Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 681
AS - Asia 197
EU - Europa 30
Totale 908
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 681
SG - Singapore 163
KR - Corea 26
DE - Germania 11
FI - Finlandia 8
IT - Italia 7
CN - Cina 6
FR - Francia 4
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 1
HK - Hong Kong 1
Totale 908
Città #
Santa Clara 658
Singapore 120
Seoul 26
Helsinki 8
Palaiseau 4
Tiefenbronn 4
Naples 3
Pforzheim 3
Falkenstein 2
Guangzhou 2
Nottuln 2
Bari 1
Hong Kong 1
Marigliano 1
Phoenix 1
Rome 1
Totale 837
Nome #
null 29
Statistical investigation of in use emissions and fuel consumption measured by PEM on different gasoline cars 13
Weighted cumulative correspondence analysis based on a particular cumulative power divergence family 12
Emission factors determination of Euro III 1,200- to 1,400-cc petrol passenger cars with a PLS multivariate regression model 12
Urban Driving Cycles and Vehicle Emissions Evaluation Through Statistical Analysis On Real Kinematic Data 11
Determination of driving cycles for emission modelling in urban areas: a case study 11
Statistical Determination of Local Driving Cycles Based on Experimental Campaign as WLTC Real Approach 11
Statistical analysis on real kinematic urban driving cycles by preliminary use of VSP variable 11
DELIVERABLE 3.2.2. Caratterizzazione e clusterizzazioni di cicli di guida rappresentativi a ridotto impatto ambientale 11
Preliminary consideration on GPS signal reconstruction in real driving cycle analysis 11
Assessment of the reliability of ionization current measurement in estimating peak pressure angle in a spark ignition engine 11
Characterization of real world bus driving behavior for emission evaluation 11
Service dependability of Italian High Speed railway system: modeling and preliminary evaluation 10
Visualisation and analysis of urban traffic data 10
Validation of a hierarchical emission model: statistical analysis of Diesel and gasoline Euro 3 automobile emissions from the ARTEMIS data base. 10
Determination of emission factors of gasoline passenger cars Euro IV 1000-2000 10
Mappatura allo scarico di veicoli circolanti nella città di Napoli in funzione delle condizioni di traffico e delle tipologie dei mezzi di trasporto 10
Methodology to Estimate Fuel Consumption of Heavy-Duty Vehicles Through the Use of Two Different Fuel Formulations 10
Experimental investigation on the use of ion current on SI engines for knock detection 10
A novel statistical model for the evaluation of vehicle emission factors 10
An experience with an on-board opacity measurement campaign on buses running in Italian cities and engine test bed correlation of PM emissions 10
Modelli statistici per la valutazione delle emissioni inquinanti 9
An application for the evaluation of vehicle emission in real use by linear PLS. 9
A statistical approach for driving behaviour determination (COST 346) 9
A comprehensive approach to the evaluation of vehicle emissions in urban traffic 9
A preliminary study to evaluate emissions factors by real and micro simulated driving cycle 9
Preliminary results on emissions and driving behaviour of ATENA fleet test project in Naples 9
Determination of emission factors of diesel passenger cars Euro I 1700-2000 9
Una prima applicazione dell analisi delle corrispondenze a dati relativi ad una sperimentazione di un autovettura nel centro urbano di Napoli 9
Determination of emission factors of diesel passenger cars Euro II 1600-2000 9
Effect of vehicle class and driving behavior on emission factors of gasoline passenger cars 9
Evaluation of emission factors for new technology S.I. Euro4 cars 9
DELIVERABLE 3.1.2. Database Con I Dati Motoristici, Di Traiettoria E Di Localizzazione Acquisiti Sui Percorsi Stradali Caratteristici E Con L'utilizzo Di Differenti Tecnologie 9
GPS signal correction to improve vehicle location and related emission evaluation 9
Characterisation of actual urban driving cycles by means of basic statistical analysis: a preliminary approach 9
Experimental evaluation of fuel consumption and emissions in congested urban traffic 9
Statistical result of urban driving cycles and emissions during an experimental campaign on road 9
Driving behavior and emission results for a small size gasoline car in urban operation 9
A multivariate statistical approach to evaluate the effect of after treatment device on bus particulate emissions by in-use testing 9
DELIVERABLE 3.1.3. Analisi numeriche dei dati, clusterizzazioni e correlazioni ai fini della ricerca delle efficienze nei consumi e nelle emissioni 9
DELIVERABLE 3.2.1 Metodi e modello per l'individuazione e la riduzione dimensionale delle variabili cinematiche caratterizzanti la missione tipica del veicolo 9
Un approccio integrato alla valutazione delle emissioni inquinanti dei veicoli: modelli di emissione statistici e modelli di accelarazione comportamentali. Validazioni e confronti 9
Statistical evaluation of driving cycle with slope variability 9
Emission factors determination of Euro III 1200-1400 cc petrol passenger cars by a PLS multivariate regression model 9
Preliminary results of an experimental campaign for bus real world driving behavior analysis 8
Some comparisons between experimental emission data and simulation output of behavioral acceleration and PLS regression-based emission models. 8
A study of instantaneous emissions through the decomposition of directional measures for three-way contingency tables with ordered categories 8
