Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 469
AS - Asia 276
EU - Europa 174
OC - Oceania 1
Totale 920
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 469
SG - Singapore 253
IT - Italia 118
FI - Finlandia 42
CN - Cina 19
DE - Germania 5
NL - Olanda 4
GB - Regno Unito 2
HK - Hong Kong 2
IE - Irlanda 2
KR - Corea 2
AT - Austria 1
AU - Australia 1
Totale 920
Città #
Santa Clara 414
Singapore 198
Helsinki 42
Bologna 37
Guangzhou 11
Naples 6
Albignasego 5
Ancona 5
Falkenstein 5
Macerata 5
Trieste 4
Bitonto 3
Cavallino 3
Chiaravalle 3
Rome 3
Amsterdam 2
Boardman 2
Caerano di San Marco 2
Dublin 2
Fano 2
Hemyock 2
Hong Kong 2
Loreto 2
Milan 2
Modena 2
Recanati 2
Rutigliano 2
San Benedetto del Tronto 2
Seoul 2
Verona 2
Capua 1
Cascina 1
Iesi 1
Mandurah 1
Pescara 1
Phoenix 1
Seattle 1
Sirolo 1
Vasto 1
Venice 1
Vienna 1
Totale 785
Nome #
Adriatic UWTV surveys and Pomo monitoring activity. 23
Hydrological regime and renewal capacity of the micro-tidal Lesina Lagoon, Italy 22
The Fishery and Oceanography Observing System (FOOS): a tool for oceanography and fisheries science 21
Seasonal and Interannual Trends of Oceanographic Parameters over 40 Years in the Northern Adriatic Sea in Relation to Nutrient Loadings Using the EMODnet Chemistry Data Portal 20
Increasing trends in faecal pollution revealed over a decade in the central Adriatic Sea (Italy) 17
Modelling the quality of bathing waters in the adriatic sea 16
Dataset of Depth/Temperature profiles obtained in the period 2012-2020 using commercial fishing vessels of the AdriFOOS fleet in the Adriatic Sea (Mediterranean Sea) 15
Fecal bacteria contamination in the Adriatic Sea: Investigating environmental factors and modeling to manage recreational coastal waters 14
A contribute to Mediterranean marine environmental monitoring: the Italian Fixed-point Observatory Network (IFON) 13
Accounting for environmental and fishery management factors when standardizing CPUE data from a scientific survey: A case study for Nephrops norvegicus in the Pomo Pits area (Central Adriatic Sea) 13
ADSWIM and WATERCARE Projects Meet Kids and Youth: The Challenge of Bringing theWorld of Research to School to Merge Research, Education and Communication 12
Real Time Marine Data Acquisition: the Coastal Oceanographic Observatory Network in Adriatic Sea 12
null 11
Assessment of Spatio-Temporal Variability of Faecal Pollution along Coastal Waters during and after Rainfall Events 11
Western Pomo Pit Pressure/Temperature/Salinity/Oxygen profiles Autumn dataset 2015-2021 11
La rete scientifica italiana di siti fissi per l'osservazione del mare - IFON Stato dell'arte e upgrades durante il Progetto RITMARE (2012 - 2016) 11
Implementation and Validation of the ISMAR High-Frequency Coastal Radar Network in the Gulf of Manfredonia (Mediterranean Sea) 10
Having fun with FISHPASS: Agent based simulator for assessing the impact of different fishing scenarios 10
Pomo Pits Pressure/Temperature/Salinity/Oxygen profiles Spring dataset 2012-2021 10
MEDIAS GSA 17 e GSA 18. Pan-Mediterranean Acoustic Surveys in the Adriatic Sea. FAO Sub areas 37.2.1 and 37.2.2. Rapporto Finale Anno 2010 10
AdriFOOS Depth/Temperature profiles dataset 2012-2020 10
Progetto di Ricerca 2004/8.3: CLIMA IV - Processi di ventilazione nel Mare di Ross. Programma Nazionale di Ricerche in Antartide. XXI Expedition Oceanographic Survey 10
The RITMARE Italian Fixed-Point Observatory Network (IFON) for marine environmental monitoring: a case study 10
Changes in Abundance and Distribution of the Sea Pen, Funiculina quadrangularis, in the Central Adriatic Sea (Mediterranean Basin) in Response to Variations in Trawling Intensity 10
Caratterizzazione dell'area marina antistante la piscina comunale del Passetto di Ancona ai fini della possibile collocazione di un'opera d'arte dell'artista Edoardo Tresoldi 10
Integrated monitoring approach for habitat mapping 9
Differences in Hydrography, Coloured Dissolved Organic Matter (CDOM), Biochemical and Biological properties between South-western and South-eastern Adriatic Sea (Drinit and Manfredonia Gulfs) 9
null 9
Analisi di corrente e parametri oceanografici in un sito dell'Adriatico Settentrionale (dicembre 2005 -giugno 2008) 9
