Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 577
AS - Asia 181
EU - Europa 46
OC - Oceania 1
Totale 805
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 577
SG - Singapore 170
IT - Italia 18
FI - Finlandia 17
KR - Corea 10
DE - Germania 5
PL - Polonia 4
AU - Australia 1
CN - Cina 1
FR - Francia 1
NL - Olanda 1
Totale 805
Città #
Santa Clara 553
Singapore 116
Helsinki 17
Seoul 10
Falkenstein 4
Lublin 4
La Maddalena 3
Rome 3
Boardman 2
Fisciano 2
Monza 2
Naples 2
Ashburn 1
Genoa 1
Nocera Inferiore 1
Phoenix 1
Totale 722
Nome #
jwnEditor - Gestione del database jurWordNet ed esportazione di ontologie 14
Dalla documentazione giuridica automatica ai sistemi esperti e alla legimatica 14
Le peculiarità del linguaggio giuridico.Problemi e prospettive nel contesto multilingue europeo 12
Progetto 'Public Procurement Site (PPS) Web Usability Assessment' 12
Progetto 'Eurovoc studies. Interoperability feasibility study' 12
Neuroscienze e genetica comportamentale in un corpus di sentenze italiane alla luce dei risultati di elaborazioni linguistico-computazionali 12
An Approach towards Better Legislation to Improve Law Accessibility and Understanding 11
Progetto 'DALOS - Drafting Legislation with Ontology-based Support' 11
Progetto 'MIRANDOLA - Multilingual Interactive Robust Access to Networked Digital On-line Legal Authority' 11
Progetto 'SEAL - Smart Environment for Assisting the drafting and ebating of Legislation' 10
Ontology-based models of legal knowledge 9
A Computation Approach to Meaning Evolution in Law 9
Country Reports relativi a Italia, Austria, Spagna, Portogallo, Svezia, Grecia, Irlanda, Lussemburgo, Finlandia e Norvegia sul quadro normativo e le politiche generali adottate dagli Stati in relazione al trattamento, distribuzione e vendita dei dati pb. 9
Mapping a Formal Ontology onto a Legal Ontology 9
Opening Public Data: a path towards innovative legal services 9
The exploitation of Public Sector Information 9
Free Access to Legal Information Services through the Commercial Exploitation of Public Sector Information (PSI): A New Challenge for African Countries from the European Experience 9
Annotation schema for legal doctrine: a case study on DoGi database 9
Lineamenti di Informatica giuridica. Teoria, metodi, applicazioni (a cura di R. Nannucci) 9
An Institutional Architecture of Ontology-based Models in the Public Sector 9
Legal Ontologies: The Linguistic Perspective 9
Innovative approaches to legal information: from terminology to content 8
Le attività ITTIG nel campo dell informatica giuridica 8
Semantic Processing of Legal Texts: Where the Language of Law Meets the Law of Language 8
A Domain Ontology: Italian Crime Ontology 8
"Jur-WordNet, a Source of Metadata for Content Description in Legal Information" 8
Proceedings of JURIX 2008: the 21st Annual Conference on Legal Knowledge and Information Systems 8
A Semantic Approach to Support Cross Border e-Justice 8
The Exploitation of Public Sector Information. Impact in the Areas of e-Government and Digital Content 8
Automated Analysis of Legal Texts: logic, informatics, law 8
Project Plan 8
Le peculiarità del linguaggio giuridico. Problemi e prospettive nel contesto multilingue europeo 8
Semantic standards for accessing to legal information 8
A computational Approach to meaning evolution in Law 8
Il Progetto Europeo e-PSI-Net: una rete telematica per l'informazione di fonte pubblica 8
An institutional architecture of ontology-based models in the Public Sector 8
Linked data for legal domain 8
FrameNet based Legal Ontology Patterns 7
The Lois Project: Lexical Ontologies for Legal Information Sharing 7
Investigating the relationship between neuroscience and law: a case study on a corpus of Italian case law texts 7
Lexical Resorces for Accessing to public sector information 7
