Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 536
AS - Asia 269
EU - Europa 72
Totale 877
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 532
SG - Singapore 244
IT - Italia 42
CN - Cina 17
FI - Finlandia 13
KR - Corea 8
BE - Belgio 5
CA - Canada 4
DE - Germania 4
GB - Regno Unito 4
LT - Lituania 2
NL - Olanda 2
Totale 877
Città #
Santa Clara 479
Singapore 170
Helsinki 13
Milan 10
Seoul 8
Guangzhou 7
Rome 6
Brussels 5
Modena 3
Bologna 2
Falkenstein 2
Frankfurt am Main 2
London 2
Ottawa 2
Pagani 2
Pescara 2
Ravenna 2
Toronto 2
Venice 2
Ashburn 1
Boardman 1
Bolzano 1
Forest City 1
Fort Worth 1
Phoenix 1
Totale 727
Nome #
La viticoltura di precisione. 16
An integrated approach to estimate how much urban afforestation can contribute to move towards carbon neutrality 14
An energy-biochar chain involving biomass gasification and rice cultivation in Northern Italy. 14
A Flexible Unmanned Aerial Vehicle for Precision Agriculture 14
Carbon, water and energy fluxes of terrestrial ecosystems in Italy 13
Airborne high-resolution images for grape classification: changes in correlation between technological and late maturity in a Sangiovese vineyard in Central Italy 13
Biochemical activity increased  after addition of biochar to an acid soil 11
Keita integrated project: an appropriate model for sustainable development - The Impac of 18 years of land reclamation on Desertification, Climate Change and Biological Diversity 10
Particulate emission of biochar 10
Changes in chemical and physical characteristics of biochar after long-aging in soil by LIBS technique 10
Quando il vigneto è SMART: SmartVineyard un sistema WebGIS OpenSource per la viticoltura di precisione. 10
Sviluppo di un modello di previsioni climatiche per il territorio nazionale 10
Retrieving soil moisture in rainfed and irrigated fields using Sentinel-2 observations and a modified OPTRAM approach 9
Osservatorio Kyoto 9
Surface albedo following biochar application in durum wheat 9
Transient effect of biochar on soil properties and processing tomato growth 9
Soil C:N stoichiometry controls carbon sink partitioning between above-ground tree biomass and soil organic matter in high fertility forests 9
Land use change and soil organic carbon dynamics in Mediterranean agro-ecosystems: The case study of Pianosa Island. 9
Changes in the pattern of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in soil treated with biochar from a multiyear field experiment 9
Remote sensing by UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles) for the detection of spatial distribution and development of grapevine trunk diseases. 9
Impact of biochar application on plant water relations in Vitis vinifera (L.) 9
Digestori anaerobici di biomasse 9
Early warning systems for food security in West Africa: Evolution, achievements and challenges 9
Development and Application of an Autonomous and Flexible Unmanned Aerial Vehicle for Precision Viticulture 9
Biochar stimulates plant growth but not fruit yield of processing tomato in a fertile soil 9
Influence of Canopy Management Practices on Vineyard Microclimate: Definition of New Microclimatic Indices 9
Evaluation of micro-climatic dynamic in vineyard and effects on grape qulity, taking into account different canopy management conditions (leaf removal and bud load), over 4 different geographical location. 8
Biochar as a strategy to sequester carbon and increase yield in durum wheat 8
A chlorophyll-deficient, highly reflective soybean mutant: radiative forcing and yield gaps 8
Wireless real-time monitoring of malolactic fermentation in wine barrels: the Wireless Sensor Bung system 8
Dalla scala locale alla scala regionale: la pluviometria del bacino del fiume Arno come segnale del cambiamento climatico del Mediterraneo 8
Integrazione dei dati climatici, telerilevati e socio-economici per la definizione di indicatori di vulnerabilità alla desertificazione 8
Intercomparison of UAV, aircraft and satellite remote sensing platforms for precision viticulture 8
The biochar - A solution to enhance processing tomato production 8
Statistical downscaling for GFS precipitation forecast over Sahel region based on Meteosat Second Generation rainfall estimates 7
Conversione termochimica di biomasse 7
Drought impact detection on crops in the Sahel:a case study for the 2009 campaign. 7
Analisi delle dinamiche della vegetazione nella regione Saheliana (Africa dell Ovest) mediante uso d immagini telerilevate 7
Monitoraggio integrato del bilancio della CO2 a scala regionale: esperienze in Toscana. 7
Negative elevation-dependent warming trend in the Eastern Alps 7
SmartVineyard an open source Web-GIS application for precision viticulture 7
Role of the Monsoons Variability on the Summer Drought events in the Mediterranean Basin 7
Impact of Biochar Formulation on the Release of Particulate Matter and on Short-Term Agronomic Performance 7
Il rischio desertificazione per gli agroecosistemi italiani 7
Early Warning Systems for Food Security in West Africa: Evolution, Achievements and Challenges 7
The Biochar a solution to enhance processing tomato production 7
Improving PRISMA hyperspectral spatial resolution and geolocation by using Sentinel-2: development and test of an operational procedure in urban and rural areas 7
Remote Climate Processes underlying Summer Drought Events in the Mediterranean 7
