Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 592
AS - Asia 142
EU - Europa 46
Totale 780
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 590
SG - Singapore 130
IT - Italia 25
CN - Cina 10
FI - Finlandia 9
DE - Germania 4
RU - Federazione Russa 3
AT - Austria 2
CA - Canada 2
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 1
HK - Hong Kong 1
IE - Irlanda 1
IN - India 1
NL - Olanda 1
Totale 780
Città #
Santa Clara 557
Singapore 98
Rome 16
Helsinki 9
Guangzhou 3
Moscow 3
Falkenstein 2
Ottawa 2
Bondeno 1
Castelraimondo 1
Dublin 1
Forest City 1
Hong Kong 1
Livorno 1
Milan 1
Mumbai 1
Nuremberg 1
Phoenix 1
Saarbrücken 1
Totale 701
Nome #
Evaluation of a dynamic classifcation method for multimodal ambiguities based on Hidden Markov Models 22
The MARINA Project: Promoting Responsible Research and Innovation to Meet Marine Challenges 17
DAMA: A Dynamic Classification of Multimodal Ambiguities 17
An italian multimodal corpus: The building process 14
Emotion Classification from Speech and Text in Videos Using a Multimodal Approach 14
Indicatori e metodologie per la definizione di piani sociali di zona 11
D5.5 Dissemination Plan 11
Preface for the special issue on mobile and networking technologies for modelling social applications and services 11
Ambiguity detection in multimodal systems 10
InteSe: An integrated model for resolving ambiguities in multimodal sentences 10
Visual query languages, representation techniques and data models 10
Guest Editorial: Multimedia in Social Mobile Computing (MSMC) 10
Towards Evolutionary Multimodal Interaction 10
Realizzazione di un proof-of-concept per la definizione di piani sociali di zona. High Level Design Description 10
MONDE: a method for predicting social network dynamics and evolution 10
D6.1. Database of Stakeholders 10
SOMOCO 2013 PC co-chairs message 10
An Ecosystemic Environment for Knowledge and Services Sharing on Creative Enterprises 9
MIS: Multimodal interaction services in a cloud perspective 9
An advanced multimodal platform for educational social networks 9
Knowledge access and interaction evolution in virtual learning communities 9
ME: Multimodal Environment Based on Web Services Architecture 9
MIS: Multimodal Interaction Services in a cloud perspective 9
Information extraction based on personalization and contextualization models for multimodal data 9
Knowledge management and interaction in virtual communities of practice 9
D2.3 Customised Intelligent Virtual Platform of the SciCafe2.0 9
IMRA Integrative flood risk governance approach for improvement of risk awareness and increased public participation - I OBIETTIVO INTERMEDIO 9
Classifying and resolving ambiguities in sketch-based interaction 9
An approach for managing ambiguities in multimodal interaction 9
IMRA - Integrative flood risk governance approach for improvement of risk awareness and increased public participation - Rapporto Conclusivo 9
XML-Based Languages for Multimodality in Mobile Environments 9
Toward New Communication Paradigms to Enhance Cognitive and Learning Processes 9
ME: Multimodal Environment Based on Web Services Architecture 9
Solving ambiguities for Sketch-Based interaction in mobile enviroments 9
MCBF: Multimodal Corpora Building Framework 9
An approach for managing ambiguities in multimodal interaction 8
Personal sphere information, histories and social interaction between people on the Internet 8
Indicatori e metodologie per la formazione 8
MSC 2014 PC Co-Chairs Message 8
Studying network dynamics in digital ecosystems 8
Visual query languages, representation techniques and data models 8
SOMOCO 2012 PC co-chairs message 8
Sentiment analysis from textual to multimodal features in digital environments 8
D3.2 Scenarios and "how-to"s 8
A map-based visualization for improving social interaction in conference location 8
Processi decisionali e sistemi informativi nei Piani di Zona 8
Fake news detection: a survey of evaluation datasets 8
Indicatori e metodologie per la governance dei sistemi locali di welfare 8
MuBeFE: Multimodal Behavioural Features Extraction Method 8
Conversazione con il Professor Carlo Bernardini 8
The HMI digital ecosystem: challenges and possible solutions 8
