Istituto di Matematica Applicata e Tecnologie Informatiche - IMATI -
Higher-order time-stepping schemes for fluid-structure interaction problems
2020 Boffi, D; Gastaldi, L; Wolf, S
A posteriori error estimates for Maxwell's eigenvalue problem
2019 Boffi, D; Gastaldi, L; Rodriguez, R; Sebestova, I
Adaptive finite element method for the Maxwell Eigenvalue problem
2019 Boffi, D; Gastaldi, L
The MINI mixed finite element for the Stokes problem: An experimental investigation
2019 Cioncolini, A; Boffi, D
Unified formulation and analysis of mixed and primal discontinuous skeletal methods on polytopal meshes
2018 Boffi, D; Di Pietro, Da
A fictitious domain approach with Lagrange multiplier for fluid-structure interactions
2017 Boffi, D; Gastaldi, L
A posteriori error analysis for nonconforming approximation of multiple eigenvalues
2017 Boffi, D; Duran, Rg; Gardini, F; Gastaldi, L
A remark on finite element schemes for nearly incompressible elasticity
2017 Boffi, D; Stenberg, R
Optimal convergence of adaptive FEM for eigenvalue clusters in mixed form
2017 Boffi, D; Gallistl, D; Gardini, F; Gastaldi, L
Residual-based a posteriori error estimation for the Maxwell's eigenvalue problem
2017 Boffi, D; Gastaldi, L; Rodríguez, R; Sebestova, I
A nonconforming high-order method for the Biot problem on general meshes
2016 Boffi, D; Botti, M; Di Pietro, Da
A stabilized finite element method for the two-field and three-field Stokes eigenvalue problems
2016 Turk, O; Boffi, D; Codina, R
Finite element differential forms on curvilinear cubic meshes and their approximation properties
2015 Arnold, Dn; Boffi, D; Bonizzoni, F
On a fictitious domain method with distributed Lagrange multiplier for interface problems
2015 Auricchio, F; Boffi, D; Gastaldi, L; Lefieux, A; Reali, A
The finite element immersed boundary method with distributed Lagrange multiplier
2015 Boffi, D; Cavallini, N; Gastaldi, L
A study on unfitted 1D finite element methods
2014 F. Auricchio; D. Boffi; L. Gastaldi; A. Lefieux;A. Reali
Convergence analysis for hyperbolic evolution problems in mixed form
2013 Boffi, D; Buffa, A; Gastaldi, L
Finite element approximation of eigenvalue problems
2010 Boffi, D
Reduced symmetry elements in linear elasticity
2009 Boffi D.; Brezzi F.; Fortin M.
Some remarks on quadrilateral mixed finite elements
2009 Boffi D.; Gastaldi L.