Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 81
AS - Asia 49
EU - Europa 44
OC - Oceania 2
Totale 176
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 79
SG - Singapore 46
IT - Italia 28
FI - Finlandia 7
NL - Olanda 4
CN - Cina 2
DE - Germania 2
IE - Irlanda 2
MX - Messico 2
AT - Austria 1
AU - Australia 1
HK - Hong Kong 1
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 1
Totale 176
Città #
Santa Clara 59
Singapore 20
Cagliari 7
Helsinki 7
Edison 6
Milan 5
Verona 4
Parma 3
Seattle 3
Dublin 2
Falkenstein 2
Mexico City 2
Padova 2
Xi'an 2
Auckland 1
Avellino 1
Boardman 1
Bologna 1
Hong Kong 1
Melbourne 1
Vienna 1
Totale 131
Nome #
Spatio-temporal dynamics of interictal activity in musicogenic epilepsy: Two case reports and a systematic review of the literature 14
Efficacy of a home-based platform for child-to-child interaction on hand motor function in unilateral cerebral palsy 13
Kicking in or kicking out? The role of the individual motor expertise in predicting the outcome of rugby actions 13
Catching the imposter in the brain: The case of Capgras delusion 11
Observer-Agent Kinematic Similarity Facilitates Action Intention Decoding 11
The role of mirror mechanism in the recovery, maintenance, and acquisition of motor abilities 10
Human figure drawings in children with autism spectrum disorders: A possible window on the inner or the outer world 10
Telerehabilitation in response to constrained physical distance: an opportunity to rethink neurorehabilitative routines 9
Microstate Analyses to Study face Processing in Healthy Individuals and Psychiatric Disorders: A Review of ERP Findings 9
Early Sensory Profile in Autism Spectrum Disorders Predicts Emotional and Behavioral Issues 9
Body representation in children with unilateral cerebral palsy 9
The relationship between pantomime execution and recognition across typically developing and autistic children 8
A Repertoire of Virtual-Reality, Occupational Therapy Exercises for Motor Rehabilitation Based on Action Observation 7
The capacity of action observation to drag the trainees' motor pattern toward the observed model 7
From meaning to categorization: The hierarchical recruitment of brain circuits selective for action verbs 7
The value of corticospinal excitability and intracortical inhibition in predicting motor skill improvement driven by action observation 7
Observation of others' actions during limb immobilization prevents the subsequent decay of motor performance 7
Perspective-dependent reactivity of sensorimotor mu rhythm in alpha and beta ranges during action observation: an EEG study 7
System neuroscience: Past, present, and future 6
Sensory Profiles in School-Aged Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Descriptive Study Using the Sensory Processing Measure-2 (SPM-2) 6
Identification of movement phenotypes from occupational gesture kinematics: Advancing individual ergonomic exposure classification and personalized training 5
The importance of observing the master’s hand: Action Observation Training promotes the acquisition of new musical skills 5
Supporting preschoolers’ cognitive development: Short- and mid-term effects of fluid reasoning, visuospatial, and motor training 5
The Proactive Synergy Between Action Observation and Execution in the Acquisition of New Motor Skills 5
Quantifying the contribution of single joint kinematics to the overall ergonomic discomfort 5
Action understanding: top-down effects 5
Effects of Action Observation Plus Motor Imagery Administered by Immersive Virtual Reality on Hand Dexterity in Healthy Subjects 4
null 4
null 4
Mirror Neuron Mechanism 3
The Mirror Mechanism 2
The dynamics of sensorimotor cortical oscillations during the observation of hand movements: An EEG study 2
Lexicality drives audio-motor transformations in Broca's area 2
Premotor Cortex in Primates: Dorsal and Ventral 2
The representation of tool use in humans and monkeys: Common and uniquely human features 1
Phonological and lexical motor facilitation during speech listening: A transcranial magnetic stimulation study 1
Interaction Between Words and Symbolic Gestures as Revealed By N400 1
Coding observed motor acts: Different organizational principles in the parietal and premotor cortex of humans 1
Planning actions in autism 1
Mirror neurons and mirror systems in monkeys and humans 1
Linking psychoanalysis with neuroscience: The concept of ego 1
The public ego and the private ego: A neurophysiological and psychoanalytic perspective 1
Cortical mechanisms underlying the organization of goal-directed actions and mirror neuron-based action understanding 1
Mirror neurons: From discovery to autism 1
L’Io pubblico e l’Io privato: una prospettiva neurofisiologica e psicoanalitica 1
Language in shadow 1
Impairment of actions chains in autism and its possible role in intention understanding 1
Corticospinal excitability during painful self-stimulation in humans: A transcranial magnetic stimulation study 1
Temporal prediction of touch instant during observation of human and robot grasping 1
Cognitive abilities in siblings of children with autism spectrum disorders 1
Intention understanding in autism 1
The mirror system and its role in social cognition 1
Mirror neurons and their clinical relevance 1
Spatiotemporal dynamics during processing of abstract and concrete verbs: An ERP study 1
Totale 259
Categoria #
all - tutte 995
article - articoli 896
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 23
Totale 1.914

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2023/20243 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 0
2024/2025256 4 1 17 8 50 28 148 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 259