Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 421
AS - Asia 205
EU - Europa 48
SA - Sud America 1
Totale 675
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 421
SG - Singapore 179
IT - Italia 23
FI - Finlandia 14
CN - Cina 12
TW - Taiwan 7
FR - Francia 4
KR - Corea 3
AT - Austria 2
DE - Germania 2
HK - Hong Kong 2
JP - Giappone 2
CO - Colombia 1
LT - Lituania 1
NL - Olanda 1
PL - Polonia 1
Totale 675
Città #
Santa Clara 383
Singapore 126
Helsinki 14
Guangzhou 9
Palermo 9
Parma 5
Bitonto 4
Franconville 3
Phoenix 3
Seoul 3
Boardman 2
Hong Kong 2
Rome 2
Taipei 2
Los Angeles 1
New Taipei City 1
Padova 1
Roccapiemonte 1
Tokyo 1
Vienna 1
Totale 573
Nome #
A personal intelligent coach for smart embodied learning environments 13
An automatic system for humanoid dance creation 13
Indoor actions classification through long short term memory neural networks 11
A cognitive approach for a humanoid painter 11
Towards A Dual Process Approach to Computational Explanation in Human-Robot Social Interaction 11
Recognition of human identity by detection of user activity 9
Artwork creation by a cognitive architecture integrating computational creativity and dual process approaches 9
An Artificial Pain Model for a Humanoid Robot 9
Handling robot sociality: a goal-based normative approach 9
Progetto HISTRION. Humanoid Intelligent robot STimulating the useR’s Imagination and Offering New Experiences of Theatrical Performances. 9
null 9
A fully visual based business document classification system 8
Extending affective capabilities for medical assistive robots 8
Didattica della programmazione: Robotica, ambienti reali, virtuali e basati sul Web per l'amplificazione del sapere, della conoscenza e della creatività 8
Improving Spatial Reasoning by Interacting with a Humanoid Robot 8
Localizzazione in reti di sensori wireless: un'algoritmo per la stima delle distanze 8
Dynamic User Understanding and Interaction in Cultural Heritage Domain 8
Experiences with CiceRobot, a museum guide cognitive robot 8
Microarray data and image simulation 8
A social practice oriented signs detection for human-humanoid interaction 8
Introducing NarRob, a robotic storyteller 8
Robotic Intelligence and Computational Creativity 8
A Vision Agent in a Distributed Architecture for Mobile Robotics 7
Soft Sensors to Measure Somatic Sensations and Emotions of a Humanoid Robot. 7
Creative Robot Dance with Variational Encoder 7
Implementation of an intentional vision system to support cognitive architectures 7
NarRob: A Humanoid Social Storyteller with Emotional Expression Capabilities 7
Talking with Sentiment: Adaptive Expression Generation Behavior for Social Robots 7
Person identification through entropy oriented mean shift clustering of human gaze patterns 7
Artificial Pleasure and Pain Antagonism Mechanism in a Social Robot 7
Social signs processing in a cognitive architecture for an humanoid robot 7
Robot Navigation Based on an Artificial Somatosensorial System 7
Person identification through entropy oriented mean shift clustering of human gaze patterns 7
Human-Humanoid Interaction by an Intentional System 7
Fast Volumetric Reconstruction of Human Body through Superquadrics 6
Move your mind: Creative dancing humanoids as support to STEAM activities 6
Binding representational spaces of colors and emotions for creativity 6
Identity recognition through human gaze tracking 6
Automated Object Shape Modelling by Clustering of Web Images 6
Towards a Cognitive Humanoid Dancer 6
An Intentional System based on a Knowledge Base of Visual Perception 6
Combining Representational Domains for Computational Creativity 6
Localisation and description of the movements of a robotic arm for space applications by active contour techniques on image sequence 6
A Software System for Automatic Signed Italian Recognition 6
Medical Assistance in Contextual awareness' (AMICO): A project for a better cardiopathic patients quality of care 6
A practical approach to Humanoid Introspection 6
Robust Mobile Robot Self-Localization by Soft Sensor Paradigm 6
