Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 550
AS - Asia 389
EU - Europa 115
AF - Africa 1
Totale 1.055
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 545
SG - Singapore 366
IT - Italia 51
FI - Finlandia 31
CN - Cina 16
NL - Olanda 9
DE - Germania 7
KR - Corea 7
AT - Austria 6
FR - Francia 4
MX - Messico 4
LT - Lituania 2
RS - Serbia 2
CA - Canada 1
DZ - Algeria 1
GB - Regno Unito 1
IE - Irlanda 1
SE - Svezia 1
Totale 1.055
Città #
Santa Clara 487
Singapore 234
Helsinki 31
Guangzhou 7
Seoul 7
Falkenstein 6
Ferrara 6
Kapfenberg 4
Phoenix 4
Forest City 3
Rome 3
Texcoco 3
Amsterdam 2
Bologna 2
Nola 2
Sulmona 2
Turin 2
Ashburn 1
Bitonto 1
Boardman 1
Camerino 1
Cavallino 1
Concesio 1
Dublin 1
El Eulma 1
Lyon 1
Milan 1
Mombello di Torino 1
Montesilvano Marina 1
Ottawa 1
Pisa 1
Scarsdale 1
Vienna 1
Totale 821
Nome #
Compositional characterization of fine sediments and circulating waters of landslides in the southern Apennines - Italy 14
Femtosecond laser surface texturing of polypropylene copolymer for automotive paint applications 14
Trace metals speciation in sediments of the Basento River (Italy) 13
Ruolo degli essudati radicali nella mobilizzazione del Fe da un suolo calcareo: effetto carenza, substrato e specie vegetale 13
X-ray microdiffraction and urine: A new analysis method of crystalluria. 13
RI-CIRCOLA "la fabbrica verso una economia circolare: dal recupero della plastica all'end of life dei veicoli" 12
To be or not to be a conodont. The controversial story of Pseudooneotodus and Eurytholia 12
Mycotoxin contamination in foodstuffs: decontamination of aflatoxin M1 in bovine milk by clay materials 12
Sistema mobile per misure geochimiche e mineralogiche 11
Trace elements in fluvial sediments and in near-sediment waters of the Basento River (Basilicata, Italy) 11
Monitoraggio della frana in Costa della Gaveta (PZ) 11
Chemical speciation and mineral phases in sediments of the Basento River (Basilicata, Italy) 10
DiltiazemoHCl-bentonite complex for healing applications 10
Distribution and speciation of metals in a polluted site of Basilicata (Southern Italy). 10
Adsorption of salicylic acid on bentonite and kaolin and release experiments. 10
Impact of physico-chemical soil properties on erosion features in the Aliano area (Southern Italy) 10
Nano-crystalline Ag-PbTe thermoelectric thin films by a multi-target PLD system 10
Nanostructured Thermoelectric PbTe Thin Films with Ag Addition Deposited by Femtosecond Pulsed Laser Ablation 10
Nano-structured thermoelectric (Ag, Sb) PbTe thin films deposited by fs Ti:Sapphire pulsed laser ablation 9
A New Method To Analyze Urinary Crystals 9
Fs-pulsed laser deposition of PbTe and PbTe/Ag thermoelectric thin films 9
3D additive manufactured 316L components microstructural features and changes induced by working life cycles 9
Combined effect of organic acids and flavonoids on the mobilization of major and trace elements from soil 9
Distribution and speciation of metals in a polluted site of Basilicata (Southern Italy). 9
2x-Ray microdiffraction and urine: a new analysis method of crystalluria. 9
Structural, chemical, and electrical characterization of indium nitride produced by pulsed laser ablation 9
Mineralogical risk evaluation induced by naturally occurring asbestos in Basilicata (southern Italy). 9
Effects of fs pulsed laser ablation on synthetic zeolite targets 9
Detoxification of milk contaminated by aflatoxin M1 using clay minerals and effects on milk quality 9
Tecniche integrate in nefrolitiasi finalizzate all analisi dei cristalli urinari. 9
Trace element mobility in shales: implications on geological and environmental studies 9
Trace elements speciation in fluvial sedimenst of Basento River, Basilicata, Italy. 9
Mineralogy and crystallization patterns in conodont bioapatite from first occurrence (Cambrian) to extinction (end-Triassic) 9
Caratterizzazione e comparazione di componenti in acciaio 304 e 316L ottenuti con tecniche tradizionali e Additive Manufacturing 9
Assorbimento percutaneo di diclofenac somministrato come complesso hydrotalcite-diclofenac. 9
Plasmonic angular tunability of gold nanoparticles generated by fs laser ablation 8
Clay minerals as adsorbents of aflatoxin M1 from contaminated milk and effects on milk quality 8
Assessment of Erosional Risk Factors 8
Analyses methods of crystalluria 8
Characterization of Cu-complexes in smectite with different layer charge location: chemical, thermal and EXAFS studies 8
X-ray microdiffraction and urine: A new analysis method of crystalluria 8
The Effect Of Soil-Water Interaction Processes On The Mechanical Properties Of The Soils 8
L amianto nelle matrici ambientali al confine calabro-lucano 8
Characterization of different coal fly ashes for their application in the synthesis of zeolite X as cation exchanger for soil remediation 8
fs Ti:Sapphire pulsed laser deposition of nano-structured PbTe thermoelectric thin films 8
X-ray microdiffraction and urine: a new analysis method of crystalluria. 8
Microscopic model of rock melting beneath landslides calibrated on the mineralogical analysis of the Kofels frictionite 7
