Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 819
AS - Asia 321
EU - Europa 111
OC - Oceania 2
Totale 1.253
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 819
SG - Singapore 310
IT - Italia 57
FI - Finlandia 34
NL - Olanda 10
CN - Cina 9
DE - Germania 5
FR - Francia 3
AU - Australia 1
GB - Regno Unito 1
JP - Giappone 1
KR - Corea 1
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 1
RU - Federazione Russa 1
Totale 1.253
Città #
Santa Clara 762
Singapore 204
Helsinki 34
Milan 8
Phoenix 5
Turin 5
Falkenstein 4
Perugia 4
Rome 4
Bologna 3
Florence 3
Amsterdam 2
Bari 2
Carrara 2
San Giuseppe Vesuviano 2
Trento 2
Ashburn 1
Cannonvale 1
Christchurch 1
Clermont-Ferrand 1
London 1
L’Aquila 1
Monteforte d'Alpone 1
Nola 1
Parma 1
Sale 1
Seoul 1
Tokyo 1
Treviso 1
Trieste 1
Urbana 1
Totale 1.061
Nome #
A model for estimating flood damage in Italy: preliminary results. 19
First national inventory of high-elevation mass movements in the Italian Alps 19
A vent'anni dal Lago Effimero (Ghiacciaio del Belvedere, Monte Rosa): eredità di un evento emblematico per le Alpi 14
Eventi di piena e frana in Italia settentrionale nel periodo 2002-2004. 12
Ricerche sulle colate detritiche torrentizie (debris flow) in ambiente alpino 11
3D Video Simulation of a Debris Flow 11
Detecting the impact of climate change on alpine mass movements in observational records from the European Alps 11
Little Ice Age and contemporary glacier extent in the Western and South-Western Piedmont Alps (North-Western Italy) 11
Co-design of sectoral climate services based on seasonal prediction information in theMediterranean 11
Water Colour Changes in High-Elevation Alpine Lakes during 2017–2022: A Case Study of the Upper Orco Valley Catchment 11
"PROJECT DAMAGE: Développement d'Actions pour le Marketing et la Gestion post-évènement". 11
An integrated approach to investigate climate-driven rockfall occurrence in high alpine slopes: the Bessanese glacial basin, Western Italian Alps 11
Integrated geomatic techniques for surveying glacial and recently deglaciated areas 10
Crolli in pareti rocciose d'alta quota: creazione ed implementazione di un GIS-database per il M. Bianco 10
Clima e ghiacciai nelle Alpi Occidentali italiane: variabilità ed evoluzione negli ultimi 150 anni 10
Annual glaciological survay of italian glaciers (2020) 10
Climate variability and Alpine glaciers evolution in Northwestern Italy from the Little Ice Age to the 2010s 10
“La Criosfera”, in Siccità, scarsità e crisi idriche 10
RiST2: ricerca scientifica e tecnologica nel bacino glaciale della Bessanese (TO) 10
Microseismic activity analysis for the study of the rupture mechanisms in unstable rock masses 10
Rilevamenti topografici GPS realizzati presso la Capanna Carrel (Monte Cervino) per l installazione di una rete microsismica 10
Aumento delle temperature: l'impatto ambientale sulle Alpi 9
Rock temperature variability in the alpine cryosphere 9
Analysis of recent and past debris flow events in the italian alpine region 9
I ghiacciai delle Alpi piemontesi centro-meridionali dalla Piccola Età Glaciale al 2006 9
Gli archivi e la montagna : scritti in onore di Paolo De Gasperis 9
1991-2020 climate normal in the European Alps: focus on high-elevation environments 9
Ricerca bibliografica sullo stato delle conoscenze in tema alla naturalità geomorfologica dei corsi d'acqua 9
Changes of glaciers outlines in the last 150 years in the Western Italian Alps 9
Gli eventi alluvionali del 22 e 27 settembre 1992 in Liguria. Studio idrologico e geomorfologico. 9
Second Twelve-months progress report CE contract n.EV5VCT940453. Contribution of CNR IRPI 9
Evolution of temperature indices in the periglacial environment of the European Alps in the period 1990-2019 8
Temperature measurements in the alpine cryosphere: a new approach 8
Debris availability and mobilization in recently deglaciated areas of North-western Alps 8
High elevation rock falls and their climatic control: a case study in the Conca di Cervinia (NW Italian Alps) 8
Cambiamenti geomorfologici, evoluzione socio-culturale e geoturismo sostenibile in una comunità alpina: il caso del territorio di Ayas (Monte Rosa) 8
Concentrazione di movimenti di massa durante l 'evento del 23 giugno 2002 in Valsavaranche (Val d' Aosta). 8
Recording and analysis high mountain rockfall events in relation to cryosphere changes 8
Freeze-thaw cycles in the rocks of the Bessanese experimental site (Western Alps, Italy) 8
Recently deglaciated areas, permafrost and natural instability in the Orco and Lanzo valleys (NW Italy) 8
Rock temperature variability in high-altitude rockfall-prone areas 8
Strategies and tools for a systematic hazard assessment in glacial and periglacial alpine areas, in a contest of climate change 8
Climate changes and debris flows in periglacial areas in the Italian Alps 8
Large glacier failures in the Italian Alps over the last 90 years 8
Catasto delle frane di alta quota nelle Alpi italiane 8
Monitoring rock wall temperatures and microseismic activity for slope stability investigation at J.A. Carrel hut, Matterhorn 8
Climatic conditions associated to the occurrence of slope instabilities in the Italian Alps in year 2016 8
Report of the glaciological survey 2016|Relazioni della campagna glaciologica 2016 8