A SIMD embedded architecture implementing a vision agent for space applications 6
An Automatic Comparison Algorithm of aerial image for discovering land transformations in GRASS GIS 6
Social robots and therapeutic adherence: a new challenge in pediatric asthma? 6
Automatic rectification of aerial images in GRASS GIS 6
Robot Inner Perception Capability Through a Soft Somatosensory System 6
Personality and Learning in Robots. The Role of Individual Motivations/Expectations/ Emotions in Robot Adaptive Behaviours. 5
Fruizione digitale dei beni architettonici 5
Analyzing and discussing primary creative traits of a robotic artist 5
Extending Affective Capabilities for Medical Assistive Robots 5
A Vision Agent in a Distributed Architecture for Mobile Robotics 5
A Cognitive Framework for Imitation Learning 5
Using a cognitive model to include human emotions and intentions in human-machine interaction 5
Programma ICT per l'Eccellenza nella Sicilia Occidentale del settore innovazione imprenditoriale a partire dalla ricerca marina - Sviluppo di un sistema di condivisione della conoscenza basato su tecnologie semantiche 5
A Posture Sequence Learning System for an Anthropomorphic Robotic Hand 5
A Cognitive Architecture for Social Robots 5
Image Segmentation through a hierarchy of Minimum Spanning Trees 5
bi-SIFT: Towards a semantically relevant local descriptor. 5
Learning by demonstration for a dancing robot within a computational creativity framework 5
Conscis 5
Extending affective capabilities for medical assistive robots 5
Composition of SIFT features for robust image representation 5
Humanoid Introspection: A Practical Approach 5
Recognition of Human Actions Through Deep Neural Networks for Multimedia Systems Interaction 5
Anchoring by Imitation Learning in Conceptual Spaces 5
DAISY: a distributed architecture for intelligent system 5
Towards an assistive social robot interacting with human patient to establish a mutual affective support 5
L'interazione tra uomo e robot attraverso la rete: tecnologie innovative, applicazioni e risorse 5
Creation and cognition for humanoid live dancing 5
A Distribuited Architecture for Cognitive Teleautonomy 5
Testing and evaluation of microarray image analysis software 5
Rilevamento ed emulazione di movimenti in architettura ROS 5
Creativity evaluation in a cognitive architecture 5
Vision and emotional flow in a cognitive architecture for human-machine interaction 5
Sign Languages Recognition Based on Neural Network Architecture 5
Image Representation with bag-of-biSIFT 5
A Rapid and Efficient Method for Determination of Fruit Peel Color 5
People Tracking and Posture Recognition for Human-Robot Interaction 5
Emotions in a Cognitive Architecture for Human Robot Interactions 4
System for Symbolic Interpretation of Moving Scene 4
A cyc-based web system for semantic organization, search and browsing of knowledge items 4
A Vision Agent for Robotics: Implementation on a SIMD Machine 4
ROBODANZA: Live Performances of a Creative Dancing Humanoid 4
Multimodal Mood Recognition for Assistive Scenarios 4
A Vision System for Symbolic Interpretation of Dynamic Scenes Using ARSOM 4
Robotic creativity driven by motivation and semantic analysis 4
Learning high-level assembly tasks through imitation 4
Implementing a robotic arm supervising agent for space applications on a SIMD embedded architecture 4
Site experience enhancement and perspective in cultural heritage fruition a survey on new technologies and methodologies based on a "four-pillars" approach 4
The effects of soft somatosensory system on the execution of robotic tasks 4
Sensing the Web for induction of association rules and their composition through ensemble techniques 4
Conceptual Spaces and Robotic Emotions 4
Totale 623
Categoria #
all - tutte 3.413
article - articoli 1.021
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 420
Totale 4.854

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2023/202426 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 17 2
2024/2025658 8 13 143 76 370 48 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 684