Ferruginous biolaminations within the pre-Hirnantian (Late Ordovician) of the Carnic Alps, Austria 7
Diclofenac-bearing hydrotalcite as extended-release system and sun erythemas inhibitor 7
X-ray microdiffraction and urine: a new analysis method of crystalluria 7
The role of mineralogy, geochemostry and grain size in badland development in Pisticci (Basilicata, Southern Italy) 7
Synchrotron radiation in soil and geosciences 7
The Effect Of Soil-Water Interaction Processes On The Mechanical Properties Of The Soils Involved In Some Landslides In The Basilicata Region (Southern Italy) 7
Mineralogical risk evaluation induced by naturally occurring asbestos in Basilicata (southern Italy). 7
Structural surface analysis of Sm1Ba2Cu3O7-x thin film by pulsed laser deposition 7
Mineralogical charcaterization of apatite biominerals: preliminary results 7
Correlation between land degradation processes and compositional characters of sediments in two studied areas (basilicata, southern italy). 7
Percutaneous absorption of diclofenac by drug-bearing hydrotalcite. 7
Toxic elements in sediments from Basento river (Southern Italy). 7
Zooming in REE and Other Trace Elements on Conodonts: Does Taxonomy Guide Diagenesis? 7
Different organo-metallic species following to Hg, Cu and cysteine treatment on montmorillonite 7
Mercury distribution and speciation in agricultural soils around a polluted site in the South of Italy 6
Effetto di complessanti organici sulla mineralogia del suolo: implicazioni per la disponibilità di micronutrienti nella rizosfera 6
Anzaite-(Ce), a new rare-earth mineral and structure type from the Afrikanda silicocarbonatite, Kola Peninsula, Russia 6
The origin and significance of euhedral apatite crystals on conodonts 6
La coprecipitazione con ossidi di alluminio può ridurre l'efficacia del citrato nella mobilizzazione del rame nei suoli calcarei 6
A comprehensive microbeam study of titanian hibschite, a black sheep among garnets 6
Forme di mercurio in un suolo contaminato da un impianto cloro-soda dismesso 6
The role of mineralogy, grain size and water chemistry in the development of badland erosional forms (Aliano, southern Italy) 6
The significance of iron ooids from the middle Eocene of the Transylvanian Basin, Romania 6
Correlation between land degradation processes and compositional characters of sediments in two studied areas (Basilicata, southern italy) 6
Interaction between vermiculite and organic pollutants 6
Caratteri composizionali dei sedimenti affioranti in un'area campione presso Pisticci (Basilicata) interessati da erosione calanchiva. Dati preliminari 6
Cancrinite-vishnevite solid solution from Cinder Lake (Manitoba, Canada): crystal chemistry and implications for alkaline igneous rocks 6
Chromium-containing muscovite: crystal chemistry and XANES spectroscopy 6
ZnSb-based thin films prepared by ns-PLD for thermoelectric applications 6
Experimental preparation of muds for pelotherapy: preliminary grain-size and chemical data 6
Diclofenac-hydrotalcite: In vitro and in vivo release experiments. 6
Conodont pearls' do not belong to conodonts 6
Correlation between land degradation processes and compositional characters of sediments in two studied areas (Basilicata, southern italy) 6
Tecniche integrate in "nefrolitiasi" finalizzate all'analisi dei cristalli urinari. 6
Tecniche integrate finalizzate all'analisi dei cristalli urinari e alla composizione dei calcoli renali 6
Dead, fossil or alive: Bioapatite diagenesis and fossilization 6
Structural surface analysis of Sm1Ba2Cu 3O7-x thin film by pulsed laser deposition 6
Analisi mineralogiche e chimiche per la caratterizzazione di argille terapeutiche 6
How Much Can We Trust Major Element Quantification in Bioapatite Investigation? 6
Valutazione del ruolo di essudati radicali sulla mineralogia del suolo e sulla mobilizzazione di elementi traccia 6
RF Plasma-Assisted Femtosecond Pulsed Laser Deposition of Metals Nitride Thin Films 6
Behaviour of sepiolite in Co2+ Cu2+ and Cd2+ removal from a simulated pollutant solution 5
Anzaite -(Ce), IMA 2013-004. CNMNC Newsletter No. 16, August 2013, page 2701 5
Effect of ionic solutions on clay minerals crystal chemistry. "Chemo-Mechanical coupling in clays 5
Monitoraggio di aree in frana nel Comune di Grassano 5
Monitoraggio di aree campione a rischio di desertificazione in Basilicata 5
Iron mobilization from mineral soil constituents driven by root exudates 5
The role of root exudates in changing soil mineralogy and mobilising trace elements 5
Neoformazione di geopolimeri in suoli contaminati trattati con fly ash e loro ruolo sul destino dell inquinante 5
Hg - cysteine complex sorbed by smectites - a combined XRD, TG-MS, and EXAFS study 5
Adsorption of salicylic acid on clay minerals 5
Totale 781
Categoria #
all - tutte 6.550
article - articoli 2.584
book - libri 29
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 142
Totale 9.305

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2023/202438 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 3 25 4
2024/20251.026 12 17 234 153 394 160 56 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 1.064