Knowing the Law as a Prerequisite to Participative eGovernment: The Role of Semantic Technologies 7
A linguistic-ontological support for multilingual legislative drafting: the DALOS Project 7
Legal Terms in the Context of Legislation 7
Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Legal Ontologies and Artificial Intelligence Techniques (LOAIT 2010) 7
MetaLeveler - Integrazione di lessici ontologie e repository di documenti 7
Role of Ontologies in Legal Knowledge Modeling 7
Jur-WordNet 7
Barriere linguistiche nell'accesso all'informazione giuridica 7
Building an ontological support for multilingual legislative drafting 7
Il progetto e-Codex 7
Multilingual Retrieval of Legal Information 7
GIUR-IWRDNET: a semantic tools for accessing legal information 7
Semantic Web and Multilingualism 7
e-Participation Project intersectionJoint dissemination activities 7
Towards a FrameNet Resource for the Legal Domain 7
An Ontology models of legal knowledge 7
Lois - Localization Report 1. 7
Balancing rights and values in the Italian Courts: a statistical and conceptual analysis 7
Legal Concepts and Multilingual Contexts in Digital Information 7
Verifica della compliance nei processi di fornitura di servizi 7
Jur-WordNet 7
Interfacing lexicon and ontology in the legal domain 7
The Structuring of Legal Knowledge 7
Conceptual modeling of judicial procedures in the e-Codex project 7
L'accesso alle procedure amministrative 7
Balancing Rights and Values in the Italian Courts: a Benchmark for a Quantitative Analysis 7
When a FrameNet-style knowledge description meets an ontological characterization of Fundamental Legal Concepts 7
Extracting normative content from legal texts 7
Dal significato letterale alla conoscenza giuridica; la prospettiva delle ontologie applicate 6
Termini e concetti giuridici. La prospettiva delle ontologie applicate 6
An Ontology model for Rapresenting 'Bundle-of-rigths' 6
Il linguaggio giuridico nella prospettiva computazionale 6
An ontology-based model of procedural norms and regulated procedures 6
Linguaggio giuridico e conoscenza delle norme 6
Strumenti per la rappresentazione della conoscenza giuridica: dalle reti semantiche alle Ontologie 6
Lois: Building A Multilingual Wordnet For The Legal Domain 6
About "Good Law" 6
Some Ontological Tools to Support Legal Regulatory Compliance, with a Case Study Workshop on Regulatory Ontologies and the Modeling of Complaint Regulations 6
An Ontology-based Approach for Representing Bundle-of-rights 6
Il progetto Lois 6
Introduzione alle ontologie giuridiche 6
Open data: nuova frontiera della libertà informatica? 6
Draft Manual for the Country Coordinators 6
The LOIS Project 6
Strumenti semantici per l'accesso all'informazione giuridica 6
Ontologie e lessici per il diritto 6
Overcoming Linguistic Barriers in accessing legal Information 6
Accesso semantico all'informazione giuridica 6
The Structuring of Legal Knowledge in LOIS 6
Metadata for Content Description in Legal Information 6
La sfida del multilinguismo nell'Unione Europea 6
Multilingual Retrieval of Legal Information 6
Intelligenza artificiale e diritto 6
A Constructive Framework for Legal Ontologies 6
An ontology-based approach to the multilingual complexity of law 6
Multilingual Semantic Metadata for Law 6
Building semantic resources for legislative drafting: the DALOS Project 6
Presentazione 5
ICT for Networking Research and Education Communities around Europe: towards an ontology-based model for a collaborative platform of European law. 5
Totale 754
Categoria #
all - tutte 3.238
article - articoli 380
book - libri 120
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 445
Totale 4.183

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2023/202413 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 2
2024/2025792 10 8 132 83 441 118 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 805