First international workshop on Multimodal and Pervasive Services (MAPS 06).Proceedings of workshop of IEEE international conference on Pervasive Services 2006 (ICPS 06). 8
Multiculturality and Multimodal Languages 8
Multimodal Systems: An Excursus of the Main Research Questions 8
D5.4 - Population of the BIOVOICES multistakeholder on line platform with contents Report: second version 8
Analysis of the Digital Educational Scenario in Italian High Schools during the Pandemic: Challenges and Emerging Tools 7
IMRA Integrative flood risk governance approach for improvement of risk awareness and increased public participation - II OBIETTIVO INTERMEDIO 7
Multiculturality and Multimodal Languages 7
SIM: A dynamic multidimensional visualization method for social networks 7
KRC:KnowInG crowdsourcing platform supporting creativity and innovation 7
KnowInG Project: Analysis Of Innovation Tools 7
Necessary changes to risk governance concept in light of experiences in test cases 7
Del. 2.1 Results on knowledge shared in the Citizen's say platform arising from the debate 7
2nd International Workshop on Multimodal and Pervasive Services (MAPS 07) 7
IMRA - Integrative flood risk governance approach for improvement of risk awareness and increased public participation. III OBIETTIVO INTERMEDIO 7
Indicatori e metodologie per l analisi e la pianificazione di azioni in tema di inquinamento elettromagnetico 7
IMRA - Integrative flood risk governance approach for improvement of risk awareness and increased public participation - III OBIETTIVO INTERMEDIO 7
Mitigare i rischi di disastri ambientali: l'esperienza del progetto Inca 7
Multimodal interaction systems: information and time features 7
I sistemi informativi nel governo della sanità 7
D5.1 - Self-tailored RPO&RFO Audit Plans - parts A&B 7
Ambiguities in sketch-based interfaces 7
Personal sphere information, histories and social interaction between people on the internet 7
Analisi e pianificazione di azioni in tema di inquinamento acustico 7
Quale ICT tra tecnologia e società? 7
Realizzazione di un proof-of-concept per l analisi e la pianificazione di azioni in tema di inquinamento elettromagnetico, High Level Design Description 7
IMRA: Integrative flood risk governance Approach for Improvement of Risk Awareness and increased public participation - Working paper 7
Experiences with the application of the risk governance concept and tool for health risks related to ecommerce in the Lazio Region and its transferability to other member states 7
Indicatori e metodologie per la definizione dei problemi relativi all immigrazione pianificazione territoriale 6
Multidimensional visualization system for travel social networks 6
Solving ambiguities for sketch-based interaction in mobile environments 6
An advanced multimodal platform for educational social networks 6
Revisione dell'algoritmo di interpretazione dello sketch 6
IMRA - Integrative flood risk governance approach for improvement of risk awareness and increased public participation 6
Indicatori e metodologie per il mercato del lavoro 6
D6.1 Quality Assurance Manual 6
Multimodality in mobile applications and services 6
Interpretation methods and ambiguity management in multimodal systems 6
From Modal to Multimodal Ambiguities: a Classification Approach 6
Multimodal Interaction in Gaming, OTM 2013 Workshops Proceedings 6
Methods for Dynamic Building of Multimodal Corpora 6
Knowledge Management and Interaction in Virtual Communities 6
Indagine sul processo di tracciamento di un disegno a mano libera 6
Visual query languages, representation techniques and data models 6
Multimodal Interaction in Gaming 6
The management of ambiguities 6
D3.1 – Local programmes for fostering circular economy 5
CHAT-2.2.1-ANS_ AnalisiSoluzioni 5
D6.5 – Data Management Plan-initial 4
Totale 821
Categoria #
all - tutte 2.863
article - articoli 741
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 628
Totale 4.232

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2023/202418 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 13 3
2024/2025807 6 4 120 74 529 74 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 825