Massarotti, Davide
 Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 232
AS - Asia 106
EU - Europa 63
Totale 401
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 232
SG - Singapore 99
IT - Italia 27
FI - Finlandia 18
CN - Cina 5
DE - Germania 5
NL - Olanda 4
GB - Regno Unito 2
IE - Irlanda 2
AT - Austria 1
AZ - Azerbaigian 1
BE - Belgio 1
CH - Svizzera 1
KR - Corea 1
LV - Lettonia 1
NO - Norvegia 1
Totale 401
Città #
Santa Clara 198
Singapore 76
Helsinki 18
Naples 13
Falkenstein 5
Marigliano 5
Anzio 3
Dublin 2
Amsterdam 1
Ashburn 1
Baku 1
Brussels 1
Los Angeles 1
Oxford 1
Phoenix 1
Reston 1
Riga 1
Seattle 1
Seoul 1
Vienna 1
Zurich 1
Totale 333
Nome #
Mitigating Errors on Superconducting Quantum Processors Through Fuzzy Clustering 18
Investigating pump harmonics generation in a SNAIL-based traveling wave parametric amplifier 16
Nanoscale spin ordering and spin screening effects in tunnel ferromagnetic Josephson junctions 16
Numerical Simulations of Josephson Traveling Wave Parametric Amplifiers (JTWPAs): Comparative Study of Open-Source Tools 13
Investigating the Individual Performances of Coupled Superconducting Transmon Qubits 12
High-Quality Ferromagnetic Josephson Junctions Based on Aluminum Electrodes 11
Characterization of Lateral Junctions and Micro-SQUIDs Involving Magnetic Multilayers 11
Josephson and charging effect in mesoscopic superconducting devices 10
Geometrical vortex lattice pinning and melting in YBaCuO submicron bridges 10
Phase dynamics of tunnel Al-based ferromagnetic Josephson junctions 10
Characterization of scalable Josephson memory element containing a strong ferromagnet 10
A feasible path for the use of ferromagnetic Josephson junctions in quantum circuits: the ferro-transmon 10
Tunable spin polarization and superconductivity in engineered oxide interfaces 10
What happens in Josephson junctions at high critical current densities 9
The Role of Multiple Fluctuation Events in NbN and NbTiN Superconducting Nanostrip Single-Photon Detectors 9
Properties of ferromagnetic josephson junctions for memory applications 9
Incipient Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless transition in two-dimensional coplanar Josephson junctions 9
Dynamics of vortex matter in YBCO sub-micron bridges 9
Effects of capacitance on phase dynamics of YBa2Cu3O7-x Josephson junctions 9
Coexistence and tuning of spin-singlet and triplet transport in spin-filter Josephson junctions 9
Towards a Hybrid High Critical Temperature Superconductor Junction With a Semiconducting InAs Nanowire Barrier 8
Signatures of unconventional superconductivity in the LaAlO3 / SrTiO3 two-dimensional system 8
Electrodynamics of Highly Spin-Polarized Tunnel Josephson Junctions 8
Tuning of Magnetic Activity in Spin-Filter Josephson Junctions Towards Spin-Triplet Transport 8
Vortex Lattice Instabilities in YBa2Cu3O7-x Nanowires 8
Influence of topological edge states on the properties of Al/Bi2Se3/Al hybrid Josephson devices 8
Josephson Coupling in Junctions Made of Monolayer Graphene Grown on SiC 8
Hysteretic Critical State in Coplanar Josephson Junction with Monolayer Graphene Barrier 8
Bias current ramp rate dependence of the crossover temperature from Kramers to phase diffusion switching in moderately damped NbN/AlN/NbN Josephson junctions 8
Josephson effect in Al/Bi2Se3/Al coplanar hybrid devices 8
Breakdown of the escape dynamics in Josephson junctions 8
Demonstration of Single Photon Detection in Amorphous Molybdenum Silicide / Aluminium Superconducting Nanostrip 8
Statistics of localized phase slips in tunable width planar point contacts 8
Low temperature properties of spin filter NbN/GdN/NbN Josephson junctions 7
Critical Current Suppression in Spin-Filter Josephson Junctions 7
Hybrid ferromagnetic transmon qubit: Circuit design, feasibility, and detection protocols for magnetic fluctuations 7
RF assisted switching in magnetic Josephson junctions 7
Aluminum-ferromagnetic Josephson tunnel junctions for high quality magnetic switching devices 7
Suspended InAs nanowire Josephson junctions assembled via dielectrophoresis 7
High efficiency superconducting field effect devices for oxide electronic applications 7
Investigation of Superconducting Molybdenum Silicide Nanostrips and Microstrips for Single Photon Detectors 6
Electrodynamics of Josephson junctions containing strong ferromagnets 6
Interplay between spin-orbit coupling and ferromagnetism in magnetotransport properties of a spin-polarized oxide two-dimensional electron system 6
Evidence of the inverse proximity effect in tunnel magnetic josephson junctions 6
The influence of heat treatment on the microstructure, flux pinning and magnetic properties of bulk BSCCO samples prepared by sol-gel route 6
Weak localization and spin-orbit interaction in side-gate field effect devices at the LaAlO3/ SrTiO3 interface 5
Resolving the effects of frequency-dependent damping and quantum phase diffusion in YBa2Cu3O7-x Josephson junctions 5
Synthesis and characterization of electrically conductive polyethylene-supported graphene films 5
Phase dynamics of low critical current density YBCO Josephson junctions 5
Macroscopic quantum tunnelling in spin filter ferromagnetic Josephson junctions 4
Enhanced localized superconductivity in Sr2RuO4 thin film by pulsed laser deposition 4
Nanostructured superconductive sensors based on quantum interference effect for high sensitive nanoscale applications 4
Totale 435
Categoria #
all - tutte 1.977
article - articoli 1.911
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 37
Totale 3.925

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2023/20249 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 1
2024/2025426 9 2 64 36 213 56 30 16 0 0 0 0
Totale 435