Comparison of three different methods on NDVI acquisition for vineyard canopy monitoring and their suitability for grape quality classification. 7
Changes in morphological and physical characteristics of biochar after long-aging in soil. 7
Solar dimming above temperate forests and its impact on local climate 7
Individual plant definition and missing plant characterization in vineyards from high-resolution UAV imagery 7
Ondata di calore 2006 in Toscana: il circolo vizioso dell effetto serra 6
Leaf and canopy photosynthesis of a chlorophyll deficient soybean mutant 6
Spatial time series breakpoint and coherency analysis of climate-vegetation relationship in eastern Africa. 6
Statistical downscaling for GFS precipitation forecast over Sahel region based on Meteosat Second Generation rainfall estimates 6
VisualCarte - Système de Gestion de la Cartographie Thématique 6
Combustione diretta di rifiuti 6
Integration of Ground and Satellite Data to Model Mediterranean Forest Processes 6
Importance of Meteorological Information in Locust Forecasting Models, 5
Qualità dell'aria, rischi industriali, prevenzione e riduzione integrata dell'inquinamento. 5
Vineyard integrated multi-scale monitoring: from micrometeorology to airborne remote sensing. 5
Ants and Biochar: a field experiment study 5
A WebGIS application for Precision Viticulture: from research to operative practices. 5
Black carbon aerosol from biochar threats its negative emission potential 5
Nuove tecnologie dell'informazione a supporto della viticoltura di precisione: il geoportale del Consorzio Tuscania. 5
Carbon, water and energy fluxes of terrestrial ecosystems in Italy 5
I Diagrammi del Clima in Toscana 5
Geodata and WebGIS applications for vineyard precision farming in Tuscany. 5
PRISMA, Launched Four Years Ago: Enabling Scientific Studies on Cal/Val and Environmental Applications 5
Biochar increases vineyard productivity without affecting grape quality: Results from a four years field experiment in Tuscany 5
The biochar option to improve plant yields: first results from some field experiments in Italy 5
Mimicking biochar-albedo feedback in complex Mediterranean agricultural landscapes 5
Forecasting Precipitation from days to months: Operational tools for Sahel region 5
Emissioni climalteranti e Protocollo di Kyoto 5
Mapping the spatial variability of vineyard canopy using high-resolution airborne multispectral images. 5
Modellizzazione dell accumulo di carbonio in ecosistemi forestali: attività svolta nell ambito dell Osservatorio Kyoto della regione Toscana 5
Monitoraggio delle condizioni meteorologiche nella prevenzione delle infestazioni da Locusta del deserto 5
Analysis of NDVI trends and their climatic origin in the Sahel 1986 -2000 5
Forecasting precipitation from day to months: some operational tools for Sahel region 5
Biochar improves the fertility of a Mediterranean vineyard without toxic impact on the microbial community 5
An integrated multi-scale monitoring approach to understand the relationships between climate, agricultural practices on grapes quality. 5
Assessment and limits of the existent seasonal forecasts as support for the decision making process in the Sahel 5
Valutazione e definizione degli standard per la rappresentazione territoriale dei principali parametri meteo-climatici per la loro integrazione nei Sistemi Informativi Territoriali 5
Multi-hazard early warning for impact assessment in food crisis prevention process 5
Migrazioni e sviluppo: vulnerabilità e potenzialità 5
Uso di immagini multi spettrali termiche per il monitoraggio del vigneto e predizioni di qualità 5
Analisi multiscala del rischio desertificazione per gli agroecosistemi 5
Recent structural change in remote sensing data time series linked to farm management in Horn of Africa (1999 - 2009) 5
Overview of main challenges for Early Warning Systems for Food Security in West Africa 5
Adaptation strategies and climate vulnerability in the Sudano-Sahelian region of West Africa 4
Using rainfall estimate and forecasted precipitation to early detect seeding failures and crops stress areas. 4
Multisensor approach to assess vineyard thermal dynamics combining high resolution unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) remote sensing and wireless sensor network (WSN) proximal sensing 4
Field application of pelletized biochar: Short term effect on the hydrological properties of a silty clay loam soil 4
Hydrochar enhances growth of poplar for bioenergy while marginally contributing to direct soil carbon sequestration 4
Atlante Geo Ambientale della Toscana, Sezioni Aria, Acque, Terra 4
From Food Security to Development in the Sahel Region 4
Monitoraggio integrato dell'attività nel vigneto ed in cantina finalizzato al miglioramento della qualià del vino in un contesto di rintracciabilita? di filiera e di gestione integrata di qualitaà/ambiente/sicurezza - Relazione Scientifica delle attività IBIMET CNR 4
Totale 710
Categoria #
all - tutte 4.336
article - articoli 1.637
book - libri 152
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 418
Totale 6.543

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2023/202438 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 4 24 5
2024/2025845 15 16 198 92 397 127 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 883