Rapporto sulle attività oceanografiche, biologiche, geologiche, geofisiche e di campionamento durante la crociera ELC2013-CASE5(PER0) con R/V Urania : Mare Adriatico, 2013/04/23-2013/05/07 9
A methodology to assess the accuracy with which remote data characterize a specific surface, as a function of Full Width at Half Maximum (FWHM): Application to three Italian coastal waters 9
Work Package 4.1 Monitoring case studies in Italy Porto Recanati - Porto Potenza Picena Artificial Reef. Final report 9
Italy and Croatia GSA 17 and 18: Adriatic Sea. 8
Come personalizzare la Rosette 8
Artificial spawning substrates and participatory research to foster cuttlefish stock recovery: A pilot study in the Adriatic Sea 8
WP 3: Implementation and monitoring of the WATERCARE water quality integrated system (WQIS) Deliverables: D.3.1.1 - Generation of Software utilities and D.3.1.2 - Development of the WATERCARE WQIS 8
La struttura oceanografica della regione Adriatico Ionica 8
Estimate of algal biomass in a protected zone of a Mediterranean lagoon: shifting between planktonic and macrophytes production 8
Italy and Croatia : Pomo Pits, Central Adriatic Sea (GSA 17) Adriatic UWTV Surveys and Pomo monitoring activity 8
An Individual-based Probabilistic Model for Fish Stock Simulation 8
MEDIAS GSA 17 e GSA 18. Pan-Mediterranean Acoustic Surveys in the Adriatic Sea. FAO Sub areas 37.2.1 and 37.2.2. Rapporto Finale Anno 2011 8
A Strategic Approach to Improve Adriatic Bathing Waters: The Water Quality Integrated System 8
WATERCARE D.5.3.1 - Final Governance guidelines 8
Sito-LTER. Serie storiche = Termometro dei cambiamenti climatici 8
Programma nazionale Italiano per la raccolta di dati alieutici 2014-2016 EC-DCR - MIPAAF Anno 2016. Campagna di ricerca in mare Sezione G - MEDIAS GSA 18 8
Servizi di monitoraggio ambientale Campo Naide. IV anno di monitoraggio dopo la posa in opera. Misure correntometriche, Indagini sedimentologiche, ecotossicologiche e Analisi di inquinanti in organismi marini. Rapporto semestrale (luglio - dicembre 2008). 8
WATERCARE WP3| Implementation and Monitoring of the WATERCARE Water Quality Integrated System (WQIS) 8
Benthic vegetation, chlorophyll a and physical-chemical variables in a protected zone of a Mediterranean coastal lagoon (Lesina, Italy) 8
WP 3: Implementation and monitoring of the WATERCARE water quality integrated system (WQIS) Deliverable D.3.3.2 - Sensor Data Web 8
RITMARE SP5 Observing system WP3 Fixed platforms: evolution and perspectives 7
WP 3: Implementation and monitoring of the WATERCARE water quality integrated system (WQIS) Deliverable D.4.1.2 - Implementation/realization of the WQIS in the pilot site 7
WP 3: Implementation and monitoring of the WATERCARE water quality integrated system (WQIS)». Deliverable D.5.1.1 - Alert Tool for the Bathing Water Management 7
MEDIAS GSA 17 e GSA 18 - Pan-Mediterranean Acoustic Survey in the Adriatic Sea. FAO sub areas 37.2.1 and 37.2.2. Rapporto Finale Anno 2013. 7
Dataset of depth and temperature profiles obtained from 2012 to 2020 using commercial fishing vessels of the AdriFOOS fleet in the Adriatic Sea 7
OLT OFFSHORE LNG TOSCANA SpA-Piano di monitoraggio dell'ambiente marino,VIII Anno Fase di Esercizio Autunno 2020 (A20), Inverno 2021 (I21), Primavera 2021 (P21), Estate 2021 (E21) - Profili sonda multiparametrica CTD 7
Physical-chemical dataset of Lesina Lagoon (Italy) in the period 2010-2023 7
Heavy metal and nutrient dissolved benthic fluxes in polluted sediments of the Adriatic Sea 7
Chamelea gallina reproductive biology and Minimum Conservation Reference Size: implications for fishery management in the Adriatic Sea 7
Sviluppo concettuale, progettazione, realizzazione e sperimentazione di unità multifunzione interattive di controllo, telecomunicazioni e pre-processamento per la raccolta e trasmissione / recezione di dati, da installare su imbarcazioni da pesca 7
Supplementary material to "Dataset of Depth/Temperature profiles obtained in the period 2012–2020 using commercial fishing vessels of the AdriFOOS fleet in the Adriatic Sea (Mediterranean Sea)" 7
null 7
Variazioni spazio-temporali di parametri fisici, chimici e biologici nell'area di costa Albanese-Montenegrina durante il periodo maggio-ottobre 2008 7