A real use emissions statistical model. Application to a small size gasoline catalyst car 8
Statistical evaluation of slope's effect on real emissions and fuel consumption performed with different cars in Naples urban area 8
The data warehousing process in the development of traffic emission information system of ATENA project in Naples 8
Statistical modeling for the evaluation of car exhaust emissions in real use 8
Road traffic average emissions of a 2-liter gasoline car in urban expressway 8
An integrated knowledge base for modelling and predicting vehicle real-world emissions as a function of driving behaviour kinematics 8
Sviluppo di un sistema informatico per la valutazione previsionale della qualità del servizio del sistema Alta Velocità. Applicazione alla tratta Roma-Napoli 8
A methodology for the diagnostics of Diesel injection system. 8
Multivariate analysis of experimental data of a medium size gasoline passenger car operating on a urban express way 8
Per una transizione energetica eco-razionale della mobilità automobilistica - Valutazione del caso italiano 8
Decision support system for reliability centered maintenance planning and management 8
Determination of emission factors of gasoline passenger cars Euro II 1400-2000 8
An application of Image Editor and Image Management to recorded traffic video images 8
Service dependability of railway transit systems. Decision support for analysis of variants 8
An integrated knowledge base for modelling and predicting vehicle real-world emissions as a function of driving behaviour kinematics 8
The effect of different kinematic aspects on emission factors of Diesel cars. 8
Influence of catalyst performance on car emissions in urban congested traffic 8
Sistemi integrati di supporto alla gestione di manutenzione basata sull affidabilità 8
A graphical software interface for traffic emissions analysis 8
Evaluation of the social and economic impact of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions on sustainable mobility using cumulative ordinal models: trend odds model 8
Definizione dei cicli di guida rappresentativi dell utilizzo di una vettura nel traffico. Sviluppo di un case study 8
Determination of emission factors of diesel passenger cars Euro III 1400-2000 8
Metodi multivariati per l analisi e la visualizzazione di dati sperimentali rappresentativi dell utilizzo reale di un autovettura sulla tangenziale di Napoli 8
Some comparisons between real and KEM predicted emission values on a Euro 4 panda Bi-fuel vehicles 8
Valutazione prevsionale dell' impatto dei guasti del sistema di alimentazione di una linea ferroviaria per Alta Velocità dull affidabilità del servizio 8
Determination of emission factors of gasoline passenger cars Euro III 1200-1400. 8
Motore heavy-duty al banco alimentato con diverse formulazioni di combustibile (gasolio, emulsione, biodiesel) 8
La direttiva comunitaria 98/70/CE ed il suo impatto sul parco circolante. Le possibili conseguenze ambientali 8
La determinazione dei fattori di emissione: metodi ed esperienze dell'Istituto Motori CNR 8
Centaur Project: Technical Final Report 8
Evaluation of emission factors for new technology S.I. Euro4 cars 7
Time series analysis: an application to bus reliability monitoring 7
Le potenzialità dell ODS per la presentazione dei risultati del Progetto ATENA 7
Determination of emission factors of gasoline passenger cars Euro II 1200-1400 7
The effect of different traffic conditions on catalyst performance and exhaust emissions of a 2-liter gasoline car 7
Emission factors versus experimental data for different vehicle test cases 7
Engine reliability monitoring for bus fleet. Methods and applications 7
Determination of emission factors of gasoline passenger cars Euro III over 2000 7
Fuel consumption and average emissions of a medium size gasoline passenger car operating in a urban centre 7
The evaluation of a new kinematic emissions model on real and simulated driving cycles 7
Effect of vehicle class and driving behavior on emission factors of diesel passenger cars 7
Sistemi di supporto alle decisioni per la manutenzione basata sull affidabilità dei sistemi di trasporto 7
Modello di affidabilità del servizio della tratta Roma-Napoli del Sistema Italiano Alta Velocità 7
Service dependability of transit systems: a case study 7
Urban driving cycles for emission testing 7
Emission factor comparison of new technology and conventional S.I. Euro 4 cars 7
Influence of the driving cycle on average emissions: development of the regression model for a case study. 7
Mappatura delle emissioni allo scarico di veicoli circolanti nella città di Napoli in funzione delle condizioni di traffico e delle tipologie dei mezzi di trasporto 7
Determination of emission factors of gasoline passenger cars Euro I 1000-2000. 7
Mappatura delle emissioni allo scarico di veicoli circolanti in aree urbane e sub-urbane della Regione Campania in funzione delle condizioni di traffico e delle tipologie dei mezzi di trasporto 7
Software for service dependability analysis of Italian high-speed railway 7
Effect of vehicle class and driving behaviour on emission factors of gasoline passenger cars 7
Totale 878
Categoria #
all - tutte 3.530
article - articoli 992
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 309
Totale 4.831

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2023/202447 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 4 33 0
2024/2025873 2 9 113 67 553 117 12 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 920