aéreo en Catalunya 11
Chapter 02-01: Ligno-cellulose - Resources 10
Development of a sensorized timber processor head 10
Wood Fuel Procurement to Bioenergy Facilities: Analysis of Moisture Content Variability and Optimal Sampling Strategy 10
A new generation of sensors and monitoring tools to support climate-smart forestry practices 10
Integrating olive grove maintenance and energy biomass recovery with a single-pass pruning and harvesting machine 10
Development of a Sensorized Timber Processor Head Prototype - Part 1: Sensors Description and Hardwear Integration 10
Digestori anaerobici di biomasse 10
Prospettive e potenzialità della digitalizzazione del settore forestale in Italia 10
Marking Standing Trees with RFID Tags 10
Performance evaluation of NIR spectrophotometer simulating in-line acquisition for moisture content prediction of woodchips and comparison with hand-held NIR spectrophotometer 9
Development of Low-Cost Portable Spectrometers for Detection of Wood Defects 9
Strategie per il diradamento delle piantagioni da legno 9
Dendromass4europe (D4E) - short rotation plantations for the bioeconomy 9
Gestione dei residui di potatura: trinciatura o recupero energetico? 9
A miny yarder equipped with synthetic rope: preliminaty results 9
Measuring wood with hyperspectral imaging 9
Sradicatore Gottardo SR 500 HT al lavoro su ceppaie di pero 8
Energy performance of a new biomass harvester for recovery of orchard wood wastes as alternative to mulching 8
The Jordan RH 25 chipper at work on olive prunings 8
A harvesting system for agricultural woody crops at plantation removal 8
Conversione termochimica di biomasse 8
Slash-bundling under mountain conditions: performance, utilization, cost and benefits 8
Smart Harvest Operations and Timber Processing for Improved Forest Management 8
Assessment of higher mechanisation potential for vietnamese pulpwood supply chains using sustainability indicators 8
Upsized harvesting technology for coping with the new trends in short-rotation coppice 8
Chapter 01-01: Introduction to ligno-cellulosic biomass 8
Energy performance of a new biomass harvester for recovery of orchard wood wastes as alternative to mulching 8
A mini yarder equipped with synthetic rope: preliminary results 8
Assessing chipper productivity and operator effects in forest biomass operations 8
Unearthing the hidden resource: Biomass from rootstock recovery 8
A versatile machine system for salvaging small-scale forest windthrow 7
Bosco e territorio, un laboratorio di gestione della montagna 7
Orchard Residue Valorization by Wood Chipper. 7
Vineyard residues as a fuel for domestic boilers in Trento Province (Italy): Comparison to wood chips and means of polluting emissions control 7
Con la cippatrice industriale migliora il bilancio energetico 7
Productivity, safety and worker training needs in logging operations: a case study in the North of Italy 7
La biomassa agro-forestale: la filiera dalla raccolta all'utilizzo 7
Testata di raccolta in prova su pioppo e robinia di 4 anni 7
Chapter 03-01: Introduction to supply of ligno-cellulosic fuels 7
Cost-effective biomass supply from orchard termination with highly-mobile low-investment equipment 7
Sicam Linx 20.2 Cippatrice a tamburo verticale 7
Productivity, safety and workers training needs in logging operations case study in the North of Italy 7
Combustione diretta di rifiuti 7
BISYPLAN: The Bioenergy System Planners Handbook 7
Chip truck utilization for a container handling chipper truck when chipping logging residues and the effect of two grapple types on chipping efficiency 7
Relating safety, productivity and company type for motor-manual logging operations in the Italian Alps 7
Poplar Harvesting 6
Survival Test of RFID UHF Tags in Timber Harvesting Operations 6
Short rotation forestry in Italy: state-of-the-art and trends 6
Physical characterization of commercial woodchips on the Italian energy market 6
La raccolta meccanizzata del pioppo 6
Sradicatore Gottardo all'opera per fare biomassa da espianti 6
Project SLOPE: introducing new technologies in mountain forest operations 6
Un accordo di filiera per gestire i residui agricoli e produrre energia 6
La logistica su container riduce i costi della biomassa legno 6
Boster, habitat forestale per le novità 6
Project SLOPE: Integrated processing and control systems for sustainable forest production in mountain areas 6
Industrial harvesting of olive tree pruning residue for energy biomass 6
Dai frutteti cippato "competitivo" rispetto ai valori di mercato 6
BISYPLAN: The Bioenergy System Planners Handbook. 6
Impacte territorial d una planta de biomassa: l experiència italiana 6
Comparison of remote sensing based RFID and standard tree marking for timber harvesting 6
Performance of a mobile mechanical screen to improve the commercial quality of wood chips for energy 6
Exposure of Mobile Chipper Operators to Diesel Exhaust 6
Tecnologie per il recupero dei residui di potatura 6
Valorizzazione residui di potatura 6
Quando la centrale è vicina il cippato diventa conveniente 5
Energy biomass from the low-investment fully mechanized thinning of hardwood plantations 5
Sramatrici statiche 5
Evaluation of RFID UHF tags for electronic marking of standing trees 5
Survival test of RFID UHF tags in timber harvesting operations 5
La producción de chopo en rotación corta en Italia, unos resultados muy esperanzadores 5
Deploying mechanized cut-to-length technology in Italy: fleet size, annual usage, and cost 5
Restoration of Farmland after Short Rotation Coppice (SRC) Productive Cycle. 5
Complete tree harvesting as an alternative to mulching in early thinnings 5
Dedicated machinery for biomass harvesting and combined prune-and-harvest of olive tree residues 5
Ence, un'impresa basata sull'eucalipto 5
La cippatrice Jordan RH 25 al lavoro sulle potature di olivo 5
In Trentino c' è una centrale che brucia gli espianti di melo 5
Precision forestry in EU mountain areas 5
MHG Bioenergy ERP 5
A supply chain evaluation of slash bundling under the conditions of mountain forestry 5
Annual use, economic life and residual value of cut-to-length harvesting machines 5
Technology alternatives for tapping the pruning residue resource 5
Logistics of Wood Chips: Containers vs Fixed Bins. 5
Industrial Harvester for Biomass Procurement of Olive Trees Residues. 5
Autarchia energetica in Carinzia con cippato forestale e di segheria 5
Le macchine per la trasformazione della legna da energia 5
Techniques and technologies on short rotation coppice production. 5
Totale 747
Categoria #
all - tutte 3.133
article - articoli 1.830
book - libri 36
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 352
Totale 5.351

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2023/202414 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 10 2
2024/2025741 4 7 103 63 459 59 46 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 755