Fishery Oceanography Observing System (FOOS) 7
Transetto Senigallia-Susak 7
Multidisciplinary study of CDOM (Colour Dissolved Organic Matter) experience carried out in the Albanian-Montenegrin coastal area (southern Adriatic Sea) 7
The role of forcing agents on biogeochemical variability along the southwestern Adriatic coast: The Gulf of Manfredonia case study 7
Approccio multidisciplinare nello studio del CDOM (Colored Dissolved Organica Matter): esperienza condotta nell'area costiera Albanese-Montenegrina (Adriatico Meridionale) 7
Water quality integrated system: A strategic approach to improve bathing water management 7
WATERCARE WP4 - Implementation of WQIS at the pilot site (Arzilla Stream) - Installation 2nd sampling station "Arzilla Monte" 7
From FOS to FOOS: Advances in use of fishing vessels for Oceanographical purpose in the Adriatic Sea 7
Water Quality Integrated System (WQIS): from design to the implementation in the 5 Watercare sites 7
On the generation of a meteotsunami, the case study of supercell storm, over Adriatic Sea 7
Servizi di monitoraggio ambientale Campo Tea. III anno di monitoraggio - Rapporto finale 2008 6
Evaluation of the oceanographic measurement accuracy of different commercial sensors to be used on fishing gears 6
Report on Potential New Sensors (Fishing Vessels and Voluntary Opportunity Ships) 6
Campagna oceanografica CASE4 Rapporto finale di crociera R/V Urania 15 - 25 giugno 2012 6
Water Quality Integrated System (WQIS) User Manual 6
Campagna oceanografica MEDIA Rapporto finale di crociera N/O URANIA 14 - 20 ottobre 2014 6
La nuova Rete Meteo Marina CNR-ISMAR. Esperienze di integrazione dei dati da siti osservativi fissi 6
WATERCARE WP3 - WQIS data ingestion and presentation 6
Programma nazionale Italiano per la raccolta di dati alieutici 2014-2016 EC-DCR - MIPAAF Anno 2016. Campagna di ricerca in mare Sezione G - MEDIAS GSA 17 6
The RITMARE Italian Fixed-Point Observatory Network (IFON) 6
NAUTILOS D7.1 - Fisheries and Aquaculture Observing Systems demonstration mid-term 6
WP5 - Smart system to support governance decision processes in Water Management of Adriatic basin. Alert Tool - State of the Art in the 5 WATERCARE sites 6
WP 3: Implementation and monitoring of the WATERCARE water quality integrated system (WQIS) Deliverable D.3.3.1 - WATERCARE WQIS implementation 6
Italy and Croatia Pomo Pits, Central Adriatic Sea (GSA 17) ADRIATIC UWTV SURVEYS and Pomo monitoring activity 6
The new CNR-ISMAR Adriatic in-situ Meteo Marine NETWORK 6
Agent-based modeling and simulation for ecosystems 5
Real time marine data acquisition: a proposal for a new joint coastal oceanographic observatory network of ISMAR in Adriatic Sea. 5
Servizi di monitoraggio ambientale Campo Tea. II anno di monitoraggio - Rapporto semestrale (gennaio - giugno 2008) 5
The Italian Fixed-point Observatory Network for marine environmental monitoring - IFON State of the art and upgrades during the Italian flagship project RITMARE (2012 - 2016) 5
NAUTILOS D5.6 - Validation and integration report on ships of opportunity 5
Spatial multiscale agent-based fish behavioral model 5
Towards a global Fishing Vessel Ocean Observing Network (FVON): state of the art and future directions 5
AMERIGO and CBA: a new lander and a new automatic benthic chamber for dissolved benthic flux measurements 5
The AMERIGO Lander and the Automatic Benthic Chamber (CBA): Two New Instruments to Measure Benthic Fluxes of Dissolved Chemical Species 5
Servizi di monitoraggio ambientale Campo Naide. Rapporto finale dal pre-survey al IV anno dopo la posa in opera (2004-2009). Misure correntometriche, Indagini sedimentologiche, ecotossicologiche e Analisi di inquinanti in organismi marini 5
Chapter 8. Operational oceanography and coastal forecasting IN JERICO-NEXT. JRAP Synthesis and contribution to the strategy for the future JERICO-NEXT-WP4-D4.5-220919-V5.0 5
Totale 853
Categoria #
all - tutte 4.663
article - articoli 1.197
book - libri 44
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 469
Totale 6.373

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2023/202478 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14 12 46 6
2024/2025917 19 6 201 81 408 191 11 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 995