High Elevation Rock Falls and Their Climatic Control: a Case Study in the Conca di Cervinia (NW Italian Alps). 8
Morphometric reconstruction of glacial outlines from Little Ice Age to the present in the Italian Western Alps 8
Rock and debris temperature in the alpine cryosphere 8
Influence of temperature fluctuations on microseismic activity and on rock slope stability: the case study of the Matterhorn Peak (North-Western Alps) 8
Slope failures at high elevation in the Italian Alps in the period 2000-2020 8
I ghiacciai delle Alpi piemontesi centro-meridionali dalla Piccola Età Glaciale al 2006 8
Integrated geomatics techniques for surveying glacial and recentenly deglaciated areas 8
Little Ice Age glacial systems and related natural instability processes in the Orco Valley (North-Western Italy) 8
Un caso di studio: la Valcuvia 8
Organizzazione di documentazione storica eterogenea per studi sull'instabilità geo-idrologica: un approccio a basso costo 8
Rock temperature measurements in high-alpine cryosphere: the role of metrology 7
Le morene: sull'orlo del collasso 7
Recently deglaciated areas, permafrost and natural instability in the Orco and Lanzo valleys (NW Italy) 7
Estate 2023: il raddoppio degli eventi di instabilità in alta quota è la nuova "normalità" 7
Glacier-related hazards in a changing mountain environment: an Italian-Canadian perspective 7
Climate anomalies associated to the occurrence of rockfalls at high-elevation in the Italian Alps 7
Recent debris flow occurrences associated with glaciers in the Alps 7
Metrology for climate observation 7
Schede glaciologiche di alcuni apparati delle Alpi occidentali 7
Effetti del Cambiamento Climatico sui Ghiacciai delle Alpi Occidentali 7
Integration of geomorphological field surveys and geomatics methodologies for natural hazards assessment in glacial and periglacial areas of the Piemonte region (NW-Italy) 7
Glacier hazards at Belvedere Glacier and the Monte Rosa east face, Italian Alps: processes and mitigation 7
Rock slope stability in high mountain areas. Microseismic activity and temperature monitoring at Capanna J.A. Carrel - Matterhorn peak 7
Morfogenesi di versante legata a eventi idrologici estremi in aree antropizzate. Le frane del 22 e 27 settembre in Liguria 7
Slope failures in high-mountain areas in the Alpine Region 7
Descrizione ed interpretazione dei fenomeni di piena, sedimentari, di dissesto morfologico e di alterazione delle condizioni naturali e artificiali dell'ambiente di conoide e del bacino di alimentazione e valutazione dei rischi per gli abitati, le infrastrutture e le attività economiche nelle aree che sono sede di sviluppo dei fenomeni 7
Annual glaciological survay of italian glaciers 7
Integration of geomorphological field surveys and geomatics methodologies for natural hazards assessment in glacial and periglacial areas of the Piemonte region (NW-Italy) 7
Christmas Mass Movements in the Italian Alps 7
Influenze of freeze-thaw cycles on microseismic activity on a mountain slope in the Italian Alps 7
Progetto RiST2, un breve video di fine progetto 7
Ai piedi della parete più alta delle Alpi. Il Ghiacciaio del Belvedere al Monte Rosa 7
Changes of glaciers outlines in the last 150 years in the Western Italian Alps 7
Geomorphological evolution and hazard in recently deglaciated areas affected by permafrost degradation (Piedmont Alps, Italy) 7
Links among rock thermal properties, climatic data and geomorphological processes in a high-elevation instrumented site (W-Alps, Italy) 7
dbalps: natural instability processes at high-elevation sites 7
Temperature metrology for the cryosphere 7
3D Video Simulation of a Debris Flow 7
Analysis of microseismic signals and temperature recordings for rock slope stability investigations in high mountain areas 7
The Glaciated Slopes of the High Alpine Mountains: Holocene Evolution and Impacts of the Current Climate Crisis 7
Il progetto RiST e il laboratorio all'aperto della Bessanese: primi risultati e prospettive 7
Un caso di studio: valanga di ghiaccio del 25 agosto 2005 sul Ghiacciaio del Belvedere 6
Campagna glaciologica 2018: osservazioni ai ghiacciai di Arguerey e Breuil (La Thuile, Valle d'Aosta) 6
Potentialities of Sentinel-2 images for the study of the fresh water resource in a mountainous catchment 6
WP5 - Esportazione delle conoscenze a situazioni analoghe 6
Geomorphological studies for hazard assessment in glacial and periglacial areas (Western Italian Alps) 6
Hazards related to permafrost and to permafrost degradation 6
Progresses in the investigation of the relation between climate and slope instability processes at high-elevation 6
The 2022 Marmolada Glacier failure in the framework of historical glacier instability in the Italian Alps 6
Characterization of large mass movements occurred in the Italian Alps using seismic monitoring networks 6
Microseismic activity analysis for the study of the rupture mechanisms in unstable rock masses (Matterhorn, North-western Alps) 6
Totale 833
Categoria #
all - tutte 6.283
article - articoli 2.082
book - libri 120
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 877
Totale 9.362

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2023/202421 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 2 10 4
2024/20251.241 13 25 222 137 667 171 6 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 1.262